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October 12, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-12

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Light Men Go To
Officers' Camp
The University of Michigan is soon
to send eight men to an officers' train-
ing camp. The athletic teams will
suffer as a result. The candidates are
as follows: Theodore 0. Sedgwick,
Lawrence Phillip, John B. Merton,
Pierce MackLouth, Edward T. Usher,
Lincoln Avery, Earl H. Cress, and Jack
G. Williams. No definite statement has
been given out as to when they will
leave, but it is expected the date is
not far distant.
The men will probably be sent to
Fortress Monroe with a view to qual-
ifying as officers in the heavy artillery.
Cress and Usher leave holes in the
Varsity football team which it will be
hard to fill.

Text Of Governor 's Proclamation
"So serious has the epidemic of Spanish influenza become in
Michigan that drastic action may be necessary to prevent a fur-
ther spread of the disease. Men employed in war industries are in-
capacitated, with the result that work on Government material need-
ed by the American soldiers in France is being impeded.
"The epidemic is seriously affecting the military establish-
ment, and it is the patriotic duty of every citizen to co-operate
with the military and civilian health officers to check the disease.
"I therefore request that, after this date, all conventions and
public gatherings of every description be abandoned until such
time as the State Board of Health considers that they may be
held with, safety. Convention delegates may easily carry the germs
of the disease into a community where influenza is not prevalent at
the present time.
"Unless this suggestion is voluntarily followed, it will be neces-.
sary for the Board of Health to order the closing of churches and
theaters and arbitrarily to stop all public gatherings. I trust that the
patriotic citizens of the state will give us their best co-operation in
the matter." 1

'The Colored Folk
Dive 2o r Them
She was tripping lightly through
the Arcade, vogue without and vague
within, one fist lodged -in a two-by-
four pocket and the other supporting
one of those what-nots sometimes ac-
commodating coin. Suddenly a me-
tallic sound was heard as something
struck the pavement. She turned
quicky and reached for what she
thought was a five dollar gold piece-
only to find a penny. Blushing furi-
ously, she slipped, it into her purse
and walked on, and thenttripped over
another copper, this time appearing
to fall from her starboard pocket.
"Mercy, I thought I'd dropped all
those in the church collection," she
murmured as she stooped to pick up
a third. She searched her pockets for
holes and clasped her purse more
tightly, determined that no others
should escape. But more clattered
after her, and as she added them to
her collection, the casement windows
above rattled, and a voice said, "Heads
or tails, boys," as another penny fell.


from the Sp
in Ann Ar
ately 300 ca
the hospit,
private hor
been affec
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bers of the
reated for





nes. The students have but feebly re-
cted sponded to the call for clothing made
ity's by the Belgian 'relief headqupirters.
suc- Mrs. G. W. Patterson, who is in charge
A. of the collecting and shipping of the
or- clothing, is hopeful of better results
in- today and Monday. She says she be-
ion, lieves that the students have not re-
the sponded because they have been too
ents busy to attend to the matter since the
call was recently made directly to



is on the decrease
men, is the opin-
E. Vaughan, com-
the corps. He said
been discharged
and infirmaries in
id only a few new
er, city health of-
g upon the situa-
s opinion the epi-
the middle period
liat he expected a
number of cases
He said that he
per cent of the
o him among ci-
tudents, had re-
l peaple do not
with the disease
heir own homes.
s Overflowing
Campbell Har-
Earge of the con-
e University hos-
w filled, and peo-
ht in as fast as
e discharged. Of
going treatlient
bers of the train-
e others are stu-
A. T. C., and hos-
have contracted
precautions are
sons in the hos-
nurses, and pa-
to use and wear
np Custer have
a that influenza
caused by en-
s, according to a
uster officials re-
riggs, pharmacist
ospital. The re-
relatively few
ifluenza, but that
the patient in
dition that he is
a serious form of

The rooms in the Cornwell block
are open daily from 10 o'clock in the
morning until 4 o'clock in the after-
noon, except on Sunday. Mrs. Patter-
son says that it is very urgent that
students respond today or Monday at
the very latest. In case the clothes
can not be delivered, phone 2214, and
they will be called for.
The Hostess house in Memorial hall
has been closed to the soldiers until
further notice. The influenza epidemic
is responsible for this order. How-
ever, a hostess remains at the desk
until 6 o'clock every day and takes care
of telegrams and long distance mess-
ages for the men as before.
At some camps this service is taken
over by the Y. M. C. A. The Hostess
house aims to supply the wants of
.the men in a particular community,
which vary as to details at the various
camps, even while they are the same
in essentials. The busiest day of the
week is Sunday, when the hostess
must establish communication be-
tween the men and their friends, the
work often employing as many as
four orderlies for assistance.

