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April 02, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-04-02

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VOL. XXIX. No. 130.








Orlando Insists Upon Setleient of
Italy's Boundaries Along with
Those of France
(By Associated Press)
Paris, April 1.- What is construed
as a warning that the world could not
long countenance further delay in the
adjustment of peace was delivered to
the allied premiers and military repre-
sentatives of the associated powers by
President Wilson yesterday.
Conference In War Office
It was larned that at a late hour
on Monday he arose during the con-
ference taking place in Premier
Clemeneau's room at the French war
office and solemnly assured the con-
freres of his belief that they should
do all intheir power to bring together
the loose ends in the debate in an ef-
fort to unite 'on peace terms upon
which a treaty might be presented to
Delays In Work
It is understood that the President
pointed Out frankly the delays that
have occurred in the work of peace
making. He declared thatthe world
was awaiting the conclusion of the
task of the conference and that it had
a right to expect early results
Appeals for Expedited Effort
The President's appeal for an ex-
pedited effort followed a longs session
in which there has been more than the
usual oratory.
Settlement of Italy's frontier ques-
tions contemporaneously with that of
France, was insisted upon today by
Premier Orlando at a conference with
President Wilson just before the coun-
cil of four convened to discuss the
Italian frontier question.
Joint Peace with Atria Suggested
Premier Orlando's suggestion at a
simultaneous settlement of the for-.
eign questions involved a joint peace
with Austria, a plan which is favored
by the American delegation provided
it does not cause too much delay. In
this connection, the American bound-
aries commission expects this week to
conclude all boundaries including
those of Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey.
Addresses by President suzallo of
Washington university and Dr. Guy
M. Whipple, acting director of re-
search at the Carnegie Institute of
Tehnology, were the features of the
Tuesday's meeting of the Michigan
State Teachers' association.
The development and improvement
of the school from its earliest stage
to the present time were shown by
President Suzzallo in his address, en-
titled "The Social Importance of
Training for Recreation." The crude-
ness of the early school was brought
out by the fact that only the types of
minds desiring the fundamentals were
anopuraged and developed, while a tre-
mendous broadening of this principle
has been achieved by the present day
Pr. Whipple, in an address on
"Helping Pupils to Study Effectively,"
dealt with the psychology of education,
showing the value of mental review,
concentration, reading aloud, and the
proper methods of note taking.
The annual meeting of the associa-
tion closed with the Tuesday even-
ing's discussion.
Chcago, April 1,.- The mayorality
gfection in Chicago today developed
egrly tonight in a neck and neck race
between Mayor William Hale Thomp-
si and Robert M. Sweizer. The un-
pfficial returns from 1,000 precincts,
apprximately half of the city, gave
$weizer 124,152 votes, Thompson 122,-

()1; maclay Hoyne had 52,192 and
Fitzpatrick 26,035. John M. Poli s
the socialist candidate had 11,087.
Ieacha #'lns IPlaced Before Board
Action will be taken Wednesdayraft-
erpoon by the board of parks and
bouievards concerning plans and funds
for the additions to the swimming
beach. The council will probably be
asked next Monday evening to give
their apprpval of the plans. If the
council is in favor of the project work
will be started immediately on the

