7 F GAN DAILY x ..N.AIL ~SUN04Y SERVICES IN iow To Students who have been in the Military or Naval Service of the Country The Faculty of the Law School of the University of Michigan has arranged a special course for the Summer Session of 1919 and the first semester of the year 1919-1920, in which course the stu- dent is allowed to carry an amount of work slightly in excess of the normal amount and thus gain the equivalent of a year of credit. The saving of time for students who may be discharged from the army or navy before June 23 will thus be considerable and of great importance in aiding them to secure early admis- sion to the bar. The course will include all subjects of the reg- ular curriculum and will be given in the regular way by the Law School Staff. Students desiring to take advantage of this course must pre- sent official evidence of their military or naval service. For particulars address the Dean'of the University of Michi- gan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ANN ARBOR CHURCHES All Churches Meet on New Time St. Andrew's Episcopal Church 7:30, Holy communion; 10:30, ser- mon subject, "The Attractive Power of the Kingdom of God;" 4:30, ser- mon subject, "The Attractive Power of the Church." The Rev. R. S. Chal- mers of Toledo will speak at both services. Rev. Henry Tatlock, rector. Presbyterian Church 10:30, sermon subject, "The Two Eternal Worlds." Kindergarten will be held in the church parlors during the servie 12:00, Bible school; 6:00, so- cial half hour followed by young people's meeting. Rev. L. A. Barrett, minister. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 10:30, sermon subject, "Salutary 'Sorrow;" 11:30, Bible school; 7:30, sermon subject, "The Attractive Pow- er of the Lifted Christ." Rev L. M. Wallick, minister. Unitarian Church 9:45, Bible school; 10:30, sermon subject, "A Modern Man's Prayers;" 7:00, Y. P. R. U. meets. Topic, "Are Unitarians Christians?" Rev. S. S. Robins, minister. Zion Lutheran Church 9:00,Bible school; 10:30, sermon subject, "Unyielding Unbelief;" 7:00, subject, "The Tenderness and Fore- bearance of Jesus." Rev. E. C. Stell- horn, minister. Bible Chair House 9:30, University men's Bible class, topic, "Science and Prayer;" 4:30, class for general public; topic, "The Bible and Student Life." Dr T. M. Iden, teacher. Church of Christ (Disciple) 10:30, talks by Messrs. A. E. Cory and O. D. Cunningham of Cincinnati, O., of the Men and Millions move- ment; subject, "A Call for Life Serv- ice;" 12:00, Bible school; 6:30, Chris- tian Endeavor.' Rev. F. P. Arthur, minister. -1 Bride," Sunday at the Orpheum the- ater. The picture is adapted from the play of the same name by Max Marcin and Roy Atwell, which was produced with great success two years ago in New York. The story deals with the love affairs of an impecunious lawyer who is trapped into marrying, al- though he loves another woman. It will pay you to go a little out of your way to have Lyndon, Photo- grapher, do your Amateur finishing.- Adv. sLittle Womten"o MAJ ES IMAJESTIC ORCHESTRA NIghtly-AN 5 TAKE I COME ON SUNDAY-3 DAYS DAD 0 Pu Wsic Home"'With You ARC AD E Shows at 3oo:; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr's Resm, 2316-M Sun-Mon-30:31-Harold Lockwood in "Pals First," and "Smiling Bill" Par- sons in "The Big Idea."-25c. Tues-1---LouiseHuff and Johnny Hines in "The Heart of' Gold" ; Mutt and Jeff Cartoon,"Hula Cabaret" and Cur- rent Events. 200, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 Su o ues-30-31=1 --MRS. CHAR- E PLIN in "Borrowed Clothes," Also a Scenic and Mutt and Jeff Com- ed-Thurs-Fri-BLANCHE SWEET in "HE UNPARDONABLE SIN." Mat. 2;Evning, Boxes $1.00; First Floor, 40c; Balcony 30c. COMING- "HEARTS OF HUMANITY" ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30,l20:00 Sat-29-FRITZI BRUNETTE in "The SealedEnvelope." Also News and Comedy,. "She Wasn't Hungry, But." Sun-30--JOHN BARRYMORE in "Here Comes the Bride" with "The Lure of the Circus" and Ford Weekly. 71 JI WHITNEY THEATRE TUESDAY, APRIL 8 I Scores $2.00 DAVID ARFIELD I Sheet Music 30c Per Copy I I I .nfversitV ?fustc ibouse -COMING- "LITTLE WOMEN" DAVID BELASCO Presents -- n - The Auctioneer Seats Sold by Mail, lower Floor, $2.50; Balcony, I st 4 rows, $2.00; next four, $1.50; Balance, $1.00, Order now. Enclose stamped envelope, include 10 per cent tax. 'IM - U _ . _ . ,i P0. MAT. WED. SHUBERT UEST SEATS $1,50 A R RIC Starting Sunday March a30 Nights and sat. Mat. S0c to $2.00 Wilm Eliott, F. