THE MICHIGAN DAILX _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In the four gridiron contests in which Michigan has met Indiana it has piled up 156 points to the Hloos- ier's 0. Patronize our advertisers.-Adv. WUERTHI Today- -TomorrowI MJusic Notes One of Beethgven's sonatas will dis- tinguish the program given by advanc- ed piano and voice students of the University School of Music at 4:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Friese hall. The program will be as follows: The End of Day ............... Cox Exultation ................... Wood Letha Schriber Sonata, Op. 10, No. 2 ....... Beethoven Melissa Heath Walling Si mes vers avaient des ales.... Hahn The Morning Wind ..... Branscombe Marjorie Whelan ... ,.... Concert Etude ............ Macdowell Ah!~Ti aAva Comin Daily' Will Publish Names Of, Second Semester Registrants The Daily starts today the list of names for the supplment to the Stu- dent Directory. The lists are so compiled that they can be cut out every day and pasted into the back of the book. Two Rages will probably be printed every morning until the list is completed. MICHIGAN DAILY SUPPLEMENT TO STUDENT DIRECTORY t ATTEMPT TO CHECK RECKLESS BANKINGI Boat Song, Pres de la Dream ..........Hawley ........Harriet Ware Marcia Coburn Mer ............Arenski Dorothy Newell FRENCH CATHEDRAL EXHIBIT TO BE CONTINUED TEN DAYS The exhibit of pictures of French cathedrals, which is now being shown in Memorial hall, will continue to be exhibited until March 8, instead of closing today as was previously decid- ed. Over 200 people visited the art exhibit last Sunday. For service and results try, a Djaily Want. Ad.--Adv. MAJESTICI IAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Suna Abbott, Edwin W, Jr., '22, 510 Cheever Ct. Boyne City. 2106-R. Acker, William V. '21, 803 S State. Munising. 1307-J. Ackerman, Paul C, '22E, 327 Thompson. Erie, Pa. 1147-M. Adams. Cedric R. '22. 609 Monroe. Ligonier. Ind. 2236-J. Adams, Bentley, '21, 1511 Washtenaw. Palmer, Mass. 1399. Adams. Margaret E, '21. 710 E Catherine. Detroit. 968-M. Adams, Schuyler, '20, 1217 Willard. Cheboygan. 1810-J. Adams. Thomas R, '19. 556 S State. Cleveland, 0. 18. Adams, Victoria, '19, 710 E Catherine. Detroit. 968-M. Airmtag%, Clayton P, '21, 522 Monroe. Harbor Beach. Aishiskin, Joseph, '22, 711 W Washington. Detroit.° Akern, John K, '21, 555 S Division. Phoenix, Aria. Akers, Henry H, '22, 555 S Division. Pheonix, Ariz. Alan, George B, '21, 306 E Liberty. Goldfield, Nev. 1474. Alban, Clayton G, '22, Ypsilanti. 75. Alberts, Milton J, '21, 434 Maynard. Northhampton, Mass. Alfred, Leroy, '22, 533 Church. East Tawas. 1153-R, Alan, Frank P, Spec. Ann Arbor. Alan, William C,,'19, 555 S Division. Detroit, $37, Alum. Oswaldo, '21D. 324 S Ashley. Arisibo. Porto Rico, Anderson, Henry M, '20, 556 S State. Abardeen, Wash, 18, Anderson, Russel A, '21, 1215 S University. St. Joseph, 1552-R. Andreasen, Hans P, '20, 1001 E Huron. Greenville, Andrews, Charles T, Spec., 806 E Huron. Ridgewood, N J. 1$4$= Andrews, Charles C, '20L, 731 Haven. Ann Arbor, 709=J, Antonio, Octave, '21, 1349 Wilmot. Flint. Ashley, George F, '19E, 810 E Huron. Swifton, Ark~, Attwood, Steven S, '18E, 1122 Hill, Ann Arbor, 1911-M, Atwood, Harry A, '21D, 1223 Hill. Spokane, Wash, 188. Avery, Joseph A, '21, 1217 Willard. South Bend, Ind, 1814=J, Babcock, Clifford 0, '19, 1917 Washtenaw. Harbor ,Springs, 13, Bachman,. Reed F. '20.,12283;Hill. ToledIo, 0. 188. Bailey, James M, '20, 915 Oakland. Cedar Falls, 1a, 3 Bailey, Rufus A, 530 Hill. Detroit. Baker, Joseph L, '20, 555 S Division, El Paso. , 387,i Ball, Robert B, '21, 430 Packard, Ann Arbor. 21QO-M, Bangs. C B Fisk, 603 S State. Charlotte. 