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March 07, 1919 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-03-07

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Midway Hopes for Coming Meet Raised
by Recent Victory Over
Chicago, March 6-Chicago's track
team will compete in its second Con-
ference meet Friday night in a duel
match with Michigan at Bartlett. gym-
nasium. The fame of the Wolverine
tracksters and the high interest arous-
ed here by the Purdue meet insure a
good crowd.
Coach A. A. Stagg will depend a
great deal on the ability of Captain
McCosh to gather points in the dis-
tances. McCosh did splendi running
against Purdue last week, winning the
half and mile runs. Harris, in thee
short dashes, and Kennedy in the
.440, are the other man whose rec-
ords last Saturday point to them as
probable point winners.
Drill in Field Events
Work this week has been confined
almost entirely to the field events. Re-
sults of the Boilermaker meet indi-
cate that much better high jumping,
shot putting, and pole vaulting must
be done this time as the Maize and
Blue team has a big reputation in
these -events.
The relay team is almost sure of
a win judging from its victory at the
Illinois Athletic club meet at Evans-
ton two weeks ago. Against Purdue
it had no trouble taking first, but the
caliber of/!the Michigan squad is not
yet certain.
Captain Sedgwick, the Michigan dis-
tance star, will have his hands full
when he meets McCosh in the mile.
Sedgwick won the two-mile run at
the Conference meet last spring and
McCosh the mile, but they have not
opopsed each other before.
Maroons Fear Johnson
Johnson, the phenomenal Wolverine
sprinter and hurdler, is entered alone
in both the low and high hurdle events.
"Reports from the Michigan gymna-
sium show him to be in top condi-
tion and all set for the usual number
of firsts. Besides the two hurdles,
Johnson will enter the high jump andt
40 yard dash, both of which he won
last ,week in the Notre Dame meet.
Coach Farrell is bringing two ex-
ceptional pole vaulters to the Windy.
City. Cross, who cleared the bar at
an even 12 feet in the Conference
meet last June, has vaulting around
11 feet 6 incges for several weeks and
seems better than the best Stagg has1
to offgr. Westbrook, the scphomore1
whotied Cross for first in the Catholica
meet, has a chance to break into the
places if he proves as good as his re-e
cent reputation.T
Coach Farrell anticipates a littlet
trouble for the Wolverines in becom-~
ing used to the Maroon floor as Fri-
day's clash will be the first meet be-~
tween the two teams on this floor for
12 or 15 years.t
Coach Lundgren was very well1
pleased with the baseball workout
yesterday afternoon. The men dis-
played more pep than they have
shown so far this season. Every man
was on his toes for the -entire period
and the general condition of the squad
showed a marked improvement.
Judging from the way in which

Adams, Froemke, Van Boven, Garret,
and Knode were spearing them, gives
promise that few ground balls will
reach the outfield this season. The
aep 31ui II&penbs atl, uo uatu ou
veterans hustle for their berths.
By the addition of Cohn to the
squad, the catching staff will be great-
ly strengthened. The husky guard
of the Varsity basketball team is ex-
pected to be out for practice next
The pitching staff had a strenuous
work-out. Parks and Kimball show-
ed up the best of the new men. Glenn's
arm seems to have recovered its form-
er condition and he will undoubtedly
be as effective as in former years.
Batting practices will start next
week *and all candidates must re-
Those who advertise in The Mich-
igan Daily cater to ALL Michigan

High Score List
Includes Karpus
High Individual Scorers
Name Position Team Baskets
Wilcox.......F....Northwestern ...93
Smith.......C.... Purdue..........86
Kingsley . . . . C...Minnesota ......84
Platou.....G... . Minnesota ......80
Wilson ...... C.... Illinois .........78
Oss ......... F... . Minnesota ......76
Karpua . ....F.. . .Michigan ...... . .5
Karpus, Michigan's husky forward,
is ranking eighth in the list of basket
tossers, and follows close on the heels
of several others who have slipped
in only one or two more than he.
It is to be noticed particularly that
Minnesota has three representatives
on the list and Chicago can lay claim
to only one, th star center, Gorgas.
Four Centers on List
Four out of the eight high scorers
are centers, one is a guard and the
remaining three are forwards. The
predominance of centers is due to the
advantage which most of them have
on the court because of their height.
The position of center may be used
with great success in aggressive play
if the right man is holding the job.
t The single guard, Platou of Minne-
sota, attracts attention because it is
unusual for a defensive player
to make such an excellent record in
besket tossing. This man will un-
doubtedly be chosen for the All-Con-
ference five. In every game he has
displayed the qualities of the ideal
running guard, combining skill in de-
fense with brilliancy in attack.
Stars Played Here
Ann Arbor fans have had the op-
portunity to see five of the high scor-
ers during the course of the season.a
Northwestern, Chicago and Illinois
all met the Mitchell squad in the Wat-
erman gym. Wilson of Northwestern,
and Gorgas of Chicago, the two stars
whose prominence has been brought
out most particularly during the 1919
Conference season and who are assur-
ed All-Conference material, played
here this year.
It is hoped that Karpus on the trip
over the week-end will drop in some
scorers that will put him further up
in the list. Most of his baskets have
been made in the last few games, al-
though during the first part of the
year he was also considered one of
the mainstays of the team.
Three teams are contesting the
leading place in the inter-fraternity
bowling league, Alpha Sigma, Sigma
Phi Epsilon and Phi Kappa Sigma
each holding a perfect slate.
Lambda Chi Alpha is next in ord-
er, having carried off two of the three
matches so far. The other teams in
the league have played more games:
and it remains to be seen whether the
claimants can keep up the good work
and retain their lead.
The schedule for next week has
been announced, the games coming
on the first three days of the week
as usual.
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Want Ad.-Adv.

