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April 23, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-04-23

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Class Numbering 695 Form Block M
and Then Have Picture Taken at
Memorial Hall
With the Varsity band playing and
a crowd of spectators looking on,
the %class of 1919 formally started ox.
the last %ap of their University careers
Tuesday afternoon when they entered
University hall for the annual Swing-
Laurel A. Lundquist. president of
the senior lits, acted as master of cere-
monies ands Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas pro-
nounced the invocation. A well ap-
preciated solo by Robert J. McCand-
liss, '21M, accompanied by Burton A.
Garlinghouse, '20, was next on the
-Before President Harry B. Hutchin's
address, Lundquist told how the
Swing-out came to be a, Michigan tra-
dition, how the classes used to meet
in the rooms of University hall where
Dean John R. Effinger and Registrar
Arthur G. Hall now have their offices
and how each class had its own see-
tion of seats when former President
' Angell addressed them. "'At the time
that we now celebrate the present type
of Swing-out," he -said, "the seniors-
of former years vacated the seats that
they occupied and the upper classes
each moved up a notch. They swung
out of their seats-hence the term
, ,,
President Addresses Assembly
President Harry B. Hutchins in his
address outlined the efforts and sac-
rifices of the men of Michigan to-
ward the winning of the Great War
and compared the outlook of the sen-
ior class of tw% years ago to the
present class. "Some former classes
faced troubled times when they. were
i their senior year. Let us hope that
the ruler of the future shall be the
Prince of Peace."
Pictures Taken After March
"Varsity" was played by the band
and sung by all those present
and then the benediction was pro-
nounced by Reverend Douglas. Then
with Lundquist and Ralph E. Gault,
president of the Student council lead-
ing, the seniors filed out of the build-
ing in the order that they assembled.
The block "M" was formed by a line
of 695 seniors including 230 lit women,
120 lit men, 97 engineers, 9 pharmics,
9 homoeops, 76 dents, and 30 laws.
A slight change was made in the line
of march by one group but practically
no disturbance resulted so the picture
of all the senior classes of the var-
ious colleges were taken on the steps
of Alumni Memorial hall.
--Buy Victory Bonds -
Gargoyle's hestIn
B ak Number"
The "Back Number" of the Gar-
goyle, which appears today, super-
sedes all previous issues of the year
in the quantity of material contain-
ed. It nets 40 odd pages of cleverly
compounded wit. The bulk of the ma-
terial has some bearing upon the guid-
ing theme as expressed in the name of
the issue.
The "Back Number" deals with and
plays up the old days at the Univer-
sity. The double page drawing of this
issue pictures the campus as it was
in those ancient times when it was
encircled by the famed picket fence;
when sleek porkers roamed the grassy

plots and the President's ruminating
bovine, old Betsey cow, complacently
champed her cud under the campus
There is a happy paucity of . arti-
cles of a long-winded nature in the
issue, the policy seeming to have
been to present the material in a way
at once short, sharp, and to the
The cover design is by Reed Bach-
man, '20. In view of the comparative
superiority of this issue over past is-
sues, a good sale is anticipated.

Two requests, pertaining to seniors
who, on account of their military serv-
ice, have been prevented from gradu-
ating in June, the other in regard to
under graduates who' were also thus
delayed, are to be submitted by the
faculty of the literary college to the
Board of Regents at their meeting
Friday, April 25.
In the first request, recommenda-
tions are made asking that seniors
who were to have graduated in June
but who were prohibited on account
of military service, have their names
printed on the commencement pro-
gram as students expecting to grad-
uate at the end of the summer ses-
The second requests that students
whose graduation was delayed on ac-
count of military service might be
graduated with their original class if
they so desire. This would mean that
any under graduate, by his request,
could decide for himself whether he
wants his name with his original
class or with the class which he act-
ually is in.
--Buy Victory Bonds

Samuel J. Slaviens, '20L, Is
Election Chairman

at .

