THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OC :AL NEWSPAPE;R AT TH] VFRSITY OF MICHIGAN every morning except Mo university year by the Boar Student Publications. %BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS e Associated Press is exclusively entitled e use for republication of all news dis- tes redited to it or not otherwise credited is paper and als the local news pub I herein. tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, igan, as aecond class matter. sriptions by carrerr or mail, $3.50. Rees: Ann ,Arbor Press Building. ones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. mmunications not to exceed oo words, ned, the signature not necessarily to ap- n rit, but as an evidence of faith, and es of events will be published in The at the discretion of the Editor, if left * maied to the ofice. signed communications will receive no deration. No manuscript will be re- -Wnless the writer incloses postage. e Daily:does not necessarily endorse the rnents expressed in the comuanications. red C. Mighei.......Managing Editor ,ld Makinson........Business Manager rand A. Gaines. Advertising Manager s L,. Abele........Publication Manager BUSINESS STAFF id M. Major Howard S. Velleman DiDNJISDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1918. Nght Editor-Marguerite Clark ANTED: ACTIVE PARTNERS estructive to the best interests of University is an attitude which is . by a great share of the students ards their college newspaper- Michigan Daily. That attitude is of neutrality, if not of hostility; be it either of these, it is wholly istified. -; lie Daily does not want to be con- red in. the light in which outside spapers are thought of; it does not i to be looked upon as an organ :fh is disconnected from the func- Ing parts of the University. Rath- t wishes to have itself considered ts true position-that of a prime Ive factor .in campus life. Lie Daily itself is college-spirited one of Its chief aims is to develop spirit in its readers. The Daily >yal to the- University and to all lesome things connected with it. In this class of wholesome things, Daily, without fear of conceit, es Itself; if it did not consider If fit to be included in this cate- r, then publication were best sus- led. torder to have the students ally aselves more closely with their 0ge paper, The Daily proposes that take a more active part in writ- the news material. The Daily, as always, welcomes new aspir- for its editorial and business s, both of which offer excellent s of opportunity. But in the case iose who cannot find time to write larly for each issue, there is a in which they, too, may identify iselves with The Daily. When they pen on a bit of news or interest- matter, let them write it up and A t it for publication. In this way can serve both The Daily and campus at large. r this latter class of students- s who are unable to write regu- P for The Daily-this plea is main- &rected. They are Invited, or rath- rged, to take a greater interest in . paper, to ally themselves closely it, and to become active partners e various undertakings which The y ,assumes. STUDY THE WAR MAP Lye you ever stopped to study the map? Do you know where Briey, , Valenciennes, and Conflans are? you acquainted with the different rs that are held by the various d armies? If not, why not? e average newspaper reader is rbed In the war. The accounts of glorious deeds performed by the ricans in the St. Mihiel, Cambral, St. Quentin sectors are carefully But, when the name of a town, t, or a river is mentioned in the itches the hurried reader seldom' s time or is curious enough toj up the places named on the war This is one of the first require- s of officers, namely, the ability] ad the war map. All of the puzzl- ines in the newspaper maps mean thing. e next few months will be the that will win the war. Unlesst any surrenders, troops on the donian, Russian, Italian, andf ern fronts will continue theirf atic drives. Without a thorough 'ledge of each of these fronts the< age reader easily becomes con-1 1 and the war reports are nothingt m but a jumbled mass of informa- The only way to eliminate this s is to make a systematic study .e war map. Make it a point to . by heart ten, or twenty, or thirty1 ns of towns on each of the wart s every day. When such and such ,ce is described in the dispatchesi it up on the map and get that( cular location firmly photograph-t ed on your brain. After a short per- lod of time you will be surprised at how much you know about the war and how easily the communiques from the war departments can be translat- ed. Telephone service in Ann Arb'r oft- en makes us wonder whether Alexand- er Graham Bell rendered such a ser- vice to society as is usually suppos- ed. They say that the German people no longer care .what becomes of the kaiser. Which makes it unanimous. There are still a few members of the medical profession who have fail- ed to discover a serum for influenza. German defeats as well as your cou- pons are attached to a Liberty bond. HORBBS' REMARKS fICIOUS ALUMNUS SAYS HIS UNSOUND STATEMENTS MAY INJURE UNI- VERSITY. Editor, The Michigan Daily: Permit me to congratulate you on the extremely able editorial "Hysteria vs. Reason" which appears in this morning's issue of The Michigan Dai- ly. It is an unanswerable reply to a most ill-advised, intolerant, and