THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH _ _ Profs' Retreat Is MAemorial Hall (By J. I. Dakin) How many students in the Univer- sity, especially freshmen, know that Michigan. has a professors' club, a refuge to which they may always re- tire when querulous pupils, become too persistent? It is aid that no stu- dent has ever entered this retreat, which is located in the basement of Alumni Memorial hall. Most of us consider this beautiful building merely as an architectural monument to Michigan's sons who fought in the three wars, Mexican, Civil, and Spanish. It was for this purpose, of course, that it was erect- ed by the alumni and friends of the University in 1909 and 1910. But it is a permanent edifice in which tab- lets and statues in memory of men connected with Michigan may be plac- ed, such as the two bas-relief stat- ues of Presidents Tappan and Angell on either side of the main doorway. Service of practical value is also rendered by this building. In the basement besides the professors' club are the offices of the Alumnus, the Alumni Catalog, and Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of the classical department. On the main floor are a large reading room, in which are kept papers and magazines from all parts of the coun- try, and a spacious office for the use of the alumni secretary. Portraits hang from the walls of both these rooms. The flie arts department also has its offices and a lecture room on this floor, on the walls of which hang part of the portraits of the Lewis collec- tion. There is also another small room full of paintings. Casts of classic sculptures are the only works of art in the main columned entrance hall, which is lighted by a skylight. Picture galleries, in which are a large number of different types of paintings, noteworthy to the amateur, at least, because of their splendid col- oring, are found in the building. Sev- eral collections of art relics are ar- ranged and the large lecture room where special exhibits are held at frequent intervals takes up the whole west side of the main floor. Longs For A.L. F. Long breeches are to be regula- tion for the A. E. F. from now on and enough pants of this type are at pres- en in France to outfit one-half of the American troops abroad, reports the Stars and Stripes. s Information from the Chief Quar- termaster of the A. E. F. last spring brought forth the fact that this change would take place, but was not carried out because all attention needed to be focussed at that time on fighting only. The cause of the new order is that the old style of pants shrunk, when wet, and cut off the circulation to the lower leg and foot. The Marines first used this long type of breeches at Bel- leau Woods, and there they proved satisfactory. Leggings will be used as before. The change will cost only 19 cents more per pair than the old style. Sixteen members of Columbia's var- sity crews of 1914-16 served in the army during the war. SENIORS DELAY IN ORDERING ATTIRE With swing-out day just a little more than three weeks off, April 22, it is essential that Seniors place their orders for caps and gowns without fur- ther delay if they would be garbed in the traditional attire of their dis- tinguished predecessors on this occa- sion. Merchants on the campus and down town report that to date they have received slightly less than 300 orders, which is a rather small proportion considering there are approximately 800 Seniors who expect to graduate in June, and who must be fitted out with- in the next few days. Members of all Senior classes are urged to place their orders immedi- ately in order that the merchants may have time to fit them without waiting for the proverbial eleventh hour rush. PACKED THEATER WITNESSES SUCCESS OF 12TH PRODUCTION (Continued from Page One) him well. The more intricate steps in this number were well executed. The audience demanded every encore to this number, and then Mirrielees was compelled to repeat vee' one. The number was effectively placed on the program, and sent the criwd away with the tinkling tune on its lips. A Genuine Success All in all, the show is a real suc- cess. Even though it was the first public performance, the singing and acting was so well done .that the au- dience has small opportunity for crit- icism, even if were desired. The or- chestra plays unusually well and does much to "bring across" the big num- bers, one of which is the solo of David Nash, '20, In act 1. In spite of his small opportunity, Nash exhibits the best voice of the company. The show has no lesson to teach, but simply seeks to entertain and - it succeeds! Directors Shuter and Moore, and their respective workers are to be com- mended. GERMANY MUST STAND LOSS OF FRENCH FOREST AREAS (Continued from Page One) pulp for textiles and surgical dress- ings, mixed wood flour with the wheat and even found a way of making cat- tle feed,; out of wood waste. "The German air-program must have taken a lot of her best spruce and the fuel shortage must have resulted in the cutting of great quantities of forest for fuel to replace coal. Take it all together, the German forests, long the pride of the old Empire, are probably pretty well dented. But at worst they will be in fine shape com- pared with those of France. Certain- ly France will make Germany pay heavily in timber. World Lacks Timber "Europe knows now, as never be- fore, that without forests a country is almost as badly off as without farms. With early a fourth of all Europe in forest, still great amounts of timber were imported from Rus- sia and from us. Right now there is a timber shortage which is world wide. American forests are danger- ously short, too." LIMITATIONS TO LEAGUES INQUIRES AND ACTIONS A I WH AT'S GOING ON I TODAY 4:00-Apparatus examination in Bar- bour gymnasium for girls who have not completed their work. 5:00-Consolation game between ju- niors and sophomores in Barbour gymnasium. 