THE MICHIGAN DAILY ilui I higamen I .oIFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE M tagazine R eview Iom n 1T NIVERSI OF MICHIGANHE Published every morning except Monday sring the university year by the Board in A special meeting of the board of otrol of Student Publications. "The Ghost Mill, of the Huron," the directors of the Women's league will [EMBR OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS'2Lbehlat43ocokFrdyfe- The Associated Press is exclusively entitled story by T. F. McAllister, '21L, in the be held at 4:30 o'clock Friday after- the use for republication of all news dis- April Inlander, should interest every- noon in Barbour gymnasium. itches credited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and also the local news pub- one who lives in Ann Arbor, for it has shed herew. a local setting. It is an interesting Junior baseball practice will be Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, narrative concerned with the legend of held at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon Subsci'ptionsdby carrir r maeri, $3.59. the haunted mill on the Huron, and on Palmer field or opposite the gym- Ofces: Ann Arbor Press Building, contains a modern sequel which ex- nasium. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. plains the ghost. e Communications no o exceed 300 words, A department for freshmen makes SOCIAL SERVICE WORKERS igned, the signature not necessarily to ap- ear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and its appearance in this number. Those NEEDED AT PALMER WARD aily at the disereti of theb Eitor, if ef who have contributed are Stella A. lr t aldt h fle nsgned comeunicatins will receive no Brunt, '22, Margaret R. Parks, '22, Both men and women are needed for >nsideration. No manuscript will be re- Margaret W. Cowan, '22, and Ethel social service work at Palmer ward irned unless the writer incloses postage. Wlim,'2 fteUiest The Daily does not necessarily endorse the Williams, '22. of the University hospital. Two hours ettiments expressed in the communications. "On Writing an Essay," by o. C. a week is the average amount of time Johnson, '20, is well written and is an given to this service, and the most EDITORIAL STAFF amusing account of an attempt to be of the work is teaching the children literary. who are in the hospital temporarily larence Roeser..........Manging Editor "The Rules of the Game," by Irma and who do not wish to fall behind arry M. Carey..............News Editor Taylor, '22, is a story in diary form, the other children of their age in ruce Millar ..........City Editor :ilton Marx..............Associate Editor which tells of the efforts of a girl to school work. ok K. EhcAlister......egur Editor be beautiful, intellectual, and popular. Persons interested in this work may A avid B. Landis..............Sport Editor It is cleverly and originally told, and either call or see Miss Merriweather argurite Clark........Wo~men's-.EditorC, arta Guernsey...........Women's Editor will appeal particularly to the wom- at the hospital service department. V aul A. Shinkman........Dramatic Editor en of the campus. dna Apel.................Music Editor Wound Stripes Give Admission ith Dailey.............Exchange Editor m ernard Wohl Literary Editor W AR POSTERS OF Chicago, April 29. - A wound stripe w ISSUE EDITORS FRANCE ON DISPLAYwil be equivalent to an admission go eert R. Slusser Paul G. Weber ticket at the American and National fe eud Sherwood Edgar L. Ricefe ugh W. Hitchcock J. P. Hart leagues ball parks in Chicago this so William Clarkson French artists seem. to have a fac- season. The announcement was made REPORTERS ulty for drawing war posters that are by President Comisky of the White loas B. Adams John E. McManis not only strikingly effective but note- Sox and President Mitchell of the Na- ena i.sli sMaryM D.Lane wort as well for beautif tional League club. The wounded ici atrina Schermerhorn John I. Dakin y ul coloring soldiers and sailors will be admitted rthur W. Brown Logan Trumbull and clear soft tones. That is the im- fre exce onsSaturdays, Sundays ad i E merson Swart Stewart BaxterfreecponStdasSuayad arie Crozier Muriel E. Bauman pression that a casual observer might holidays. There is a large number of in receive from a visit to the collection wounded at hospitals in and near Chi- ic. BUSINESS STAFF that remains on exhibition from 2 to cago. te 4 o'clock Thursday and Friday in the arold Makinson.........Business Manager lecture room of Alumni Memorial ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SUMMER nus L~. Abele...Asst. Business Manager hall. sGiand A. Gaines....Asst. Business Manager an pSESSION READY BY FRIDAY ev m. M. LeFevre....Asst. Business Manager Loan posters, as is to be expected, 'i. A. Leitzinger...Asst. Business Manager are in the majority. They are ap- >nald M. Major....Asst. Business Manager Complete announcements of the nnellR. Schoffner..Asst. Business Manager peals which were calculated to arouse Csmet e n t of the SENIORSTAFFthe people to the greatest sacrifice that summer session will be out by Friday ark B. Covell EEdward Priehs, Jr. they could bear. One which heralds of this week, according to Dean E. H. bert E. McKean Heny Whitin France's supreme effort has the cap- Kraus. They may be obtained at the srge A. Cadwel J. Duane Miller Franoftesumrseso i Ui aynard A. Newton R. A. Sullivan tion in French: "Our sons to the of the summer session i Uni- JUNIOR STAFF armies are gold to the country." versity hall. urt P. Schneider Isabelle Farnum A large number were evidently arl P. Lindsay Geo. R. Strimeck, J drawn simply to kp up the nation's irper Moore Arthur L. Glazierdrw sipytkeputhnaos James A. Kennedy, Jr. morale and fan the fires of hatred ~~against the Hun into still fiercer t flame. Others were drawn for the Eye