un- sound point of view. Such rash state- ments as Prof. W. H. Hobbs is respon- sible for are what make it possible for German propagandists, both in this country and abroad, to charge Amer- ica with being insincere in her ideal- ism and to make people feel that the leaders of this country are mad with the lust of power and wealth. Such statements are quite as vicious as ex- treme pro-German expressions. I have always believed in the doc- trine of academic freedom, but I real- ize that under it such institutions as the University of Michigan must suf- fer at the hands of notoriety seekers and persons of unbalanced judgment. The man on the street has a tendency to regard the action or statement of an individual as characteristic of the entire institution. I only hope that your editorial is read as widely as Professor Hobbs' statement, as it represents what I feel sure is the best of campus opinion, while Professor Hobbs' remarks rep- resent the worst. Yours truly, G. S. LASHER, '11. MORE GIRL VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED IN RED CROSS WORK The Red Cross quotas are similar to those of last year, and it is nec- essary to have as many girls at work this year as last. The different houses on the campus are going to organize and pledge a certain number of hours according to the number of members. A regular schedule is to be made out so the necessary number of Instruct- ors will be provided. An attempt was made yesterday to complete 4,000 masks for the S. A. T. C., to be worn in the barracks. As yet the girls have not entered into the spirit of the work and their hearty co-operation is necessary for the success of the new drive. The present quota must be finished by Nov. 15, and it cannot be done unless the girls are willing to help. Y. W. C. A. MEMBERS WANT 100 PER CENT RECORD ON CAMPUS The Y. W. C. A. membership cam- paign is progressing rapidly. Dur- ing the first day of the campaign 12 girls reported 48 members, and yes- terday the number had increased con- siderably. An attempt is being made to have a 100 per cent record on the campus. The girls are working earn- estly, and with a committee of 80 girls great results are being hoped for. Workers are urged to report to Miss Hulda Bancroft as soon as pos- sible. BELGIAN RELIEF DONATIONS MUST BE HANDED IN TOMORROW The Belgium Relief rooms will be, open tomorrow and Mrs. Patterson_ requests all those who have articles for the Belgium Relief to bring them in then. It is necessary to keep some1 one in the rooms to receive the arti-7 cles and pack them, and it is hoped that this will not be necessary after tomorrow. Load 1. A R. Chapter to Meet 1 The regular October meeting of the Sarah Caswell Agnell chapter of thel Daughters of the American Revolu-I tion will be held at the home of Mrs.l William G. Doty, 408 South Fifth ave- nue, at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Oct. 17. The report of the delegates1 to the state conYvention will be given.I HOBBS DEFENDS STAND DECLARES WILSON TERMS MEAN ECONOMIC BREAK WITH AL- LIES. Editor, The Michigan Daily: It is because I believe that good- tempered discussion is what we most need, that I gladly avail myself of the opportunity to reply to ThenDaily's editorial of this morning. In it is stated that the 14 peace terms of Mr. Wilson were approved by our own peo- ple and also by the Allies. This I be- lieve to have been more apparent than real, and in any case they were no more generally approved than was the "peace without victory" message now repudiated even by Mr. Wilson. The editorial questions whether "freedom of the seas," as outlined in article 2 is in the interest of Germany. I have devoted an entire lecture and a chapter in a forthcoming book to this subject alone, but there is here room for a very brief discussion only. The question should clearly be ans- wered: (1) by asking which group of warring powers has set up the de- mand for "freedom of the seas"; (2) by taking the natural interpretation of the President's article; and (3) by examining his other pronounce- ments and those of his one advisor, Colonel House. (1) The Allies have not asked for "freedom of the seas," which has al- ready long existed except during war. Germany's cry has, on the contrary, been vociferous and importunate. Count zu Reventlow, editor of the chief Pan-German organ of Berlin, says: "Freedom of the seas depends on the liberation of Ireland." In a secret message to Austria the late Im- perial Chancellor Michaelis wrote, "Germany has to solve two problems -the freedom of the seas and the opening of the route to the southeast -and these two problems can only be solved through the destruction of England." (2) The wording of the President's article is "Absolute freedom of nav- igation upon the seas, outside territor- ial waters, alike in peace and in war." No ambiguity here. The British blockade, which alone has permitted the arms of the Allies to triumph, would under such circumstances be- come impossible and navies be of lit- tle use. (3) Colonel House, paramount rov- ing ambassador to all Europe, but without legal authority, actually of- fered the German 'chancellory in the spring of 1915 a release from the Brit- ish blockade-which would have lost us the war-tried to induce Great Britain to accept it, and believes he would have succeeded had not