------------ THE WE RAIN AND TODA1 ATHER COOLIER Sir iAa iuat tu ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE w .i VOL. XXIX. No. 125. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1919. PRICE THREE CENT --- 7 AMENDMENTS TO NATIONS' LEAGUE Outlines World- Wide Danger Of Timber Famine As Result Of War 'WOULD INSURE FROM FOREIGN. SION CONTINENTS AGGRES- f 1 i AMERICANS ENTITLED TO BETTER COVENANT Regards Tenth Article of Charter a "Trouble Breeder" and Not a "Peace Maker" (By Associated Press) New York, March 26. - Seven amendments to the league of nations covenant intended primarily by the author to insure the American con- tinent against aggression, to protect the United States from enforced ad- ministration.of foreign territory, and to revoke the "trouble breeding" guar- anty of the existing political indepen- dence of member nations, were pro- posed here tonight by Charles E. Hughes. Worthy of Better Work Mr. Hughes declared the American people were "entitled to a better piece of work" than the .present covenant and added that "much would have been gained" if at the outset "part of the time expended in its praise had been devoted to its correction." The Hughes' amendments were stat- ed as follows: Explicit provision as to the require- men of unanimity of decsion Suitable limitation as to the field of the league's inquiries and action, so as to leave no doubt that the internal concerns of states, such as emigra- tion and tariff laws are not embraced. Providing that no foreign power shall hereafter acquire by- conquest, purchase or in any other way any possession on the American continent, or the islands adjacent thereto. Providing that the 'settlement of purely American questions shall be re- mitted to the American nation and that European nations shall not in- terfere unless requested to do so by the American nation. (Continued on Page Six) PLANR1RR IMPROVE[MENT DESPITE LACKorOFFUs HINES FAVORS GOVERNMENT CON TROL WITH PRIVATE OWNERSHIP (By Associated Press) Pittsburg, March 26.-Despite the financial predicament of railroads the railroad administration plans to car- ry out as much of its improvement program as possible to keep labor em- ployed and roads in repair, Walker D. Hines, director general of railroads, declared here tonight. He asked for a more adequate un- derstanding on the part of the public on problems facing the railroads dur- ing the war and presented sugges- tions for operating roads privately un- der government regulation as a per- manent solution of the problem. He emphasized that the ability of the railroad administration to finance it- self in spite of the failure of appro- priation does not mean that it will not need the appropriation as soon as congress meets again. Encourage Private Corporations Proposing eventual private operation with governmental supervision Mr. Hines said,.'"My own view is that a moderate guarantee on capital should be prescribed so as to give a reason- able assurance to capital and that there should be a right to participa- tion in any profits made in excess of that guarantee so as to furnish the needed stimulus to private initiative. Equiable Adjustment of Rates "I further believe that the govern- ment should be represented on the board of directors and that the gov- 0rnment directors constitute an impor- tant part of the body which prescribes rates. I do not believe these funda- mental changes can be successfully carried through, however, except by the construction of comparatively few great railroad corporations each of which will combine the prosperous and pnprosperous so as to present a fair average result and get away from Is France likely to require that Ger- many settle a part of her indemnity with lumber, was the question asked a member of the forestry faculty yes- terday. He replied as follows: "More than likely, quite certain. When Germany gets through paying for French forests, I presume there will be a hole in German forests which it will take a hundred years to fill up agakn. Boehes Used Much Timber "You see, a lot of the best French forests were in the invaded regions and it is reported that the German sawmills followed right on the heels of the troops. Those sawmills would have worked up the French forests into munition timbers and fuel. Can- tonments, and camps, and bridges, and props for dugouts and trenches take a lot af timber. Besides that, Germany would have been wanting a lot of timber at home and would much prefer to take it out of France than to sacrifice her own. Shells Wipe Out Trees "So that used up a lot of the old French forests pretty fast. Then came the great advances and retreats and unheard-of shell fire. An advancing army hates hills and forests almost as badly as it hates swamps. Mix them together, as in the Argonne, and it makes about as bad a combination as possible. "If we knew the truth of it, prob- ably it would be found that both the Germans and French, years back, had managed to put forests where they would hinder invasion as much as pos- sible. It was during the famous Hindenburg retreat, you remember, that all the trees were felled so as to leave no hiding places and nothing to interrupt shell fire-nothing to conceal 0110 OUT-DOORS ECH WEEKFTER VACTION CAPTAIN WILSON PLANS FRIDAY EVENING CONCERTS AT STAND Weekly concerts are to be given