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March 01, 1919 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-03-01

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American Boys and Money Would Be
Needed to Stop Europe's
Washington, Feb. 28.-Senator Len-
root,- of Wisconsin, Republican, in an
address late today in the senate pre-
dicted that the American people would
insist upon basic amendment of the
proposed constitution of the League
of Nations.
He said he was in favor of a League
if it did not abridge the sovereignity
of the United States and suggested that
as the League was an experiment it
might be limited to 10 years with pro-
vision for extension if the plan proved
a success.
Approves Charter Articles
Many articles of the League tenta-
tive charter were approved by Sena-
tor Lenroot, but he vigorously oppos-
ed others, especially those for terri-
torial guaranty and for mandatories.
Disagreeing with most Republican
critics, Senator Lenroot said the dis-
armament provisions were optional,
while he expressed the belief that they
would not result In material reduction
of armament. He concurred .in the
view of other critics that the United
States would be out-voted in . the
Attaching the territorial guaranty
section, Senator Lenroot declared that
not only might it require use of
American forces throughout the
world, but it also would prevent the
people of a nation seeking later free-
dom from revolution.
U. S, Responsible for Americas
The European nations should be
primarily responsible for the peace
of Europe and the U.nited States for
the peace in the western hemisphere,
declared the senator.
Reorganized Club
Starts Dramatics
Prospects for the semester in the
Comedy club are unusually bright if
the meeting held Wednesday after-
noon is any indication. A great many
of the experienced members are back,
assuring considerable talent for this
yer's play, which the club will give
as usual.
Tryouts fgr entrance into the Come-
dy club will be held from 9 to 10
q'cloc1 this morning in University
hall. Freshmen are eligible for elec-
tPon as well as students from any de-
pertment. It is suggested that those
trying out come prepared to give a
short reading, although this is not nec-
essary as the judges will furnish ma-
The oflicers elected for this semester
are; president, Richard A. Fnrsyth,
'20; vice-president, Eva H. Foss, '19;
secretary, Winifred Parsons, '19, and
treasurer, Gilbert R. Byrne, '19.
Forpaer S. A. T. C. men have of late
jbeen inquiring at headquarterp as to
their payment on Liberty Loans and
the method by which they could get a
refund on their money already paid on
their Liberty Loans. They may receive
a refund on their bonds by sending in
the blank given them at their dis-
,Ahrg@ by their company cpmmander
end which was signed by him. This
ghgpld be sent to the Treasury depart-
ment, Washington, 1. C,

Plans for the annual women's lunch-
eon are already well under way. It
will be given at 5:30 o'clock, Wednes-
day afternoon, April 2, in Barbour
gymnasium, and will be followed im-
mediately by the Junior girls' play.
The affair will be managed by Ada
C. Arnold, '19, assisted by the follow-
ing committee heads: decorations,
Alice Comlossy, '21; serving, Isabella
Swan, '22; program, Marguerite Cha-
pin, '20; invitations, Jean Maclennan,
'19; publicity, Marguerite Clark, '21;
tickets, Marcella Moon, '21; tables,
Grace Emery, '19; secretary, Ruth
Abbott, '20; treasurer, Hope Fergu-
son, '19.
Alumnae will be charged 75 cents
per plate and undergraduates 50
cents. There will be no senior sup-
per this year, the annual banquet tak-
ing its place.


M. A. C. Uses Short Pass;
Unable to Fathom'
Style of Play

Actual photographs of the war re-
gion of France will be shown by Bar-
oness Frances Wilson Huard in a lec-
ture on "My Year Among the Fight-
ers" to be given Thursday night,
March 6, at Hill auditorium. '
When the war broke out her home
near Soissons was caught in the on-
rush of the German drive and Von
Kluck made it his 'headquarters. The
baroness has had every opportunity
to observe the conditions in the first
days of the war, and it is of these
that she will talk.
The lecture is being given under
the auspices of the Collegiate alumni
association and all money taken in
above expenses will go to the relief
and benefit .hospital at Chateau Vil-
liers. Baroness Huard is the author
of "My Home in the Field of Hon-
or," "My Home in the Field of Mer-
cy," and "With Those Who Wait."
Kaiser Hard Up;
bIegs \For Ntarks
(By Associated Press)
Copenhagen, Feb, 28.The German
National Assembly, acording to a
despatch from Weimar, today passed
a national army hill of one-third rat-
Weimar, Thursday, Feb. 27.-Former
German emperor, it is learned from
competent edurces, recently appealed
to the German revolutionary govern-
ment for money,
It was said in his behalf that it
was impossible for him to continue
living upon the bounty and good will
of the Dutch nobleman in whose cas-
tle he now resides.
Herr Hohenzollern, it is said, asked
that he be allowed at least a portion
of his private fortune,
The government, after considering
the matter, agreed to his request and
instituted a detaled investigation to
determine what portion of the ofrmer
emperor's proposed fortune really was
his and what portion was allowed to
the government. Investigation show-
ed that the former ruler might legally
claim 75,000,000 marks as his own,
but the government decided to allow
him temporarily only 600,000 marks.
Fifty-four women enrolled in the lit-
erary college at the beginning of this
semester, according to the final count
made at Dean Jordan's orice. Qf this
number 33 are entering for the first
time, as the others bad been register-
ed in the University in other years
and were returning this semester.
Last semester the. total enrolanent
for women was 1,025, but due to the
fact that a, goud many graduated or
stopped, the total now is apprQyi-
mately 1,050.
University Students Going to Chelsea
W. H. Dorrance, '19E, Q. pariels,
and Earl Miles will be the represen
tative speakers of the University Y.
1M. C. A. at a union meeting of the
churches in Chelsea, to be held on
5u4day night, March 2.