the Lusitania outrage been perpetrated. (Arthur A. Howden Smith, "The Real Colonel House," Doran, 1918, pp. 187- 196.) Germany was so delighted with this offer that she had von Bernstorff, Dernberg and von Kuehnemann bolst- er the offer with a vigorous campaign of propaganda in America. Mr. Wil- son advocated it elaborately in his "peace without victory" message to congress of Jan. 22, 1917, and he has now retained it in his peace terms of Jan. 8, 1918. My statement that article 3 flies in the face of the Paris pact of the Al- lies, it is stated, is not in harmony with the views of the economics de- partment of the University. That de- partment can, I am sure, speak for it- self; but in the meantime let me call attention to the fact that all the Allied nations agreed at the Paris conference to establish most rigorous economic barriers against Germany both during. and after reconstruction, in order to protect their own trade and particu- larly to aid in the rehabilitation of the devastated country. These bar- riers included discriminative tariffs, refusal of the "most favored nation" privileges to Germany, and the estab- lishment of preferences in the distri- bution of necessary raw -materials. (Recommendations of the Economic Conference of the Allies held at Paris, on June 14, 15, 16, and 17, 1916.) More recently a similar conference has been held for like purposes by Great Britain and her self-governing com- monwealths. Referring to both these pacts, Premier Lloyd George in a re- cent speech said: "The world will not come right at once, and if you dis- solve partnership with all these great peoples - a partnership cemented in blood-there will be men quite ready to take advantage of it, even when the war is over. "Therefore, it is vital that when the war is over and when the transition period has come, there will not be enough to go round, we must keep the partnership going." "Up to the present time America has expressed no opinion upon the Paris resolutions, and it is vitally im- portant that the policy of Amercia and the policy of this country should be in complete agreement on economic problems as well as on other prob- lems."7 Mr. Wilson's article 3 reads: "The removal, so far as possible, of all eco- nomic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance." I need only add that if we should break with the Al- lies on economic problems, we shall play directly into the hands of Ger- many and go far toward preventing the proper rehabilitation of the invad- ed countries. In conclusion let me say that I make no apologies for stating that terms which do not even provide for reparation and indemnity to poor martyred Belgium must be in the in- terest of Germany. WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS. Oct. 15, 1918. Uomen I Girls who have left their gymnas- ium outfits in their lockers may re- deem them on Wednesday and Friday of this week. Senior girls may come out for hockey practice on Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 o'clock. Hockey practice for junior girls will be held at 4:15 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday. The board of directors of the wo- men's league will meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Barbour gymnas- ium. All committee chairmen with re- ports will be present. Girls who are working on the Y. W. C. A. campaign are requested to -report to Miss Hulda Bancroft as early as possible every day. Girls interested in work as tennis equad leaders are requested to call Ethel Glauz, '19, telephone 1070-J. Girls who desire to do extra work for living expenses should see Dean Myra B. Jordan at her office In Bar- bour gymnasium. Girls interested in Red Cross work are requested to call Florence Field, '20, telephone 251. FORMER YPSI PROFESSOR RETURNS FROM SOUTH AMERICA Prof. Marx Jefferson, former pro- fessor in the state normal college at Ypsilanti, and well known in Ann Arbor, has recently returned from South America, where he has been spending the last six months gather- ing valuable information for the Unit- ed States government. He was for- merly president of the National Geo- graphical association and is now in New York compiling geographical and physiographical information concern- ing the countries now involved in the war and their outlying possessions. Up to the present time, Germany is practically the only country that has any appreciable knowledge of the minerals and other valuable products of the different countries, and in or- der that the allies may make a sat- isfactory peace with Germany when the time comes, they must be as well informed as she is. LUDINGTON SCHOOL GIRLS ADOPT UNIFORM ATTIRE Ludington, Mich., Oct. 15.-Luding- ton high school girls will not use georgette crepe, silks, satins and ultra fashions during the remainder of the war. They plan to appear for school sessions, hereafter, dressed alike in simple dark blue middy blouses and serge skirts, with white middies for special occasions. German Sailor Caught in Detroit Detroit, Oct. 15. Fred Seigneir, a petty officer of the German navy, was arrested here Monday after posing six months as a Hollander under the name of Walter Henry Boeren. Seigneir was an officer on the Cormorant and had been interned at Mare Island, Cal- ifornia. He made his escape from this place by swimming to the mainland. One Pound of Sugar a Fortnight Now Washington, Oct. 15. Sugar may now be sold only in two allotments per month of a pound apiece, according to a new ruling issued by the federal food administration. The first pound must be taken between the first and the fifteenth of the month and the second, between the fifteenth and the thirtieth. Cereal Beverages to Be Conserved As a necessary conservation meas- ure, President Wilson has issued a proclamation prohibiting the manufac- ture of all cereal beverages on and after Dec. 1, 1918. Kee p posted - subscribe for the Daily now, $3.50.