SOUVENIR I7 C ~ /It'IAt(gIfl11 lAtIV MIDNIGHT HOP EXTRAj J lI ~ JIIU MWI~ EDITION VOLUME XXIX ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1919 PRICE TEN CENTS "TO RSINAUURATES'19_iHOP IMES POPIJULAR If the Cosmopolitans Were to ringIIEATEST SOCIAL EVENT OF YEAR COME ON, DAD" T SURPASSES ALL PREVIOUS PROMS FEAJURE OFTODAY AWITH WONDROUS MUSIC AND DANCE SOUTH AMERICAN SE'TINt AND WELL EXECUTED SCENERY Wholl, AJd 'Em MfASSIVE U. OF X. FORMED BY FORM BACKGROUND THOSE IN ATTEND- APANEOWith Hop Over? ANCE LAST APPEARANCE OF 'L SHOW BEFORE TRIP GRAND MARCH MAKES (By Irene Ellis) IMPRESSIVE SHOWING While a man puts a roll of bills Ent Ensemble Remains in Ann (this is fiction) in his conventional 1919 Decorations Outdo AnyFormer Arw to En nrtai lop Guests trousers' pocket and trusts to Provi- Attempts at Making Gymnasium with Sixth Annual Opera dence for the security thereof-- not so Look Like Ril Room with woman. She is not so optimis- (By Charles R. Osius, Jr.) j tic. She buries any currency of which "Come On, Dad," the 1919 Union she may be the erstwhile pssessor in TheJun o. '.Jackson) Opera, will appear Saturday afternoon such uncanny places as library table The Junior Hop is on. at the Whitney theater before a ca- '" drawers, jewelry boxes and knitting Swaying to the music of a pulsing pacity audience of J-Hoppers, for its Ibags. orchestra, five hunderd couples are sixth performance of the season. The But the luckful lady who lured her swinging across the floor of Water- entire cast and chorus have remained 'way into the J-Hop will no longer have man gymnasium. In Ann Arbor for this special engage- to disturb her newly marcelled head That huge edifice, the scene of so ment before going on the state tour, in cudgeling her cerebrum in the quest many sharp track and basketball bat- so the performance will be complete of appropriate receptacles for money. ties, has hidden its grim vault be- in every detail. Practically every seat The J-Hop committee was ever- hind a canopy of ribbons, and the has been sold for today's appearance. thoughtful and furnished her with the bleak business-like walls have been Not Loeal competent favor of a mission leather transmuted into maize and blue by the This year's Opera may be favorably pocketbook with room for the all-nec- powers of youth. Along the sides of compared with the pre-war produc- essary puff and pencil (eyebrow, not the building run the booths-havens lions of the Union, and this speaks graphite), of rest, where comfortable chairs hold well for "Come On, Dad." The one The bill-folds for men are equally out welcoming arms to the tired dane- outstanding characteristic of the Opera attractive. Most of the escorts are ers. If such there are. is that it is entirely devoid of any lo- wondering, however, what on earth Form For Grand March cal coloring. This is the first Union the committee thought they could fill Slowly, at First, the couples difted Opera that has completely lent itself such an article with around Hop time. to the ball room floor through the to consideration of a situation that is doors of Barbour gymnasium. Jp on completely divorced from the Univer- NA the running track, preparatory snds sity. One or two insignificant re- Ecame from the two orchestras,that marks about Ann Arbor are the excep- furnish the music for Michigan's great tions that prove the rule. To some, social event. Then in ever increasing this absence of campus influence is a nPRS IDE N rinumbers they came, until the black decided detriment, but, taken all in and white of the men's attire all, it is one of the factors that will formed a striking backround make the Opera more popular on its for the shimmering dresse, of trip. Outside audiences will, no doubt, WILSON CONFINED TO HIS BED their guests, and the floor was be far more pleased with this type than (By Earl L. Wiener) WITH SEVERE COLID9 RESTS dotted with people seeking their with a campus operetta. The tissue flowers blue and pink their And the serpentines unfolding, grace- WELL booths. The production has no exceptionally painted petals spread, ful curls and loops display, - Then began the grand march fine points or any extra brilliant stars, And the ivy lifts its leaves to kiss the While the dancers intermingling speed (By Associated Press) Owing