by the Varsity band from the campus band stand at 7 o'clock every Friday evening, starting immediately" after spring vacation, according ko Captain Wilfred Wilson, the director of this musical organization. Not only will the band give its week- ly concerts, but it will also play at all of the baseball games and at all of the track events to be held on Ferry field this coming spring. As an added feature to this crowded program, the usual big "BandBounce" will. be held. No definite date or ar- rangements have been made for this event, but Prof. J. R. Brumm, the fac- ulty business manager, said that it would come off with more enthusiasm than ever before. Of its 61 members, which is a full orchestration, 0 of the band's per- sonnel have had previous experience with this organization, and the new men are of equal musical ability. Weekly rehearsals have developed the band into a perfect musical organ- ization. The major part of the time at rehearsals is devoted to putting those fine' touches to a piece which denotes the difference between a good and poor band. Jews Slaughtered In tuenos Aires w New York, March 26. - Thousands of Jews were slaughtered in a pro. gram conducted in Buenos Aires orn January 9 according to a statemen issued here tonight by the Zionist or- ganization of America, quoting a re port it has received from the Argen tine capital. According to this repor a "white guard" was organized there following a rumor that strikes in the city were the beginning of a Bolshe vik revolution excited by Jews. The reports charged that with co-opera c tio of the police the white guar raided the Jewish quarter "killingF number that cannot be estimated be cause all the bodies were buried in comimon grave." Jews and person who resembled Jews were stopped o a the street and even synagogues wer n raided on the ground that Maximalist ;s were being hidden there from the po lice. troop movements from the airplanes. Just about the only way of fooling the air scouts is to get under a forest. What with all these things, the French forests near the front were simply wiped out. "Besides what the Germans took and what the shells smashed, the rest of the French forests were badly cut into. Nothing was more essential in the winning of the war than English coal. The getting of coal-mine props was one of the big English problems. England had been very careless with her own forests and had little more than deer parks. She had to have pit-props and so wound up by cutting shade trees and then borrowing from France. English armies required enormous quantities of cantonment and trench timber and it had to come from French forests. French Forests Deeply Cut "Early in the game crews of Cana- dian lumbermen were working up Scottish and French forests forg t English armies. Then we came in. The Chief of the U. S. Forest Service went over to France with the first of- ficers in order to arrange getting out the timber which was going to be needed. The 10th and 20th Engineers were made up of American foresters and lumberjacks and they operated dozens of camps and sawmills scat- tered over nearly all of France. The making of the new harbors re- quired countless pieces of piling and millions of feet of lumber. Our ware- houses and cantonments and hospitals took millions more. The front line construction took millions more-and it all came out of the old hand-made French forests. We have paid France in cash for the timber we used but our cash will not put back the trees we cut. That will take cash, plus a hundred years. France Will'Demand Payment "Now France requires enormous quantities of timber to reconstruct her devastated regions. Her own for- ests have been butchered by the Ger- mans and have been sadly depleted by her Allies. France has known for centuries that she must raise timber in order to prosper. Therefore, almost one-fifth of France was forest land. England. has learned that a nation must have a dependable timber sup- ply and is planning to spend many million pounds in starting new for- ests. Meanwhile Germany has around 34,- 000,000 acres of forest, of which about 20,000,000 are in Prussia. Perhaps it would be better to say that Germany had that much, for the war will have drawn very heavily on her home sup- plies. Germany soon ran out of cot- ton. She used wood-pulp to make her nitro-cellulose explosives and wood- (Continued on Page Six) ACADEMY oF SCIENCE PLANS TWO SESSIONS The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Michigan academy of science will be held in Ann Arbor during the same week as the yearly meeting of the Schoolmasters' club. The two meetings of the academy will take place on the afternoons of April 3 and 4. In former years the meeting has ben divided into sections, but this year there will be eight. There will be a section dealing with agriculture with Frank A. Spragg as chairman, a sec- tion dealing with botany with J. H. Ehlers as chairman, one with Prof. I. Leo Sharfman as chairman dealing with economics. There will also be a section of ge- t ology and geography, and another of - psychology with C. 0. Sauer and Johr - F. Shepard, respectively, as chairmen. -IIn'addition to these there will be a t section of sanitary and medical sci- e ence and one dealing with zoology, of e which A. M. Chickering is chairman. - It is urged, in a circular sent out e by the academy, that all members pay - their dues as soon as possible after d reaching the campus. a The secretary or a representative - will be in room 231 Natural Science a building on Thursday and Friday, s' April 3 and 4, and in room 432 on n Saturday, April 5. The local commit- e tee consists of Walter F. Hunt, assist- s ant professor of mineralogy, and - Charles W. Cook, assistant professor of economic geology. ADRIATIC BLOCKADE OPEN Paris, March 26.