--Adv. TEXT BOOKS a I Wahr's University Bookstore ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES Military Books for the S. A. T C. t i Main St. WAHR'S State St. U- Your every Banking need fulfilled at the Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-105 S. Main 30 S. StateSt. (Nickels Arcade) F DRAFT BOARD HAS MORE PAPERS HERE The draft board has just issued an- other list of names of the men whose papers are ready for them. It wil be a great help if the following will call at the court house as soon as possible: Donald E. Hessingshaw, Fred John Plots, Arthur H. Johnson, James R. Gabell, Samuel Chain Silver, Benja- min Shlain, Charles D. McKensey, Lawrence C. Perry, Julius Abe Nogin, Elton W. Viets, Merle E. Smith, Gary E. Wright, Wm. A. E. Leitzinger, F. Cortez Bell, John Kenneth Dufton, Charles Leslie Halford, Laurn H. Gar- ver, Willis E. Harvey, Harold M. Herbert, Frederic Y. Henkel, Forest E. Neil, George Bachman Ridden, Ja- cob E. Rosenberg, Dewey L. Sham- poo, Dorian B. Smith, Albert G. Dan- nin, Isidor Ball, Wm. Rottschafor, Durbain A. Longenecker, Wm. F. Bos- song, Clarence Ellsworth Lott, Hil- mer H. Diltbrenner, Edward Bleakley, Theodore R. Halman, Lewis J. Boldt, John Paul Utz, Jr., Arthur C. Kellor, Merrell E. Haines, Robert W. Chris- tie, Arthur G. Cross, Verner A. Bovik, Francis A. Greenbaum, Norbert S. Lambert, Roscoe D. Rodgers, Francis E. Leighton, Alexis Coutchie, Roy Rust Schmidt. VE us pEl\iCII, 0, These farous pen- cils are the stgAiard by which all other penil8 aPre.jukIge4 17 black degrees 6B softest to 911 hardest and hard and medium copying Lookfo,. he VENUS finish Trial Sample s p f VENUS Penc6l4 and &ser pt free, Please enclose 6c in sta-npi fo: aqM end postnge; American lead Pencil Co. Fifth -venue. N. Y. Dxnpt. Shorthand Typewriting Bookkeeping New Term OCTOBER 7 NEW ELIGIBILITY RULE8 The eligibility committee of the University announces for the present year a modification of its rule prohibiting freshmen from taking part in public aictiv- ities. The term "freshmen" as used here includes first year students in higher classes. Freshmen may now partici- pate under the following condi- tions: (a) It must be made clear that the activity concerned could not be carried on success- fully without freshman help; (b) Only such freshmen as have entered the University with strong records and recommen- dations from their former schools will be given permission to participate; (c) Freshmen who are given permission must, in order to continue their par- ticipatin, maitin distinctly good records in their University studies, Eligibility rules for all other students remain unchanged. It is understood that partici- pation in public activities by members of the S. A. T. C. and S. N. T. C. is subject also to the approval of their military su- periors. Managers and chairmen of student activities are requested to submit eligibility lists as soon as possible. Blank lists contain- ing necessary instructions may be had from the chairman of the eligibility committee or from the Registrar of the University. The office of the committee is in Room 8, University hall. Of- fice hours are from 10:45 to 11:30 o'clock Tuesdays and from 3 to 4 o'clock Thursdays. W. R. Humphreys, Chairman. f lanitm lBusipes College State and WIipxSte. I i DETRIT UNTIP LINE Between Dtroit, Ann A bpr nd ackson Detroit Limited ; d Express Cors-7:zg a. m., 8:troa. M. and hourly to $;;o p.Ir:. Jackson Limited and Epress Cars-s i4 a. m. and every hour to 8:48 p. r. Local Cars East Qund- :35 . l, 6:49 a.. m., 7:05 a. m. and every two hour~s to 7:05 p. in., 8:0 5 P. in.QSp. m., ra, '1$ P. in. To Ypsilanti only: 8:Q5 p. ,a., 9:so p. M.-, 11:45 p. in.,. 1:10 a."in., 1:20.,a. m,,. To Saline change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:os a. m., 7:48 a. in., 10:20 p. M., 12:20 midnight. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars, 8:48, 10:48 a. in., 12:48, a:48, 4:48, 6:48 P. m. To Jackson and Lansing,- Limited car, 8:48- P. in. Additional Cars to Ypsilanti-q: So a. M., 2:o5, 6:os. 9:45 p. M., 12:20 midnight. - University Students The Army and Navy headquarters for cleaning and altering uniforms is situated at the corner of N. University and, Ingalls, where your khaki garments will receive special attention by expert workmen. We call for and deliver with 1 Day SerW eti W. L. SIEDB, Prop. Open fromn 7:99 a i. tO : o p. n. Phone 2734-W; 2264-J WE BUY DISCARDED CLOTHES WAI K ING LOO Open from 11:30 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. Phone 16-20- 314 S. State St. AnnArbor Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custopm- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00 Resources........$4,000,000.0 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave.