THE MICHIGAN DAILY _,-1 1i 1 \ _.-- The wise selection of clothes means looking for highest quality in workmanship, fabrics & style. CIII FALLS VI CTIM pat1ewl Varsity football practice will be held from 1:30 to-2:30 o'clock aturday afternoon on Ferry field. IAll-Fresh baseball practice will Maroon Players Unable to Connect be held at9:30 o'clock Satur- With Park's Hurling in Time dymrig to Save Contest KNODE REGISTERS 2 HITS AND 2 RUNS FOR MICHIGAN ler juggled the ball and Knode took third. Van Boven fanned. Garrett (Continued from Page One) received his chance at the circuit as Knode opened Michigan's batting or- his short blow was played on Knode der with a single beyond the ability at home. The Midway catcher drop- of the -Midway right fielder, and stole ped the ball after gaining favorable second. Cooper failed to get the decision from the umpire and the fast sphere out of the infield and was call- Michigan captain scored. his second ed out at first, as Knode went to third. run., Huber waited for a walk and Von Boven landed safe on a fielder's drew first on a fielder's choice. Gar- choice in the vain effort to nail Knode rett was tagged out while attempting at the plate. Garrett fanned and Van to score. Karpus added another hit Boven was caught at second on a sec- in his second expedition to the pan. ond fielder's choice following the hit Langenhan was called on a grounder by Huber to the keystone sack. to Curtiss. During this session Mich- Sproehnle and Elton struckout and igan totalled two hits and threedruns. Serck was caught at second on an at- On a single by Hinkle and a double tempted steal, in the second, after by Garrett, the respective teams each drawing first on balls. In the third no added one hit and one run in the sixth. Maroons got a start on the circuit. ChiiRcovers Too Late Knode Gets Double Knode opened the Wolverine half of Chicago started with new interest the third inning with a double to right in the eighth on the third hit of Cur- center. Cooper raced to first as Cris- tiss which was good fo an extra sack. The rejuvenation was cut short how- The Daily sees all and knows all. ever, by Umpire Egan's decision con- Let it be your guide.-Adv. cerning Mochel's security at third and When you need Supplies - - Call us up. We can supply your wants in the subsequent modest retirement of IHinkle, Knode to Froemke. S UMMIARlY ichigan POS. A.IB. IL Pos. Knode......2b 4 Cooper.......If 5 Iran Boven .. ss 4 4 Huber........c 3 Froemke 4 Karpus ......3b 4 Langenban ..rf 1 Parks........p 4 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 H. P.O. A. 2 1 2 10 0 1 0 0 0 16 1 0 5 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 E., 4. 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Adler- Rochester Clothes Totals........35 7 7 27 5 6 LUTZ CLOTHING STORE 217 SO. MAIN STREET Chicago POS. A.B. IL Pos. Cahn........2b Mochel......3b Hinkle...... ss Sproehnle . .. rf Serck Elton ........lf Volluer.......c Crisler.......p 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 H. 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 P.O. A. 2 1 2 4 9 2 0 2. 0 0 1 0 2 0 6 1 1 2 E. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 ADLEWR(REHESTERP CLOTHES __ Students! Totals..........34 *Parks out, failed to 3 5 touch 23* 12 second. Innings - 1 2 3 Chicago ....1 0 0 Michigan . .1 0 3 4 5 6 2 0 1 7 0 0 81 1 4: 9-R.H.E. 0-3 5 4 x-7 7 6 any quantity. of our coffee. You can't beat the quality Neither can you equal the price. We can't prove it if you don't try us. Kyer & Whitker Students of the University of Michigan are cordially invited to inspect our new lire: of PARIS FASHIONS Two base hits, Garrett, Knode, Coop- er, Curtiss; stolen bases, Knode, Coop- er, Garrett; sacrifice hits, Knode, Lan- genh an; double plays, Langenhan, Froeinke; base on balls, Parks, Cris- ler; hit by pitcher, by Crisler-Huber and Langenhan; struck out, Parks 17; Crisler 5; wild pitch, Parks; winning pitcher, Parks; losing pitcher, Cris- ler. COACH MACK PICKS TEAM TO FCE 0. S A TODAY WESTBROOK, BARTZ AND 1UNZ NA1IED FOR VARSITY TEN- NIS ,QUAD Coach Mack has picked the team which will meet the Ohio State ten- nis squad this afternoon. Westbrook, B~artz,and Munz are the first three men, with Bowers, Popp, and Harri- son the candidates for the fourth po- sition on the squad. With Westbrook and Bartz playing a stellar game both in the singles and doubles, a victory is predicted. Munz has improved steadily in his playing, and has taken the third position on the squad. Strength of Oleo Unknown The strength of the Ohio State team is unknown. With men like Davis, Hiane,and Engerwein, playing at their best, Michigan may have some strong opposition. Bowers, Popp, and Harrison have been having a hard fight for the fourth position. Bowers seems to have the edge on the other two men up to date. Yesterday's results in the match- es: Harrison defeated Bowers 6-3, 6-4. Bowers