_ _ THE MICHIGAN DAILi- What's Going On At Other Colleges Wisconsin-Students at Madison are petitioning the faculty for a reversal of the edict that the editor of the Badger, Wisconsin year book, should be removed because of ineligibility. The editor stated that he had merely been acting on the example set by former Badger editors in going on with his work even in the face of scholastic deficiencies. The students aver the year book cannot be put out if the edi- tor is removed, as no one else in the classyis able to take over the work. Grinnell-Two students have taken over the management of the Colonial moving picture theater at Grinnell. Priiceton-A plan for a permanent three term year has been advanced at Princeton. The advantages of the sys- tem have been stated as follows: There would be greater opportunity for the Inclusion of more courses, the vaca- tion periods would fit in more easily and at a more logical time, with courses lasting two terms there would be three sets of examinations instead of four during freshman and sopho- more years, and a greater elasticity in length of the various courses. Indiana-Student government is be- ing agitated at Indiana, emphasis being laid on the influence of the move- ment as developing responsibility, fair- ness and democracy among the stu- dents. The idea is to enact two coun- cils, one for the men and one for the women, the personnel of each to con- sist of three seniors, two juniors and sophomore, and one freshman. Harvard-Aero training may be es- tablished at Harvard, to consist of a three year course in ground work only, the technical side of aviation be- ing taught in the engineering school. Practical experience in flying will be given at camps during the summer. NEW WHITNEY Saturday MATINEE and NIGHT M A R C H SEE IT BEFORE IETROIT THE MICHIGAN QAILY DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENT MICHIGAN DAILY SUPPLEMENT 16 Logan, George B, '20E, 224 S. Thayer. Theodore, Ala. 1612-J. Loring, Bruce B, '21L, 1443 Washtenaw. Valparaiso, Ind. 1166. Loveridge, Homan L, '21E, 836 E. University. Coldwater. 214. Lovin, Maurice J, '21E, 711 E. Catherine. 843-M. Lovejoy, Elijah P, '22E, 920 Lincoln. Princeton, Ill. 2283-W. Lowry, John D, '20E, 539 Forest. Ann Arbor. 2174-M. Lowery, Norton R, '21L, 1010 Monroe. Ionia. Luebbers, Louis E, '21L, 715 E. Huron. Emden, Ill. 240-M. Lumby, Ilah D, '21E, 1309 Geddes. Pontiac. 2655. Lumsden, Howard M, '21, 1102 Oakland. Virden, Ill. 1551. Lyuean, Claire F, '19, 1223 Hill. Jackson. 188. Lyzenga, Louis A, spec, 814 Monroe. Holland. t. McAllister, Lomas F, '19, 607 S. State. Grand Rapids. 131. McAlpine, Charles V, grad. Basom, N Y. McAlpine, Roy K, grad, 619 Whaley Court. Ann Arbor. 1662-J. McCaughey, Russell J, '21L, 707 Oxford Road. Chicago, Ill. 357. McClintock, James I, '21L, 1331 Hill. Canon City, Colo. 33. McColl, Kenneth s, '19, 720 Arbor. Detroit. McCormick, Donald W, '20, 603 S. State. Owosso. McCiasson, Ruth R, '22, 603 E. Washington. Ann Arbor. 2522-W. McCreight, Robert, Jr, spec E, 515 E. Jefferson. 1878-J. McCune, Charles N,,spec L, 914 Sybil. Plainfield, O. McCutcheon, Robert L, '21L, 555 S. Division. Yorkshire, N Y. 387. McDarmid, Allen G, '22E, 411 N State. Cleveland, O. McDuffle, Philip G, '19, 1023 Oakland. Jefferson, Ia. 179. McElhose, Lester G, '22E, 300 E. Jefferson. Detroit. McGowan, MalcolmE, '21E, 1315 Hill. Steubenvlle, 0. 