Women of the University have taken
over the Fourth Liberty Loan cam-
paign on the campus. The re-opening
of the tent, at the corner of State
street and North University avenue
yesterday afternoon, brought in $550
worth of subscriptions from students.
Mr. Ray K. Immel, who was in
charge of the Loan among the stu-
dents, was unable to get men to take
charge of the booth. Marguerite Chap-
in, '20, offered her services and Mr.
IImmel has turned the entire handling
of the campaign over to her.
Booth Open to Students Only
Miss Chapin said last night that she
has found many women anxious and
willing to co-operate, and will be able
to keep the booth open from 2:30 to
5:30 o'clock daily. until Oct. 19. She
announced that only students on the
campus may subscribe; others are
asked to purchase their bonds at the
city Loan headquarters on South Main
Members of the S. A. T. C. may pur-
chase bonds at this booth if they wish
to make their first 10 per cent payment
at this time. Otherwise they may sub-
scribe at military headquarters and in-
stallments will be taken from their
pay each month until the bond is paid
Percentage Plan Explained
The deficiency in the city quota has
been reduced to about $290,000 by $12,-
000 subscriptions yesterday. Seventy-
five persons, who had received re-
minders, subscribed this amount. Mr.
Ray Bassett, chairman of the . Loan
committee, said yesterday that he be-
liieved those who have yet failed to pur-
chase bonds are merely careless or do
not understand the bank's plan of pay-
ment. Many who made the plea, of
lack of funds, bought bonds when it
was explained to them that a ten per
cent payment down will secure a bond
for them. This means that on a $50
bond it is only necessary to pay $5
now. The rest is payable weekly be-
tween now and next April. Others who
bought yesterday had not purchased
previously on account of sickness or
being out of town.
Mr. Ray E. Bassett said that the
committee looks for large sales today,
as letters have been mailed to every
one in the district who have not sub-
scribed to this Loan. If the quota is
not subscribed, personal solicitations
will begin next week.
Wesleyan Guild Wants New Addresses
ma in tha %tndent ts'rmv train-.

(By the Associated Press)
A British Port, Oct. 10 (Delayed).-
A large number of American troops
have been lost as the result of the
sinking of the transport Otranto in
the North channel between the Scot-
tish and Irish coasts in a collision
with the steamer Kashmire.
The Otranto. after the collision,
was dashed to pieces on the rocks
off the South Scottish coast with. a
probable loss of 372 American sold-
Three hundred and one men were
taken to Belfast by the British de-
stroyer Mounsey, the Qnly vessel
which made an attempt at rescue in
the terrific gale when the Kashmire,
another vessel in the convoy with
the Otranto, rammed the Otranto.
Rescue 17 on Scottish Coast
Seventeen men were picked up alive:
on the Scottish coast.'
Of the 699 American soldiers on
board the Otranto, 310 were landed."
Seventeen were rescued alive at Is-
lay, leaving 372 unaccounted for.
(By the Associated Press)
London, Oct. 101 (Delayed). - The
news of the collision reached London'
Monday but nothing was known of the:
fate of the Otranto until this morn-
ing when the first reports came from
Islay. The storm continued to make
further attempts at rescue impossi-
ble. No ships passed close enough
to that coast in rough weather to see
a stricken vessel ashore.
U. S. Destroyer
(By the Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 12.-In a collision
between the United States destroyer
Shaw and a British vessel October
9 two officers and 11 enlisted men of
the destroyer were lost. Thirteen oth-
er members of the crew were injur-
ed. The collision occurred in Brit-
ish waters. The destroyer was able'
to make port under her own steam,
the navy department said tonight in
announcing the collision, which, ac-
cording to reports, was caused bya
the jamming of the destroyer's steer-
ing gear.
Plans for holding the annual de-
hates with thn Central and Mida-Wet

Germans Retreat Faster TI
Hurl Infantry Forward
planes Wreak Hav(
(By the Associated Pr
London, Oct. 12,-Aust
gary and Turkey have i
Germany that they wil.
President Wilson's peace
according to a dispatch
Central News from Amst
(By the Associated Pr
Budapest, via Basel, Oct.
tor Aleander Wekerle, and
rian prime minister, annoi
resignation after an audie
King Charles.
Vienna newspapers recei
say that a ministerial crisis
gary is eminent and that a
cabinet is probable.
(By the Associated Pro
London (6 p. m.), Oct. 1.
Allied reconnaissances show
Germans have nothing of a
nature afloat and nothing i
along the Flemish coast.
mans are now engaged in
the harbors of Ostend and Z