Maize and Blue Warriors Forget Most
of Mitchell's Teachings in
Second Half
Using the short pass the Michigan
Agricultural college basketball team
swept down the floor and tossed in
baskets almost at will, defeating
Michigan 33 to 24, at Waterman gym-
nasium last evening.
The Wolverine defense seemed to
be unable to fathom the rapid team-
work of the farmer five. M. A. C.
played exceptional basketball, and
were unusually fortunate in their lcjg
shots, particularly during the first
period, Palm and Foster throwing
them in from all points of the floor.
Gain Lead Early
Beginning early in the game the
visitors went far into the lead and
until Hewlett was substituted for
Borinstein, Michigan could get no-
where near its basket. T'he advent of
the little forward, however, seemed to
instill considerable pep into the quin-
tet and they started a comeback which
soon brought them up even with the
Aggles. Rychener and Williams were
the big factors in this spurt and both
tossed two beautiful counters from the
center of the court.
The tie was short lived, however,
and M. A. C began another spurt
which again carried them into the
lead and this time they were never
passed. At the end of the first period
the score stood 20 to 15 in the visit-
ors' favor.o
Hewlett,Rychener Star
Although it is 'usually the' custom
of the Wolverines to start a comeback
in the second half, they did not fol-
low custom last evening. The second
half found them less able to hit the
basket than ever and M. A. C. would
continually go from one end of the
floor to the other with hardly anyone
bothering them.
All of Michigan's scores in this pe-
riod were made by Hewlett and Rych-
ner. The former did the foul tossing
I and he was 100 per cent perfect in
the last half making five out of five
tries. Rychener shot two more long
ones from the center of the floor,
bringing a cheer from the crowd with
each and raising momentarily the
hopes of the spectators.
M. A. C. Shoot Well
Foster was the principal star for
M. A C in the last period, while Palm
did the best work in the first half.
The tall visiting center forgot his
company manners and performed some
spectacular plays, scoring points for
the Aggies all the while. Palm in the
beginning of the game was doing the
same thing, always hitting the basket
at every attempt.
Yisitors' Defense(rod
The Farmers' defense was perfect.
Karpus would dodge away from one
man into the arms of another. There
seemed to be two men on every one
of the Wolverines that ever attempted
to throw a basket nearer than the
center line. The visitors also had the
nack of getting hold of the ball at
11 times.
Coach Mitchell attempted to stave
off defeat by sending in a set of sub-
stitutes in the last few minutes of
play. These, however, were no more
able than the regulars to hit the bask-
et nor to stop the Aggies' rushes.
Standing Evened
This is the first game of basketball
that Michigan has ever lost to M. A.
C. in Waterman gymnasium and it
evens the games for the present sea-
son, the Wolverines having defeated
the Farmers earlie in the year at
A good crowd was on hand to wit-
ness the expected victory which end-

(Continued on Page Three)
Forty Nash Trucks Pass Through City'
Forty Nash four wheel drive trucks
passed through Ann Arbor at noon
yesterday on their way from their
faotories In Detroit to Kalamazoo.
This makes the second large squad-
ron of these trucks that have passed
through here within the last few