1460. McInnes, William R, '22E, 425 S. Division. Cass City. 1566-. McIntyre, Donald A, '22, 615 Monroe. Yale. 2106-M. McKone, Clon T, '19L, 210 N. Thayer. Jackson, 1392-J. McLean, Joseph H, spec E, 417 E. University. Cohocton, N Y. 1576-J McLetchie, Hugh S, '21E, 620 E. University. Jackson. 1582-J. McMannis, John E, '21, 631 Tappan. Kalamazoo. 1644-M. McPherson, Jennie I, '21, 540 Packard. Jackson. 1037-W. McNeil, Russell S, E, 920 Monroee Tecumseh. 2280-M, Macfarlane, Harper K, '21, 725 Haven. Chatham, Ont. MacGregor, Malcolm I, '20. Ypsilanti. Mack, Gordon C, grad, 426 S. Ingalls. LaPorte, Ind. 16. Mack, Harry J, '20E, 1437 Washtenaw. St. Johns. 319. Madden, John, '22E, 707 Oxford. Chicago, Il.. 357. Madison, Charles A, grad, 425 Cross. Detroit. MICHIGAN DAILY SUPPLEMENT 17 Madlem, Forrest A, '21, 1001 E. Huron. Petoskey. 1391-J. Mallory, Elmie W, grad, 3000 Geddes. 745. Manley, Walter F, '21, 912 Monroe. Olean, N Y. Marin, Axel, '22E, 603 E. Washington. Manistique. 2522-M. Marron, Walter P, '21, 410 E. Jefferson. Plentywood, Mont. 468-M. Morse, Howard E, '19L, 822 Oakland. Dillon, Mont. 5i8. Marshall, Howard B, '21, 1511 Washtenaw. 1857. Marshull,Richard B, '21E, 718 Monroe. Detroit. 1172-M. Martin, Elward J, grad, 820 Arch. Norway. 1162-J. Martin, Harold W, lit, 610 Tappan. Martin, William S, '22E, 444 S. State. Owosso. 937. Martinek, Alois, '19E, 733 E. University. 1194. Marx, Milton David, '19, 1103 S. University. Detroit. 300-J. Mason, Carl H, '20, 514 Thompson. Cranford, N J Matthews, Ben B, '20L, 200 State. Hot Springs, Ark. Mattern, Lewis H, '21L, 604 S. State. Dayton, 0. 371. Matthews, Christian F, '19L, 822 Oakland. Mt. Clemens. Matthews, Eder C, '19E, 1021 Hill. Petoskey. Mauritho, Russell R, E, 302 S. Division. Trenton. Maxwell, Robert D, '22E, 720 Arbor. Rochester, N Y. 717-J. Maybaum, Fred, '21E, 213 N. Ingalls. Newark, N J. Meader, Mary H, '22, 1941 Geddes. Anm Arbor. 2327-J. Melitz, George R, '20, 101 S. Thayer. Iron Mountain. 1398-J. Meller, Ronald L, '21E, 514 Thompson. Dunkirk, N J. 1505. Mercado, E A, spec lit, 200 N. State. Juano Diaz, Porto Rico. 1248-R. Merner, Roland F, '20L, 915 Oakland. Cedar Falls, Ia. 255. Merrill, John E M, '21L, 123 College Place, Ypsilanti. Yale. 367-J. Merton, John B, '21E, 806 Hill. Calumet. 374. Micholske, Herman J, lit. Cleveland, O. Mickelson, Roland A, '20, 425 S. Division. Racine, Wis. 1565-J. Mihelchich, Peter, '20L, 602 Packard. Calumet. 1562-R. Mikesell, Gordon W, '22, 306 Thompson. Twelve Mile, Ind. 2139-R. Millar, Bruce, '20, 219 S. Thayer. Manistique. 2414. Miller, Alex, '20, 212 S. Division. Cleveland, 0. 2540-W. Miller, James S, Jr, '22E, 823 E. Kingsley. Chicago, Ill. 566. Millean, Helen L L, grad, 548 Church. 2164-M. Mills, Martha L, '22, 1020 S. University. Wadsworth, 0. 904-R. Mogarth, Earl K, '22E, 1437 Washtenaw. Oak Park, Ill. 319. Morrison, Florence E, '22, 727 Packard. Ann Arbor. 1152-R. Montague, Alexander S, '20L, 1408 Wells. Howell. Moore, James M, '21E, 624 Packard. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1484. Shows Continuous Sat. and Sun. '. Today--Tom 11 EVELYN HESBIT IN "The Woman Who Cave" ALSO SUNSHINE COMEDY Oh! What A Knight TUES.