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest Present the Joyous Success with the I. ORIGINAL COMPANY Direct From 6 Months in New York, 6 Months in Chicago Leave ItToJn AMERICA'S BEST )IUSICAL COME DY A Center Rush of Popularity, Making a Touchdown and Kicking a Goal at 4ach Performance. Book and Lyrics by Guy Bolton and P. G. Wodehouse. Music by Jerome Kern. Staged by Robert Milton and Jdward Royce, Founded on Geo. Ade's Famous Comedy, "The College Widow" Congregational Church 10:30, sermon subject, "This One Thing I Do;" a kindergarten and pri- Qnary department will be conducted in the basement during the services; 12:00, church school; 6:30, Students' Round Table; topic, "The Batak. of Sumatra." Prof. H. H. Bartlett will be the speaker. Rev. L. C. Douglas, minister. Baptist Church 10:30, sermon subject, "The Next Step in Religion;" 12:00, Bible school; 6:30, Guild meeting; topic, "Choosing a Life Work." Rev. J.M. Wells, min- ister. Methodist Episcopal Church 10:30, sermon subject, ."Lent and Life;" 12:00, Bible school; 6:30, Wes- leyan guild meeting; topic, "Chris- tianity, a Man's Job;" 7:30, evening service; talk on Van Dykes "Four Things to Do. Rev. A. W. Stalker, minister. Zodiacal ,Lights Puzzle Observers Are you addicted to twilight ram- bles? Suppress your excitement? This is strictly astronomy and has no bear- ing on co-education. The Zodiacal light are now visible in the western heavens, just after sun- down on every clear evening during the absence of the moon. The lights have been a puzzle to the astronomers of all ages. Many theories and sup- erstitions have been advanced, but as yet the source of the lights remains a mystery. An ancient Aztec manuscript, pre- served in the Bibliotheque du Roi at Paris, gives an account of these lights as appearing for 40 consecutive nights in the year 1509 and, in accordance with prevalent superstition, it was this that Montezumarconsidered an omen of his downfall. In Europe the phenomenon was first observed by Professor Childrey in 1661. Since his time such noted as- tronomers as Cassini, Humbolt and many others have advanced theories on the matter. These lights, which derive their name of "Zodiacal" from the fact that the axis of their rays is inclined to the horizon in the direction of the Zodiac, will be visible in this latitude until the latter part of March. AT THE THEATERS (Continued from Page Four) sacrifice happiness in order to gratify the social ambitions of her sister and advance the financial interests of her parents. There are a number of thrill- ing incidents in the picture, such as the destruction of a great beach bathing house by fire and the escape of Mary Kirk down the side of a great country mansion during a raid by the police, AT THE ORPHEUM John Barrymore will be shown in the photo-play farce, "Here Comes the illis nu 5.guirhitnl AR Harold Lockwo A'DE Today and Tomorrow He-Mtay I sie you nesday evening? She-No! I'm going Junior Girls' Play. . r w -in- , I. "Pals First" I V J a ONE OF THIS STAR'S LATEST PICTURES S WHAT !WOULD YOU DO CAN LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP BE IF YOU BECAME SEAT SALE THURSDAY MAIL ORDERS NOW COMBINED? RICH IN ONE NIghts-Oc to $2.00. M ts.-Wed. and Sat., 50C to $1.50 NIGHT? _ SHOULD A WOMAN BE JEALOUS OF HER HUSBAND'S I COULD YOU LIVE AS AN IMPOSTER TO KEEP IT UP? FRIENDS? *1'.--' ALSO "SMILING BILL" a U PARSONS IN "THE BIG IDEA" WANTID WANTED - As soon as possible a ' dentist registered in Michigan. Fifty dollars a week guaranteed. A. G. Rickel, 202 1-2' Washington Ave. Lansing, Mich. WANTED-Six men to work at home or Detroit, during spring vacation. See Artzonlhum, Sunday only at Al- lenel Hotel. WANTED-Student sates man to sell silk: neckwear. Call Reid, 1324-J. You BEAT FOR RENT-Pleasant front suite one half block from the campus, on Washtenaw Ave. Double decker h.,Aa PnnA 1000JF LOST LOST -Thursday afternoon on State St. betwven ahr's and Monroe aSt. a three blade, pearl handled pen- knife. Finder please call Smiley, LOST Brass studded dog collar. "Duke engraved on brass plate. Call 566. - - si FOR SALE-Two F-s,;oval coupon covers, $1.50 each. Call 1257-R. FOR SALE-Three J-Hop Tickets. Phone 179, FOR SALE--Daily readers are buyers. Reach them through this paper. COMING-TUESDAY COMING-WEDNESDAY LOUISE HUFF and VIOLA DANA JOHNNY HINES in- "THE HEART OF GOLD" "THE GOLD CURE" - COMING - NORMA TALMADGE in "THE PROBATION WIFE" CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "A LADY'S NAME" ALICE JOYCE in "'THE LION AND THE MOUSE" Watch For Dates