THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1919. MEN PICKED, FOR NA9TIONAL CITY BANK YORK OFFICIALS WILL MEET SELECTED MEN AT AN EARLY DATE Men with such excellent qualifica- :ns applied for the National City ank *fellowships that Prof. I. Leo iarfman, of the economics depart- ent recommended five men to the ink instead of three. Those who were selected are: harles L. Clark, '21, Wade E. De ries, '21, Gilbert R. Byrne, '19, Walt- r R. Stark, '19, and Charles A. Towl- , '19. Many sophomores who had >mpleted only two semesters of ork at the University were of the, uality which is necessary for secur- g the position, but the bank desires .en who will be juniors or better at e end of this year. Men Will Be Interviewed The men who were recommended ill be interviewed by officials of the ink, either at New York, or some ;her point more convenient, such as etroit or Chicago. It is possible' ossible that all five men may be sel- eted by bank officials. Other univer- .ties have not been able to fill their tiota with suitable men. If this is not the case, two of the ye will be weeded out by the inter- Lew with the bank official. Some may e eliminated by the failure to pass he physical examination which is a equisite. B. Russe D'Ooge, who was appoint- d last year but who enlisted in the avy before entering upon his work, 'ill probably enter the school this ear at the National City bank. The nen will start their work this year, uly 1. _ and six months immediately after, and the seniors will attend the school for a year straight. After being grad- uated from the school at the bank, they are sent to foreign countries to take charge of branches of the in- stitution. Actual classes in foreign languages, credit, foreign exchange, and other corresponding studies are taught at 'the bank and at the same time actual experience in banking is gained by working in all departments of the bank under close supervision of of- ficials. During the apprenticeship in the bank, a salary of $60 to $75 is paid which is increased materially upon completion of the course. Recom- mendations are made every year by Professor Sharfman of Michigan stu- dents. Those sophomores who could not be recommended this year will! probably be chosen next year. MONROE DOCTRINE AND JAP EQUALITY CLAUSES OMITTED W HAT'S GOING ON -1 U-NOTICES BELIEVES AIRPLANE WILL BE The Cosmopolltai club will meet at ABLE TO LAND IN ANN ARBOR 7:30 o'clock Friday night in room 205 University hall. (Continued from Page One) c- i1 I C i I TODAY 3:30-Senior, Girls' Glee club enter- tains Freshman Girls' Glee club at Newberry residence. 4:00-Last Women's league party in Barbour gymnasium. 4:00-"Inlander' 'tryouts in West hall. All Varsity band men who have taxi' bills from Chicago trip call E. F. Merrill, phone number 344; Friday. FACULTY MEN CONDUCT WORK IN VACUUM TUBES RESEARCH it pursued its course along the mar- gin of the ice west of the city and continued past Ferry field down the broad valley to Saline and into the Raisin river. Planes May Land Here TECHNIC DESIRES DATA An obituary of all Michigan engineers whose deaths occurred while in the service will be pub- lished in the next issue of the Technic. As an aid in the com- piling of this data, students hav- ing any information on the sub- ject will please communicate with the Technic staff at their office in the Engineering build- ing. " I 4:15-Arne Fisher will talk on the Prof. N. H. Williams of the physics "Were it not for the buildings and "Theory of Probability," 205 Mason department and Mr. E. J. Martin, for- the numerous trees, the campus plain hall. merly of the Signal Corps of the Unit- of "Glacial Outwash" would be an 7 :30-Jesse S. Reeves lectures on thei ed States army, are doing special re- admirable place for airplanes. Some1 'Nature of International Law," 205 search work in the use of vacuum suitable place free from trees can per- University hall. tubes in radial communication. haps be found upon the flood plain 7:30-Debate between Saginaw High The results of this work will be of the present Huron river or on the and Ann Arbor High in High School Used by Professor Williams in a lec- bed of the ancient Huron at Ferry auditorium. ture that he will give on the after- field, or in the plain surrounding it. -~ ~noon of April 4 in the west lecture With a moderate amount of leveling, TOMORROW room of the physics building before a suitable-place could perhaps be' 9:00-Women's league directors' spe- the Schoolmasters' club. found near the city upon the surface cial meeting. 