THE MICHIGAN DAIL__ PA studen Dat se who advertise in The Mich- Daily cater to ALL Michigan nts.-Adv. ly want ads bring results. jTHE MICHIGAN DAILY I I Come On Dad "THE OPERA OF OPERAS" IPLACE ORDERSI Below is a continued list of the new sits the second semester. Additiona the names of all the new students areE MICHIGAN DA NOW For JHop Cal I2700 Rates Reasonable and TOp Service INDEPENDENT TAXI CO. Peterson, William S, '22, 207 Petty, F J, '21, 823 E. Kings: Pfeifer, J H, '21, 1223 Vollan Pfeifer, J J, '20, 322 E. Ann. Pfiuke, F J, '21300 E. Jeff Pheney, Edward T, '21, 447 1E Phillip, Laurence A, '21, 219l Pietz, David H, '21, 702 S. Di, Pitkin, Ward H, '21, 509 S. Di Planck, Joseph W, '21, 10031 Platts, Phillips K, '20, 1223 V Plichta, August C, '21, 733 Sp Porter, Dr. Lowrie J, 910 P#.V Post, John C, '20, 309 Thomp Potter, Charles C, '19. Kalan Potter, Ernest F, '19, 209 S. Pottinger, James, '20, 1617 W Power, Percy J, '20, 721 S. St Prucha, Hugo V, '21, 933 S. S Prugh, Judson I, '22,534 Hill Pumine, Harold H,'20, 1328V Purvis, Arden H, '22, 708 S. S Puyear, Wesley H, '22, 1309 G Quackenbush, Percy J, '20, 91 Quarry, George C, 410 Church Racoosin, David, '21. Detroit Radkey, Charles, 427 N. Was Rainey, John H, '21L, 10251 Ramsdell, Louis S, 507 E. An Ransom, Henry K, '20, 904 O Rash, Charles J, '20, 625 Fore Rawlings, James T, '22. Ro Redemsky, Fred W, '21E, 715l Reeves, Harold M, '19, 210 S. Reichert, Albert E, grad, 1624 Reid, Clarence A, '20, 721 S. Reid, W K, '22E, 503 E. Liber Reilly, John R,:'20E, 1024 Ba Reindel, George G, ;'22E, 523 Retzlaff, Walter G, '19E, 431 Waste Paper Baskets Z5 c. Hand Woven He hSWITZER'& C0. 510 SOutl State Street 'i I ,Medical Students you need LABORATORYSUPPLIES and SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS We have them; of the best quality, and at the right prices' Let's get acquainted The Goodyear Drug Co.' 107 So. Main Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 11 control of him through the red lead- ers, and kept him in practical cap- tivity in a German castle. Both re- ports were denied soon after, and it is as much of a mystery as ever. He was the one great soldier Russia pro- w students who enrolled in the Univer- duced in thelwar, and one of the great J nages will be Drinted daily until military commanders that the war exhausted. revealed. Where is he? ILY SUPPLEMENT 20 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH TO HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET Ingalls. Escanaba. 1808-W. ley. Muncie, Ind. 566. Dr. Hubert C. Herring of Boston, d. Edmore. 710-W. secretary of the national council of Corning, N Y. 1040-J. churches, will be th speaker of the wson. Utica, NY. 976-J. evening at the annualbanquet of stu- ~Huron. Everett, Was-h. dents and faculty of the First Cngre- E. Liberty. Ann Arbor. 341-J. gational church, to be held at 6 [vision. Saginaw. 2102-R. o'clock on Tuesday, March 18 s !vision. Benton Harbor. 293-M. A program of toasts and rftsic is E. Huron. Union. 909. now being arranged by the committee olland. Ft. Pierce, Fla. 701-W. in charge. Tickets for the banquet, pring. Crystal Falls. 2233-W. which sell at 50 cents, may be pur- Washington. Grand Rapids. 1170-R. chased at Wahr's bookstore. son. Holland. 2323. Micigan's paper for Michigan men. mazoo. State. Niagara Falls, N Y. 2488-J. Adv. ashtenaw. Detroit. 1016. PAUL'S Place-Shoes repaired.-Ad ate. Farmington. 1855. PAUL'SPace-Shoesrepaired.-Ad. tate. Cleveland, O. 2271-W. . Vandegrift, Pa. 370-J. Washtenaw. Kalamazoo. 1101-M. "Dotlt Change tate. Springfield, Mo. 1662-W. Geddes. Neodesha, Kan. 2655. Your Husband" 5 Oakland. Perth Amboy, N J. 355. h. Pickford. 373-M.' t. hington. Ypsilanti. Vaughan. Appleton, Ark. 826-R. n. Detroit. 215-M. %rgest se 5 akland. Jackson. 652-M. qua lity pencil in est. Ann Arbor. 199. y Ae. wore Chester, N Y. Monroe. Ionia. 1575-J. Thayer. Detroit. 2488-M. Hill. Ann Arbor. 418-M. Division. Circleville, 0. 1324-J. rty. Walkervilie, Ont Can. Jdwin. Ann Arbor. 1899. Madison. Detroit. 1755-W. E. University. Detroit. 