THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, A. THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, A wH ITNEY TUES., April 8 David Helasco Presents David Warfiheld In The Auctioneer Seats by Mail-Prices: Lower Floor $2.50 Balcony $1.0 , $1.50, $2.00 NOT MANY THIRIFT STAMPS SOLD SINCE FIRST OF YEAR Of late, people seem to be losing the important virtue of thrift, as is shown by the decrease in the sale ofn thrift stamps since January 1. The backsliding along this line has been very marked, according to the banks and postaffices where they are sold. Lyndon, 719 N. University for fresh Eastman films. Open Sunday until 4:30 P. M.-Adv. L/ AT THE THEATERS - TOD)1)AY1 -~ majestic-' velts." "The Fighting Roose- ARCADE Ittarion Davies in, The Belle ot New York . Arcade York." 1Viiertli Sinl." - "The Belle of New = "The U npardona' -"A1 W~ild Co I b12 I ose 1 s Orplie uml Clia, v." Shiuert - Garrick, I) t t r o i t "Leave it to Jane." 11_() 'l1 B WI ITNEY TWH OIiES APtR llb8, IN "TTIE A ( (1'ION b:ERl.'. TAXI FOR THE 1101' You can still make res'-rv tion: with its for J-flog service. Ann Arbor ,ratxi Co. Phono 1,300.--Adv. LA"AJESTOC MJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly--All S ws Sunday I LAST. TIMES TODAY Detroit :Opera IHuse-on-the-Cam- pus-"Keep Her Smiling." . I 1 i AT THlE MAJESTIC, From the World Famous Stage Play About, one week before his death, Theodore Roosevelt gave his sanction to "The Fighting Roosevelts," the story of his life, which will be shown for the last times today at the Ma-' jestic. The story follows his strenuous ca- reer as the legislator fighting corrupt Ipoliticians, his exciting experiences in the wild west, his. return to politics and carries one with him through the career which kept his name on the front pages of the newspapers during the eventful years which made him the "most interesting American." AT THE WHITNEY "'What are the sensations of an actor who plays one part so many times ?" is one of the most frequent queries put to David Warfield, who comes to the Whitney, Tuesday, April 8, in his revival of "The Auctioneer." "On this subject," declares Mr. War- field, "temperament radically differs. The simulation of smiles and tears is not difficult for a trained actor of emo- tional qualities, and I can throw the vibrant accent of tears into my voice without necessarily sharing the feel- ing that produces them. But when- ever I do so, I say to myself that I have not acted in good faith." DETRO1IT 'OPEtA IHOUTSE ON THE CAMPUS In "Keep Her Smiling" the sparkling comedy in which Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew are appearing, this week at the Detroit Opera House on the campus, the two stars keep their well-known screen names of "flenry"' and "Polly." The story of the play is embraced in the efforts of a meek, poorly paid cashier to keel) his wife smiling, which he thinks is only to be attained by giving her everything she de- sire:{. Polly takes advantage of this unusual offer, and the necessary fren- zied finance which follows must be witnessed to be appreciated. GIRLS ATTENTION Get your hair washed and rinsed with rain water. No softened city water used. Try our celebrated egg shampoo. Face and scalp treatments. Mrs. J. R. Trojanowski. 1110 S. Univ- a Side entrance. Phone 6 96-W.-Adv. Use the 1)aiiy to reach the students. F~our thousand students read it every morning.-Adv. The Righting Roosevelts Shows at 3.00; 7.00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr's Res., 23x6-M Tur-Fri-3-4-Marion Davies in "The Behl of New York"; Christie Comedy, "Peggy Mixes In," and Ford Weekly. Sat-5--Geraldine Fa rrar in "Shadows' j(Ret.) ; and Big-V Comedy, "Boobs jand. Bumps." WERTH THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00,8:30, 10:00 Wed-Thurs-Fri-BLANCHE SWEBET in "THE UNPARDONABLE SIN. Mat. 20c; Evening, Box~es $1.00; Fist Floor, 40c; Balcony 30c. Sat-5-WILLIAM DESMOND in "The Prodigal Liar." Also Scenic and Comn- ely. --COMING- "HEARTS OF HUMANITY" I I s You have beard of "The Belle of New York." Rave you ever steen ItF Now is your opportunity. See the. most beautiful. girls .iii the world-the; famous ZIEGAFELD) BEAUTY CHORUS-who figuare prominently in the cabaret scenies. SATURDAY Geraldine Farrar in. t fInnh ado ws s iletnran) 11 ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00. 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Thurs-Fri-3-4-H1-AZEL DA~LY in "A Wild Goose Chase." Also a News and Comedy. Sat-5-CARMEL tREYERS in "The Lit- tle White Savage"' Also a News and Comedy. -COMING- . # SUND)AY AND XWIN, DAB Rex Beach's I E"2e Bra nd"~ Tomd"rrow--Saturd ay ELSIE FERGUSON - in - "THE PARISIAN WIFE" I "LITTLE WOMEN" LL Lmmmmmmmmm Featuring KAY LAURELL and RUSSELL SIMiPSON His Rest Picture since "The Spoilers" If you like thrills,.'see' tis picture mt a G R IC . Mat. $1.50 DETROIT 50c to $2 Wmn. Elliott F. Ri Comstock and M. Gest presen Leave It To Jane Blanchehenadnbei Sweet ine r nae i The very first night she came down in a daring French creation. Wow ! But the Puritan husband and "in laws" were horrified ! Worse "shocks yet to come! 'You will get even a bigger idea of Elsie Ferguson's brilliance when you see her dressed in these stunning Paris clothes. BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUE SELECTED COMEDY Sunday, Monday, Tuesday All Feature. Program "NEVER TOO OLD" I SENNETT COMEDY Today Shows-- Naval base Quartette Mat. 2- 4 Even. 7- 9 Tomorrow Enlarged Orchestra Prices--I Matinee 20c, Even.40 Balcony 30c Boxes $1.00 War Tax included in the 'above prices 4 -Jolly Tars-in I I WILLIAM FAVERSHAM Sing Songs - in - "'THE SILVER KING" N, Augmented Orchestra w P r J " ari th Theatre' ajeslic