Glass Lenses Ground purpose of creating a friendly spirit THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919. among the French people for the Americans, and to let them know that ssue Editor-William S. Clarkson help was on the way. Y. M. C. A. posters helped to remind TRADITIONS' DAY the polus of home ties and virtues, ' when their thoughts wandered in the The campus is soon to see a tradi- wrong direction. Many posters were txs' day, the purpose of which is to drawn, of course, to impress the need plain the various, time-honored tra- for economy and saving in every- tions of Michigan, and to urge their thing. It is remarkable that much servance. The day will be observ- stress was laid on the use of substi- tutes for various staples, for the annually, hereafter most likely in French have long been noted for their e fall- little waste in food. The need for such a day is obvious. Posters to aid many other cam- ow many of Michigan's students paigns are also on display. Publicity ow all the traditions connected with for various "ournees," such as Pilu day, Paris day, and Serbian day, is e college life?-especially the fresh- gained by the display of posters. en.,____________ The first-year men are sometimes Girl Wants To Be Air Stewardess . in following certain lines of con- Selby Eng., April 30.-A Yorkshire 4lt supposedly laid down for them. SebIn. pi 0- okhr it theypAre not always to blame, for girl has applied to the builders of the la gratha nytcaseas teneligencerBritish airship, R-33, for postion as a .a great many cases the negligence stewardess on that craft and added due to ignorance on their part rath- that she would be glad of an oppor- Tradt ns adesirevitalmisbehave. tunity to cross the Atlantic by air- rsity life. It is the traditions of ship. [chigan that will be remembered in ys to come, and that will distin- ilsh, with fond memories, the years ent here. Talk to some of the old aeeee aduates of Michigan, and see how .eir eyes shine when they dwell on J t) e class rushes, the sings, the games, id all the traditions of the days gone There should be some way to ac- The fine un- iaint every student with Michigan's' form texture 'aditions. It ought to be a matter pride to know what they are. Tra- tions' day fills a distinct need. It wearing qual- could be encouraged and attended by * ty of the I. lead, make An employer can't understand why 1 his men want their vacations the9 st two weeks in June. Evidently dr pe Ve e doesn't care for the stuff himself. Hindenburg retires as army com- ander. When it comes to retiring, tMet d' 1II e's right there-unless this is some .ore of the Hindenburg "line." more eco- Bryan has announced his candidacy r the office of moderator of the n rnical than resbyterian church. Force of habit, the average ,e suppose. s . ower priced The engineering faculty ought to Pe1Cil1 o a little further and make the exams ptional with the students. There's no cause for worry over that_ erman famine. They'll soon be eat- $ l statone g their words. Do you know that Viatka is menaced y Kolchak? Well, it is. STAG DINNER JOIN R. BRUMM AND JOHN C. PARKER CHIEF TOASTERS A MAN-SIZED FEED Tomorrow Night AT SIX O'CLOCK Methodist Church PLATES 50 CENTS EACH Reservations should be made by 9 p. m., tonight, through Mr. Jacobson, Lane Hall. Phone2573. )VISE WAR INSURANCE POLICY II VA(E TO PRIVATE COMPANY Those who have kept up the govern- ent insurance which they took out hile in the service are advised by the vernment to have the policy trans- rred to some private company as on as possible. It is claimed that the sooner the rmer service men change their pol- ies the lower the premium will be. The Red Cross home service room Nickels Arcade will have complete formation of the transfer of the pol- ies which will be free to those in- rested within a few days. Martha Washington Candies fresh ery Friday. Tice's Drug Store. -Ad. .1 Spe cial Sale ONE WEEK ONLY 1000 Popular Copyright Novels at 49c each, Regular price 75c Come early and stock your library WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE r ALWAYS ASK FOR or I CE CR E AM ai Delicious and Refreshing McGregor Golf Clubs Lee, Wright & Ditson and Spaulding Rackets m BOARD Breakfast Steaks $4.50 $5.50 539 Forest Ave. TennislBalls Rackets Restrung GRAHAM! formerly Sheehan & Co. II E THE PIECES! in Our Own Shop. Same Day. Try Our Service. Eyes .Lxamined STATE STREET FULLER JEWELERS . $500.00 AND EXPENSES Exceptional opportunity for col- lege men and women. Congenia and interesting work. Application must be made at once. State age class and department. Interna- tional Press, College Department, ioio Arch Street, Philadelphia. I Dependable, Scientific, Orugless EYE EXAMINATIONS / I V otIv 0 Phone 590 for appointment Emil H Arnold Optometrist 220 S. Main St Try our HOME-MADE CANDIES They are both delicious and Wholesome MADE AND SOLD AT THE SUGAR BOWL Phone 967 109 S. Lain St. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (March 30, 1919) (Central Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:1o a. m., and hourly to 8:io p. m. Jackson Limited and Express Cars--:48 a. m., and every hour to 9:48 p. m. (Ex presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.) Local Cars East Bound-6:oo a. m., 9:o5 a. in. and every two hours to 9:o5 p. m., 10:50 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 1 :45 p. m., 12:20 a. m., 1:1o a. m., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:48 a. m. and 11 :2o p. in. WAI KING LOO Open from 11:30 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. Phone 1620. '7 be $1 S. State St. Ann Arbor Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. Tbe Ann'Arbor Savings Bank- Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00 Resources.........$4,000,000.00 I Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave.