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Victory Temple"
Lnthusiasm For
FRA In the "Victory Temple" during
"Thanksgiving Days" the people of
Ann Arbor will be given their chance
to subscribe to the Fifth Victory Lib-
_ erty Loan
The "Victory Temple" is next to the
PRESIDENT'S INTIATES DENYFirst National Bank building on Main
HIS INTENTION TO DEPART street. "Thanksgiving Days" will be
PREMATURELY next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-
day. At this time all voluntary sub-
HUN ENVOYS FORMALLY scriptions will be received by repre-
INVITED TO CONGRESS sentative citizens, and the committeet
urges all to subscribe at this time.
Mission to Number 200; Parleys With Huge Rally Planned Friday -
Germs to Last 10 or 15 Friday night an immense mass meet-
Days s ing is to be held in Hill auditorium,1
, ___ys which is expected to be filled to over-
(By Associated Press) flowing. S. J. Duncan Clark, war cor-1
Paris, April 15.-ndications are that respondent, analyst for the Chicago
the treaty proceedings may move with, Post, a recognized authority on mili-
such dispatch that President Wilson tary and naval affairs, and a lecturer
suc dipath hatPreidnt ils11of renown throughout the country,
can remain for the signing of it, and of renowk t theoty
thus be able to take the completed will speak at the meeting.
document. This was the view of the
President's intimates today when their
attention was called to the reports inLOA PRFS RS AU
French newspapersdthat his departure
had been fixed for April 28.
It was declared that no such inten- FAOUS BRITISH AUTHOR
tion has been formed, and that the
progress of the main questions now JOHN GALWORTHY TO BE ENTER-
gave promise that the President would TAINED DURING SHORT
not only attend the opening of theVISIT
congress at Versailles, but would re- -
main long enough to see its work car-
ried through, though prolonged delay John Galworthy, one of the leading
by the enemy delegates would of course men of letters of the present day, will
prevent such 'action. arrive at 2:45 o'clock this afternoon in
To Delay Pubienation of Treaty Ann Arbor and will speak at 7:45
Whether the treaty and the coven- o'clock this evening in Hill audi-
ant will both be presented to the Ger- torium upon the subject: "Briton and
mans has not yet been decided; but it American."
is probable that the treaty pcrtion of Mr. Galworthy comes to Ann Arbor
the document will not be made public under the auspices of the University
until after its delivery to the Germans. Oratorical association. He is return-
Germans Formally Invited r .ing to the east from a lecture tour
A formal invitation was, sent by the which he has been making in the mid-
council of four today to the German west. He has been speaking espe-
government to send representatives cially at universities.
to Versailles to the peace conference Professor Trueblood to Give Dinner
on April 25. No reply has beenre- Mr. Galworthy is accompanied by
ceived up to tonight, but it is ex- hi.i wife. During the short stay which.
pected that the Germans will reach they will make in Ann Arbor, they will
Versailles about April 24. be the guests of Prof. Thomas C.
Delegation of 20 Trueblood and Mrs. Trueblood, who
The complete German peace mission are giving'a 6 o'clock dinner in his
probably will number about 200 per- honor to several friends at the Michi-
'sons. . gan Union.
The German delegates while at Ver- At 9:45 o'clock Professor and Mrs.
sailles will reside in a wing of the Galworthy will leave for the east.
Hotel Reservoris adjoining the perfec- Buffalo is to be their next stop. The
ture of police. Most of the French time of the lecture at Hill auditorium
delegates and the envoys from the pth- has been set at 7:45 o'clock rather
er countries probably will go to Ver- than at 8 in order to facilitate them
salles early to attend the meetings. in making their train.
The meetings with the Germans will Interest is running high among stu-
The eetngs iththeGermns illdents and faculty alike at the chance
continue probably for 10 or 15 days. en and seein in person he
The treaty of peace will be signed of hearing and seeing in person the
in the famous Hall of Mirrors in the famous English man of letters.r
palace at Versailles. Professor Rankin Praises Writer
Of Professor Galsworthy, Prof.
