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October 18, 1918 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-18

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btuuent ruoncations.
9ociated Press is exlusively entitled
foar repibliation of all news dis
edited to t or not otherwise credited
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at the postoflice at Ann Arbor,
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Ktona by arrier or mail $3.50.
Ann Arbor Press Builing.
Business, 960; Editorial, 2414.
iications not to 'exceed Soo words,
the signature not necessarily to ap-
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Mighel.......Managing Editor
Fakison... Business Mana er
A. Gaines. Advertising Manager
Abele.......Publication Manager
. Major Wm. A. Ieitzinger
DAY, OCTOBER 18, 1918.
Akt Editor-Paul Weber
year men and women are to
ed by a special ruling to take
student activities where their
tion is necessary to its con-
. This action has been taken
Wculty with the understanding
precedent, is being set for
'ndtions. Privileges are thus
tended to freshmen at a rate
akes.older students gasp. To
ted positions in organizations
the Union, the Y. M. C. A.
lications, the athletio teams
fraternities, taken without a
by youngsters and students
Michigan 'this year, positions
ieii dreamed of and worked
untl, their junior and senior
many cases, is upsetting, to
least. "And when the youth-
er of these honors, once so
w so easy, to get, accepts them
lt due of him who was presi-
he senior class in high school
in of the track team or editor
Magenta and Pink," his pat-
air is little short of unbear-
would do well to bear in mind
lesome reflection that under
onditons he would be a scrub
nd that because he is not one
imply a result of the war and
. of his superior attainments.
s the 'aspect of the situation
resents itself to the under-
. There is another danger
ie necessary relaxation of the
y rules brings to the first
n or woman, and it is prob-
ore serious one. It is possible
eneral notion that "the bars
M" may prevail and the can-
>r a place in a student activity
1 that he can now neglect his
With impunity. This idea will
i soon enough to be a delusion
fare. If there was ever a time
ie scholastic record of aspir-
s thoroughly examined, it will
when conditions have forced
iersity to set aside the rules
ave hitherto saved the trouble
ng individual cases. And aside
s consideration, every student
thus permitted to jump his
n should feel an obligation not
the privilege.

fully, men of 1922, you of the S. A.
T. C. included. Read and comprehend
the full significance of your duty to
yourselves and to the Univerfity.
Read and act!
It doesn't take long to observe their
remarkable resemblance to the face
adornment ordinarily worn by hors-
es at dinner time. With the girls
wearing 'em, too, We're for it. Oats
for women!?
"For rent-Housekeepin grooms"-
The Daily Illini. K. P.'s at Illinois are
anxious to put their new accomplish-
ments to good use. Line forms on
the right, girls. .

