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April 05, 1919 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-04-05

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WIONIERFU 1111 1 II II, 'NU MERII- '41 51 {'. U1Y 1101T M ~G PlO-
Futritiii, Grc'an, and "flade at
Rone" (r iions iluler in Thousand Joys Seekers Swirl to Mus-
and Out of i o114s 3: ic, i lEcia.y of Enoy.

- - ent
(hy Brce Milhi and Harry --.
Carey) (By H. C. L. Jackson)
With all ginghams atd Mother Hub- -H h oe-
bards contributed to the Red Cross sThe J-Hop has rocketed o to the
clothing drive, only the daintiest of social heaven, burst into a thousand
.venn o w seena[ather1919prk-black, white, and all thencl-
Junior 1101). or of the raibos-shot glowing
Joseph's Coat may hare teen of I through the balmy nigh and-comne to
many colors but the party dresses last an end.
night were of all cslors, and many, if Five crowded hours of happiness: a
the sun, were at least surprisingly er jumble of music, lights, colors, smiles
new to Waterman gymnasium. They - and then, a sweetly swinging waltz
in o likened in color effect oly to slowly dying away into a silence ting-
oil posred iusonwtr 01nd5'r a bril-oisitsrow
liantsun.ed with sorrow.
The black of the men's evening Weeks of planning and consistent
dress, the navy blue of the ensigns, T H E I9 1 9 J U N I0 R H O P work by the committee made possible
and the olive drab of the army un- last night's success. The playing of
iforms served only to pronounce the Fully a thousand people took p art in the greatest social event of the school year, held in Waterman gym-
the orchestras, Wright's and Benson's
contrast. nasium last night. Five hundred guests representing practically every state in the union, and a number of for-
Wondrons Models eign countries, helped make the Annual Junior Social Event of 1919 one1 of the greatest in the history of Mich- solo dancer from Chicago, added a
There were gowns which could sgdait
never have been washed with Ivory professional touch to the event.
Soap-they were so short--and thereB f
were others modeled distinctly after fIhfl iaan RUSS FLEET TO FIGHTfl TOlnnnm rma[n lndo Clr
ihu mrincessuPatricia'sIdIsign,1traII- Color was the salient characteristic
thse Princess Patricia's designati al- [N IU IIA LIDIWRIHIP 7of henvet. heHo asa vi
ing barely upon the floor. There were LALL IED WVAR SHIPS of the event. The Mop was a living
gowns which would have made a Pa- f ---n Phl (ITHTf kaleidoscope of shifting shades; a
quill, a Worth, or a Bulloz envious, and I'LLEIS rotating, swirling mass of laughing
there were gowns made by loving (By Associated Press) women and smiling men; a blend of
mothers back in 1-loieville. L-London. April 4.--The Russian BalticLAST1SHOWINGOF.PLA1Y IN CIT futurist deoraons and post-futurist
Some had girdles with tinkling WILSON ('ONFINED TO HIS BE) Ifleet has been ordered by trotzkyy Ii tY fsturIt01e1 (ainsIad ost-retsess
charms for luck and looks; scarfs WITH SEVERE COLD, RESTS the Bolshevik inister of marine and TRIP dresses.
Nith rosebuds sprinkled on them; a WELl war, to sut to sea, according to the Nothing could be more striking than
bandeau or two wilt Japanese stencil ---- Mail. They have also been orderedi ,the contrast between the spirit rife in
S titi tis(By Associated Press) to attc the Allies under the penalty e o, , the 1919 Uon the great Waterman gymnasium at
Oprwlcper-auta feno one-thirty this morning, and the at-
seibled the familiar "V. tt C. A." i rSanbFrancisco,iApril4.-Sonyungatg ot if the itistru- ,i teatraefe
San hanciscoaAkt ihw-;tiCyre g tiostt are not followed out to the let- 5ttrthe neyftH o mosphere of the same building at one-
borders and thing-a-bobs covered withprincipalter.paity audience of -oppers, for its thirty yesterday afternoon. Night saw
Valenciennes lace or Virgin Island ous sect in Korea, has been named sixth performance of the season. The the consummation of a thousand
trims; and barrel-bunches reminding president of the recently entire cast and chorus have remained the consat of a th ouand
peietoth reety declared + dreams, day saw only the mechanical
one of striped damask table cloths. Korean provisional government with in Ann Arbor for this special engage- for the evening.