Thomas E. Rankin of the rhetoric de-
partment of the University has said:
"Mr. Galsworthy has stood for the
G I broadly general impulses of humani-
TO 016 BP CAT-OFFS (Continued on Page Six)
Four days remain to fill the Ann Several airplanes will fly to this city
Arbor Red Cross clothing quota. from Selfridge field next week and will
The closing date has been extended give exhibition flights over the city
to Saturday, April 19. A large amount demonstrating all of the stunts known
of the solicited apparel has been turn- to the present day air fighters.
ed in by the residents of the city at The flight will be made to interest
the Red Cross headquarters, but as yet local men in joining the air service.
not enough for the purpose. The fleet of planes will probably
Students returning to school should consist of Curtiss training ships an
be able to contribute -a great deal of De Haviland-4 battleplanes. A nine-
accumulated old clothes and shoes that D eravi n dbttenesy tnie-
passenger Caproni driven by three
will be found now that they are
Liberty engines is now at Selfridge
cleaning up after returning from the field and should the ground dry up,
spring recess. Spring housecleaning making it possible for the heavy ma-
will probably produce a lot of arti- chine to land on Ferry field, it is prob-
cles that have been put away and will able that it may be included in the
not be used again.
Women students may dispose of fleet.
tercontributions at the branch office The pilots at the flying field are now
theirantebt of arbornymfa- spending much time tuning their ships
n the blasement of Barbour gymna- pfrnx eksrcutn a-
sium, and men at the desk in the up for next week's recruiting cam-
Union. By calling the Red Cross head- paign and several are painting their
quarters the things will be called for, ships with various kinds of insignia
or they may be delivered at the head- and decorating them with gay colors.
quarters at 608 E. Williams street.
!o Rouse City's
Final Loan Drive
Several prominent Ann Arbor men
will talk, and the women will be ad-
dressed by a woman. This meeting
will promptly begin at 7:30 o'clock and
will be characterized by its spirit.
Quota Is $1,111,629.28
Ann Arbor's quota is $1,111,629.28,
which is in the same proportion to
the other parts of Michigan as in
former drives. In past drives the city
has always gone over the top, but
this will not be permitted this time
for no oversubscriptions will be
This does not mean that there can
be any slacking, for greater efforts
will be required this time to secure
the needed amount than before be-
cause of the lower morale of the peo-
ple. The committee believes that the
people do not have quite as much de-
sire to subscribe because they think
the war is over.
Good Response Necessary
If the amount is not subscribed, it
wil place a serious handicap upon
business, for the banks must buy the
bonds if the people do not. If this
condition exists, it means that people
wil not be able to borrow money be-
cause. the ready money of the banks
is tide up in bonds.
When this condition is known, the
committee in charge of the drive be-
lieves that every effort will be made
by the people to buy their share of
If the million dollars is not raised
in the first three days, severe meth-
ods will be used to bring the slackers
into the fold.
American flags will be practically
the only decorations for the mass
meeting in Hill auditorium. It is
probable that the Varsity band will
play at the meeting Friday night.
San Francisco, April 15. - Inci-
dents in the Korean revolution are de
scribed by Dr. George S. McCune, a
Presbyterian minister at Sen Sen,
Korea, in a letter to the current is-
sue of the Continental Presbyterian
weekly. In the letter which was en-
trusted to a returning traveler, Dr.
McCune describes scenes he said he
and other missionaries witnessed at
Sen Sen between March 8 and 10.
Dr. McCune told of seeing three
Japanese soldiers seize a woman,
throw her down, kick her, and strike
her on the head with their guns. With
a final kick they left this woman of
culture and refinement on the street,
bleeding, attacked as she was going
about her business quietly.
Soldiers Enter Church
"Five soldiers came up to the North
church and opened the keeper's house.
They went in and knocked things
about with their guns, broke a lamp
and several dishes, threw down the
chests and scattered their contents.
They demanded that the door of the
church gate be opened. The police had
ordered it to' be closed just a little
before that. When the young man ven-
tured to say no, they struck him with
a gun, one stroke knocking him to
the ground.
Woman Bayonetted
"His mother went over to see him
and she was thrown back and struck
to the ground with a bayonetted gun
The husband and father was then at-
tacked. They slit his ear with the
bayonet and left him bruised from
head to foot.