When you try to
that doesn't fit very
rag is no longer aj

talk through one
well, chewing the
figurative expres-

Another advantage is that the in-
structor is none the wiser when you
yawn. 1
The men whose induction papers
were received at the registrar's office
yesterday are: Arnold W. Bachman,]
John M. Barnes, Henry N. Bouchard,
Clifford C.FBuehrer, Cecil M. Cain,
Hlarry E. Forbes, Lerue 0. Gutrire,
Edwin Henries Leon W. Hunsicker,1
Aaron E. Iskowitz, Alfred Mason,
Merlyn W. Mason, Morris Mendelson,,
Harold B. Near, Russell F. Pbst,
Harold A. Root, Henry C. Simons, Jr.,
Abbott L. Winograd, and Edwin W.
Jack. It will facilitate matters a great
deal if these men will call at the
registrar's office at once
At a special meeting of the execu-i
tive committee of the board of educa-
tion Wednesday afternoon, it was de-i
cided that all grammar schools and
the highschool should be closed un-
til further notice on account of the
influenza epidemic. The absences have
been increasing rapidly during the
last few days. Over 25 per cent ofI
the student body were absent from
high school Wednesday. Mr. L. L.
Forsythe, principal, thinks that the
majority of absences are not from
actual effects of the epidemic, but
rather from alarm on the part of the
parents. No deaths have been re-
ported among the school children.
The question of masks was to be
considered by the board of educa-
tion, but with the more drastic move
of closing the schools, this action was
made unnecessary for the present.
Schools will not reopen before next
Tuesday at least, and how soon after
that they will resume their activities,
Is not known.
Newberry hall is. to be opened to-
day. The camp furniture has been
completed for the use of the men and
carpenters are now building furniture
for Lane hall. This will place two
centers at the disposal 'of the S. A.
T. C. men. Both places will be mark-
ed by large red triangles. A portable
movie booth has been intsalled in
Newberry hall.
Standard Headlights for Automobiles
Lansing, Oct. 17. - Governor Sleep-
er is of the opinon that there are
too many kinds of headlights on au-
tomobiles. With this idea in view, he
has appointed a committee of seven
prominent men in the manufacture
of automobiles in Michigan, to study
the standardization of automobile
headlights, with the definite pros-
pect of placing regulations in a law
dt the session of the next legislature.
Chancellor's Resignation Probable
London, Oct. 17.-The resignation of
Prince Maxmillan of Baden as Ger-
man Imperial Chancellor is probable,
according to reports from Holland
today. They quote the Berlin Na-
tional Zeitung as saying the chancel-
lor's retirement is regarded in cer-
tain circles as inevitable.
Teach Xllitary German at Wisconsin
Madison, Wis., Oct. 17.-Military
German is to be installed as a course
in the S. A. T. C. of the University
of Wisconsin curriculum at the re-

quest of the war department. Ex-
perience has proven that such a
knowledge is of inestimable value to
an officer or man on the battle front.
Illinois may tret Closing Order
Chicago, Oct. 17.-Illinois health
officials are considering the advis-
ability of a general closing order. This'
would include saloons and probably

Pot Here- Beter
Late Than Nerer
Even the army cannot trimph over
Michigan traditions. At last the fresh-
man pot has put in its appearance.
A welcome sight to those who were
about to relinquish with a high all
thought of retaining traditions in the
dynamic change lately come over thel
campus. Once more does the exuber-
ant freshman put aside his P. D. Q. pin
from high school, and send his red
and green track sweater home to his
kid brother with admonitions to wear
it while he can.
Although three weeks late, the
freshman has asserted his individual-;
ity and taken up his prescribed head-
gear. No longer can he perambulate
on the venerable campus walks with
inconspicuous ease. No longer can
he cover up his army haircut with his
favorite slouch hat. Now he must
come into the open with his ears
sticking out to catch all commands
and his eyes alert for superior offi-
cers. "Hat, Frosh" will again burden
the air with its note of warning, for
the unfortunate yearling can no long-
er seek shelter under coventional
headgear. Perhaps ths year he may
escape the usual drenchings under the
fountain on North University ave-
nue and the ignominy of being made
to drink from the watering tank at
the engineering arch, but K. P. duty
wil more than make up for these.
The new uniforms will doubtless be
lng in arriving and until then the
freshman can have full swing in up-
holding all ancient traditions. With
the donning of the pot he becomes a,
true- Michigan man. He discards all
high school insignia and other ehild-
ish things, and even substitutes a
pipe for a Camel once in a while when
he ambles through the campus. He
invests in a leather notebook with the
name engraved in gold on the lower
right hand corner, and practices free-
hand lettering all over the fly leaves.
Yea, verily, he has reached man's es-
tate, and Michigan has added another,
name to the list of future alumni.
Members of the Athena Literary so-
ciety who did not attend the last meet-
ing of the society, because of insuffi-
cient notification, will be interested to
know that the program arranged for
that evening has been postponed.
Mr. R. K. Immel, of the oratory de-
partment, was a visitor at the meet-
ing and gave a talk on the splendid
opportunities open for members in the
oratorical contests to be held during
the winter. It is also announced that
there are several vacancies in the
membership. Any girls who are inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend
the meetings. The next meeting will
be held at 7:15 o'clock next Tuesday,
in Room 404 Mason hall. The pro-
gram at that time will be:
"Women in Industry," Ida E. Grat-
ton, '20; "Effect of War on the Farm-
er," Flora Ellis, '20; "Position of Wo-
men on the Campus This Year," Anna
M. McGurk, '20, and "Description of
Germany's Present Peace Move,"
Frances Graves, '21.
Y. W. C. A. Campaign Brings in 451
Reports for the Y. W. C. A. cam-
paign are nearly completed, but have
not as yet been tabulated. The total
number of girls who had joined up to
last night was listed at 451. As the
campaign is still under way, there are
still a number of committee girls who

