THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY 'b JINDI SEHICES IN AN1 ARBOR CHURCHES Today will be observed as Anti-Sa- om league day in the Methodist, )ngregational, Presbyterian, Disci- e, and Baptist churches. Mr. N. C. Atter, manager of the Washtenaw unty dry campaign, has provided eakers for the above churches. Appropriate Lenten services are be- g held during the week at the St. Andrew's Episcopal, cal Lutheren, St. Lcal Lutheran and :hurches. Trinity Evangel- Paul's Evangel- Zion Lutheran First Baptist Church 10 :30-Public worship. Sermon by the Hon. A. C. Graham. 11:50-Sunday school; Prof. L.Wa- terman and Rev. J. W.Wells, teach- ers. 6:30--Young people's meeting. Eg- bert Doughty, '22, leader. Rev. J. M. Wells, minister. Bible Chair House 9:30-University men's class. Top- ic: "Science and the Mosaic Law." 4:30-Class for general public. Topic: "The Ninth Commandment." Dr. T. M. Iden, teacher. Church of Christ (Disciple) 10:30-Sermon by Mr. A. E. Lauf- fer ofDetroit. 7:30-Evangelistic services open. Sermon by minister. Subject: "Why Should Every Man Be a Christian?" Services will be held each evening by speakers from Detroit and Owosso. Rev. F. P. Arthur, minister. First Congregational Church 9:30-Church school, followed by kindergarteni. 10:30-Morning service. Atty. W. B. Wheeler of Washington, D. C., speaker. Subject, "The New Age." 12:00-Sunday school. 6:30-Mr. V. Z. Zogalian speaks to students' Round Table. Topic, "Ar- menia's Sacrifice." H. L. Meyer, di- rector of religious education. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church 7:30-Mkorning prayer and commu- by Professor Miller. Subject, "Peace." Rev. Henry Tatlock, rector. Trinty Evangelical Lutheran Church 10:30-Morning . service. Subject, 'Humanity's High Priest." 11:30-Sunday school. 7:3 0-< Evening service. Sub-ject, "Jesus of Naareth Passeth By." Rve. Lloyd Wallick, minister. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church 10-:00 -- German service. Subject, "Let Us Not Receive the Grace of God in Vain." 7:00-English service, Lenten. Sub- ject, "Christ, Our High Priest." Rev, H. A. Brauer, minister. Zion Lutheran Church 10:30-German service. Subject, "Worse Than the Heathen." 7 -V --a Er glish service, Lenten. Subject, "Jesus Foreseeing the Cross." Rev. E. C.Stellhorn, minster. Methodist Episcopal Church 10:30-Morning service. W. V. Waltman, of Lansing, speaker. 12:00-Prof. T. C. Trueblood speaks to University's men's class on "The League of Nations.'" 6:30-Wesleyan guild meetiryg. E. W. Dunn, '20, leader. 7:30-Wesleyan guild lecture. Dean Shailer Mathews of the University of Chicago speaks on "The American Spirit in Action." German M. E. Church The church has been reorganized as a church mission, and desires to serve those without church homes especially in the second ward. Sun- day school and main services will be conducted in English, other services in German. The church will be re- opened this morning with a sermon at 10 o'clock on "Serving the Commu- nity." H. L. Weiss. Presbyterian Church 10:30-Prof. C. W. Greene of Al- bion college speaks. 12:00-Prof. T. E. Rankin speaks to students' Bible class. 6:30 -- Young people's meeting. Rev. L. A. Barrett, minister. Jewish Students' Congregation; 6:45-Evening service.. Rabbi Max Merrit of Evansville, Ind., will be the speaker. Community Chapel U-NOTICES 3:00 - Sunday school. Subject, Senior medics wil make arrangements "The Beginnings of the Gospel." Rev. for caps and gowns at Moe's, 711 J. M. Wells, teacher. North University avenue, as soon as possible. Tryouts for the Cercle Francaise play OIN Owill be held Monday evening at 8 I Y U2AQ V ii O o'clock, at 202 south wing. octogTickets for the Pennsylvania club TODAY banquet to be held March 13 at the 10:00-Sunday school and special Dry Union, are now on sale at the Un- exercises at the Unitarian church, ion desk. A large ticket sale is exreriEsat tHeurnran crchat expected as it is the first get-to- Corner East Huron and North State gether of the Pennsylvanians on the 3:00-Christian Science lecture at the campus. Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Wm. D. the Cosmopolitan club at 9 o'clock Kilpatrick, C. S., of Detroit, will Sunday evening on "America and speak. 7 :00-Meeting of Y. P. R. U. at Uni- World Peace" Public invited. tarian church. Address by Prof. R. W. Sar on Trh des eligiProf. R For service and results try a Gaily Greece and Rome.' Special music Want Ad.-Adv. All welcome. S:00--Prof. 1. Leo Sharfman will ad- dress the Menorah society in the red room, Lane hall. jt Michigan's paper for Michigan men. Your Husband -Adv. -- I- BE INDEPENDENT OF "DAD" TYPEWRITERS and Office Supplies, Earn your own spending money. rentals and repairs. Agent for Rem- Turn your spare time into dollars. ington, Monarch, and Smith Premier. Just a few more places open. Give phone. Address Dollars care of Daily G. E. Washington, 8-9 A. A. Say. Bank -Adv. Blk.Adv. I Private lessons by appointment Sch olofDancing Classes in modern ballroom dancing. Individual attention given to each pupil. Special afternoon classes for children. Classes in toe, classical and national dancing Miss Jeanette H. Kruszka IL Studio: 516 William St. Phone 1422-R Residence 2006 Washtenaw Phone 1598 An "I DRESS SUITS We are prepared to show you the surprise of your life in DRESS SUITS at the following low prices. Silk Faced Suits at ........ $42.50 All Silk-lined Suits at.... $50.00 All Silk-lined Suits at. ...$5.5.00 Let us show you these garments. REMEMBER we have a limited number of new Dress Suits for Hire. Reservations of these suits for J Hop will be made on March 10. "W kgr *A.Y the beat :* Seed *-*oUS* IaW Spiring TootUvear . to satisfy the taste of the most evact- ing. "Alex" (Geo. T. Alexander) Footwear of Quality and Distinction. Tinker & Company Clothiers. Furnishers and Hatters 342 S. State St., at William St. _ . ). C° . nion. X10:30-Morning prayer, and ser- Christian Science mon by Prof. D. S. Miller of Colum- 3:00-Lecture by W. D. Kirkpatrick bia university. Subject, "The Pillar of Detroit in Sarah Caswell Angell of Fire." hall. 12:00 - Confirmation lecture for adults. Those who advertise in The Mich- 4:30-Evening prayer and sermon igan Daily cater to ALL Michigan Ii I NICKELS ARCADE In Detroit: zol Washington Blvd. STUDENTS i 11 I r- Paul Himself See our complete line of will repair your shoes with Soles of Neolin or Best Oak Leather and Wingfoot Rubber Heels Chemistry, Dental, Medical Lab Coats I 611 E. WILLIAM STREET Economize This Year in decorating walls--avoid the expense of retinting your walls so frequently-paint them with Melotone I Wadhams & Co. Why Are You So Insistent Hl STATE STREET STORE THE UNIVERSITY the artistic wall paint with the dull finish. clean and fresh when soiled. May be washed OF MICHIGAN BECAUSE No redecorating necessary until a change of color is desired. I CAMPUS Now is the time to have your walls done over. Call at our store and get a color card and booklet showing many de- lightful color sche-mes. We also carry a full line of floor wax, varnish, paint and brushes and Wall Paper. I Where You Touch Elbows with All the World I fir. Iesimers' beefs teak Dinners are so hard to equal. I Oswald A. Herz 112 N. WASHINGTON STREET For detailed information address the Dean of that School or College of the University in which you are specially interested; or the Secretary of the University, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Established 1867 Phone 253-F1 II .7 I r, Full Line of Students' Electric Appliances Washtenaw Electric Shop 200 E. Washington Street.