THE MICHIGAN DAILY T sr -,..W... 7 rrrrrrrrrrr rrr i4lO YOU'RE THE JUDGE! Render Your Decision on Our Now Line of SHIRTS AND TIES "Art" Marquard . Campus Tailor - 607 E. Liberty 'rAAO£ mARK PLO. U6.PAT . F Forerunners of Spring If you would know what will be the vogue in Foot- wear this Spring, you can find the. answer in our win- dow, and in the new models placed on display daily. Oxfords will be the dominant note in Womens foot- wear and among re of the popular are these TWO MORE DAYS REMAIN FOR STUDENTS TO BUY LOAN BONDS (Continued from Page One) ty loan committee expected to extend the time for voluntary subscriptions, this action was made unnecessary by the banks taking all the remaining bonds. This does not mean that the citi- zens of Ann Arbor will be denied the privilege of investing in bonds, but that the active campaign will stop. .7 e WHAT'S GOING ON I 8:00--Wesleyan social in First M. E. church. U-NOTICES - All members of Varsity band meet at M. C. depot Friday morning at 7 o'clock to go to Detroit. Wear com- plete uniform. Chas. A. Madison will address the lit- i erary 'circle of the Menorah on the "Yiddish Theater." Mr. Madison was in New York a couple of months ago and made a special study of the Yiddish theater and particularly of "Das Tervorfen Vinkel," the most successful play of the present sea- son. They may still buy bonds by applying at the banks, and it is expected that the major part of the banks' bonds will be taken of their hands by the pa- triotic citizens. "V" Drive Ends Friday This does not apply to the campaign in the University which will not stop until Friday evening. Work will con- tinue as before. The speakers com- pleted the round of fraternity and so- rority houses Wednesday night. Every effort will be made by the central com- mittee to keep Michigan's subscrip- tions climbing. The class presidents are urged to see that their workersare busy. The ofice in thc registrar's office is open from 9 a. n. until 5 p. m., at which time subscriptions will be taken by students. It has been customary for some people buying bonds to apolo- gize for taking only ; $50' one, but the committee wants everyone to un- derstand that there is no .ground for this sentiment. "They're Watching Michigan's Rec- ord." i TODAY 4:00-Miss Hutzel speaks in Barbour gymnasium. 4:00-Miss Merkeland speaks at Vo- cational Conference in BarboAr gym- nasium. 5 :00-Meeting of memorial comimittee of senior classes of all colleges in Alumni hall. 7:00-Philip Slomovitz lectures to Menorah society on "The Life and Work of Leo Pinski" in room 205, U-hall. 7:00-Prof. P. B. Samson of Ypsilanti to address University Schoolmen's club in old Union. 7:30-Prof. Max Winkler addresses the Girls' Educational club. 30-Aero club meets in billiard room of new Union. 7:4-Classical club reception in Alumni Memorial hall. 'I School of Dancing Private Lessons in modern Ballroom I I Dancing MISS JEANETTE H. KRUSZKA I , Studio 516 William St. Phone 1422R Residence 2006 Washtenaw Ave. Phone 1598 TOMORROW 8:00-Catholic Students' and Study club meets in K. of C. hall. 8:00-Mr. Burke, Grand Knight, K. of C., lectures to Catholic Students' club in K. of C. hall. 8:00-Dr. T. Sigel of Detroit speaks on "Esperanto" in room 205, U-hall. I ALWAYS ASK FOR Brown Kid Southern Tie Note the beautiful arch the long thin fore part and the popular one eyelet Colonial effect. Price $10.00 -5-- - *"S.c. a. VSawi Also black Ooze forepart with satin back Walk - Over Boot Shop - Buy Victory Bonds THIRTY-SEVEN STUDENTS WIN PHI BETAKAPPA MEMBERSHIP (Continued from Page One) Stark, Saginaw; Mary L. Steere, Ann Arbor; Harry Stocker, Detroit; Ag- nes True, Armada; and Caroline C. Wittman, Toledo, O. Reception Wednesday The reception and initiation for the newly electei members will be held at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, May. 28. Prof. C. H. Cooley, of the sociolo- gy department, will give the address of the evening. W. B. Pillsbury, professor of psych-- ology, was elected president of the lo- cal