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April 05, 1919 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-04-05

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Richigan Men Take Part in Every Gets Last Hun Plane
Branch of Country's George Ohrstrom, '19, is credited
Service with bringing down thenlast German
plane and distinguishing himselt in
UNIVERSITY BANNER other manners the time that he flew
HAS 127 GOLD STARS over the Western front.
This is only a small list of the
many Michigan men who have con-
Some Win Fame as Aviators, Others ducted themselves in a gallant manne
Lend Service on Land or Sea, in the war. Space limits the descrip-
with "Y" or Red Cross tion of what Michigan has done, for
practically every man in school has
(By Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.) been in service, and of these many
With 127 gold stars, signifying the have seen active service in France.
supreme sacrifice, in its flag of innu-
merable other stars, the University of ----
Michigan has contributed its share to
win the Great World War to save de- WSEA 11S CROIX DE l{RP:E
mocracy. Many of its alumni have re--
turned from the battle fields of France Tom McAllister, '191vter -
unscathed, after months of fighting in an of active fighting on more than
the region of flying bullets and half a dozen fronts in France,
screeching shells. and swinner of th. Croix de
Many of the alumni returned with Guerre, walks the campus ot
wounds received in the midst of the Michigan, the only man in the
most severe battles of the war which University at present, to hold
will cripple them for life. Many re- the honor.
ceived injuries of a greater or smaller McAllister, too modest to be-
nature. These men will return to the stow upon himself that praise
walks of life which they forsook, to do which is due him, refuses to tell
their bit. exactly what his citation was
Practically the entire male element for. Nevertheless, his record of
of this school was in the service. service brands him as a true
Many left before the United States veteran of the great war, while
entered the war and served in the his experiences in both the air
Canadian aviation, the French ambu-I and on land make him a finished
lance corps, or the Lafayette esca- fighter.
drille. They were followed upon the
United States' declaration of war y
a multitude of lovers of the Maize and ------ -----
Blue.In Every Branch of Service ieroes of Hop
Men were in the aviation, infantry, Given Aw r
navy, signal corps, cavalry, artillery,
coast defense, and all other branches (By Bruce Millar)
of the service including the S. A. T. C.
Among them were those who served Ann Arhor, (o lie Huroi) April 4
in France, those who were wounded, -Anouncement of the following re
and those who won the highest miii- wards of merit was made public late
tary honors of this and other cou- this evening by. the Inhumane Soci-
tries. Theseien iwho saw such grim et, at its laily meeting in a localt
amdsare inspiring events, were vamptitparlr.
among the number of those present at Cutiing Conduct Medal
the biggest and gayest social event of Awarded to those in charge of
the University year. Moe's and Trojies dressing stations
Attending the J-Hop were those men located on North University Ave. For
who had seen death, flirted with the devotion to duty, and daring areless-
Great Beyond, and participated in the ness to personal danger during a e
great inferno caused by the Hun. days of the big drive from March 31
Such men as these have brought re- to April 3, when chin and ear casual-
nown to themselves and to their Uni- ties were especially numerous.
Rolly Winslow; '19L, is a notable
example of the achievements wrought
by the University men. Enlisting in
the Y. M. C. A. he served for many
months in Italy, and se ao conducted T E
himself that he was honored with anlT
appointment as honorary captain in
the Italian army.
Arch Wenley, '20, who was seen on
the floor of Waterman gymnasium
this evening, was a member of the
naval gun crew of which so much was
heard in the last days of the war.
His work was that of firing the gi-
gantic 14 inch naval guns with a
range of 20 to 30 miles, on the re-
treating German lines. Laon and
Metz were the places which resound-
ed with the echo of his battery.
Youngest Major in Army
As the youngest major in the Amer-
ican armisy, William Shand, '21L, serv-
ed in France for some time in the
quartermaster's department where he
clothed an entire division, which ne-
cessitated his proximity to the firing
lines at all times. He is only 22 years
of age.
JmsMrioTalr11,otn"termed the handsomest man on the i h g
campus, was anotherof the men with M ich ig
war records, seen on the floor at the
gymnasium. He enlisted in the French

ambulance corps when the United
States entered the war, and after serv-
ing for some time he returned to this
country, where he received a commis-
sion as a lieutenant.
Gus Sorling, '21L, returned from N o Finer
France with two gold service stripes
after seeing atcion in the Argonne
woods and other places with the ar-
tillery of the first army.
S. S. Attwood, Grad, one of Michi-
gan's biggest men last year in the
Engineering school, after being com-C O
missioned an ensign, served as an en-
gineer on transports, and crossed the
Atlantic twice.
Trevett Chase, '21, enlisted in the
Foreign Legion, and upon the entry
of the United States into the war, he
returned to this country. Enlisting in
the American army he again crossed
to France.
George Hodges, '21, distinguished
himself by divine ader hurning oil
and rescuing two ielisv aviators from
a fallen plane. For sts deed he has
been given a citation.
Darby Kenyon, '19E, a it, has the
record of bringing down s- eral Ger-
man planes over the allied h1e

Order of Fond Parents only with equipment "C", he displayed
The citation reads as follows: great ingenuity in appearing in the
"lerold Dadd, Fifth City, U. S. A., offensive at Waterman with correct
awarded th-e O. F. P. For extraordin- evening dress salvaged from many dif-
ary freedom of allowances. Deported ferent sources.
himself with great generosity in action O
from March 1 to 30 around the down- (rder ef the uble Cross
town shopping districts. Was unisual- Awarded to the red-headed engineer
ly skillful in strafing tailor shops and who wears Munson last shoes and
bargain counters." whose interest in society events is or-
lises Sit leut('s (evs j dintarily limiteud ts those related in
)tesS Suit Re1tles Cressice Gazette. He was tireless it
X. B. Private, '20, D. S. R. C. When his efforts of ladeling punch and toting
all of his civilian wardrobe was looted refreshments to his famished comrades.
by enemies behind the lines, clothed Though receiving a collar wound in

the back o the neck during the grand
march he continued to advance and
conducted his buddie to safety.
President Angell III at 1916 Hop
President-Emeritus Angell was ill
at the time of the 1916 Hop and he
died on April 1 of that year.
Guests Travel 4,981 Miles
Guests in one booth in 1915 made
round trips totaling 4,981 miles to
come to the Hop.

\Music and Entertainment
i n AIl Brcanches
Call Up Randolph 6181 and ask for
Novelty Entertainment Features Furnished
for Every Conceivable Occasion
Address All Communications
11th Floor, Garrick Building
64 N1. Randolph St., Chicago


Michj aris
C ole ,e
So C

an's Favorite College Songs
r Souvenir of Michigan for J-Hop Guests
Scores and Sheet Music
UniVeelt 3 f ic 1bouze
Ifirs. iAAf hunt
itlujuarD ati iam h #tnu~trrh

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