defeated Popp, 6-3, 6-1; Popp beat Harrison 7-5, 7-5. Detroit Here, Next Week In the best match of the day Bartz and Munz. each divided the honors, 6-4, 6-4. Coach Mack has scheduled another match with the Detroit Tennis club for next Wednesday. M. A. C. will be played next Saturday. The matches today will be played at 2:30 p. m. WEATHER FORCES CHANGES IN WOMEN'S NINE SCHEDULE H as the thought of going to college become a dream because of lack of funds? Are you going to sit back calmly and allow the best thing in life to pass you by. Don't! We can help you earn a scholarship to any college in the country and we can show you testimonials from hundreds of students we have helped. Write today for "Victory," the booklet that tells how. Review of Reviews Scholarshii Fund 31 Irving Place New York, N. Y. Northiwesterl Unuversity Law School Founded 1859 John H. Wigmore, Dean ANNOUNCES That new students may enter at be- ginning of the fourth term, June 19, 1919. Increase in Requirements for Admis- sion and Graduation. Admission: After September 1, 1919, students entering for 'the first time will be required to submit proof of the satisfactory completion of three years of college study. Graduation: Four years (or 36 months) of residence study is requir- ed, except that students entering the Law School with a bachelor's degree representing a four-year course in an' approved college, may complete the course in three years (or 27 months). For detailed information address the Secretary of the Law School, Northwestern University Bldg., Lake and Dearborn Sts., Chicago, Ill. 711 N. University Ave. I DONALDSON'S SILK TIES VALUES TO $2.00 $1.35 each FRENCH FLANNEL SHIRTS VALUES T O $5.54D Tennis and Golf The Best Lines in the City Tennis Rackets Restrung GEO. J. MOE eSport Shop" $3.95 each 711 No. University Ave. Sidelights Novelties in Tailored Suits, Gowns and Dresses Newest materials, newest models, newest colorings, anti lowest prices Chicago started the contest like a whirlwind, when they managed to score the first counter, but the Wol- verines soon showed the visitors that they could make two runs for every one made by the Maroons, with an ex- tra one tacked on the end. Orisler for the visitors kept the space between pitchers box and first, just as warm as he did the alley be- tween the mound and home, yet his at- tempts to catch a Michigan man nap- ping off the initial sack proved fruit- less. The fifth inning proved a walkaway for the home team, for Parks regis- tered three strike outs in rapid succes- sion, without allowing any of the vis- itors to touch the ball. Cahn, playing second for the visit- ors, must be given credit for being one of the fastest men ever seen on the diamond. Despite the fact that he found it hard to connect with Park's curves, when he once got on a base, he managed to reach the plate as well. Picture Frarning We carry a complete line of mouldings and all nelp stock. Our picture department is up-to-date in all re- spects and Ape can sabe you money. See our line of canoe paints. We solicit student patronage MIRRORS PHONE 84 L. E. WENZEL Swiame. 207 E. LIBERTY ST. Keeley's Old - Fashioned U UNN SECTIONAL Bookcas e s Nationally Advertised Chocolates Fudge Centers or Assorted Hand made and fresh every week Games Will ed On Be Forfeited If Not Play- New Dates, Is New Ruling 65c the pound While our line is Standardized we have sufficient designs to care for any average patronage BUSY BEE Owing to the heavy rains and the inability of certain teams to play at the time assigned to them the follow- ing changes have been made in the schedule of the women's baseball league: Monday, May 5-Kappa Kappa Gam- ma vs. Helen Newberry residence. Tuesday, May 6-Alpha Chi Omega vs. Theta Phi Alpha. Thursday, May 8-Collegiate Sorosis vs. Gamma Phi Beta. Friday, May 9-Kappa Alpha Theta vs. Chi Omega. The teams must appear at the time scheduled unless the weather is un- favorable or they will forfeit the game. Seniors are not turning out well for class baseball and more girls are urg- ed to try out for positions on the team. Daly adrerthers tiv £aerTfeA-Adv. Knode registered the longest hits of the game, as usual, putting a neat two bagger, just between center and right field, where neither could get it. Parks was so anxious to register a run, as well as win the game other- wise, that he skipped around the dia- mond in the fifth inning, forgetting to touch the second sack. I v We shall be glad to fur- I I Fouls had a peculiarly "vampish" effect upon the visiting pitcher, for no matter where they were, he made an attempt to get them, resulting in a very strategic loss to the visitors when he spoiled one for his catcher, by trying to interfere with it. Science has proved that newspaper advertising pays best. You can readh all the students and faculty through The Taily.-Adv. nish literature on reqriest. Martin 'Halie: 313 S. State Phone 13 112 E. LIBERTY