Coach Mitchell's quintet is off on the
warpath' for over the week-end, and
the basketeers who have fought for
Michigan regularly during the last
\season will not return until Wednes-
day of next week. The team will have
Friday 'night for Detroit, taking the
10:20 o'clock train there for Colum-
bus, where they will battle Ohio State
on Saturday evening.
Trip to Cover Three Games
The second game of the trip will
take place Monday night against Illi-
nois in Urbana and one Tuesday the
Varsity will line up against Indian in
The trip is going to be unusually
hard but the Indiana match was add-
ed to the Wolverine schedule after all
other arrangements had been made
for the season. The extensive trav-
eling is certain to have a bad effect
on the squad, but the whole outfit is
in fine physical trim at present and
it is hoped that the long journey will
not prove a serious disadvantage.
Northwestern Upsets Dope
One of the most astounding features
of the Conference season took place
Wednesday night when Chicago was
defeated by Northwestern. Up until
Wednesday Chicago had managed to
keep an absolutely clean record, hav-
ing played nine games and lost none.
Minnesota also holding a perfect rec-
ord was tied with the Windy City team
for first place honors. All the dope-
sters had explained that the season
Could not possibly end in any other
way but a tie, since it was thought
Northwestern would be easy prey for
Chicago. However, the Purple's score
of 15 points to Chicago's 13 upset all
the plans.
This surprise will change Michi-
gan's standing considerably. The
Wolverines defeated Northwestern
here 24-22 and held them on their
own floor to the score of 17-16.
The Varsity must win one out of the
three matches over the week-end to
hold its present position of fifth place.
If the team wins from Indiana and
Ohio State it will be a case of tie for
fourth place with Illinois. If two
games are won, one with Illinois,
Michigan can be sure of fourth place,
and if the team should come through
with three consecutive victories, a tie
would result with Northwestern for
The quintet left with a full realiza-
tion that they had a chance to come
back in these last few games with a
spectacular wallop, and were conse-
quently determined that their utmost
should be put forth.
Weiss was the eighth man concern-
ing whom the coach was undecided
Wednesday. The squad which left con-
sisted of Hewlett, Karpus, McClin-
tock, Williams, Weiss, Wilson, Emery,
and Rychener. Weiss was chosen, ac-
cording to the coach, because he was
in his second year and would be more
valuable next year with the experi-
ence he could gain on this trip. Other
older men might have been chosen
but this looking into the future was
the main consideration of the coach.
Weiss also can play both guard and
forward. This makes him excellent
substitute material.

The lineup for tonight's game as
announced Friday is as follows: Kar-
pus and Hewlett, forwards; MacClin-
tock, center; Rychener and Williams,
In the first girls' basketball game
of the season, played on Thursday
afternoon in Barbour gymnasium, the
"Evens" defeated the "Odds" b# a
score of 28 to 23.
The "Even" team, chosen from the
junior and freshman class fives, took
the lead at the start and held it
throughout the contest except for a
few minutes in the -second half when
the score was a tie.
The two teams were evenly match-
ed and -the playing was swift and
clean. The juniors and freshmen
showed superior team work and bet-
ter passing. Dorothy Jones, '20, was
the individual star of the game and
scored ten field goals.
Although the match lacked the fin-
ish of an interclass contest, it fol-
lowed the lines of a close scrap and
was full of thrills. The crowd was
rather small and a larger turnout
is expected for the freshman-sopho-
more game on March 12.
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