Board of Regents Petiion Legislature
for Larger Share of State
University to Advertise Through The
Daily; Surveying Building
To Go
Acceptances on behalf of the Uni-
versity of several valuable bequests
and scholarships, the reception of an
important faculty petition regarding
increased salaries for professors, and
the formal request to the state legis-
lature to augment the University's
share of .the state taxes formed the
bulk of the business transacted by
the Board of Regents at their meet-
ing Friday.
In the memoril from more than 50
faculty professors, concerning the
salaries and living conditions of pro-
fessors and instructors in Ann Arbor,
were embodied investigations of fam-
ily budgets and expenses and salaries
of men in different businesses, which
conclusively show that the salaries
of men on the University faculty are
not founded upon a living basis.
Salary Increase Asked
Of all the professors in the var-
ious colleges, there are less than 10
per cent who are able to live on their
salaries, all others necessarily en-
gaging in outside work. It was
brqught out in the petition that in the
past five years, in spite of the abnor-
mal war conditions and the unusual
increase in the expenses of living,
there has not been a single raise in
the scale of faculty salaries. The Re-
gents have for a long time felt the im-
propriety and iijustice of the salaries
of five years ago, and the present peti-
ion emphasizes the situation and
brings the issue directly before the
Want Share Enlarged
In addition to presenting this peti-
tion to the legislature, the Regents
have taken the decision to request the
legislature to increase the amount of
the share of the University in the gen-
eral taxes of the state from three-
eighths of a mill to one-half a mill on
the dollar. This would result in an
increase for the University of $350,000
a year, and as the University show-
ed a deficit last year of $500,000 (in-
cluding $200,000 on the new Library),
it would be the first step toward pay-
ing it and securing sufficient money
to take care of the salary situation.
Bequests Received
Among the valuable bequests to
the University, the Board accepted a
bequest of $15,000 from Prof. George
IH. Palmer, of Harvard, given to found
a fellowship to be called the Alice
Freeman Palmer fellowship, in mem-
ory of his wife who was one of the
most distinguished woman graduates
of Michigan.
A gift of $1,500 was accepted from
Mr. A. Ramsden, of Plainwell, the in-
come to be used assisting boys work-
Ing their way through college and
to be known as the Charles A. Rams
den fund. A bequest of $600 was re-
ceived from the widow and relatives
of Samuel F. Pineburg who was a
sophomore in the Medical school last
year. The sum will be used as a loan
fund for senior medical men.
Among the other gifts received were
an insect collection from Prof. Paul
S. Welsh, and a small telescope pre-
sented by S. P. Langley, and made

I (Continued on Page Six)

One hundred twenty-three Michi-
gan students died in the war In eight
different countries while in the serv-
ice of this country or one of its al-
A great part of the casualties were
caused by disease, 70 men dying of
disease either here, in the camps, or
abroad. Twenty-three of those that
died over seas, died on the firing-line
in France and Belgium, while one was
killed in an air battle. Of those that
were wounded, six died in the hos-
pitals after the battle. Three were
victims of the German under-sea war-
fare, while two were accidentally
Five were lost at sea, two off the
coast of this country, one off the coast
of Scotland,; one off the coast of Af-
rica, and one off the coast of France.
Accidents of various kinds caused the
death of 17, aeroplane accidents be-
ing the cause of 13 of these deaths.
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley has ap-
pointed a mentor committee for en-
gineering students and has authoriz-
ed it to administer the mentor system
and provide for regular class assem-
blies during the remainder of the col-
lege year. The freshmen of the Col-
lege of Engineering and Architecture
will attend assembly at 11 o'clock on
each Wednesday, beginning with
March 5.
Schedules Fixed
Assemblies for seniors, juniors, and
sophomores will be held as follows:
senior assembly at 10 a. m., March 6,
at 11 a. m. on April 17, and at 8 a.
in. on May 22. Junior assemblies will
be held at 9 a. in., March 6, at 10 a.
m. on April 17, and at 11 a. m. on
May 22. Sophomore assemblies will
be held at 8 a. m., March 6, at 9 a. in.
on April 17 and at 10 a. m. on May 22.
Mentor Chairmen Named
All assemblies are to be held in
room 348, Engineering building. Prof.
C. T. Johnston, chairman of the men-
tor committee, will act as chief men-
tor for the senior class. Mr. R. M.
Carson will act in the same capacity
for the junior class, and Prof. H. H.
Higbie for the sophomore class. Prof.
W. C. Hoad will be the chief mentor
for the freshman class.
President Harry B. Hutchins and
Regent Junius E. Beal will leave next
week for Boston, where they will at-
tend the annual dinner to be given
Saturday evening, March 8, by the New
England Alumni association. Presi-
dent Hutchins has been asked to
speak at the banquet.
In previous years the dinner was
formal, but this year the committee in
charge decided to have it informal and
have only men attend. Through the
informality the association hopes to
'awaken more interest and Michigan
1 spirit in each alumnus. The Michigan
alumnae will hold their annual meet-
ing at another time.
The New England branch of the