to an unavoidable autoppbile but it is a well balanced Opera from lilacs overhead; the halcyon hours away. San Francisco, April 4. Son Pyung delay, Karl Velde and his pgtner, start to finish. This is, perhaps, the The oriental lanterns sway with rythm 'Tis a picture full of color - 'tis tleI thi. head of the principal native relig- were unable to arrive until the grand greatest praise that can be accorded to the strains hop in festive glory, ous sect in Korea, has been named march was over. D. D. Nash aod Miss a musical comedy. Every man does Of the subtle silken waltzes with their But our canvas is not yet complete so president of the recently declared Hazel Storz of Royal Oak led intead. his part well, and the result is a pleas- gossamer refrains. onward with the story! Korean provisional government with Flash Photo Taken ing burlesque, shy in comedy it is Confetti in all hues and tints drifts We must now include the florists and headquarters in Manclparia, according Twisting and twining across., the true, but well rounded as a whole. lightly from on high the new spring taxi crop, to a cablegram received here today by gymnasium, while "The Victors' re- Music Good As though blown off from the rain- And the guy that rents the evening the Korean National association from verberated to every portion 9f . the The same criticism holds true of bow that was painted in the sky; duds, and then - on with the hop! the Rev. Hyun Soon, its representative great building, the procession came to the music. There is no especially in Shanghai. A cabinet of eight port- rest in a perfect block "M.5' A little ctchy tune or any that will be long folios was named. confusion, a moment of breathless sil- remembered, but there are no failures MICHIGAN MUSICAL NORTH, SOUTH, EAST Manchurian Capital ence, a lowering of the lights, and the either. The numbers blended well, and CLUBS WIN FAME AND WEST, AT IOP The seat of the provisional govern- flashlight was taken. The JHop of several had quite tuneful airs, but they ment is in an unnamed Manchurian 1919 had been caught and 'recorded are not up to the standard of "Men city, the cable said. The members of against the time when this night will of the Maize and Blue," "The Friars' BAND, GLEE AND) MANDOLIN GUESTS FROM FOUR CORNERS OF the cabinet include Park Young. Ho, be only a happy memory in -the inhnds Song," "My Old Town Canoe," or SOCIETIES FORM SOURCE EARTH ATTEND 1919 revolutionary leader in 1885, vice- of those who drift across the flo e to even "Bluebook Blues" of past operas. OF PRIDE PROM president, and Dr. Syngman Rhee, the music of the orchestras. "Mary Me, Mary," "My Lover," and peace delegate, now in Philadelphia Next came a pause, a bit of' mur- "Come On, Dad" are undoubtedly the (By Thornton W. Sargeant, Jr.) (By Hugh W. Hitchcock) secretary of state. mured talk and laughter, and th or- musical numbers. "Diplomacy" A Korean "Battalion of Death," con- chestra blared into the first daMne of best afil atchy swing. Equalling and even surpassing or- Powder purchased in practically sisting of 600 men fully armed, has the 26 that constitute' the Hop The cast is either an all-star cast ganizations of other universities, the every state in the Union as well as in crossed the Tunankang river from program. It was a rollicking fox trot or a no-star cast, as one may judge. Varsity Band, Glee and Mandolin Canada, Netherlands, and Africa will Manchuria into Korea, pledged not to and under the influence o athe:uhirf- Almost everyone does his part well. Clubs of the University of Michigan protect feminine noses of J.Hop return until Korea is free, the cable ing music, the elements of the geat Jaes HroWhite,1, as Thomas have been a source of never endisg guests from the elements of Ann Ar- said. block M separated and driftedinto Jonathan Broadhead, Sr., makes no pride to the school. bor. Michigan's come-back Hop marks' Paris, April 4. - The condition of the spirit of the dance two andtwo. mistakes in his interpretation of the Their trips throughout the country the mingling of girls from districts President Wilson who is confined to The Junior Hop had started the character of a hell-pecked American have brought fame to Michigan ranging from Maine to Mississippi, as his bed with a severe cold was not preparatory