Definite rules for the conducting of
the All-campus election on Thursday,
May 22, were decided upon by the stu-
dent council at the meeting Tuesday
night at the Union.
It was moved and carried that the
following rules be adopted for the
1. All members of the student
council not running for any office
shall assist in counting the ballots.
2. The ballots shall be counted in
3. The council shall close the ballot
boxes immediately after the poles are
closed and open these only for count-
ing the votes.
4. After counting the ballots the
boxes shall be sealed and kept in the
custody of the council for a. period of
two -weeks t allow a recount for any
candidate so petitioning.
5. No man shall be permitted to be
a candidate for more than two offices.
If nominated for more than two of-
fices it shall be left to him which two
offices he shall run for.
6. The council shall provide itself
with a list of the members of each
class and the names to be checked by
councilmen as each man votes.
Samuel J. Slavens, 20L,is chair-
mlan- of the election committee. Ar-
rangements are now being made by the
committee for the obtaining of the
names of all candidates and placing of
the ballot boxes.
The date for cap night was set for
Thursday, May 29. The spring games
including the .tug-of-war, relays, cane
spre, and bag rush, will be held on
Friday and Saturday, May 16 and 17.
Carl T. Hogan, '20E, is in charge of
the games.
- Buy Victory Bonds --
To perpetuate the class of 1919 on
the campus by turning over the money
raised for a memorial to the Alumni
Trust fund was the decision of the
.senior lits at their meeting Tuesday
afternoon preceding the swing-out.
Jean A. Maclennan was unanimous-
ly elected class orator to take the
place of Eva H. Foss, resigned.
Canes were picked by the senior
men. Orders must be placed with
Wadham's on State street before Fri-
day noon.
When the meeting was over the
class went directly to assemble for the
-- Buy Victory Bonds -
New York, April 22. -- The first
letter ever written by one blind sol-
dier without hands to another simi-
larly crippled and afflicted has just
been received by an American soldier
in a New York hospital. It was a
message of good cheer written by Alan
H. Nichols, of London, a British sol-
dlier, to show his American comrade
and fellow sufferer that "a man's a
man for a' that."

Observatory Promises Vistors' Nights;
lien Greet Players to Give
Lectures on different phases of the
great war delivered from notes taken
from personal observation, concerts by
the University School Zf Music fac-
ulty, visits to the University observa-
tory, and open air theatrical perform-
ances are but a few of the many nu-
bers on the program of special lec-
tures and entertainments of the sum-
mer session.
Professors returning from foreign
service in the various branches of
the army will speak on their work
abroad. Lectures of other natures
and lighter forms of entertainment will
round out a well balanced program.
The program in full follows:
Offer Illustrated Lecture
June 30, 5 p. m.-The Russian Sit-
uation. Prof. W. A. Frayer July 1,
5 p. m.-With the American Red Cross
in Italy. Prof. H. R Cross; 8 p m.-
Medical lecture. July 2, 5 p. m.-Nav-
igation on the Great Lakes and on the
High Seas (illustrated). Prof. H. R.
Curtiss; 8 p. m.-Concert, faculty of
the University Sghool of Music (Hill
July 3, 5 p. m.-The Teachers'
Philosophy of Life and Happiness,
Prof. W. H Pyle; 8 p. m.-Education-
al motion pictures. July 7, 5 p. m. -
Reception by the President for the
students of the summer session.
(Alumni Memorial hall). 8:30 p. m.-
Visitors' night at the observatory.
Admission by ticket only.
Rabbi Wolsey to Speak
July 8, 5 p. m.-The Jew in finglsh
Literature as represented by Christo-
pher Marlowe, William Shakespeare,
and Richard Cumberland. Rabbi Lou-
is Wolsey, Cleveland, 0.; 8 p. m. -
Medical lecture; 8:30 p. m.-Visitors'
Night at the observatory. Admission
by ticket only. July 9, p. m.-The
Jew in Fynglsh Literature as repre-
sented by Walter Scott and Charles
Dickens. Rabbi Louis Wolsey, Cleve-
land, 0.; 8 p. m.-Concert, faculty of
the. University School of Music. (Hill
auditorium); 8:30 p. m. - Visitors'
night at the observatory. Admission
by ticket only.
Ben Greet to Come
July 10, 5 p. m.-ThegJew in Eng-
lish Literature as represented by Ben-
jamin Disraeli, Robert Browning, and
George Eliot. Rabbi Louis Wolsey,
Cleveland, 0.; 8 p. m.-Educational
motion pictures. July 11, 4 p. m.,8
,p. m-Open air performances by the
Ben Greet Woodland Players. Admis-
sion will be charged (Campus thea-
ter). July 12, 4 p. m., 8 p. m.-Open
air performances by the Ben Greet
Woodland Players. Admission will be
charged (Campus theater).
July 14, 5 p. m.-The Racial Herit-
age of the War. Prof. A. F. Shull.
July 15, 5 p. m.-Practicing Democ-
racy in School Administration Mr.
T. J. Knapp, superintendent of schools,
Highland Park; 8 p. m.-Medical lec-
ture. July 16, 5 p. m.-The Landscape
Cemetery, - An American Creation
(illustrated). Prof. A. Tealdi; 8 p.
m.-Concert, faculty of the University
School of Music (Hill auditorium).
Motion Pictures Offered
July 17, 5 p. m.-Niagara Falls and
the Vicinity (illustrated). Prof. I.