Beta Theta Pi will meet Friday, March
7, in Boston, and Regent Beal, as a
member, and President Hutchins, as
an honorary guest will attend

Hula Hula, Impersonator, Magiecan,
Vocalists, Comedians, Instrumen-
talists Contest for Favor
(By L. K. E.)
With the main floor and both bal-
conies of Hill auditorium filled to'
their maximum capacity with an audi-
ence of more than 5,000, the Spotlight
vaudeville last evening wa# a more
complete financial and artistic suc-
cess than any like performance of r-
cent years.
Not a weak act was included on the
entire program, and the thirty-odd
participants contested hotly for the
popular plaudits.
"The Jazzland Symphony"
"The Jazzland Symphony," with
three pianos and nine other instru-
ments pouring forth great volumes
of ragtime, may be classed among the
best-received and most meritorious of
the acts. James F. Sumner, '21A,
drew thunderous applause and many
cries of "More! More!" by his realis-
tic presentation of his "Toosa Paaka
Hula Hula."
McDonald Mimics
Archie D. McDonald, '19, in a series
of impersonations embracing sudh
prominent campus figures as Profes-
sor Wenley, Regent Beal,'Smuck, and
Tom Lovell, and also including one
of "the old Harry," proved himself a
truthful and humorous mimic. Leslie
P. Gest, '20, in an exhibition of sleight-
of-hand succeeded in completely mys-
tifying his audience.
Conway Sings Ballads
Garrett Pat Conway, with a reper-
toire of ballads, displayed to advan-
tage a voice unusually clear and well
trained. The. comedy skit, "Uncle
Tom's Cabin, with Variations," pro-
duced merriment from the time Eliza
was seen crossing the ice via Ivory
soap boxes until little Eva asceded
to Heaven on a piece of hemp.
Howard Repeats Success
Scoring a success similar to that
accorded him last year, Alden L.
Howard, '20E, played a number of se-
lections on the steel guitar. The Mid-
night Sons, making their first appear-
ance of the season, were received
with that applause usually greeting
a harmony act by this popular group.
Instrumental Duets
Despite a couple of discords, the
mandolin and harp guitar duets of
Harold T. Corson, '18E, and Fred E.
Motley, '22M, constituted a pleasing
opening act. The closing number, a
trio of French songs by a member of
the University faculty, was also well
Members of the Spotlight vaudeville
expressed last night their apprecia-
tion of the support which the stu-
dents, faculty, and people of Ann Ar-
bor had given to this entertainment.
The proceeds, which are even greater

thany expected, will be given to the
American University Union in Paris.
Tenor 's Concerts
Swell War Funds
Hundreds of thousands of dollars
have been contributed during the war
to the Allied cause by the efforts of
Enrico Caruso who sings at 8 o'clock
Monday evening in Hill auditorium.
Probably no other artist in the
world has done as much individually
for his country as this Italian tenor.
Appearing during the Third Liberty
loan in Carnegie hall, New York, his
singing netted $3,060,000. His recital
at the New York hippodrome brought
in $45,000 for the Jackies of the Amer-
ican navy. He sang for the Italian
Red Cross to the extent of $41,000 and
for the American Red Cross, winning
another $41,000. The rough total of
these four appearances amounts to

Tempest Rises, Sweeps 'er Campus,
Subsides, Leaving Damage in Wake

411 United War Work pleges
are due from subscribprs today.
Studeit subscribers, and those
interested in the emergency
work are requested to mail re-
mittanices to Prof. I. Leo Sharf-
man, in care of Lane hall.

01 man Thor let loose his wrath
upon the snow mantled valley of the
Huron, yesterday, when -the cloud-
burst and windstorm swept the cam-
pus and Ann Arbor, leaving in their
wake a fair amount of damage, es-
pecially about the college buildings.
Over in Waterman gymnasium, one
of the big sections of the roof which
had been raised for ventilation, was
torn off and smashed by the violent
wind, more than a score of the sky-
lights also being shivered to bits.
Fortunately the baseball nets which
were hung above the floor checked
the fall of the panes, and no one was
injured. Work was begun immediate-

ly to cover the opening and prevent
the water from ruining the floor of
the gymnasium.
The flag pole suffered the penalty
of its domineering prominence when
the wind qaught it above the upper
joint, causing it to bend at an angle
of about 20 degrees, while it continued
to sway dangerously. All walks with-
in a radius of 75 feet from the pole
were roped off to prevent accidents
in case the pole should fall.
All about the campus and the
streets of college town, there -Were
scattered limbs and branches of trees
that had been broken down by the
minature tornado.

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