have not yet reported in full. They
are urged to do so as soon as possi-
ble. -
Sell Bonds to Get New Dress
Champaign, Ill., Oct. 17.-Some one
is going to get a new dress without
paying for it, and they won't steal it
either. The Coed Dress company,, of
New York, is offering a made-to-or-
der dress to the undergraduate wom-
an who sells the greatest number of
Liberty bonds in the present drive.
This is to be extended to the women
of all the leading colleges.
What Will Ann Arbor Clocks Do?
There has been a good deal of won-
dering as to what is to happen to Ann
Arbor's time schedule on Oct. 25, and
how it will effect the University. At
the next meeting of the Board of Re-
gents a decision will be reached as
to what course will be followed.
Professor Taylor's Son Better
A message received from Prof. F.
M. Taylor of the economics depart-
ment, who went to Columbus, Ohio,
yesterday to see his son, Theodore,
states that the crisis its not yet passed,
but that conditions seem favorable.
You will always find satisfaction by
adveritsing in the Daily.-Adv.

' iomen
University girls are needed at the
Angell house for making influenza
The Women's league board will hold
a meeting at Barbour gymnasium at
9 o'clock Saturday morning. All com-
mittee chairmen with reports will be
The junior girls' party which was
to have been held this afternoon has
been postponed on account of the in-
fluenza epidemic.
Girls who have left articles in their
gymnasium lockers must redeem them
at once.
Girls who are interested in squad
leading for tennis should call Ethel
Glau, '19, phone 1070-J.
Hockey practice for senior girs -will
be held at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons with extra prac-
tice at 4:15 o'clock on Wednesday.
Hockey tryouts for junior girls will
be held at 4:15 o'clock Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons and at 3:30
o'clock Monday afternoon.
Scientific researches in various de-
partments of the University have ben
affected by the war, according to a
statement by Alfred H. Lloyd, dean of
the Graduate school. At every point
possible the University resources have
been turned over to the government
service. Where there has been any
reduction in the amount of work done,
it has been due to the fact that sev-
eral of the staffs have suffered losses
through government appointments at
Washington or elsewhere, or through
other conditions incident to the car-
rying on of the war.
The usual appointments to fellow-
ships have been made, and wherever
possible the fellows have been asked
to cooperate with their departments
in the various work that has been un-
dertaken. Details as to the depart-
ments especially concerned, however,
or as to the specific problems that
have been undertaken, can not be
published at this time.
Collegiate alumnae, with the help of
the women on the campus, are seeing
that meals are properly served to the
convalescents in the Union and Chi
Psi barracks. Gas was installed at
the Union in kitchenettes, and meals,
fresh, clean, and hot .are being sent
up to the men. The kitchens at
Martha Cook dormitory and Newberry
residence also supply food for both
places and 100 men were fed yesterday
in this manner.
The idea originated at Hostess house
and the management of it was taken
over by Collegiate Alumnae. Mrs.
Reuben Peterson, Miss Grace Green-
wood, Mrs. E. D. Kinne, Dr. Jeanne
Solis, and Dr. Lucy Elliott are
among those who have done a great
deal toward making this a success.
The following teen's active duty or-
ders have been received at naval head-
quarters and should be called for im-
Oscar A. Adell, Leon A. Sears, Carl