-The Italian delegation to the peace confer- ence today notified the confer- ence of the suppression of the military and commercial block- ade of the Adriatic by which trading in the Adriatic returns to conditions before the war 'ex- cept that until peace is declared the Allied ships will have the right to search merchantment. NAME CANDIDATES FOR I Y0II AND Wa A. A.- JOBS TO PICK OFFICERS FOR YEAR AT GENERAL ELECTION NEXT Nominees for offices in the Y. W. C. A. and the Women's Athletic as- sociation for the ensuing year have been presented for election. They will be voted on at the general campus election on April 17. The list of nom- inations for the Y. W. C. A. is as fol- lows: For president, Katherine Loveland, '20, and Kathryn Glass, '20; for vice- president, Helen Master, '21, and Lois DeVries, '21; for treasurer, Beatrice Beckwith, '21, and Alice Comlossy, '21; and for secretary, Desdemona Watts, '22, and Virginia Mowry, '22. Candidates for the Women's Ath- letic association are: for president, Laura Peacock, '20, and Ruth Jennings, '20; for vice-president, Phyllis Wiley, '21, and Ann Kirkpatrick, 20; for treasurer, Alice Hinkson, '21, and Ka- trina Schernmerhorn, '21; for secre- tary, Hazel Storz, '22, and Eleanor Stephenson, '22; for senior represen- tative, Dorothy Jones, '20, and Kath- erine Loveland, '20; for junior repre- sentative, Helen Koch, '21, and Edith Apfel, '21; and for sophomore repre- sentative, Florence Freeman, '22, and Selma Mueller, '22. FLU TAKES HALF DF LABRADOR'S POPULATION (By Associated Press) Montreal, March 26.-Fifty per cent of the inhabitants of northern Labra- dor perished during the winter from an epidemic of influenza, smallpox and measles, according to despatches to the Montreal Star sent by mail to Battle Harbor and by wireless to St. Johns, Newfoundland. Earlier reports had shown that ep- idemics on the southern section of the coast had cost the lives of 25 per cent of the natives, but first reports from the nprthern section are con- tained in today's despatches. It is estimated that only 400 inhab- itants from Grooswater Bay are left alive, the despatch says, but the full extent of the calamity will not be known until the opening of navigation in the summer. Medical attention was unobtainable. 21 Wins Women's Apparatus JMee t Final interclass apparatus meet held in Barbour gymnasium Wednesday aft- ernoon was won by the sophomore class who defeated the freshman by a score of 30 to 10 points. Both of the high individual scores were won by sophomores. Phyllis Wiley obtaining 24 points through winning four first places, one second and one third took the highest place with Katrina Schermerhorn taking second with one first, one second, and one third, making a total of nin points. The third individual score place was taken by E. Erley, '20, whose score totaled eight points. The results in full were: Hand trav eling-first, K. Schercerhorn, '21, sec ond, P. Wiley, '21, and H. Koch, '21 tied, third, E. Howard; rope ladders- first, P. Wiley, '21, second, V. Seeley '22, third, M. Rottschaeffer, '21; fac vault vs. oblique vault-first, B. Bush '21, second, P. Wiley, '21, third, H Koch, '21; window ladders-first, P Wiley, '21, second, K. Schermerhorn '21, third, F. Buckbee, '22; swin jump-first, L. Olin, '22, second, B Brush, '21, and F. Freeman, '22 tied. PICK TALKERS FOR WOMEN'S BANQUET Speakers for the Women's annual banquet which will be given in Bar- bour gymnasium April 2, will be as follows: Toastmistress, Olga Shink- man, '17, of Detroit; alumnae speak- er, Mildred Hinsdale, '95, of Grand Rapids; undergraduate speaker, Ruth Dailey, '19. Dean John R. Effinger and Dean Myra B. Jordan will also give short talks. Tickets for the banquet will be on sale in University hall tomorrow from 8 to 12 o'clock in the morning and from 1 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. They are 50 cents each. U, OF W, HEAD TO TALK AT SCHOOLMASTER CLUB MANY PROMINENT SPEAKERS EN- GAGED FOR APRIL CON- FERENCE ° For the fifty-fourth time the Mich- igan Schoolmasters' club will meet at an annual convention on the 2, 3 and 4 of April. A great variety of meet- ings, entertainments and luncheons are scheduled for the three days of conferences. The short term institute will hold a joint session with the Schoolmas- ters' club on Thursday, April 3, in the Natural Sciece building. Dr. Henry Suzzallo, president of the University of Washington, will speak on "Social Changes Affecting Secondary Educa- ion," and Prof. Guy M. Whipple of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, at Pittsburgh, will give an illustrated lec- ture on "How the Psychologist Meas- ures Intelligence." Classleals Meet at Same Time The twenty-fifth classical confer- ence will hold meetings on 1, 2, 3, and 4 of April in Memorial hall with prominent speakers of the University and other