6:30-Homoeopathie faculty banquet Use the DOaiy to reach the students. for students of department at Mich- Four thousand students read it every Martha Washington Candies fresh igan Union. morning.-Adv. every Friday. Tice's Drug Store. -Ad. DANCE AT YPSI Next Saturday night, March 29, there will be a dance at the Masonic Tem- ple. "Ike" Fisher is sending one of his best orchestras composed of "Bill" O'Donnell, piano; "Tommy" Tompson, banjorine; "Don" Rhodes, traps; "Sta" Rhodes, violin; and "Ted" Rhodes, saxaphone. These men played togetmi- er at Lake Orion last summer. Danc- ing 8:30 to 11:30, $1 per couple.-Adv. (Continued from Page One) "They were reported on Feb. 14, and the world has had a full month in which to discuss every future of the draft covenant then submitted. "During the last few days the com- mission has been engaged in an effort to take advantage of the criticisms which the publication of the covenant has fortunately drawn out. A com- mittee of the commission has also had the advantage of a conference with representatives of the neutral states, who are evidencing a very deep inter- est and a practically unanimous de- sire to align themselves with the league. New Co venant Completed "A revised covenant is practically finished. It is in the hands of a com- mittee for the final protest of draft- ing and will almost immediately be presented a second time to the pub- lic." 3 ~. -~ I Serice Alvays SATURDAY SPECIALS Personal interest assures pleas- ing service. Our sales organiza- tion is made up of individuals who constantly endeavor to serve exactingly and gladly. A regular weekly event. Some- thing different each Saturday. Stationery Correct stationery expresses taste and refinement, Paper of the very highest quality and lat- est design distinguish our sta- tionery department. When bet- ter papers are manufactured we will offer them for your inspec- tion. Watchour Friday ments. - announce- t Stationery Sale Extraordinary IHurd's Medallion Vellum, Keith's Kraften Linen, Armorial Linen, Old Colony Linen, in buff, white, blue and pink To Be Sent Abroiad e sophomores will spend three1 ths each summer until graduation Regular prices 40c to 75c. Saturday only 25c, 35c and 45c ALL FRESH STOCK, SOME YET UNPACKED Service and Meats Charles W. Successor to Graham SHEEHAN & COMPANY Unexpected guests cause no worries for our customers. The have only to step to the phone and give us their extra order, large or small, and the meats will be delivered to their hiome shortly. p. )ur customers appreeiate this se vould you. Call us for our prices. t rvice. So J. P. ESCHELBACH East Huron St Telephone 821 Stewards Attention Do you buy Butterine for your table? If so, it will pay you to investigate the quality of our VEGEO MARGARINE. We buy it direct from the factory. we sell it to youat less than wholesale prices. It is the best piece of goods we ever bought Kyer & Whitker URKISH CIGARETTES JARE MADE ESPECIALLY FOR THE $&-IMINATING AND EXPERIENCED SMOKER OF HIGH GRADE TURKISH CIGARETTES b-ebIendint, excep*ifl*n fAKERS OF THE HiG GRADE TURKISH A! MEC4YPTIAN GIGARETES IN THE WORL. mom . A I~ I F You can'tthink of "delicious" or "refreshing" without thinking of Coca- Cola. You can't drink Coca-Cola without being delighted. and refreshed. The taste is the test of Coca-Cola quality-so clearly distinguishes it from imitations that you cannot be deceived. Demand the genuine by full name nicknames encourage substitution. THE COCA-COLA CO. A TLANTA, GA. I n b I I 3C - -______________________ frTR ,1 REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Washtenaw Electric Shop 200 E. Washington St. Phone 273