A. Turnicliffe, Carleton C. Sears, Wil-
liam J. Bliss, Robert N. Eckert, Virgil
H. Waite, William Romanoff, and Hen-
ry F. L. Parker. Admiral Berry mov-
ed into his new residence at 1310 Hill
street yesterday, and can be reached
there in emergency cases outside of
his regular office hours.
Elementary German Courses Changed
All the classes in German announced
in the University bulletin are being
given and the professors in that lan-
guage are kept busy. There are be-
tween 120 and 130sstudents enrolled
in the German courses. The advanced.
classes are rather small but the ele-
mentary classes have about the same
number as last year. In accordance
'with a request from the war depart-
ment, scientific and conversational
German -is being installed in the be-
ginner's classes where there are S. A.
T. C. men. The classes in German
script report fair attendances. The'
war has greatly affected the enroll-
ment of students in German, and an
entire change has been made in the
subject-matter of the elementary
Madison, Wis., Oct. 17.-The Uni-
versity of Wisconsin is planning' to
train about 450 vocational training
soldiers in wireless.

Military Books for the S. A. T. C.
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In co-operation with the health
authorities, and in conformity
with the action of the University,
members of the University
School of Music will be required
to wear masks until further no-
Masks may be secured from
Mrs. Byr Fox Bacher, dean of
women, at her office at the
School at 8 o'clock Friday morn-
ing. I
Furthermore, the regular
Tuesday evening rehearsal of
the Choral union next week will
be 'omitted.
The following casualties are report-
ed today by the commanding general
of the American Expeditionary forces.
Killed in action, 31; missing in action,
14; wounded severely, 65; died from
wounds, 6; died of disease, 7; wound-
ed, degree undetermined, 52. Total,
Appointments to assistantships in
the various departments of the Uni-
versity have been announced as fol-
Edna Gordon, Martha Guernsey,
Helen Ramsdell, psychology.
Cecil W. Blashill, Karl N. Tunni-
cliffe, forestry.
William A. Gonter, history.
Mildred Rickard, assistant in cryp-
togamic herbarium, botany.
Sub-Chasers Equal Former Destroyers
Washington, Oct. 17.-To meet the
new and greater submarine menace,
Secretary Daniels is urging all Am-
erican shipbuilders to make every ef-
fort to increase the production of de-
Eagle No. 1, the new submarine
chaser being made at the Ford plant,
Detroit, has proved a success, equal-
ing former destroyers in speed and
sea-going qualities, and its manufact-
ure is expected to reach the peak of its
schedule early next year.
Issue Women's War Courses Bulletin
A special bulletin is to be prepared
for the new work contemplated by the
University, that of correlating the ser-
vice either here or abroad. It is -be-
ing done through the office of the
dean of women, and has previously
met with great success in the Univer-
sity of Chicago, University of Wis-
consin, and other colleges. The work
deals with such fundamentals as bac-
teriology, chemistry and foods.
State Teachers' Meeting Cancelled
The annual meeting of the state
teachers' association, which was to
have been held at Detroit, Oct. 31, has
been cancelled because of the epidem-
ic of influenza. A number of the Uni-
versity men were expecting to attend
the meeting, and plans had been made
for a University dinner. President
Harry B. Hutchins was to preside.

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he other hand,
ling evidence is

since by this
given that the

f first year men and women is
ative to the life of many valu-
tudent institutions, ,it should be
sh of every one of them to ans-
he call, to use the opportunity
it abusing it, and to help pre-
the good things in University
r the good days that are com-
,where in this issue are printed
aditions which Michigan's fresh-
classes have and always should
d. They constitute the .creed in
the spirit of Michigan is em-
l; they are the decalogue which
I govern the freshman in his
year of University lifp.
s year Michigan's traditions have
grossly violated by the class of
These first-year men, by their
disregard of. custom, have be-
hed their own names and, to
extent, that of the University
has received them within her
Whereas in former years there
been but isolated cases of train-
traditions, there is now a gen-
slaughtering of the principles
. should be adhered to by every
is to correct this existing evil
o give the men of 1922 the Op-
aity ,to redeem themselves in
yes of their fellow students that
)aily publishes today the princi-

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