Coach Mitchell has issued another
call for freshmen tryouts for this aft-
- %ernoon. Since the Varsity will not
play the scheduled game and no fresh-
_ --man meeting was held yesterday, he
_--wants to start work in earnest as
- soon as possible. The first year men
are said to have some excellent mate-
rial in their class and these are soon
to be whipped into shape as a team to
place last season by Schulz of Mis- play the Varsity in practice.
EPETS WINsouri, who finished in 9 and 4-5 sec-
onds and later took first at the Penn OLD TRACK STAR
relays. Johnson is the general fav- TfT
AT DRAKE C9ARN I Y91A crite for the honors this year although POSTPONEMENTIOF M IECOACHES RUNNERS
he has found some difficulty lately in
TWO RELAY TEAMS ENTERED IN adapting himself to the outdoor track. INITIAL BASEBALL BATTLE TO C. B. Haff, '13, who holds the Ferry
BIG WESTERN Losch won created a small sensation HAVE BEEN HELDfield record for the 440 yard run, has
MEETin the qualification sprints last Satur- TODAY been in Ann Arbor with his wife for
day, may also grab a place in the act- - the last 10 days.
ual competition at Drake. Ha Hf ha b ton er
"For the past three years we have Coach Farrell states that the re- With rainy weather still making ap a as een ou\ on ry
finished second in the IDrake relays suits of the coming Iowa relays will baseball impossible, the game with field during the past week helping
and this time we must get something decide definitely whether Michigan Ypsilanti scheduled for this afternoon coach the relay .men and has given
better," was the comment of Coach will send a representation to the Penn was postponed until next Wednesday. invaluable advice to the team which
Steve Farrell, Tuesday, . concerning relays later in the season. Coach Lundgren's men were unable will represent Michigan at the Drake
Michigan's chances at the Des Moines to hold a practice owing to the condi- relays this week and the Penn relays
games to be held at the end of the tion of the diamond. During spring next week.
present week. WOMEN TO START vacation, while the team was in Col- Haff vas on the championship one-
Leaving with a squad of six men on TENNIS THIS WEEK umbus on their annual trip to take mile relay team which took first place
the Michigan Central at 1:15 o'clock, on Joe Tinker's American Association at the Penn relays in 1913.
Tuesday afternoon, the coach will outfit, the diamond was worked on The best quarter miler that Michi-
reach Iowa on Friday morning wit .. Women's ,annual spring tennis continually, leveling the irregularities, gan has ever had, he held the local
his entries in the mile relay, the half tournament wil be held sometime dur- filling and sodding. Mr. Thomas, in track record at 48 3-5 seconds, which
mile relay, and the invitation 100-yard ing May, and all University women de- charge of Ferry field, pronounced the is only one second slower than the
dash. Headquarters in Des. Moines siring to enter this contest are asked work complete but the unceasing rain U. S. Intercollegiate record held by
will be established at the Chamberlin to sign up in Barbour gymnasium as has played havoc with the new earth. Baker of Harvard, 47 3-5.
hotel and the team will leave on Sat- soon as possible. Haff was commissioned as a major in
urday night after the. meet and may Weather permitting, the woman's iaongood the U. S. army and has ust recently
possibly return to Ann Arbor on the tennis courts at Palmer field will be It will take only a good day of sun- been discharged and coming here at
Wolverine, Sunday. ready for use on Thursday of this shine to put the diamond in playable this time his services to the trck team
As a result of the trials held here week. Except whenthere are regular shape. All the men on the squad are cannot be too highly appreciated.
last Saturday, Burkholder, Meese, classes these courts may be used for anxious to get to work again, and, Mr. and Mrs. Haff were chaperons at
Messner, and Butler will make the practice. There are no regular class- with the improvement efe to Mr the Sphinx-Triangle party Monday
trip as the Wolverine quartet for the es on Wednesday or Saturday, or be- Thomas' operations, the field will be night and it was a pleasureable sur-
mile event. All qualified in the trial fore 10 o'clock and after 4 o'clock on in better condition than ever prise to all the Michigan to see them
competition in the order named with the other days of the week. Coach Lundgren is determined to there.