Scenic limitations of a nature pe-
culiar to the ancient stage confront
the Classical club in its presentation
of "The Much Woo'd Maiden" at 8:15
o'clock Thursday night in University
hall. '
With but the two conventional en-
trances and exits, scenery of a type
different from that ordinarily employ-
ed must be introduced. In former
days the one requirement of the man-
ager was that he give his characters
access to the harbor and to the
forum. Then, in order to indicate that
a personage was from a foreign coun-
try, it was only necessary to effect
his entrance from the harbor, while to
present an actor from the forum was
equivalent to declaring his nativity.
Conforming to tradition, the club has
arranged its exits and entrances in
this manner, and has also made use
of the rule which demands that ac-
tion shall center about two neighbor-
ing households, these to be seen at
opposite sides of the stage. Backing
all is the drop curtain which por-
trays in the distance a huge moun-
tain, while a wall in the foreground
conveys the impression of a view far
into a valley below.
Costumes for the production are the
work of Dr. Orma F. Butler of the
Latin and Roman archaeology depart-
ments, who has made a thorough study
of ancient manners of dress. She has
spared no efforts to create costumes
which shall be true torthose times in
every detail.
Tickets for the play .are on sale at
the Busy Bee and in University hall,
where they may also be reserved. All
ticekts must be reserved.
Goddard Against
Adoption of the proposed wine and
beer amendment -by Michigan voters
on April 7, in the face of the recently
accepted federal amendment forna-
tional prohibition, would be a disloy-
al act, in the opinion of Prof. Edwin C.
Goddard of the University law faculty.
According to Professor Goddard,
Michigan voters are being asked now
to take a part of our state constitu-
tion "forever" a measure that will
make Michigan wet in direct contra-
vention of what the federal constitu-
tion now prescribes; and the issue
now is that of old state's rights versus
our central federal government.
Ray M. Bassett, '13, forester for the
sity of Ann Arbor, announces that
work will probably be started next
week on spraying and trimming trees.
A number of new trees and shrubs
will be set out,
"We have ordered,' said Mr. Bassett,
"a part of the 3,000 trees and nursery
stock that residents of the city are
purchasing through us. The recent
cold spell has held up delivery but the
supply ought to reach here the first
of the coming week."
A few trees were sprayed last week
ani as soon as warm weather returns
the men will be out again. The ap-
paratus used is the same one that
was purchased last spring.
Mr. Bassett evinces no fear that
the locust will prove troublesome this
year. "When the last plague was
prevalent 17 years ago very few of the
pests were found in this vicinity."

New System Finally Adopted by Ad-
ministrative Board of Literary
Compulsory assemblies in the lit-
erary college are assured.
The adoption of a new system was
made a certainty Friday afternoon at
a combined meeting of the literary ad-
ministrative board and the Student
council committee on compulsory as-
semblies, when the former accepted
the proposal and promised the com-
mittee that every effort would be put
forth on their part to insgll the plan.
As to the course to be followed, the
literary authorities believe that a
gradual application of the system will
have to be made. The most feasible
plan favors that of starting with the
freshman class and working out the
details there, and then including the
upperclasses in turn.
Desirability on the part of the stu-
dents for compulsory assemblies
pleased the authorities, according to
the Student council committee, and it
is thought that this willingness had
much to do in guiding the decision.
Though no definite date for the rule
to take effect was made, thetmethod
of application will be announced in
the near future.
In spite of every effort by the Stu-
dent council to bring thespring games
back to their former status, the Sen-
ate council of the Universityhas re-
fused to admit their return. Though
the underclassmen and the members
of the Student council were as a
unit in desiring the old games, the
resolution was turned down. The Sen-
ate council has final say in the mat-
Suggestions of substitutes for the
spring games are wanted by the Stu-
dent council, and students are asked
to submit their proposals to J. J. Mc-
Clintock, '19, chairman of the spring
games. The tug-of-war and the re-
lay game will be retained, buttsubsti-
tutes will have to be found for the old
flag-rush and the pushball contests.
According to those in charge of the
arrangements for the opera trip next
week the 105 men going will be ac-
corded practically continuous enter-
tainment in each of the cities visited.
The program is liable to change and
an advance agent was in Port Huron
Tuesday making final plans for the
accommodation of the actors and as-
sistants in that city.
Spend Day in Jackson
Three Pullman cars and two bag-
gage cars will leave Ann Arbor Mon-
day morning with the entire outfit and
all accoutrements at 9 o'clock, arriv-
ing in Jackson about 10 o'clock. After
luncheon at the Otsego hotel at noon
the men will be entertained by the
Jackson alumni. Dinner at the same
hotel at 5 o'clock and then comes the
performance. After this comes a
dance in the Armory and then the spe-
cial cars are boarded for Flint.
A Swim on Program in Flint
Flint is reached at 10:36 o'clock
Tuesday morning and at noon lunch-
eon is spread at the Board of Com-
merce. In the afternoon the men will
be tendered the use of the Y. M. C. A.
swimming pool and various other
amusements until supper at 6 o'clock
at the "Y," The Masonic temple is
engaged for the dance that evening
after the show and from there the
troupe leaves for Port Huron.
At 9 o'clock Wednesday morning the
train will arrive in Port Huron. The