1153-M. Banwell, Clarence W, '21E, 603 S. State. Windsor, Out. 783. If, a bill soon to be voted upon by the state legislature passes, the care- lessness of many students in over- drawing their bank accounts will be effectively checked, in the opinon of local bank authorities.k The bill which is now before the finance committee of the state legis- lative body makes it a criminal of- fense to overdraw a bank account. The maximum penalty is et at 90 days' confinement or $300 fine, or both. Although this bill, is not aimed particularly at the careless Univer- sity student, it is well known that a tendency has grown up within the past year upon the part of many to overdraw their accounts. According to the wording of the bill, three days are allowed after be- ing warned in which to settle accounts In full by cash or certified check through registered mall. Bankers of the state are strongly backing this proposed measure, it is understood. The bill was originated by a prominent national detective agency. FRATERNITY BOWLING LEAGUTE OPENS WITH SINGLE CONTEST Phi Sigma Kappa's two to one vic- tory over Nu Sigma Nu Tuesday night, opened the inter-fraternity bowling league on the Huston alleys. Two games were scheduled for 8 o'clock Wednesday evening but were postponed till Friday. Only one match has marked the. straight-rail billiard tournament, Manting having defeated Simons, Wednesday night. Manting now leads the league with three games won and none lost. In the 1907 Penn relay races Mich- igan took first place and Pennsylvania second. Persons desirous of obtaining tickets for the J-Hop to be held April 4, are requested to com- municate with Carl Velde, 1437 IWashtenaw avenue, as §soon as possible. GUILD HOPE9S TO REACH 300 M~ARK IN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Campaign activities for an increas- ed membership in the Wesleyan guild of the Methodist church will begin on Sunday, March 2, and continue for a period of three or four weeks. The membership aim is 300. Ruth M. Dieble, '20, will act as chairman of the committee in charge of the membership drive. Work will not be carried on at the guild meet- ings themselves, but will be. done be- fore and after church and the young people's gathering. Lionel G. Brenner, '22, will sing Sunday night at the meeting of the guild. There is never any -tnag or "drag' to Also a Two Reel Comedy "It's A BWird" SATURDAY W M. DESMIOND in 'Life's A Funny Proposition' Sunday, Monday CAN NIBALS EL~oA 'enri°' -W. It has that "feel" that makes you want to go on writing forever. 41. TODAY GEORGE Wf4ALSH In "I'LL SAY SO"* f' I -Also Teddy Roosevelt PUMToay and Tomorrow Gloria Swanson in "Untothe 'End") I Shows at 3:,00; 7:9q; 8; Q Phones : T'heatrg, 295-M Mgr's Res., 2304-1~ ' ur-Fri-27-28-J. Stuart Bla ckton's" Big Special Feature, "'The Common Cause" featuring Herbert Rawlinson and ~ylvia Bremer; Christie "Corn. edy, "ILook Who's Here"; and Ford o cents. SUNDAY WALLACE REID in GARRICIK Matinees Wodnesday and 44" Ovda "TOO MANY MILLIONS" 11; H. PRAgEf present 4A Thousanid Eyes" with IR2 NK McINTYRFE WHITNEY THEATRE MoODAY, MARCH s MATINEE ONLY . 2:30 P, M. 2 MICHIGAN JDULY SU?1'LH2IM 1 Barkell, Richard H=, 1214, 712 Oakland. HubIbell. 1164, Barnes, George Z, '22, Geddes, Ann Arbor, 2369, Barnes, Harold E, '3 1, 518 S Divisionz. Kalanmazco. 2182-R. Barnes, Russell C., '20, 1437 Washtenaw. Huntington. Ind. 319. Barney, Wayne F, '39E, 549 S Division. Kalamazoo. 2649-J. Barton, Angus E, '1.914, 814 Monroe, Sault Ste. Marie, Barretta, Valroy S, '204i, 524 Packard, Vineland, N J, 1037-R. Bassett, Harvey T, '20L, .555 S Division, Detroit, Batcheller, Carl A, '20:W, 824 IPackar'd, Oleand, N Y.' Bates, Johnstone, '19, 520 E Jefferson. Flint,' Bates, Wesley L, 420E, 415 E, Jefferson, Baltimore, Md. 1565-M. Bateman, Janes L, '20E, 822 Oakiland, Lansing. 978. Bayles, Wesley H-, Jr, '2214, 426 Cross. E Orange, NJ3. 1590-J. Beattie, Orville :R, '22E, Y M C A. Charlevoix. Beatty, Philip J, '2210, 332 Maynard. Battle Creek. 1376-R. Beckwith, Bernard L, I, 631 Tappan. Cordoba, Argentina. 16444. Beebe, Dor-cas 5, '20, 407 N. Ingalls. Toledo, 0. 