No middy blouses, sport collars, .o.perEheey aieagonmeon herstae tour
Mosquetaire sleeves, or draed hi-eadquartersin Manchuria, according so the performance will be complete event was completed early yesterday,
pockets were observed. to a cablegram received here today by aof Punci in every detail. Practically every seat and the tremendous hall stood silent,
Many of the slippers worn were de- the Korean National association from ---- has been sold for today's appearance. A single footstep within the building
Mayitesipr T his year's Opera may e favorably s igefose-ihntebidn
corated with, flower rosettes upon the the Rev. Hyun Soon, its representative Wafers numbering over 30,000, sent its echoes up to the high ceiling,
tresetr feitherdbr easmd ocompared ith the pre-war produc-tornbakginhouhhecop
ttes, ti feathered bird-heads made to in Shanghai. A cabinet of eight port- punch climbing into a mediocre posi oris of th Uhn prd-thi paks - to ring back again through the canopy
look like owls with little beady eyes folios was named. tiou with 100 gallons of it cosu- o o , ad of bunting, to reverberate once again
always peering up thlrogh the dtst Jianchurian Capirsl ed, and lemons steping to the front Well Balanced Pla from the walls.
rcied by 500 coupies. wth 400 thei essaiyiakes the llfomth walls.BBc
Colors Vary - The seat of the provisional govern- J e a ecord breaker fur the The production has no exceptionally m Gym to BallnRoom
J-ecrdbrakp orth ie points or any extra brilliant star, InteaeroWtrmng -
Flame-colored gowns predominated, ment is in an unnamed Manchurian consumption of refreshments. bit pis a aned ra frm ntun agym-
shedding a sharp contrast to the oth- city, the cable said. The members of Averaging more than ten wafers to but it is a well balanced Opera from nasium was waiting. A breath of ex-
ec brightly colored dresses and decor- the cabinet include Park Young Ho, each terson. the waiters at the Bop gtart to finish. This is, perhaps, the pectancy hovered the air. The
ations. One girl carrying a large revolutionary leader in 1885, vice- last night, were kept busy carrying greatest praise that can be accorded sweeping expanse of the floor drft-
flame-colored ostrich fan attracted no president, and Dr. Syngman Rhee, the delicacies to the booths. A force a musical comedy. Every man does ed into the distance, its polished sur-
little attention from the other danr- peace delegate, now in Philadelphia of seirs e ecessary o his part well, and the result is a pleas- face ut in weird geometric figures
ers. Vivid green and midnight blue secretary of statethemsuppliedtuing burlesque, shy in comedy it is by the red and white lines of the bask-
frocks also helped to swell the com- A Korean "Battalion of Death," con-' More than 1,200 oranges were used Te, but well rounded alds truwhole. nballcourts:tines that seethed like
plexity of color designs. sisting of 600 men fully armed, has in making thepnh hl h 0 he same criticism hodstue of narrow pathways to guide the foo-
plxh fclrdsgs itn ffl suflyauehsi ous iepsiuru, while tle 400 the nmusic There it no especially steps in some intricate dance.