form of entertainment for this after-
non and evening is not known as yet.
Time to Look Saginaw Over
Saginaw, the netx stop, will be
reached at 11:50 Thursday morning
and after lunch at the East Saginaw
club the men will most likely be left
to their own devices until supper-
time for supper at the Bancroft ho-
tel. The post show dance is to be
held in the Auditorium at 11 o'clock
(Continued on Page Six)

Ann Arbor Uses 169 Gallons
Of Water Per Capita Daily

"Investigation from statistics shows
that each individual citizen in Ann Ar-
bor is averaging a daily consumption
of 169 gallons of water," was the in-
formation given out by Edwin 6. God-
dard, one of the members of the cham-
ber of commerce committee appointed
to look into the question of Ann Ar-
bor's water supply.
Looking up the records of the past
10 years some startling information
was thrown upon this subject. Speak-
ing about the results obtained by com-
puting actual figures Professor God-
dard went on to say:
"There has been an increase of al-
most. 50 percent in the amount of wat-
er that has been pumped by the city
water works in the past five years.
This increase is largely due to the flat
rate system of charges that are now
being used.

"A close search of the records of
each fraternity house on the campus,
every one of which use water meters,
reveals the fact that they do not aver-
age 50 gallons per person daily. This
average when taken against the aver-
age made by the citizens who use the
fiat rate system shows a difference of
more than 100 gallons a day for each
"The city's water at the present time
is supposed to be taken entirely from
Steere farm and the Washtenaw wells.
where pure water runs all the year
around. Under the exhaustive de-
mands made by the consumption of
such great quantities of water these
two places have not been adequate
enough to meet the necessary output.
This resulted in the use of river water.
If, however, the city buys enough
(Continued on Page Six)






Secretary Daniels Leaves Paris
Visit Italian Fleet and Naval


Lieut. Wilfred V. Casgrain, '18, of
the first American aerial squadron,
has returned to Ann Arbor for a few
days, preparatory to re-entering the
A member of the first American
aviation unit in France, Casgrain went
to France in July, 1917, going to the
front in the winter of 1917, where he
was a lieutenant pilot in the first pur-
suit, group with Rickenbacker, Luf-
berry, Roosevelt, Campbell, and Hall.
After flying until May, 1918, on va-
rious parts of the front, he was sent
to the Lorraine sector, supporting the
first American army.
Dispatched to scout work, during
the middle of May, he attacked, while
alone, two German aeroplanes of the
Fokker type, and after battling one
for several minutes, shot a burst of
machine gun bullets into the enemy's
gas tank, sending him down in flames.
While diving for position, following
the first encounter, one of his wings
smashed and the linen covering was
torn off the entire side of the plane.
After falling several thousand feet
he righted his machine, just before
touching the ground, and effected a
miraculous landing. Crawling from
the plane uninjured, he was attempt-
ing to find his position, when he was
suddenly surrounded by German in-
fantry, and taken prisoner. He aft-
erward found that he had fallen di-
rectly in front of the German first line
In an effort to secure information,
the German headquarters staff held
him for a few days, and then sent him
to the clearing camp at Karlsruhe.
Here he waq placed in solitary con-
finement for 15 days, and afterward
sent to an island in the Baltic sea,
where he underwent a harsh seven
months',captivity in a British officer's
prison camp, seeing Englishmen shot
down deliberately by Prussian sen-
Lieutenant Casgrain returned from
France to America about a week ago,
decorated with the French Croix de
Guerre with a citation to the French
army corps, for courage and ability
shown on the occasion of his vic-
torious battle with the Hun airman.
He will probably enter the Univer-
sity this week. Casgrain is a member
of Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Members ofthe industrial service
committee will meet at 5 o'clock Wed-
nesday in Lane hall. Profs. A. E.
Wood, and H. H1. Higbie, W. H Dow,
'19E, J E. Goodwillie, '20E, A. Fried-
man, '20, R. C. Varty, '20, and Mar-
garet Rothschaefer, '20, have been
chosen to carry on the work institut-
ed here during a recent visit of Mr.
F. H. Rindge of the national "Y."

