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April 05, 1919 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-04-05

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Pubtished ve9y morningexcept M1on1dy
dbrig te nnissity ya by tbheiBordi
Cntrol ofI Stdeti Pbliaiss.
Th 3Asocate Pes isexlu iely entild
patches ceied 9o itsor not otberwse cd
i ths paper and-31al1o3tie loa nws1 ..
Etered a e posoffbe at Assnlbrbo,
Mihiga,s secon clas mate
Sbscptons by carie 9orm 1l,$35.
(Iffic s: n o r Plb ss 99 l9dng
Phoes: 11 9'3es,9690; 1Editol 44
Cab c Re- ...... Mnaging 1dito
Harold N bs,33s3n. 1,333339Buines3Mna3ge
Joseph A. Bernstin
Harry A. Carey, Hugh W. Hithcok,
Rnaud Sherwood, Earl L. Wiener,
Thomnas H. Adams, Frank Weer,
11. C. 1L. Jackson, Milton Marx
William 11. LFevre
W. A. Leltzinger 1D. R. Seloffner
IL. A. Sullivan, J. A. Kennedy, Duane
Atiller, G. F. Weinfeld, A. 1. Glazer,
11. A. Newton
Visitors to Michigan for the first
time, revisitors to Michigan, students
of Michigan, all guests of the 1919
Junior Hop, welcome!
Michigan is glad to welcome you to
its biggest social function of the year.
The J-Hop is a Michigan tradition of
which we are very proud. It repre-
sents the best that we can offer you
ini the realm of our social life.
It is a cbanged Universiy that
greets you this year. Last year there
was ino Ilop; misilitarisim was in the air.
Is the iterval between the ulp last
heldi and the present one, Michigan
has beens through mianiy trials.
Many of our men have left us inever
to return. Many have left who will be
away for a long floms to coin. Those
who stayed became less the student
and more the soldier. Michigans be-
came a training ground for the army
and isavy.
But the war stopped, and the pend-
191m swung back again. Micigai is
once more a university. And, it that is
possible, is is more of a university
than ever before. We have come back
to the old order with renewed enthus-
iasm. We have come back to studies
with a new appreciation.
The J-Hop is part of the old Univer-
sity. But into it is breathed the spirit
aisd the enthusiasm of the iess. The
J-Hiop will be different as the tUniver-
sity is different.
And to the -op we bid you wel-
Dancing, like everything else, has
comse up through the ages in various
stages of evolution.
The first fornm of dancing was the
tribal dance, dne on festal occa-
sioins such as anniversaries and vic-
tories, by our primitive forefaters.
They were usually performed in a cir-
cle surrounding a fire or an idol.
The Bible tells of the dancing girls
who diverted ings David and Solo-
mon. They were somewhat less fe-
rocious in their gyrations, and had the
accompaniment of cymbals and zith-
era and other musical instruments.
'Then we had the Greek dancing.
The Greek girls danced on the lawns,
an~d 9wor garlainds us their hair. They
were real personifications of spring
or suimmer or watevr they chose to
There are many other kinds of
dancing. Our Anerican Indians have
their own particular style. The Orien-

tals have a somewhat different kind,
if we are to believe the movies. But
all nations and peoples have some
form of it.
The lhighsest stags in the evolution
osf danciisg seems to have been reach-
ed at present. Especially is this iso-
Iiceable arioundlAinisArbor, where
onily one topic ini regard to lancing
is talked of tiiday. 'T'he apex of danc-
inig his bien attaineid. There is noth-
ing that can surpass the J-Houp!
.And what times did you hop out?
S:,ill, you ciold hsardly call it hospping
at three o'clock in the isorining, after
suich a large evening.
Come Din, Dad, lets gv- 13Jilt--
mor Girls' lay wills the NIi'cln Wooed
Maidens inithe Greeni Stockiugs^
bHow are all ithe J-H-oppers 1 i.

(Bly F. L. IW.)

Anastaseus XXVQ
We asked the wise Old Timer
Why the Co-edo in this camp
Are never, never, bidded tii the lisp;
And he blinked and said the C.o-eds
Lacked the ways and means to vamsp,
And ever, always ever, will talk
And we said that solos were pretty,
And that some had winning ways,
And we thought ignoring then, to he
a shams;
Dot hse blinked and said the Co-eds
Hlad all passed their dainciing lays,
An~d igisoring theiis was just partiof
the ganme.
And the wise Old Timer blinked again
And lamped the full-dressed ranks,
And he took my ear and whispered,
"Listen kid!
Nuows'the chaps thal lake ltheioutio'-
Might nearly all sing thans
That the fellows, not ths Co-sds, give
the bid."
That reminds us, that if there is to
be an5 election of P~oet Laureate of thse
Hop we wish tis nomniate Doctor
Thoimnas Lovell, poet. Ini spiie if ihe

(And this ws garnersid fromstlb
"Waskom Weekly") : "Yesterday the
editor was visited by Captain Dunlap,
cumanmder of Battery Four aisd his
Whichs demuonstrates other advan-
tages of military training.
Whiy Girls Leave Hoome
Well, the co-eds are here every day.
The girls are all as sweet as pie,
Andl say!l Doin't they just look soi
I sliceswouldl like tii makle ltiis hop,1-
It I'd a girl ,I coiilid.
Somsehow the girls all scoff at ins,
They sinicker at iuy neat gray tuque;
I guesss thsat I doii't rate5 5s1 much-
To', them 'i ljust a jolke.
Perhaps it's 'cause I try so hard
Tu he a first class college guy;'
I wear hone glauses, leather coat-
And yet they pass mns by.
I've learneid tu siioke since comning
Aind never get sick ainy iiore;
The girls wcoo't siiimehosw look at inc ---
N's goids!lThley isakseiie sure!