7:30-Theodore Williams speaks on "Aerial Photography in War Time and in Peace" in Natural Science auditorium. 8:00-Classical club meets in room - A, Alumni Memorial hall. TOMORROW 7:30--Debate between Saginaw high and Ann Arbor high in High School auditorium.I 7:30-Prof. Jesse S. Reeves lectures on "The Nature of International Law" in room 205 University hall. TECHNIC DESIRES DATA An obituary of all Michigan engineers whose deaths occurred while in the service will be pub- lished in the next issue of the Technic. As an aid in the com- piling of this data, students hav- ing any information on the sub- ject will please communicate with the Technic staff at their office in the Engineering build- ing. Women Must Register by Saturday Women will not oe able to register at the city clerk's office after 8 o'clock Saturday evenng. April 2 will be the latest date on which they can regis- ter at the ward polling places. Daily want ads oring results. ftWS. Reeves to Address Club ou Law Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the polit- ical science department will speak at 7:30 o'clock Friday night in room 205, University hall. His subject will be "The Nature of International Law" and the lecture will be given under the auspices of the Cosmopolitan club. The public is invited to be present. Spalding Ice Skates For Eery Member of e Family Toboggan;. Skis. Sosos HokySupples. Etc. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 211-217 So. State St. Chioge W. Tailors to 7Wen who Know Will You be One to Select Your New Spring Suit from Our Fine Line of Woolens? AFTER WAR PRICES $30.00 TO $50.00 HNRY713-5 N __- UniversityAve. SPRING - CLOTHING' I!'! Can easily be selected from our stock of 141 l Hart, SAVE THE PIECES! Eye Glass Lenses Ground in Our Own Shop. Same Day. Try Our Service. Eyes Examined STATE STREET HALLER & FULLER JEWELERS Schaffner & Marx Clothing for Young Men Y , All new Spring Styles in widerange of col- ors and fabrics. Young men who want .4 I Yto look at their bes should purchase thei x:" Clothing Furnishings at this big store. Copyright 1919 hart Schaffner & Mara t rI Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. Home of Hart, Schaffner & Alarx Clothes Southwest Corner of Main and Washington Streets i 1 .1 To Students who have been in the I Military or Naval Service of the Country (Continued from Page One) Omitting the guaranty of "the ex- isting independence of member na- tions" of article 10. Providing that no member of the league shall be constituted a man- datory without its consent, and no Eu- ropean or Asiatic powers shall be con- stituted a mandatory of any Ameri- can people. Providing that any member of the league may withdraw at its pleasure on a specified notice. Mr. Hughes criticized the 10th arti- cle of thecovenant under which the "high contracting parties" undertook to "respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial in- tegrity and existing political independ- ence of all states members of the league." Conceding the argument that this clause had been included to pro- tect the nations born of the war the speaker regarded it as a "trouble breeder" and not a "peace maker." Hop Tickets on Sale Thursday Tickets for the J-Hop performance of "Come On, Dad" will go on sale to members of cast and committees at 12:45 Thursday at the Union. DANCE AT YPSI Next Saturday night, March 29, there will be a dance at the Masonic Tem- ple. "Ike" Fisher is sending one of his best orchestras composed of "Bill" O'Donnell, piano; "Tommy" Tompson, banjorine; "Don" Rhodes, traps; "Sis" Rhodes, violin; and "Ted" Rhodes, saxaphone. These men played toget- er at Lake Orion last summer. Danc- 4" n.4[o n n * rangy..nn .4 ____A SAi The Faculty of the Law School of the University of Michigan has arranged a special course for the Summer Session of 1919 and the first semester of the year 1919-1920, in which course the stu- dent is allowed to carry an amount of work slightly in excess of the normal amount and thus gain the equivalent of a year of credit. The saving of time for students who may be discharged from the army or navy before June 23 will thus be considerable and of great importance in aiding them to secure early admis- sion to the bar. The course will include ali subjects of the reg- ular curriculum and will be given in the regular way by the Law School Staff. Students desiring to take advantage of this course must pre- sent official evidence of their military or naval service. _I For particulars address the Dean of the University of Michi- gan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. I