steps were oust of the business man off on a little excur- through their interpretation of Mich- far west as California, and south to changed tonight according to a bulletin way. For the rest of the'evening'hm- sion. He acts just right. igan songs, as well as others. The Texas, issued by Rear Admiral Grayson, his til "'Til We Meet Again" drifts dream- Mathew Scott Towar, '19, as S. Varsity band was the only one to It would require an expert mathe- personal physician, at 6 o'clock to- ily across the floor, every member' of Swanford Stokes, Ph.D., LLD., etc., play before the meeting of the county matician to compute the number of night. the dancing ensemble has given' him- enters into the spirit of his role. His chairmen of the Seventh Federal Re- miles traveled for this week-end of The bulletin reads, "President Wil- self over to the glory of the social exaggerated walk and talk gets by serve District, representing five pleasure, or to ascertain the weight son's condition is virtually unchanged, pageant. well. Undoubtedly, he deserves the states, at a recent convention held in of the baggage of guests, handled at but he had a comfortable day and se- Decorative Scheme "..' applause accorded him. Chicago, the Ann Arbor depots. To try to fig- cured needed rest." Futuristic features 'are the keynote Moore Improves The convention greeted the band lire up the number of yards of tulle Under Terrific Strain of the decorative shamet Across the Paul M. Moore, '19, as Peter Grant, with hearty applause, and encored necessary for the myriads of party Until late today no specific bulletin top of the gymnasium have been leading juvenile, is quite successful. them again and again, spreading their gowns seen at the Hop would be to was issued concerning his condition. stretched streamer after streamer of In the last performance he corrected fame over the entire country. attempt the impossible. Were it not for the fact that the Pres- bunting, while the booths dre separat- his mistake of neglecting his sweet- The Glee and Mandolin Clubs, han- Cold statistics show that Detroit has ident has been under a terrific strain ed by pillars of blue and white. heart for the audience. His "Marry dicapped by war-time conditions were 119 representatives, Grand Rapids and deprived of his usual amount of Outside, in the quiet sprng' night, Me, Mary" was excellent. forced into a late start on their sea- sends about 34, and Toledo, Jackson, exercise, his illness would be the cause where just a touch of hare adds hsy- Knight Mirrielees, '20E, in the role son. For this reason, the customary and Lansing have good numbers. In of little worry. Rear Admiral Gray- stery to the evening, the atonobbiles of Tom Broadhead, Jr., gives the jazz Glee Club recital on the day after the 1916 the J-Hop entertained 111 De- son has been constantly on the alert line North UniversitF fori a fuhblock to the production that livened it up. J-Hop, has been cancelled. troit guests as compared with 57 at watching the President for signs of on either side of the entranceO'4osthe "Come On, Dad" had the right kind Plans are being made for recitals the Hop of the preceding year. a breakdown especially since the two gymnasium, waiting to fcarry. the of-stuff for him to demonstrate his to be given in spring. Though filling only 34 booths as days on board the ship when the Pres- dancers to their' homea and house- ragging ability. compared with 50 in 1916, the 1919 ident was slightly ill. parties, when the witching -hsuus'of Mrs. Marmaduke Wells, commonly J-Hop is larger by seven booths than The American executive, however, is two A. M. has come and 'gio. known as George Duffield, '21, Is the Detroit Girl Leads March in '16 that held in 1915. sick enough to make him not care to As each couple entered the ldoor of best feminine character, Paul Wil- Beatrice Floyd of Detroit led the A complete list of the booths, by read. He appears to be quite content Barbour gymnaslsm, the door tender son, 120, as Mary Broadhead, and H. grand march in 1916 with Edward E. what society occupied, and their guests to rest and sleeps lightly from time gave out the favors--a bill fold for (Continued on Page Right) Mack, '17, chairman. is given on pages five, six and seven. to time. each man, a purse for each woman.