But Alas!l Salada
Had the Dope O. K.
RSe 1hadlspentiloug hoirs iimbsibing
lbs wsickedl waters of Salada.,sinly Is
seailthe prophilecyof thislea leaves
at the end of eachl lurriesd draught.
Shse had shufflesdaind dealt the Nil,'
foitn 1193telling carids until1they wesre
iriayed ansIflutty. Her breathiing was
be3oiniig forced aind her eyes wsere
glassy ansI shiftilng.
Tssii weeks until the'Hop ansoill1
the psyc3111hic1machinery said ''No!"
As a last resort she draftesd her
rouimmate iitoscltinig tile triangled
oracle 01 the Ouija, 199ascsIWhilstiles
we515 199113(Sillentri tng, according to
Hssy'li'.the lhesitating 1foot1o(Ithe trilan-
gbe startsedi9to 9m19ve 155o111rd tat.hav
391 sf jo19 c.lled1 lbss, iilin th 17v'991c-
Tile phioine iaig.'So99')one' -'lisd
hler inaie.s' She 'grtudgingly sinapped,
"'m1no101 heie,"andil urge'dlthessr-as'es'
oil1 towsard the a-firmive 9'goal.
A c'slnge of 119e11t. Asuideld' e
and ar-risval oi1 the bll forebosdsnlg,
'"No'' aindthelienlehadssagisal-1
ed her late.
'The gil who hasd been doing tele-
plloile duty swanked in wilth a trel-
110311 laughter ansI annouflteslo991 the
19) the 1-op as hehsadsasl W-mnulte opi-
ton la tisket. 'los basd but theis is 1
19919 like yubolsrn every mite. " t
'T'he conv9eniosna~l bsiness of tin.9t-
iing einsuied 'aiiong 599919915 1o1.l(119s
3919 dash's of1 water.

New Location
iNickels Arcade
Riding Breeches
Golf Suits

se-ion s were 19 taxi cabi, I knssow that if I wnerei't a froshi
'They go to hops aiid plays; Somis pretty girl wolds go with ise;
They always are retiring. And next year I'll sure see this hop-
And they have such taking ways. just stick arounid aisd as!
No description combplete withiout '- This being a frosh is no blamed fuis,
"Terpsichorean." It surely msakes a good man sours;
The next frosh class that enters hsere
Diction and Abusage Shioild start off' ao the sophloimore.
Scintillate, scintillate, (Thils contribution is thle 9ork of
Diminutive planetary luminary; Eosie Snosokumss, onen of 'our young
Howur cgtaeconsiuntspoets whol uses verse 599 propoundiiihhis
Vmirphysieconsiteny,' lpropagandia.a tnivesity Regemits 1please
Elevatsd shove this mundmmiane sp~herid e.RseiaIrieves it-n
To such suplerinal altitudes, haiis tiesl behimid hilmo, a91191is Iot
Analagous to a csarbonma'eoums g iii is, "Mbeter iio) objec9t.")
In lbsensmpyreans.
Now derietha's verso nlad- Ileceni IRevision for ,-lleplers
No.densh!' ee s mlai- The Aimtomat of this Breakfast 'Ta-
ish! ble.
Classroom Tragedies No. 6754643
"Now, according to thse Greek class- "He'd mnever had any childhood, he-
cs"said the rhetoric instructor,isgbrathegeomis!
"there are three unities. 'These are
the unitieis of those, of place, ansd- " A strange andsI tartlimig coinciei1nce
"This girl!" piped the Sophonmore, occurred recemtly ois the camspus. 'The
who had sent out two bids amid wsas in library clock striuck ninle just 15 it
receipt of two acceptances. wa~s 9 o'clock.
"Iom direting my-cotirsto lport," Thiiat's 'loo Technical, ?Mabeh!"
signalled Cevers, as lie heaiheid for lie "'There's iio discharge iii the war!"
wine cellar. saidlthe conunsanat, as his hamidedh
_________ Seaman B'Cillifisrslhis i'e'lease fromn
"Yea Ma)'aylire Witen heady, act Iieiduty.
Synopsis: Theres' no symopsis) We idont kisowo what's the anssser,
CHAPTER 1 but one of our correspondents wanuts
"Sing Sing, Everyone Join - !" Is know if Pompean Cream s used
These inspiring lyrics rang with on the Eruption of Vesuvius.
cheer and fellowship as the boys in
stripes toasted their alma mater. Which wasn't1 a rash question at
(To be concluded at the next Hop)1 that.



04 irhdigatt :4ai1yj Reduced in price;
for the rest of the college year $1.00


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