1995- or steam cleaned for $1.00 per suit. Bring your old flothes totherRapid Cleaners and Dyers and we will make them look like new. Strictly hand Use the bauy to reach the students. Four thousand students read it every worning.--Adv. kgw revei 't, aa m "M 3 w&AP. @.. I Boots for Early Spring PROFESSOR SOAK WRITES- MONOGRAPHFRSTUIIES THROWS MORE LIGHT ON LATER ROMAN ANDBYZANTINE EXPIRE S Prof. E. R. Boak, known to the campus not only as a member of the history department, but as intimately associated with naval training last semester, is the author of a mino- graph which has just appeared as the first part of volume XIV in the Hum- anistic series of the University of Michigan studies. This monograph fills 180 imperial octavo pages, and appears, as the oth- er volumes of this series, with the imprint of the, Macmillan company. Lights Up istory The work is entitled "The Master of the Offices in Later Roman and Byzan- tine Empires." As the preface indi- cates, it is "an attempt to throw more light upon the intricate administrative system obtaining in the later Roman and Byzantine empires through a de- tailed treatment of the history and scope of one particular office." Bibliography Added At the close of the work, Professor Boak has placed a bibliography, which will be useful to all students of the subject, and a systematic collection of references in both later classical and Byzantine literature and inscrip- tions. It is the, judgment of competent scholars who have examined this monograph that it will be an indis- pensable aid to future investigators who may be interested in all associat- ed phases of Byzantine history and institutions. It sustains the high level of the series to which it belongs. Our Spring line of Adler Rochester Clothing alvaits your inspection Adler-Rochester Knapp Felt Hats Mlerton Caps *fi Vassar Union Suits Emery Shirts Clothes Lutz Clothing 217 So. Mlain, Store Not too heavy or yet too light for this time of the year. Desirable Models in good old dependable cordovan or soft pliable leathers. There is class written all over them. $8.00 to $10.00 ADLERRCH Clothes 1 Walk-Over Boot Shop 115 S. MAIN ST. Perpetuate With Pictures, Uncle Sam perpetuated his war activities with Pictures. Big Business perpetuates its developments with Pictures, Families perpetuate their members with Pictures. Why Not Perpetuate University Life with Pctu~ru Why nothaye asnap, or flashlight, of the "Bunch," the "Dance," or the hundred and one'other things that occur at "Michigan?" Nothing tells the story like a Picture. They nake delightful souvenirs that will be cherishe Ion after other tlings are forgotten, You know, or if you don't you can find out for yourself, that Lyndon's Flashlights and Groups are in a class -y themselves. Many have tried and ire still trying byt noe have succeeded in approaching them in quality. Tastellling you this but don't take ny wir for it, be your own judge, No it's a inple thing to get these pictures; just call Lyndon, and he'll get them, nie44 or day. Please get your order in before S P, M. for evening. L "T 719 N. University Ave. ' ol " Tel. 458F1, or F2 are preparing to help you entertain your friends Tailors to 21en who Know Will You be One to Select Your New Spring Suit from Our Fine Line of Woolens? AFTER WAR PRICES $30.00 TO $50.00 ENRY & 713-715 N. C University Ave. 4 t extension Reaches Work 250,000 BUSY BEE Is open to you and yours during Opera Week G __ , , .. V w. J When a professor says he cannot meet his class because he must speak in Lake Odessa or Petoskey, it means that he is going to deliver one of the 300 lectures which are given by the University extension service through- out the year. 250, 0 People eached Since the organization of this work six years ago, from 1,500 to 1,800 ex- tension lectures have been given be- fore audiences which averaged 250 persons. This means that members of the faculty assigned to this work have spoken to an aggregate of more than a quarter million people. The demand for these lectures has grown steadily each year until now requests for more than 1,000 lectures yearly are received. More Last Semester An interesting feature of the lec- tures delivered within the past sem- ester is that in spite of war condi- tions and the influenza epidemicthe average audience has been larger than that of 4ny previous year. Nov- ember, December, January, and Feb- ruary are the months in which the University extension service sndas out the most lecturers. BONUS APPLICANTS FEWER IN NUMBER Most of the bonua applications "M this city have probably been sent out, as the Red Cross home service sta- tion in Nickels arcade has had fewer applicants during the last few days. The number of daily' applicants when the office first opened for this work was about 100, but it has now dropped to 50 a day. To date more than 600 applications for the gratuity have been sent out from the local office. Several inquiries have cone into the office of late asking about a report that the Federal Reserve banks were authorized to pay the bonus. No in- formation has been received at the lo- cal banks to affrm this, so all appli- cations must continue to be sent W Washingto.. Press reports during the 1 few days have stated that dgpicate dis- charge papers could be sent to Wash- ington for the bonus;. According to Major Durke there is some mistake in these rEppr4, since if this were txue, meu *ouid draw their bonus tWice, The only duplicate papers ac- ceptable at the government office are those issued in case the original dis- charge has been lost. At the Upper Room Bible class to- night Mr. Odra Patton will sing a spe- cial number.-Adv. SHOWS AT 2:00-3:30-7:00-8:30 I Last Times Today PA RAJOUNT ?PI(ESENTS * CHARLES, RAY di In His Greatest Success sti0 DMAUMTS LUNCHES CANDY OQPAA Th ilDodg er Said to be the best college story ever filmed Mr. Ray plays the part of a dreamy young stu- dent who is more interested in philosophy than in "phemales." But when he gets going! . . Phone 13 "eOh Boy! Some Speed" SURE YOUR'E COMING I I i