colleges on the program. A feature of this conference will be an illustrated lecture on Wednesday, April 2, in Hill auditorium by Prof. Charles Upson Clark of the American Academy in Rome. He will speak under the auspices of the Italian gov- ernment on "Italy in 'the War and After the War." Classical Club to Entetain The Classical club will present a Latin play in English on Thursday evening in University hall, which will be "The Much Woo'd Maiden." All Michigan women who are at- tending the conferences will be en- tertained at a luncheon Wednesday, April 2, given in Barbour gymnasium, after which the Junior girls will pre- sent their annual play at the Whitney theater. Prof. Henry Johnson will deliver an important lecture Friday morning in University hall on "Reconstruction in History Teaching." Professor Johnson is a member of the faculty at Colum- ba University and is an authority or this subject. Departments Confer Departmental conferences will be held separately during the convention for those interested in modern lan- guages, English, history, physics chemistry, mathematics, biology, com mercial studies, art, physiography I manual training, education psycholog and home economics. Detailed programs may be obtain I ed from the educational department o e at the Registrar's office. e DIRECTOR ISSUES - CALL FOR TENOR" , Due to the fact that several of th - first tenors of the Glee club wer , found ineligible, Mr. Theodore Harri e son, the director, will hear tenors a , 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening in hi . studio at the .University School of Mu . sic. 1, Mr. Harrison is rounding out g club from his list, and if he suc 3. ceds in securing a sufficient numbe 2, of tenors the personnel of the clu will be decided upon in a short timi CAMPUS PROCLAIMS "COME ONDA"U U VERY WELL IN INITIAL APPEARAINCE MUSICAL SAID TO NUMBERS ARE BE "BEST EVER" CAST AND CHORUS UNITE IN "PUTTING ACROSS" TWELFTH SHOW OF MIMES Audience Demands Encores for Every Song; Acting of Principals Show Results of Shuter's Training (By Paul W. Shinkman) At a wave of the baton of Director Earl V. Moore, and with a flourish of trumpets, the curtain went up on Michigan's twelfth Opera, "Come On, Dad," last night at the Whitney thea- ter, and then-dropped the audience in South Amerca! As a musical production, the piece ranks in the usual place. As a play, It is perhaps the strong- est opera -we have had in the last half decade, although there is no comedy of the hilarious sort. Stars Are Excellent Knight Mirrielees, '21E, easily takes honors as the "male" star of the show. His ating is breezy, spontaneous, and at all times confident. Paul Wilson, '20, leads the "women" of the show, with his charming Mary Broadhead, and more charming voice. Mathew Towar, '19, is true to the Richard Carl. type in his character of the ex-profes- sor, and Paul Moore, '22M, has most of the assets of a Donald Brian, in his pleasant smile, excellent singing, and better dancing. James White is a fa- ther such as it would be hard to find in anybody else on the campus. He warms up to the part considerably in the last act. Musical Numbers Applauded After a picturesque prologue sung by Carlos Zanelli, '19E, 'the show starts off with a banging opening chorus which is a dazzling display of color and staging effects. This stand- ard is kept up throughout the act with such catchy numbers as Gornetzky's "Marry Me, Mary," and his "Ro- mance a la Mode," the last of which is the biggest number of the first act and contains an excellently ' done dance by Paul Moore and Paul Wil- son. The latter, as Mary Broadhead, exhibits a voice of more than aver- age quality, and the Crinoline girls of this number were marked successes. "The Betting Song," by Knight Mir- rielees, was effectively introduced in the opening chorus of the second act. The chorus in this act scored its big- gest hit. Last Act Crowns Performance The last act is the crowning effort of the show and reaches a degree of excellence which would do credit to any Dillingham production. The set for this act is ,about the smartest thing of its kind seen in Ann Arbor in many a day and the costumes are wonderful. The opening "Drinking Song" is excellent and is sipported by "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes." The second number in act III is the musical stopping-point of the show. It is here that Mirrielees, with an at- tractive chorus, is given a chance to sing a song which seems to have been written for him, "Come On, Dad," by Philip Diamond. The chorus supports (Continued on Page Six) , ,,,peaks Tonight On Aerial Photos y "Aerial Photography in War Time - and in Peace" is the subject of the r illustrated lectuer to be given at 7:30 o'clock Thursday in the lecture room of the Natural Science building by Mr. Theodore Williams. Mr. Williams was formerly a stu- n dent in the chemistry department of this University and was later con- e nected with the Packard Motor Car e company at Detroit. During the war - he was a major in the United States t army and in that capacity he had a s great deal to do with the develop- - ent of aerial photography. The lecture is given under the au- a spices of the University of Michigan - section of the American Chemical so- r ciety. No admission fee will be b charged and the general public is in-