the exception of Butler who was a trifle One athletic honor will be awarded have a practice this afternoon if it The star track man left Ann Arbor
off color last week and was unable to for entrance in the tournament, three can in any way be arranged. He is de- Tuesday evening and left in the minds
run. honors for classha ionshiptfour sirous of correcting those weaknesses of the present track men a lasting
w Entered in Dashchampionship, which were apparent in the games memory of Michigan spirit. While on
Johnson and Losch who go as Far- or runner up, and five honors with the Columbus professionals be- the track last week Haff showed also
Johnson and bosch who go as Far- fhoors o unru, n iethe University championship. casinddtotom ycmmn-ththug ntinodtonehd
rell's representatives in the special Margaret Rottscbaefer, '21, wh se ause in addition to many commend. that though o fohad
vitation 100-yard dash, will also join brilliant playing won the University mtios, he has a long list of faults to not lost his old form.
,Meese and Butler to form an entry in title for her last spring, is still in col- FentrahA
the half mile relay. lege and will probably contend for the _eing sgg__________dT__y-_.
Present dope seems to favor the honor again this year. The fall' tourn- topic of the coach's conversation for
sprint quartet more strongly than the ament wasenever completed because of some time to come, according to af
longer distance outfit. In the 880 yard the heavy rains statement made by him yesterday. He
event where each man will be called Anyone desiring and further inform- was not at all satisfied with the in- 1e latr est setg9
upon for 220 yards, Michigan will find ation concerning the spring tourna- field work on the trip and is planning : tpecj in.
on an thoroughg drillingg fornathisaldivisionl r
Illinois the ablest rival. The Chain- ment may call Emma Riggs at 2570. on a thorough drilling for this division .
paign squad managed to carry off the ____thesquad._
honors last year and is scheduled to Glenn Appearing Good
be on hand again this season with a Wrestling Popular Sport at U. ot P The pitching end of the team is
fast team. If the Illini can be down- Philadelphia, April 15.=Wrestling looking fine of late. It is believed that
ed, Coach Farrel feels confident that has ,become quite a popular sport at Glenn, last year's captain, has at last1
his men can win easily from all oth- Pennsylvania. A great deal of interest found himself and the danger of the
er opponents. has been shown and a number of men failure of his arm has passed. He has
In the mile relay, Michigan has al have turned out for the team. Some for several seasons strained this arm
ready suffered two defeats this season of the schools they will compete wit hich would have placed him among.
at the hands of the Chicago four, and are Lehigh, Columbia Princeton, and the foremost twirlers of Michigan's
the betting odds for the Drake contest perhaps Yale and Harvard. history, if these misfortunes had not
go to the Maroons. However, the Wol- overtaken him. This year special 47 black degrees
verine quartet has been working well Although rough water las held up pains have been taken. and 3 in
in spite of the bad weather and a race the work of the Pennsylvania crews to He was allowed to pitch only a few * copyng
on the open track offers new possi- a very large extent, practice has been innings in the games in which he was FREE
bilities. No other aggregation has begun again and the men seem to be in used, and during the first few prac-
shown form that would justify its con- excellent shape. tices did not attempt a curve, throwing Trial samples of
sideration as a dangerous opponent. only straight, fast. balls to strengthen VENUS pencils sent
Johnson Should 'Vin A great deal of interest has. been# his arm. When he went in against free on request.
Johnson will start for the second shown by freshman oars hen at Har- the Columbus team for three innings, AmLead Pencil Co.
time as the Maize and Blue hope in vard. At least fifty men have turned it was unanimously voted that he was 21 Fith Ave.. Dept. D N.
the feature century dash. The fast out for practice and it is hoped that back in old form for even those pro- s randstoresthroughoudtheworld.
local sprinter was forced into second six freshmen crews may be organized. fessionals could not find him.
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Photo by Aim6 Dupont Photo by Mishkin
Photo by Mi:
Photo by Rentschler Photo by Matzene
14th, 15th,16th
Photo Dy Mishkin
Photo by Camera Craft
hOtO DY.HutChinSon
Photo by Walter J. Watson