- mmi r y I 1 Hiy~ hi .1 .:. .4 N ,. "FrR ii ,. .q A( I /,' ' 'N4~~WLs, &p'.j - Ac D 7I~ot a ftcr..- I The Ann Arbor I Dairy Company I is now using its new milk and cream pasteuriz- ing and distributing plant, pronounced by com- petent critics as one of the most scientifically arranged and equipped outfits in the United States. Practically every piece of machinery is white enameled and automatic in action-the finest that money can buy. We have our own laboratory where daily tests will be run by a university trained man so we ,can absolutely guarantee our output. The Dairy Farms supplying us are under regular inspection by a representative of the Federal Government besides that of the City Health Department. We have ofr own refrigerating machinery to cool our big cold room. We believe we can offer: you the best safe- guarded milk of any city in the country-on that basis we solicit your business. To demonstrate these statements to you we will make further announcement in a FEW DAYS inviting inspection of our plant CORNER FOURTH AVE. AND CATHERINE. - ii I1 1! I 11 Ife Ann Arbor Dairy Co. Phone 423 I b " - I _ _I a+r sus !will 1