D. Scott; 8 p. m.-Educational motion
pictures. July 18, 2:30 p. m.-Excur-
sion to Niagara Falls under the di-
rection of Mr. F. W. Frostic via the
Michigan Central Railroad to De-
troit and steamer to Buffalo; 5 p. n-
Edward M. Stanton, Secretary of War.
Prof. E. S. Corwin, of Princeton uni-
versity; 8 p. m.-Reading, - Halm's
Ingomar, the Barbarian. Prof. T. C.
Trueblood (University hall). July 21,
5 p. m.-Important Factors in the
Development of Latin-America (illus-
trated). Mr. J. del Toro. July 22, 5
p. m.-North Africa Under Roman
Rule (illustrated). Prof. J G.,,Win-
ter; 8 p. m.-Medical lecture..-
July 23, 5 p. m.-Theories of Stam-
mering, Mr. R. K. Immel; 8 p. m.-
Concert, faculty of the University
School of Music, (Hill auditorium).
July 24, 5 p. m.-The Manufacture of
Beet Sugar (illustrated). Prof. W. L.
Badger; 8 p. m.-Educational Motion
pictures. July 25, 5 p. m.-Some
Present-Day Educational Problems
(two lectures), Dr. C. E. Chadsey,'
superintendent of schools, Chicago.
July 28, 5 p. m.-Industrial Demo-
(Continued on Page Six)