-WED. TOM MIX Uvuert, IN ii..ii n_..,.;..i n..c.,... miming, "HEARTS OF HUMANIT rmn I- 'T+OfAY CHARLES RAY in "Sring.Beans Also "THE LURE OF THE CIRCUS" MON DAY--TUESDAY--WEDNESDAY i '''i" Matinee & Evening .-.~ o WIN 300, Includidg Tax Orchestra S Nightly Saturday as Suday Mainee Easy! Of course it is. Wh not, when all you have to d is to push the- iron? No fire. PRICES: Night 50c $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00 Pop. Matinee, Lower Floor $1.00. Balcony 50c and 75c No walking. No extra heat to go to waste. which : POP. MAT. WED. BEST SEATS $1.50 SHU BERT K ARRIC Starting Sunday, March 9 Nights and Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00 Just snap the switch an it is hot in a few minutes. .. .. Wm. A. Brady Presents Let us show you. GRACE GEORGE in "She Would and She Did" A NEW COMEDY ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW, THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY William and Main Sts. Ann Arbor By Mark W. Reed J AT DETROIT OPERA HOUSE (ON CAMPUS) Bayard Veiller's Mystery Drama "THE 13th CHAIR" With Helen Van Hoose and Joe. R. Garry -, RANDALL STUDIO ESTABLISH ED 1887 roups and Portraits by Photography TQURING CAR FOR "GEN." COXEY NOW New York, March 8. - "General" Jacob Coxey of unemployed army fame back in '95 and '96, proposes to lead another "army" to Washington as a protest against national prohibi- tion, He has decided that he will not go on foot as in the old days, how- ever, but will travel in a touring car. Further, he expects that motor trans- portation will be provided for all his cohorts. "General" Coxey said that he had discussed the project with many busi- ness men in this and other cities and that most of them had volunteered to enlist in his new "army." FRENCH CATHEDRAL PICTURES DISPLAYED LAST TIME TODAY Today is the last day that the French Cathedral pictures will be on display in Mem- pictures will be on display in Mem- orial hall. These pictures have been shown for the last two weeks and many hundred people have seen them in that time. Mr. Goodyear, who was to speak here last week and because of illness was unable to come to Ann Arbor to lecture, will lecture about the fifteenth of the month. His lecture will be supplemented with a large collection of slides. POSITIONS OPEN FOR MEN This is a good opportunity for men who have ability to manage. We want a student who has made good selling something-such as books or other specialty. Work will begin in June or July. Give reference and ex- perience. Address I. A. Roehl, 56 Lafayette Blvd., Detroit.-Adv. Students read The Daily.-Adv. "Don't Change Your Husband" Did yon get up too-late for breakfast? Busy Bee serves Waffles I Waste Paper Toast, Coffee an d Hot Chocolate all day. BUSY BEE 121 E. Washington St. Phone 598 Baskets Leave Copy Leave Copy at A ,at Quays and Quarry's and. The Deta The Delta ADVERTISING 15c I Hand Woven Ask to be shown our new box candy I JISCELLANEOUS STUDENTS-If in line to make lars this summer vacation Laidlaw at 1170R evenings. : LOST _. . I dol- LOST-A Psi Upsilon fraternity pin, call name on back, H. Weeks. Finder call 63. H. L SWITER & CO 310 South State Street 313 S. State Phone 13