Miss Elizabeth Bade was attired in crossed the Tunankang river from lemons neutralized their sweetness to thy une or a s wl e ly Daylig the prae dhnce
a Ward rose gown, trimmed with a Manchuria into Korea, pledged not to such a degree that the drink was madecatchy tune or any that will fa long Daylight then pervaded the scene,
band of jet. In her auburn hair she return until Korea is free, the cable tasteful remembered, but there are no failures showing with its matter-of-fact cold-
rore a black comb. said. If place side by side in a continu- either. The numbers blended well, and ness a grudging .appreciation of the
A black dress embroidered in gold Paris, April 4. - The condition of os string, the wafers, according to several had quite tuneful airs, but they decorations. It was as though the
and with a gold fringe, gave a Span- President Wilson who is confined to those in charge, "would stretch from are noti up to the standard of "Men dull day outside were striving as best
ish effect. Others that attracted at- his bed with a severe cold was not Tskio, inag, oroldllinorsfrnt of the Maize and Blue,"' The Friars' it might to shatter with its pessimism
tention were an apricot satin with a changed tonight according to a. bulletin the Jacifc oceaan wouldn't be able to Sng, "My Old Town Canoe," or the preparations for the reign of
very narrow skirt, a wine-colored vel- issued by Rear Admiral Grayson, his melt 'emr, either." even'"Bluebook Blues" of past operas. pleasure and light.
vet with a large orange.colored ostrich personal physician, at 6 o'clock to- "Mary Me, Mary," "My Lover," and It seems as if the struggle between
feather, i black satin brocaded with night. "Come On, Dad" uare undoubtedly the winter and spring going on outside
silver flowers and cloth with silver The bulletin reads, "President Wil- ANNOILNCES ELEVENTH HOR best musical numbers. "Diplomacy" the gymnasium were repeated inside.
bodice, a spangled tulle over gold son's condition is virtually unchanged, REVISION OF GUEST LISTS has a fairly catchy swing. And just as the chill prosaic fingers of
cloth, ruby red gown with paune vel- but he had a comfortable day and se- - Al Star Cast winter released their clutch and gave
vet with long sleeves and silver rib- cured needed rest." - Booth 15-The Misses Dorothy Fink, The cast is either an all-star cast a warm evening for the Hop, so the
bon sash. Under Terrific Strain Detroit; Edaline Roden, Grand Rap- or a no-star cast, as one may judge. tawdry touch of daylight yielded with-
Grecians Gowns Seen Until late today no specific bulletin ids. Booth 17-Miss Nancy R. Speer, Almost everyone does his part well. in the gym to the glowing mystery of
Two 'or three gowns of Grecian was issued concerning his condition. Mt. Clemens. Booth 20-Miss Flor- James E. White, '20, as Thomas ight-and the lilting fantasy of the
lines were seen on the floor. A Chi- Were-it not for the fact that the Pres- eoce E. Eddy, Detroit. Jonathan Broadhead, Sr., makes no dance.
cago girl, wearing a black satin gown ident has been under a terrific strain Monks' booth was changed from No. mistakes in his interpretation of the Hop Is On!
and a red rose in her hair, and carry- and deprived of his usual amount of 27 to 29. Their chaperones are Mr. character of a hen-pecked American Night arrived, the dancers entered
ing a large red ostrich fan, received exercise, his illness would be the cause and Mrs. John A. Pasedach, Chicago, business man off on a little excur- the hall, and the musical magic of the
many compliments front the particip- of little worry. Rear Admiral Gray- Il. sion. He acts just right, evening awakened, and banished for
ants in the da n son has been constantly on the alert the nonce the cares of a work-a-day
Large ostrich fa0s of nearly every watching the President for signs of Detroit Girl Leads March in '16 Booths Number 50 in 1916 world.
color in the spetrum were seen on a breakdown especially since the two Beatrice Floyd of Detroit led the Fifty booths were placed under the The J-Hop of 1919 has flashed into
the arms of the gue -Sdof the men of days on board the ship when the Pres- grand march in 1916 with Edward E. running track in 1916 for the various history. The best of it remains -
the University. ident was slightly ill. Mack, '17, chairman. organizations. MEMORY.

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