Among the many attractions and lec-
tures that are scheduled for today's
program of the Short Term institute
and Classical conference, is the lecture
tonight by Prof. Charles Upson Clark
at 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium.
Professor Clark is a member of the
American Academy in Rome and is
now traveling in this country under
the auspices of the Italian govern-
ment. He brings with him official mo-
tion pictures taken by the Italian gov-
ernment and they show unusual scenes
of actual conditions of war in that
After the Michigan Women's annual
banquet in Barbour gymnasium, to
which over 500 women are expected to
come, the Junior Girls will give the
initial performance of their annual
play. The name, plot and features
have been kept secret and will be ex-
posed for the first time tonight. The
play will begin at 8 o'clock in the
Whitney theater.;
Prof.WAlbert T. Clay of Yale univer-
sity will give a University lecture at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Alumni
hall. He will speak on "The Empire
of the Amorites."
The Classical conference will hold
meetings throughout the day begin-
ning by a lecture at 10 o'clock in
Alumni hall by Prof. Campbell Bon-
ner, of the literary department. He
will give an illustrated address on
"The Upward Path," which will deal
with Greek religion.
The afternoon meetings will be held
in the upper lecture room of Alumni
hall at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Prof.
A. R. Crittenden of this University
will speak on "Roman Law in Mod-
ern Life and Education," Prof. J. H.
Drake will lead a discussion on this
topic, Mr. G. E. Van Loon of Highland
Park high school will speak on "Why
Study Latin," Prof. 0. O Norris of the
Michigan State Normal college will
give an address on "How the Greeks
Got Their Gods," which will be fol-
lowed by a short business meeting.
Clemenceau Weeps
After Poilus Gift
Paris, March 31 (Correspondence of
the Associated Press). - Premier
Clemenceau was opening his mail last
Wednesday morning, hurriedly as is
his custom, merely glancing at some
letters, making short annotations on
others, in a fair way to dispose of his
courier in the usual few minutes.
Suddenly, upon opening a somewhat1
soiled and cheap envelope, the con-
tents fell to the floor with a metallic
The premier picked them up, read
the letter slowly, then read it again,
and then sat there staring at the pa-
per with tears filling his eyes in spite
of his efforts to suppress them. The
letter read:
"They have not given you the war
cross; here is mine. It has only two
stars while you deserve two palms
but it is the best I can offer; here it
is." It was signed: "An old pollu."
And the "grand old man" of France,
who with dry eyes has looked upon
the horrors of two wars, picked up
the little rusty piece of metal, the
ribbon of which is soiled by the rain
of the trenches or bespattered with
the blood of its former -owner, and
"It might have been given to me by
{'the President of the Republic or by a
Marshal of France, with great pomp at
the Invalides. Coming from this hum-
ble "pollu' I shall treasure.It for-
ever, 'hesaid&

