THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1919. CITY BASEBALL TEAMS TO COMPETE LOCAL HONORS No local amateur baseball teams, Michigan Roaders and the Ann Ar- city nine, are going to stage a man game at West Park, Sun- afternoon at 3 o'clock. e proceeds of the ticket sales are to be given to the Ann Arbor boys who have been overseas. Tickets are on sale at Cushing's drug store and the committee reports more than 500 sales. The Daily is a campus institution -Support it. $1.00 for the rest rf the college year.-Adv. Engineering News --- - Work has been started on the calib- rating of the hydraulic press appar- atus to be used in the highway bridge test now under way in the highway testing laboratory. In order to insure absolute accuracy in the experiment, exceptional care is being taken in the testing of all the apparatus to be used. to poor work, according to the re- port of the committee on drawing tables and chairs of the A. S. M. E. This report 'is posted on the A: S. M. E. bulletin board, and all members of the society are requested to read it, and to submit criticisms to A. D. Alt- house, '19E. The report recommends that the chairs be lowered to 30 inches if high tables are to be used and to 24 inches if low tables are to be used. The low tables are considered the best of the two. YOUR NEW TRAS MARK RG. U& PAT QF. MEN'S SHOES of Special Merit Our Stocks complete No necessity of mnisfitting The limit of value at any stated price We especially invite comparison of our $9.50 and $10.00 Brown calf and Cordovan Oxfords. Every pair guaranteed satisfactory. CAPT. EDDIE RICKENBACKER, WHO WILL TELL THE STORY OF HIS EXPERIENCES IN THE AIR IN HILL AUDITORIUM TONIGHT. PHAUMICY SCHOOL PLANS TO MEET SPECIAL NEEDS It has been definitely announced by the committee in charge, that the B. V. D. dance, to be given Friday evening May 9, will be formal. Word has been received of the death of the father of G. A. Pomeroy.. The latter is an instructor in the electrical engineering department, and has been absent on leave at his home in Berk- eley, Calif., since Christmas. It is expected that Mr Pomeroy will re- turn to his instructorship in the Uni- versity next fall Senior baseball practice will be held at 9:30 o'clock Saturday on Ferry field. Players are needed for all posi- tions to play in a practice game with the juniors. All prospective players report at the Ferry field club house. Freshmen should make reservations in room 217 for tickets to the fresh- man step to be held May 16, in the Armory. The Consolidated Press company, of Hastings, desires to secure three eng- ineers, who will graduate this June, to take a training course in their plant. It is a course lasting. three years, during which time all the de- partments are studied. A small sal- ary is paid the first three years, but' this is increased thereafter accord- ing to the capabilities of the men. Drawing tables and chairs are un- comfortable and therefore conducive FELLOWSHIPS FOR STUUY IN SWEDEN NOW OPEN S a jpr$ rab tUtialbt4 SUIT A Society Brand Clothes are what we offer to the young man who wants to make the right impres- sion. A recent shipment has brought some of the latest styles, and we in- vite your inspection, before the stock SPRING is depleted. I Quality and 1istinction We Feature Fit J. F. WUERTH CO. DRUM, FOOD, AND HOUSEHOLD Walk - Over Boot Shop CHEMISTRY COURSES OB. TAINABLE 322 S. MAIN ST. 115 S. MAIN ST. Continue Your Past Satisfaction with the I a- By An Appointment For Your Cap and Gown Portrait Call 948-W 619 E. Liberty mmummummms U U To meet the five fold needs in phar- macy, varied courses in the College of Pharmacy will be offered during the summer session. Drug clerks who possess the requi- site amount of practical experience required by state boards of pharmacy and who wish to review the work pre- paratory to entering upon the exam- ination required for registration can take special courses to fit them for this end. Special Courses Planned Work will be given pharmacy stu- dents who wish to shorten the time needed to complete the courses lead- ing to degrees in pharmacy. Also those students in the College of Pharmacy who desire to remove encumbrances acquired during the regular session may work to do so during the session. Special courses will be given to students of the University who are planning to enter the field of food and drug analysis, either with fed- eral and state food and dairy labora- tories, or with manufacturers of food and drug products. Household Owners Included High school teachers of household chemistry and students who are in- terested in the