1478-W. 7 black degrees Duke Nicholas Is and 3 copying Missing Number FREE ---'Trial samples of (By T. F. M.) VENUS pencils sent Where is the Grand Duke Nicholas free o requcs. of Russia?a American Lead Pencil Co. Considering the milifarious reports 215 Fifth Ave., Dept. D N Y of Bolshevik activities and the red Of all satones and sores troighokrt the war/d. reign in the land of the snow, the fact that the name of the great mili- tary genius who at one time almost crushed Germany in the war, has been omitted from all political rum- ors, is something rather puzzling to the student of world affairs. Military commanders, rulers of prominent political leaders, have been commented upon in Petrograd radio reports, and information passing the frontiers, either to describe their sit- uation, or to number them among thep victims of the new rule, but in all;c these dispatches, there is practically 1. ' no mention of the Grand Duke Nich- olas. Brother to the czar, and command- er in chief of all the forces of Rus- sia at the outbreak of the war, Nich- olas Nicholaevitch, threw fear and terror into the hearts of the central V "E, rulers, when in the second year of the war, he started his vast project of a gigantic invasion of Austria-1 Hungary, aiming at the vital objec- tives of Vienna and Berlin. The first phase of the execution of this military plan, brought the slavic field armies to Lemberg, and thence to Galicia and the plains of Hun- gary, Immediately threatening the bulk of Austra'is resources in oil and min- eral materials, used in the making of munitions. Nicholas was then menac- ing Austria, within military striking. j distance of the frontiers when the I great retreat began. What this was due to, whether to the treachery of the czar's advisors, or to the criminal failure of the war ministry to sup- ply the army with materials, which were easily available, does not di- minish the consideration of the splen- did strategic conceptions of the Grand Duke, to fall back and save the army. By military critics, the Russian re- i treat today is held to be one of the most magnificent major- operations ever executed by the commander of a Compare then field army. With even the lines of oipr communication for the entire invad- ing force threatened, the Grand Duke with Nicholas so skillfully manoeuvered, that his operations preserved intact Higher Priced- the entire army during the entire re- treat. cigarettes Afterward, upon his return to the capital, the czar relieved him of com- mand, due, it is said, to the energetic solicitations of Rasputin, the mystic 4 monk in German pay. It was report- ed that the Grand Duke then went into retirement in his chateau in the southeast of Russia. Another report said that the German government got MICHIGAN MEN TO LEAVE college life. Saturday morning will b FOR OLDER BOYS' CONFERENCE spent in the regular work of the con ference, while the afternoon will I A. C. Crockett, '19, Dale Thompson, devoted to instruction in games an '20, and W. L. Kemp, '22M, accon mass play. Sunday morning the me panied by Mr. D. C. Heffley, relig- will participate in church services i ious work secretary of the Univer- Ovid, concluding the conference wit sity Y. M. C. A., will leave Friday a meeting Sunday afternoon. noon to conduct an older boys' confer- Members of the team met last nigh ence for Clinton. county in Ovid on in Lane hall to conmplete arrange March 14, 15, and 16. ments. On Friday evening a banquet will be held at which the "Y" representatives You will zlways find satistaction b will speak on the various phases of adveritsing in the Daily.--Adv. Complete Line of Celebrated Martin Guitars, Ukuleles and Mandolins, Tenor and Mandolin Banjos,-Victor Victrolas and Records Schaeberle&Son's Music House, S f 0 S. MAIN STREET 4PHONE 254-Fl ORNAMENTAL VEIL PINS New and practical. Pine Veil in front of Hat. IN STERLING SILVER AND BRILLIANT SETTINGS H ALLER & FULLER STATE STREET JEWELERS St STUDENTS See our complet line of Chemistry, Dental, Medical Lab Coats Wadhams & Co., STATE STREET STORE 11 I """.""'. ...,.." _ : q THE UNIVERSITY .,.,H E TURKISH i AdImLGARETTE OF MICHIGAN CAMPUS Where You Touch Elbows with All the World For detailed information address the Dean of that School or College of the University in which you are specially interested, or the Secretary of the University, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Leave Copy A S IFIELeave Copy atr a nd Qurry'a and Quarry's and The DElTaGThe Delta - ADVER TISI.NG WANTED WANTER-Let us start you in busi- ness in a nice little shop of your own. If you have up to $250 for assorted stock of goods will estab- lish you under plan which will prac- tically insure your success. Write for particulars today. C. F. Rob- erts Co. Exclusive Manufacturers, 278-280 Brush St., Detroit, Mich. WANTED-Law books. One Ames and Smith Torts, and one Warren I- LOST LOST-A tar pocketbook with name on inside. Call Johnson. Phone 1565-J. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Microscope and typewrit- er. Am leaving and must sell at once. Cal. Corley, 1226-3. FOR SALE-The Daily can sell any- thing-it is our specialty. it pays to advertise in these columns.