TIE MICHIGAN DAIL Y ...r _..,. .w... . « .......... _ , J f It _ ; . --. "-''' ._- -. - _ _ - -__ - - R"W"Zwom SCHEIDLER BEATS PA RKS IN PRACTICE GAE 4-0 RELAY MEN TO REMAIN HERE DURING VACTIONi COACH LUNDGREN PICKS EVEN TEAMS' FROM SQUAI TWO I TO UNDERGO STRENUOUS WORK PREPARING FOR MEETS This soft condition of the track makes the going considerably harder and cuts down the time to some ex- tent, whereas the cinder path is usu- ally faster than the gymnasium oval. Only a few : of the freshman track men have started working out of doors as yet, waiting until after vacation to get their club-house lockers. For the yearlings who have not turned out yet but expect to do-so, Dr. May's Mass athletics program will give them a fine chance to place themselves. Spring track practice at Harvard started Monday. It is expected that there will be many representatives of the Crimson at the Pennsylvania re- lay carnival. Cornell Ball Team to Go Outside Soon Ithiaca, N. Y., April 2.-- Baseball practice at Cornell is still held in- doors. The squad hopes to go out the first part of next week #s Percy field is rapidly being put in shape. Students read The Daily.--Adv. DE LUXE -MILITARY STOCKS Smooth and Even Patented Back Crossing C:LJETT, PEABODY U CO.,Inc,Troy,N.Y. Traveling Bags Before QoingHome Look ober our large and complete line of Michigan's Varsity baseball squad played the second practice game of the season Wednesday. The coach is fast whipping the team into shape for the first game's of the season and is planning on holding this type of prac- tice often, firmly believing that the experience and knowledge which the men can secure in these games of far greater importance than any coaching 'hints he can give in the ordinary man- ner. The teams chosen yesterday were picked so as to divide up the talent as evenly as possible. This is different from the first and second team idea which was used in the first game. Scheidler Pitching The lineup on one of the nines was as follows: Huber, C.; Scheidler, P.; Bowerman, 1B.; Knode, 2B.; Garrett, 3B.; Vail Boven, SS.; Glenn, L.F.; Cooper,-C.F.; Pheney, R.F. The other team consisted of: Schluntz, C.; Parks, P.; Novak, 1B.; Froemke, 2B.; Karpus, 3B.; Anderson, SS.; Johns, L.F.; Langenhan, C.F.; Kimball, R.F. Only five innings were played but the game was full of interest for the onlookers. Four runs were made off of Parks while Scheidler held his op- ponents to no runs. Scheidler showed up in fine shape throughout most of the game and became wild only in the frst half of fourth inning. At that time it seemed as though the no run game he was pitching was lost to him. He walked Froemke and allowed Kar- pus to wallop a safe one just over the shortstop's head. Buts he soon recov- ered himself and threw two men out, thus pulling himself out of what seem- ed to be a bad hole. Parks Allows Three Of the four runs scored on Parks -three were made in the third inning. One man was out when Anderson ainded on one which put him on the fIrst bag. Sceidler followed and up- set the popular idea about the pitch- er's ability to hit by connecting neat- ly with the ball and advancing An- derson to third. Knode then brought Anderson In with a good hit. After these men managed to cross the home paite, Parits evidently decided that there had been enough base running and tightened up in a beautiful man- nr. The fast ones with which he fganed the next two batters showed the power of the am which this pitch- er owns i paing Iee Skates For 5E1 Membr of th Family x9~~; S~p OF, wO8 - 'Ctalogue oi rtonQt. A. G SPALDING & BROS. 211-217 So. &tat St. Chicago, II. Vlace Orders FOR Call 2700 Rates Reasonable and Top Service TAXI 009 Workouts on the track at Ferry field+ have begun again in earnest after a momentary hangup due to the untime- ly dose of cold weather which winter gave us as a parting token. Practically every man on the squad1 was out on the oval Wednesday get- ting in some strenuous work before vacation. But Easter vacation is an unknown quantity as far as the relay team is concerned for they will be having a dual schedule all next week, working both morning and afternoon every day. Several Others to Stay There are several other men of Farrell's squad who will be seen at Ferry field during the holidays as aH the tracksters have been urged to stay here if possible. These men will have a considerable advantage over the others when the regular schedule starts again on April 14, for they will have been ,improving their condition while the men who go home will un- doubtedly be softer when they re- turn. Anyone watching Farrell's \athletes issuing from the club-house these days would think that the styles had chang- ed and that the newest thing in track suits was the old army underwear. Instead of "the short trousered ar- tists" it was the woolen clad men that put in their appearance this week spik- ing the cinders. Track in Poor Shape The track is not in very good con- dition, due to the fact that they have not been able to roll the cinders. With three or four real warm days the ground-keeper thinks that the frost will be out of the soil sufficiently to enable them to work on it. As it is now, the . cinders stick to the roller and their work is of little avail. Wadhams & Co. STATE STREET STORE ---- Il II_ Three Suit Specials. w For EASTER' - -Made by THE ROYAL TAILORS 325 rI U !1 E ij I ii 35.50 11- 38.50 -I * , jl i i' ' r -1a To introduce The Famous Royal Tailored clothes to new Michigan men we of- fer 3 special bargains in made-to-order suits. S These suits will, be made just as you dictate. 400 patterns to select from and will cost you no more than ready made hand-me-downs. Come and select one of these suits and save some money. NEW LOCATION. Campus Bootery, SOUTH STATE ST. _, --.... ....... .. f I * 114 g If We measure you NOW, your suit will be ready for you when you come back after vacation. Call Today. ' I I ASTER is f of gray wi This year and Thankfulness. ashion's signal to doff the somber raiment iter and don the cheery modes for Spring. 1I Easter ushers in a fine spirit of Victory This is reflected in styles smacking of the spick and span Military Smartness.s Only good custom tailoring can .do full justice to the full chest, squared shoulders and form fitting waist of the new styles. i e pe'ace. Pen'tv Custom Tailoring, skillful cutting and fine needle work produces the real lines and per- manent shape that differentiates it from common-place clothing. Good fabrics in the latest and newest -weaves and patterns are ready for your selection. Easter i desvc Up dimc 11 Jr J. K. Malcolm 9+ fl Malcolm Block 604 E. Liberty St. , . a