application of chem- istry and microscopy to household af- afirs may obtain courses to suit their requirements. The faculty will consist of Prof. Henry Kraemer and Mr. C. C. Glover and assistants. The six courses of- fered will be theory of pharmacy, man- ufacturing pharmacy, pharmacopoeial testing and drug assaying, food and drug analysis, chemistry of daily life, technical microscopy. Further information regarding these courses and work in the College of Pharmacy may be obtained upon ap- plication to the dean. VA Fl1 FOUR STUDENTS WILL BE OMMENDED FROM MICHIGAN REC- have you any Swing .. N " i - out Pictures LYNDON - 71.9 N. University Our amnateur finishing is of such quality that we guarantee absolutely perfect results or no pay. MRS. PEARL LANDERS OR LOWERS PH2NE1294 213 E. LISERTY ST. DnnlL hi ai rI Ten fellowships are to be awarded to students of American colleges for technological study in Sweden, ac- cording to a letter received by the sec- retary of the engineering college from the American-Scandinavian founda- tion of New York. A definition of the studies to be taken up has not been made but it is expected that the scholarships will be applied to those studies in which Swedish science of- fers unusual advantages, for example, physics, hydro-electrical engineering, chemistry, mettleurgy, forestry, and lumbering. Open to All Qualified While it is expected that none but graduate students will apply, applica- tions from undergraduates who can qualify will be considered. The fund of the fellowship, which will consist of $1,000 a year, has been pledged by Americans who wish Sweden to bet- ter understand American ideals. It is expected that 10 students from Swed- ish universities will be sent to this country for study. Four May Be Recommended Four students may be recommended from Michigan. Applications must be made in such time, as will allow them to be sent to New York and appli- cation blanks returned to be filled out by June 1. A folder further describ- ing the offer is to be forwarded and placed on the bulletin board at the secretary's office sometime during the coming week. Collier-Whiteaker Marriage Announced Alpha Chi Omega announces the mariage of Pauline Collier, grad., School of Music, of Roscoe, Pa., to Perry V. Whiteaker, '18D, which took place this week at Flint, Mich. White- aker is a member of Delta Sigma Delta. Michigan Dames Will Meet Monday The Michigan Dames wil hold their regular meeting Monday evening, May 5, at the home of Mrs. F. H. Tay- lor, 508 Elm street. K. of C. MAY PARTY MONDAY, May 5, at Armory. Diamond's seven piece orchestra; $1.50 per couple.-Ad I I Need Men's Clothing 'Discarded Clothing and Shoes YESTERDAY'S GAMES ii nan uu in nun .. Leave Copy at Quarry's and The Delta I LAS IFIE AflVERTIS[NG Leave Copy at Quarr'sland The Oeta American League Detroit, 14; Cleveland, 6. New York, 3; Boston, 1. St. Louis, 11; Chicago, 4. Washington, 7; Philadelphia, 2. National League Cincinnati, 1; St. Louis, 8. Chicago, 4; Pittsburg, 2. Boston, 0; Brooklyn; 3. Philadelphia, 2; New York, 14. Intercollegiate Indiana, 1; M. A. C., 0. Mr. Hugo Prucha will play a flute solo at the Upper Room Bible Class this evening. Hour of meeting, 7 o'clock.-Adv. anh will pay HIGHEST prices. Call me on the phone and I will be at your address immediately. CAN ALSO USE Ladies' Shoes AND Garments WANTED VANTED - Violinist and drummer for summer engagement, northern Michigan resort picture theater. Drummer must be good xylophonist. I want only A-1 men, with plenty of "pep." Wesley A. Richards, 1246 10th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. VANTE -Energetic man desiring positiol in a law and insurance of- fice. Address A. L. Deuel, Harbor Springs, Mich. VANTED-Several mensto phone 1775 Saturday and ask what we have in work for summer vacation. Remember it is this number which some men called a few weeks ago and got work for spring vacation that paid well.t'try us again. We have an interesting proposition and LOST LOST--On campus Wednesday, silver card case. Finder please call Jean Butcher, 2730. Reward. FOR RENT FO : RENT-Canoe storage, Morris Canoes, Old Town Canoes. Used Canots for Sale. Easy payments. SaundLrs Canoe Livery, MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEGS - Saxaphones re- padded and repaired. 1038-M. FOR SALE FOR SALE-One mandolin and case. Call 670-J. FOR SALE-Let The Daily sell that Article. Claude Brown 120 N. FOURTH AVE. PHONE 2601 mmi& em There are yet plenty of those Bostonian and Packard Cordovan Oxfords which we are still offering at $10.00. Plain and Tipped Vamps CAMPUS BOOTERY, 304 S. State Street