(By Associated Press)
London, April 1.-President Wilson
has informed other members of the
American delegation to the peace eon-
ference that no American soldiers
would be used in any trouble in east.
ern or southeastern Europe, a Central
News dispatch from Paris says.
Paris, April 1.- By an agreement
reached by the peace conference, ac-
cording to the Temps, Germany will
not be permitted to keep grrisons,
fortifications nor war factories on the
left bank of the Rhine, and they are
also to be forbidden for at least 30
miles on the Rhine bank.
9,9i Yanks Return in Week
Washingttn, April 1-Troops ar-
riving from overseas during the week
ending March 25, the war department
announced today totaled 59,395, the
largest number sent back during any
one week since the armistice was sign-
ed. To March 25 a total of 502,830 of-
icers and enlisted men and nurses
landed from overseas.
Baker to Sail on Leviathan
Washington, April 1. - Secretary
Baker will sail from New York next
Monday on the transport Leviathan for
France to attend meetings of the Am-
erican Liquidation commission ands to
direct completing the affairs o the
American army in Frane. Mr. Baker
will be accompanied by C. W. Cuthell
the department representative on the
board considering inter-Allied claims
growing out of the co-operation of the
various belligerents.
Daniels to Visit Italian Fleet
Paris, April 1.- Josephus Daniels,
the American secretary of navy, left
Paris today for Italy where he will
visit the Italian fleet and naval bases.
Louis M. Gruch, '16L, was killed in
an aeroplane battle Nov. 10, 1918, near
the Meuse river in France, it has re-
cently been learned by the Alumni
Catalog office. Gruch was a pilot-avia-
tor attached to the 91st Aero squad-
Two other deaths of soldiers have
also been confirmed. Horace E. Wil-
gus, ex-'16L, died Feb. 13, '1919, at
Chicago. Wilgus was formerly a pri-
vate in the 329th battalion, but was
honorably discharged Feb. 2, 1918, be-
cause of severe heart trouble.
John E. Tighe, ex-'18L, 2nd lieu-
tenant, 0. R. C., died Jan. 15, 1919, at
Camp Hancock, Ga. He was buried
at Plymouth, Mich.
Frederic H. Loud, '00E, is the offi-
cer in charge of a detachment of en-
listed men which left March 29 from
Camp Eustice, Va., for Camp Custer
to be demobilized.
Loud is a first lieutenant in the field
artillery. He was with the 53rd Ar-
tillery (Railroad) and at the time of
the signing of the armistice was bat-
tery commander of Battery "F."
The 53rd Artillery has a record of
not losing a man in action and only
40 or 50 wounded. This is in spite of
the fact that the regiment participat-
ed in some of the fiercest engage-
ments on the -St. Mihiel sector.
President Staying at Martha Cook
Henry Suzzalloo, president of the
University of Washington, who is one
of the prominent speakers of the
Schoolmasters' club and short term
institute this week, is staying at
Martha Cook building while in this



Away back in the early ages some-
body put woman in a house and said
"Stay there" and woman stayed. "But
now she has proved her right to gen-
eral suffrage, and in states having
suffrage she has proved herself worthy
to that right," according to Governor
Henry J. Allen of Kansas in a speech
before the convention of the National
Woman Suffrage association.
That suffrage takes a woman from
her natural sphere and throws her
into political activities which affect
her delicate sensibilities is an ancient
argument and one that can be used
only by humorists.
"In Kansas," continued Governor Al-
len, "where woman has had suffrage
for 25 years, politics in the state are
cleaner and every moral issue is as-
sured, and it is due to the presence
of the women vOters.
"Any statesman who would hold
back the inevitable recognition of
woman's rights has lost step with the
great march of events."
Mandolin Club Rehearses Well
Mandolin club rehearsals are being
held every Monday and Thursday
nights. With these rehearsals the
club is fast gainina. experience in
playing the old Michigan songs. Re-
hearsals are being held in University

World's Greatest Story
William Farnum as Jean Val Jean
First Methodist Church. Thursday, April 3rd, 715 P. M.

Interclass baseball managers
will meet at 7 o'clock Wednes-
day night in the Athletic asso-
ciation's office in the Press
building. At this time sched-
ules and conditions pertaining
to interclass baseballgames will
be discussed.



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