Organiation of the Forestry club
will take place tomorrow afternoon at
a meeting of the students in that de-
partment at the forestry farm. In ad-
dition to organization, election of of-
ficers will take place, as all those
holding office last year have enlisted.
Prof. Filibert Roth, head of the de-
partment, will be present to give a
short talk. There will be doughnuts,
cider and "smokes" for all who at-
tend, and plans have been made for a
song "fest" and general good time.
Freshmen intending to study fores-
try are especially urged to attend by
those in' charge of the get-to-gether,
as membership in the club is practic-
ally the only way that freshmen forest-
ers can become well acquainted with
the students and instructors of their
department. The farm is reached by
taking a Jackson interurban car and
getting off at the stop called Michigan
farm. The lodge is reached by fol-
lowing a path which leads from this
stop directly south. The festivities willy
continue during the whole afternoon
in order to allow S. A. T. C. men to
attend at any hour that is convenient
for them.
(By the Associated Press)
Washington, Oct. 12.-Ten officers
and 106 enlisted men of the Ameri-
can steamer Ticonderoga, sunk by an
enemy submarine Sept. 30, are re-
ported, missing in an announcement
today by the navy department. Mem-
bers of the crew reported missing in-
clude the following Michigan men:
George W. Woodard, Hillsdale;
William Dobekewsky, Grand Rapids;
Earnest Fuller, String Port; and Phil-
ip W. Terr, Muskegon Heights.
An Atlantic Port, Oct. 12.-Five
more survivors of the steamship Ti-
conderoga arrived here today on a
British freighter.
Death Reprisal for Russian Hostages1
Amsterdam, Oct. 12. - Petrograd
newspapers received here report that
250 hostages have been shot at Pen-
za, 130 miles northwest of Saratov,
as a reprisal for the assassination of
M. Jaogeroff, a member of the ex-
traordinary commission, and an at-
tempt on the prison warders.
Official Answer Received in lerlin
Basel, Switzerland, Oct. 12.-A dis-
patch received here from Berlin says
that the official text of Secretary of
State Lansing's note in reply to the
peace proposal of the imperial Ger-
man chancellor arrived in Berlin Fri-

On the wings of necessity
mans are flying eastwardf
old battle positions from Dc
Fere, and northward fron
to the Meuse river. Thei
toward some haven of salet
talons of the Allied hawks
erywhere are menacing tb
Germany to Lose Al
Meanwhile there has 1
broadcast further reports
tro-Hungaria and Turkey, s
the trend of events spells
defeat, have informed Ger
they will accept President
peace terms.
All along the battle froi
lied troops are advancing.
south of Douai to the eas
the enemy everywhere
ground eastward.
Hun Gives Up Chemin-de
The famous Chemin-des-]
ridge which the Germans
lieved to be an insuperable
being evacuated, while i
pagne and along the Meuse
ther eastward the French a
icans are pushing further
their lines in the great
movement which is fast d
enemy from Belgium and
ed portion of France. Dou
pletely outflanked by the :
rations of the British, whi:
Cambrai and St. Quentin t
and Americans are still cb
enemy. To the south of E
the French over a wide f
crossed the Oise river an
junction with the retireme
enemy from the Chemin-d
are forcing the Germans I
the great St, Gobain forest
tion at the bend of the lin
turns eastward and also 1
hold of Laon, the keystone
tire southern German line
The retrograde movemen
necessity must have a strop
on the stability of whateve:
the Germans may choose
upon, and on their still
strong fronts in Belgium
Verdun to the Swiss border
Allied Airplanes Wreak
East of Rheims the Suippi
been crossed by the Frenc
merous places West o
gonne forest, which now
the French and Americans
mans are in retreat and a :
additional towns and villI
been taken by the Franco

Just how far-reaching will be thel
effects in Ann Arbor at Governor
Sleeper's request that no public gath-
erings be held cannot now be fore-
seen. Churches and theaters will un-
doubtedly close their doors. A Uni-
versity official was unable to state'
last night whether the request would
be construed by the University offi-
cials to require the suspension of
Some of the social events which
will be interfered with are the social
for students at 8 o'clock tonight at
the Congregational church, the Bap-
tist guild social at 7:30 o'clock to-
morrow night, and the entertainment
planned for the Cosmopolitan stu-
dents by the Y. M. C. A. for Monday
night. Section B of the S. A. T. C.
have already called off their social
affairs and the Women's league mass
meeting scheduled for 4 o'clock Mon-
day afternoon has been indefinitely
postponed. Bishop Theodore Hender-
son of Detroit has been announced to
speak at the Methodist church Mon-
day morning and to address a stu-
dent meeting afterward. Most of the
churches have not announced special
services this week, fearing that the
nresent contingency miaht arise.

men in ne smuen us nJ.L ~ ~ y L'LdtAAILLU, mw a W YtlA..&'. k (lI JILIVt ;
ing corps who are members of the debating leagues have not as yet
Methodist church and those who are been perfected, although the members
not, will be welcomed ,to the socials
and regular services of the church, of the oratory department here are
which is located at the corner of corresponding with the other coileg-
State and Washington streets. es in the leagues to determine wheth-
As the addresses of the men in the ' er prevailing war c . ditions wi a---
S. A. T. C. have been changed Mr. low them to hold the debates as us-
Roy C. Jacobson, student pastor, ual. It is hoped that the activity of
would appreciate it if these men the men along military lines will not
would call him at the office of the interfere with this important branch
Wesleyan guild, phone 1689, or at of campus interest. It is very proba-
his home, phone 1790-R. Mr. Jacob- ble, asserts Mr. Ray K. Immel of the
son is in his office each day from oratory department, that the North-
4:30 until 5:30 o'clock and will wel- western Oratorical contest will be
come callers at that time. held as usual.

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