ren Who Have Served in Flying Units
During War Especially En-.
Hearty approval to the organization
of an Aero club here has been given
by several professors, former flyers
now in the University, and the aero-
nautical students interviewed Tues-
day. The men who have seen service
in the air in the various flying units
during the war are especially enthus-
iastic over the project.
Such a club would bring the air ser-
vice men together and serve to keep
up the fraternal feeling which binds
the airmen and the memories of those
who served in the air.
Prof. F. W. Pawlowski, head of the
aeronautical engineering department,
said: "It would be a fine thing to
bring the air service men together and
for the aeronautical students to meet
the practical men of aviation."
T. F. McAllister, '21L, who saw ser-
vice as a pilot =in the French Flying
corps, and winner -of the Croix de
Guerre said: "I would be very much
interested in it. We should have such
an organization to keep up the spirit
and war records of Michigan men who
served in the war."
"I am interested in the project and
would gladly support it. It is some-
thing we should have," answered Lor-
en Heseltine, instructor in -the Royal
Air Force when asked his opinion.
William Smith who served as a pilot
in the United States army air service
became enthusiastic and started active
work in starting the club. He need
hardly be quoted.
Robert Cook of the Naval Flying
corps offered "great," as his quota-
tion on the subject.
Harry Carey who also won his com-
mission in the army air service is in-
terested and working for the organiza-
Profesor Pawlowski says the plan
has me instant approval with his stu-
With every one who could be found
Tuesday in favor of the organization
it has been decided to hold a short
meeting Thursday evening probably
in the Michigan Union. If enough
prove to be interested the Aero club
will be formed.
-Buy Victory Bonds --
WORTH $500,000
Antique oriental rugs, valued at con-
siderably more than $500,000, will be
on exhibition Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday of this week in the ban-
quet room on the second floor of the
Specimens of the first rugs in exist-
ence are in this collection. A Saracen
carpet, some 16th century pieces, an
Ispahan, a Kuba, two Armenian drag-
on carpets, a famous Spanish rug, and
two Chinese temple mats are the
choice of the collection.
Professor Pope, formerly of Stan-
ford university, is in charge of the
exhibit, and will lecture informally on
the rugs. He has long been a col-
lector of rugs, and is considered an
authority upon this subject. Wednes-
day night he will speak at the Alumni
Memorial hall, and will illustrate his
Professor Pope will appraise the
value - free of charge of any rugs
which the residents of Ann Arbor
bring to him. The almost priceless
rugs which he carries with him are
for sale, at the same time they are on
exhibit. Admission to the lecture
Wednesday night will be 25 cents, and

10 cents to the exhibit.
--Buy Victory Bonds
British Give Babies Special Care
In England public health visitors go
into the homes and instruct mothers
in the care of babies.

Graduating Representatives of State
High Schools Will Be Shoyn
Taking up a task usually performed
by the University at the annual high
school basketball tournament, that of
acquainting the high school men of
the state with the institution, the Uni-
versity Y. M. C. A. han invited one
member of each senior high school
class in the state to attend a confer-
ence in Ann Arbor on May 23 and 24.
Organize Student-Guides
Various fraternities have been ask-
ed by the "Y" to provide lodging for
the men on Friday night and break-
fast for Saturday morning. Students
will be organized into a body of guides
to show the men about the campus,
giving individual information on the
buildings, the courses, expenses, and
University life in general.
In order to disseminate this knowl-
edge as widely as possible, the stu-
dents from the hig schools will be
requested to give accounts of their
visit to the student bodies of their re-
spective schools. "This will serve to
bring the University and the commu-
nities of the state into closer touch,
and will be of interest and benefit to
the visitors," said A. C. Crockett, '19,
president of the University Y. M. C. A.
Ofefials Approve Meeting
"It is seldom that students, just be-
fore passing out of high school, have
the opportunity to size up a college
community before they are precipi-
tated into it."
University officials have given the
committee the sanction and approval
for the conference.
---Buy Victory Bonds-
Mystery Shrouds
Mlidnight Meeting
Wending their ways through the
midnight shadows as the clock struck
12 Tuesday night, figures emerged
from the gloom and gatfiered between
the engineering and medical build-
ings on ground recently covered by the
old surveying buildings.
On the shoulders of the foremost
men was carried a small model,
which closely resembled the unbecom-
ing structures which once stood on
that ground. As they prepared for the
rites, a historian would have seen
that characters from all periods of his-
tory were represented.
Shadows they represented. The
spirit of Ti was present. It was he
who was pre-eminent in Egyptian
architecture. Iktinos, the architect of
the Parthenon became himself in state-
ly manner. Among the strange fig-
ures was Brunneleschi, who drew the
plans for the beautiful dome of Flor-
ence. Pierre Corbie, the renowned
Gothic architect, was also present.
These were only a few of the ancient
designers of beauty and symmetrical
dines who were present at an inspir-
ing moment for all Michigan archi-
tects. For this meeting was to cele-
brate, with- proper rites, the passing
of the old, the ugly, and the ram-
shackle. It is the hope of the archi-
tects, who have long disliked the old
and unseenly buildings of the campus.
It is to express their relief, their
dislike for the uncomely, and their
hope of the future of the Michigan

campus that the ar hitects joined at
midnight Tuesday In this reverie.
They expect it to be the beginning of
a movement to erect buildings on the
campus worthy of being there and to
eliminate those buildings from the
campus which are not worthy.