"Resistance means sure death and
nothing to gain.
Prof. Crane at Lansing on Businesf
Prof. B. T. Crane of the politica
science department is at Lansing or
William H. Worrell, former profes-
sor of the University, who was gradu-
ated from the literary department in
1903, has been appointed director of
the School of Research in Jerusalem.
This school was suspended during
the war but its work will be resumed
next October. In the course of the
next year, a new building will be erect-
ed and the increased facilities will en-
large the service of this institution to
a biblical scholarship.
Professor Warrel will leave for his
new post early in June.
As a result of an interview between
Colonel Jacobs of the regular army
and Prof. H. E. Riggs last week, a
committee has been appointed to in-
vestigate the matter ofathe possible
establishment of a Coast Artillery
unit in the University next fall. It is
probable that the recommendation of
this committee will be laidbefore the
board of regents at their next meet-
ing, at which definite action will be
"Several branches of the service
plan to offer a four year course con-
siting of theory and gymnastic drill
in v4rious collegiate institutions," said
Professor Riggs, Monday. "Those
courses offered by the Coast Artillery
corps, the Signal corps, and the Mo-
tor Transport corps would be the
ones considered for adoption at the
100 Men Necessary for R. 0. T. C.
At least 50 men would have to elect
the Signal corps course, which would<
involve electrical engineering; at
least 50, that of the Coast Artillery
corps, using civil engineering; and 50,
the Motor Transport corps course, me-
chanical engineering. General Orders
49 which are to be revised state that
at least 100 men are required to form
an R. O. T. C. unit which would be
necessary before these courses might
be adopted.
Plan Academic uo-operation
All courses plan to co-operate with
the regular academic work of the col-
lege or university where they are
adopted. During the college year
there will be no drilling except short
gymnastic drills. Uniforms will not be
required except at the discretion of
the faculty. At least two and possibly
three summer camps of six weeks'
duration will be held, probably at the
end of the freshman, sophomore, and
junior years. At these camps practi-
cal application of the theoretical prin-
ciples learned will be made.
Certain Studies Required
All men who plan to enlist in the
Coast Artillery unit will be required
either to take or present evidence that
they have taken plane and solid geom-
etry, plane and spherical trigonome-
try, college algebra, the use of the
slide rule, English, another modern
language besides English, college
physics, American history, general
history, civics, plane surveying, and
The government is to provide mate-
rial and equipment for instruction,
including several types of guns and
Lieut. Kenneth L. Porter, ex-'18E,
who recently returned from overseas
where he distinguished himself in the
air service, has been made a member
of the Ordre de l'Armee, a French cita-
tion for gallantry in action.
In the list of citations including
Porter's name appear such names as
1 Lients. Edward Rickenbacker, Amer-
ica's ace of aces; Quentine Roosevelt,
and James Meissner.
New York, April 15.-The mar-
e affiliation declared tonight PLAN FOR EDUCATION
a renewal of the general harbor OF DISABLED SOLDIE
strike which will involve 16,000
workers. Splendid Opportunities to Be Gl
The new walkout will go into Crippled Veterans for Future
effect at 6 o'clock Thursday Livlhood
morning and efforts will be made
to tie up "everything afloat," in- (By Paul G. Weber)
cluding ferry boats, coast-wise Lansing, April 15. - The Senate
and transatlantic shipping. day passed without a dissenting T
the bills of appropriations for the I
versity of Michigan. Included in
measures. was the "Immediate e
clause." The bills now await the g
ernor's signature.
BY PRESIDENT HUTCHINS Following the action taken by
House, where such bills must o
inate, the Senate has passed with
PLANS ARE COMPLETED TODAY unanimous vote the University 0
FOR SWING-OUT OF of appropriations. The special cla
1919 giving immediate effect to the ap
priations went with the bills, T'
President Hutchins has agreed to special clause means that the U
address the seniors at the annual will take effect immediately instea
swing-out at 4 o'clock Tuesday, April waiting 90 days as the law require
22, in University hall. Farmers Compliment Hutecins
Participation in the opera trip last Reversing the attitude of the fa
week of many of those in charge of ers in the past toward University
the affair has interfered to a con- islation, Rep. Charles Evans, of I
siderable extent with the completing awee county and leader of the far
of some of the'plans, but everything members of the Michigan legislat
is expected to be in shape by the first called upon his co-delegates to i
of next week. The band will be there, unanimously the University bills a
as has always been the custom, to compliment to President Harry
render a selection of Michigan songs. Hutchins. This motion was car;
In order to make final arrange- in the House and likewise by the E
ments and to appoint a master of cer- ate.