chapter of Phi Beta Kappa for the coming year Prof. John W. Scholl of the German department was re- elected secretary and Prof. C. H. Coo- ley was appointed to succeed Profes- sor Pillsbury upon the executive com- mittee. --Buy Victory Bonde CAPTAIN J. A. WEST, '20E, RETURNS DECORATED 115 S. MAIN ST. -- w f THE HELEN HOLSINGER HAT SHOPj announces the arrival of a few advance mid- summer pattern hats. They are large and light in color. You Can Ask Nothing Better - t SPALDING'S QPoIN For Shoes " oaps, Belts A. SpGP DFoot Ball WMK Equipment '~ Sweaters '"aw s" ° Jerseys And the implements for every * athletic game, of course. A. G. SPALING & BROS. 211-217 So. State St, CHICAGO, ILL. ICE Delicious and Refreshing wo oflnors C R E A M (Continued from Page One) nate enough to get through, he held an advanced outpost for 37 days. When his regimentattacked on the Argonne, eight of the 40 men in his command were killed and 18 were wounded. In another engagement, while leading an attack, he was se- verely wounded, and although nearly incapacitated, insisted upon staying on the field. Twenty-four hours lat- er, after securing valuable informa- tion, he was carried to the rear. He received the D. S. C. for his conduct in this engagement. He is a member of Beta Theta Pi, where he stayed dur- ing the short time here. --Buy Victory Bonds - MOMOEOP HOSPITAL PLANS SOCIAL WORK FOR NEW WARD I I Personal Independence UNLIMITED freedom of choice in the matter of Fabric is yours. And greater libcrty in style is possible when you get one tailoring of Personal Independence and Emancipation from the ready-made look. Your suit will not look like any other best suit in the lot. There is no lot, Your suit is just yours. Made to your measure, to suit you in weave and style--to fit your body--your mind--your purse. J. K Malcolm 604 East Liberty St. I Than you can find in our large and exceptionally complete stock of Hart Schaffner & (Continued from Page One) Goodwillie, '20E, of the University Y. M. C.A. The Welfare club has a broad and comprehensive program in view. Some work has been done heretofore, but lack of organization has beer a handi- cap. It is now well under way and has proved to be of distinct advantage to the children who are confined in the hospital. - Buy Victory Bonds - U. OF M. AMBULANCE UNIT IN N. Y.; MANY WOUNDED (Continued from Page One) ing there. Six of the unit's ambu- lances were totally demolished and several others severely damaged. Dur- ing the 34 days there, the division at- tacked 19 times in all, advancing something over 15 kilometers over dif- ficult ground. After a rest of three weeks the sec- tion again moved up into action, fol- lowing the boche retreat that immedi- ately preceded the signing of the armistice. -siBuy Victory Bonds VARSITY BAND WILL GO TO AID DETROIT LOAN DRIVE I AT CORBETT'S r i .. Marx SPRING CLOTHING ti i We know you'll be pleased at the extreme elegance of our stock. We were fortunate in sec- uring an especially fine lot of waist seam models for young men this season. Style, Quality, Color, Patterns, Tailoring, Price All will please you in every detail at this store. (Continued from Page One) troit. Captain Wilson expects the full complement of 60 men to make the trip to Detroit. "Victors" to Be Played "The Victors" and "Varsity" are the strains which the band will break into most often on the trip. Rehears- als have been held so regularly and often, however, that the band has a stock of new pieces to play which is practically inexhaustible. Music for any occasion is carried, and Captain Wilson, although he knows nothing as to what is expected of the band, does not anticipate any trouble in the se- lectign of suitable music. The regular weekly rehearsal was held Wdnesday night, following which a short business meeting was held. --Buy Victory Bonds- Tennis Racket Restringing very promptly done at Wahr's University Book S.tore.-Adv. Reule, Conlin, Fiegel C o. Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes thw of Main and Washington Streets