1439-R, Beernilk. Ernest H, '21M, 910 E Washington. Coop"I flte. 1170-R.; Belote, George H, '21, 102 S Twelfth. Battle C,,oek. Benero, Rafael J, E, 337 E Wiliams a, 14n Juan, P R. 2420-J. Bennett, Alvin C, '21E, 607 S Mtate. Detroit. 131. Bennett, Harry P. 319L~, 14$38 Washtenaw. Meadervil%, Mont. 34a Binnish, Isaac, '22D, 425 Cross. Detroit. SBeresford, Edwin M, '22, 433 M1aynard. ar O nt, 815=J. Ber-nhisel, Donald M, 122, 213 5StMate. Toledo, 0. 882-M, Beshgetoor, Ray V. Grad. 419 Camden Ct. Alnma. 15.8ft-MK Betts. John G, E, 1021 E l-lurbn. Montgomery, 481-R. B~eth, lRoseeH, '20, 702 S University, Oswogo. Ill. 6i3, Pialoskv. Leon. F. '21.907 S State. Biesa, Carl W, '21E, 925 Church. Dayton, G, Biefeld, Ernest A. T2114, 2307 Packard., Watertown. Wis. Bigelow, Trumnan M. '21, 556, S State. Detroit. 18. lBingham, Harley C, '22, 1309 Geddes. Lamar, Mo. Bishop, Clark W, 3191 512 S State. Wyandotte. 120, Blshop, George E, 120, 1331 Hill. 'Dowagiac. lBlaisdell, Winn F, '21L, 408 Thompson. Gerkeley, Cal. 1741-W. Blake, Edna L, '19, 319 N Main. Lan ,Arbor. 1577-J. Blakeslee, F May, '20, Ne ; oerry Residence. Kalamazoo 2399, Blakeslee, Willis, '21L,'707 Oxford. Quincy, Ill. 357. Blair, James= ,211 Orand Rapids. Bleil, Cld 4, E, 213 N. Division. Lakewood, 0, 23-J'. "After 17dge es at all stationers . 1 _ the Drop in at our confection- ery shop and get a refresh- ing drink and light lunch. spotlight" TRY A Angel VWing Wolverine Fruit Salad Hot Lemonade Hat Chocolate Hot Bouillon. Grape Juice High Ball i preSee0 YRL MNUDE rep C. HADDON CHAMBERS' NEW COMEDY TnE SAYNG. GRAC J Fountain of Youth Corner State and Liberty f r 4 & 55S a hFt if~ A. a, E A F A s I Ice and Roller i o' Pgogr B F. B1cony * $1.50 AEAT SALE. SAWkDA) Galery Zq SKATING POP Thursday Evening 11 from 7Tto 10 Leiae Copy at Quarry's -and The Delta L 0-ssI VERTI IL IN t ILeave Copy at Quarry's and The Delta I from 1 0to 12 Caruso and )'laude Will Not Conflict Can Enrico Caruso and Cyril Maude play Ann Arbor the same night? They agreed they could yesterday when Don Maclntyre of the Whitney theater called the Frohman office in New York. Both of these men, so popular with theater-going crowds, were scheduled for Ann Arbor for the night ofMon- day, March 3, when Mr. Maelntyre began to receive phone calls from peo- ple anxious to see both of these celeb- rities. To solve the problem Mr. Maclntyre called the Frohman office and stated the situation. Caruso and Maude were notified and after a short but snappy talk Maude phoned back that if the public of Ann Arbor were so desiroua of attending both performances he6 would give his production at any time c onvenient to the local management. The time set for Maude's appearance is the afternoon of March 3, and Ca- ruso will sing, as was previously ar- ranged, the evening, of the same day. In 1914 Michigan played 26 baseball games of which she won 22, with a total score of 1.66 paints. Introd ucin New Spring Footwear Advance Spring Models, beautiful in design and In all the desirable leathers. Th. Boot illustrated is an exclusive style that strikes a note of individuality riving it un- usual desirability. Comes in Black and Brown calf or Brown cordovan in low or high shoes and now ready on our shelves in all sizes and widths. "We Feature Fit" Walk-Over Boot Shop 1 e15 S. MAIN ST. TOS--Back wallet containing ath- letic book~, treasurer's receipt, J.'- ken card. Crall 2707-W, Reward. y oarSirE FOB. ~A()u copy of Michigan's FavorlIT College Songs. 527 Thomp- son St. Phone 1415-3 after 6 P.M. JITNEY DANCE ON ROLLER RINK FLOOR WSW ICBY LOST -- Loose-leaf note name, Paul M. Moore, Phone 236 anmd receive re book with FOR SALE -. icket for Caruso c on cover. cert. Call 71--V. eward. WANTED . I 3 Portei. Wr1. traternity Apply 417 E. Huron St. FQR)NT 'OR RENT-House known as "Rocky Mountain House" on 5, FWI.t Ave. Large capacity, fine. dining mroo. inquire of L. D. Carr or G. F. All- mendinger. date's Orchestra TEC LSUCor. Hill and 5th