emonies, William W. Hinshaw, '20, The passage of the measures by
student councilman and chairman of two houses practically assures
the swing-out, has called a meeting of (Continued on Page Six)
the senior presidents of the colleges
of the University for 5 o'clock Wed-
nesday afternoon at the Union. Where TINY OF TflI
the various classes will meet on the PAESl l
campus will be another matter to set-
tle at the presidents' meeting.SARSIICwROYLI
Assigned to U. VS.STAGE
"Even a royal family may be m
Washington, April 15.-- More than aged by strings," says the celebr
1,500,00 tons of shipping have been-as- Tony Sarg, who will present his i
signed by the United States to the ous Marionettes in Thackeray's
work of feeding the peoples of Eu- Rose and the Ring," Thursday al
rope who are threatened with starva- noon at 4 o'clock and eveningti
tion. The enormous total of shipping o'clock in the Natural Science aud
turned over by this country to a work ium.
of charity became known today along "Inner Workings" Explained
With the fact that several experts Mr. Sarg, he who has nudged
have been sent abroad in an effort to entire blase theatrical world wt,
hurry the turn around of American queer little company of string-op
vessels and thereby concentrate in ed figures, says further:
some measure for the transfer of bot- "But when royal personages
toms from commercial trade. represented, as they are in 'The V
Still more tonnage is desired by di- and the Ring,' these strings are no
rectors of European relief and prob- ways as well behaved as royal stri
ably will be allocated next month. should be; they sometimes t
Thus far in April 540,000 tons have around each other. Should so di
been added to the "mercy fleet," sail- thing as a tangle occur, and'a a
ing to ports on the North Sea, the ette consequently wind his' right
Mediterranean and the Adriatic. Vir- around his left ear, the curtain
tually the entire relief has been taken drop a moment to hid this Marion
over by the United States, Great Brit- spasm, and rise again an instant 1
am confining its efforts to assisting when all'is once more 'fair."
France and Italy. Figures Follow Original
The figures were designed by
POSITIONS AS TEACHERS IN Sarg according to Thaceray's
STATE SCHOOLS GIVEN TO 19 sketches illustrating his hilai
travesty, and six people, including
Within the last week the appoint- Sarg, are required to "pull
ment committee has placed 19 stu- strings." Besides "The Rose and
students and graduates as teachers in Ring," will be presented "A Nig
schools throughout the state. Delhi," or "The Snake Charmer,"
Three appointments will take effect "The Music Lesson."
immediately. The students are War- The production will be one of
ren G. Slawson, '18, who goes to Bay most novel that Ann Arbor has
City; Lewis Vander Velde, '13, who seen. The stage settings, prope
will teach in Detroit North Western, and costumes are as accurate as
and C. N. Wenger,' '16, who goes to sible and the entire effect is that
Saginaw. modern stage performance. sev
The others will leave next fall to times reduced. The detailed m
fill their positions. ments and expressions - that
brought about by means of the st:
are said to be almost startling, es
ially the songs which were comp
th y for the "actors" by Winthrop P
thy. CmsFoDto
Mr. Sarg comes here direct from
7:45 sharp troit where he scored a tremendou
at the Arts and Crafts theater.
)ffice open at 7:15 Ann Arbor performances aret
given under the auspices of theA
ciation of Collegiate Alumnae
seats may be secured now at W
book store.
Officers of the New England club
will be elected at a meeting to be hela
at 7 o'clock Wednesday night at tb,-
Y. M. C. A. At the same time the
constitution committee, appointed at a
recent meeting, will present the con-
stitution which has been drawn up.
Both men and women should be pres-
John Galswor
Hill Auditorium
Tickets Soc at Wahr's, Slater's and Sheehan's. Box o
Auspices of the Oratorical Association