Alliedtalian Rupture Grows As
-Recalcitrant envoys Iolt JMeetings

(By Associated Press)
Paris, April 22. - Although the
Italian peace conference delegation
made no official statement on the sub-
ject, a member of the delegation told
the Associated Press today that it was
considered useless for the Italian del-
egates to take part in further confer-
ence unless the Allies were willing
to grant their requests.
The Italians remain inflexible in
their determination to be alloted all
the territory granted them under the
pact of London, with Fiume in addi-

The indignation of the Italian del-
egation is as strong against the Brit-
ish and the French as the Americans,
and after the .failure of Premier Or-
lando again today to appear at the
meeting of the Council of Four, the
break between the Italians and the
Allies became well defined.
In the meantime, Premiers Clemen-
ceau and Lloyd George and President
Wilson are busily considering the
questions of the future of Kiao Chau
with Baron Makino and Viscount
Chinda of the Japanese delegation.

Posters Placed About Campus to id
Drive; Many Prominent Men
"Buy Victory Bonds."
With this as their slogan, the stu-
dents of Michigan are getting behind
the Fifth Liberty loan. With only one
day of the three volunteer days pass-
ed, subscriptions to the amount of
$13,000 have been taken at the stu-
dent headquarters in the registrar's
Of this amount $1,200 was raised
Monday when no organized effort had
been put forth, $7,500 was raised
Tuesday morning, and $4,500 Tuesday
afternoon when the swing-out inter-
fered with effective work.
Mostly $100 Bonds
Indications show that the people are
buying in large amounts. The men
in charge of the booth saythat hardly
any $50 bondsrhave been sold, that
mostly $100 are being -taken by the
students, and that a number of $500
and $200 bonds have been sold.
Well known men and women of the
campus are in charge of the booth in
the registrar's office, and give out
subscription blanks, take subscrip-
tions, and give information. - This
booth is open from 9 a. m. until
p. M.
Faculty Speak at Houses
The committee in charge of faculty
speakers has covered the ground well,
and has obtained prominent professors
to speak at the various fraternity and
sorority houses. Although not many
of the houses were reached Tuesday
night, none will have been missed by
Wednesday night. No subscriptions
will be taken by the faculty on these
visits, but subscription blanks will be
Posters which have been placed at
advantageous points on the campus
are helping the sale of bonds and are
bringing home the importance of the
drive to the students. Walter Riess,
'20, is in charge of the advertising
"They're Watching Michigan's Rec-
- Buy Victory Bonds --
What And Why
Is "Hullabaloo"
Caramba! Parbleu!
Michigan is to be the scene of the
world's second great international
China, Mexico, Russia, India, Japan,
Hawaii, and America are already rep-
resented, and other famous names are
being added to the roll daily. The
fateful date has been set for Friday,
,May 2, and Hill auditorium -will be
the sceen of deliberations.
Contrary to the prevailing style,'the
delegates will not rack their brains
for solutions to the eternal commerce,
boundary, independence, and univer-
sal peace problems. Ah, no! There
will be far weightier questions at
hand, in fact, too weighty to be di-
vulged in detail at present.
And can you be admitted to this his-
toric gathering? Of course you can,
provided you supply the rigid qualifi-
cations which are: 35 cents in cash,

age-between 5 and 85, and the fol-
lowing information: name of the Pres-
ident of the United States, name of
the capital of the United States, and
the colors of the national flag.
In view of the greater solemnity of
-this second international convention,
it has been deemed fitting to give it
a new name of proportionate dignity,
and to this end, it shall be known as
"The All-Nation Hullabaloo!" Watch
the papers!

for Victory

for Victory


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