THE MICHIGAN DAILY -"- - f- r i -. ./ . ! ""..... -. .. .z _. Ya - _ .-... .. _ x !JOHNSON SPRAINS BACK IN BAD FALL Carl Johnson, Michigan's famous track star, is unable to work out with Coach Farrell's squad during the next 10 days because of a sprained back, the result of several accidents among Of the 57 runs which have been made in the four baseball games in which Michigan has met Olivet, Michi- gan has 45 to its credit. The first game was played in 1892. In the baseball season of 1913 Mich- igan met Syracuse in two contests in which Michigan piled up 25 runs to Syracuse's nine. Always--Daily service---Always 1 UASKETBALLPRACTICE PREPARES TEAM FOR NEXT TWO CONTESTS, Donsiderable Improvement Shown in Playing of Mitchell's Men XeCLINTOCK BREAKS INTO GAME AGAINST OHIO STATE Rychener to Start Friday's Clash in Place of Wilson As One of Guards Last night's practice followed to the etter the plan that Coach Mitchell outlined earlier in the week. A workout in which he gives the squad careful instruction followed by a short and fast scrimmage is the pro- gram. The coach has decided that, his is the type of practice that will e most effective in getting the team .n shape for the week end. Every ef- fort now is bent toward putting the finishing touches on the five. The importance of the coming two games is not lost upon the squad eith- er. Each man has improved wonder- fully in form. Some just seem to have begun to find themselves. There have been upsets by ir- 'egular additions to the squad of men who have been discharged from ser- vice. This has been a great disad- vantage but' the additions have so strengthened the main outlay that the apparent handicap has been really )vercome. Bornstein Playing Well Bornstein's development of late has caused much comment. This plucky .ittle forward came through at everyj opportunity in ,the last few games. His conduct in the Lansing battle was especially creditable. Several times when the situation appeared to bej serious for the Maize and Blue his rood playing seemed to turn the tide. While "his name does not appear on :he line-up for next Friday night as announced by Coach Mitchell earlier n the week, he will undoubtedly be substituted during the game. The coach's announcement was as follows: Hewlett and Karpus, for- wards; McClintock, center; Rychener and Williams, guards. These men with Bornstein, Wilson, Emory and Weiss, now form the first string quin- et. The team which will be selected for the trip at the end of the season will probably be taken from this list. Guarding C1ombination Broken It may be noticed that the guarding combination of Williams and Wilson has been broken up, at least accord= ing to the lineup. This will be a cause for regret among many fans because the way these two Detroiters can work togethersalways with the same speed and efficiency has won the heart of the cheering section. The experi- ence of Williams and the fight that Wilson always puts into the game makes a big appeal to fans. The spirit of co-operation which the squad now has is all that could be de- sired. The smooth-running machine which Coach Mitchell has been work- ing for all season is now taking forrA., In other words, the basketball which the present squad is playing is not only the result of their hard work but is also a culmination of the work done by all the others that I'ave tried out. Only after a careful study of the basketball points of each candidate can the coach pick out, by a difficult process of elimination, the kind of a team which is now representing Mich- igan. WOMAN'S CLASS BASKETBALL TEAM TO START PLAY SOQN Woman's class teams in basketball have been appointed after several months df trying out during which time over 80 girls competed for the honors. Interclass games will prob- ably begin early in March, when each class will play the other in an effort to win the championship. The girls who have made the teams are as follows: Seniors-Phyllis Eg- gleston, captain and running center; Jane Duemling and Ruth Kirk, for- wards; Norma Mark, jumping center; Doris McDonald and Ethel Glauz, guards. Junior-Elsie Erley, captain and jumping center; Dorothy Jones and Edna Daskam, forwards; Marion Van Norman,} running center; Lucy Huff- man and Sue Verlenden, guards. Sophomores --Phyllis Wiley, cap- tain and guard; Nera Nelson and Kat- rina Schermerhorn, forwards; Helen Kock, jumping center; Beatrice Beck- with, running center; Jessie Craig, guard. Freshmen--Hazel Storz and Thekla Wermuth, guards; Gertrude Bogg, junmping center; Slema Mueller, run- ning center; Ada Duffier and Francis Weimer, guards. For service and results try a Daily Want Ad.-Adv. CHICAGO RAD OPHERS HEAD CONFERENCE RACEl The PURDUE DROPS THREE NOW IN FIFTH PLACE Team W Chicago ..................7 Minnesota . ..............6 Northwestern . ..........4 Illinois . ..............4 Purdue . ................3 Indiana . .................2 Iowa ....................2 Michigan . ...............1 Ohio . ....................1 Wisconsin ................1 Chicago and Minnesota their headlong race through GAMES; L Pctg' 0 1.000 0 1.0001 2 .6671 3 .5711 4 .429 4 .333 6 .250 3 .250 3 .250 5 .167 continue the Con-I them a fall on the ice last Saturday. This is liable to keep the big Wolver- ine from strenuous participation in the early meets and may preventhim working in his best form in the later games. Johnson injured his back for the first time last year practicing broad jumping in Waterman gymnasium. At that time he was laid up for a week, and the accident prevented the west- erner from performing at his best speed through all the meets of last spring. His back kept him bound up and he was not able to stretch himself as he had done in former years. The secon4 time Johnson suffered a fall was while he was in the S. A. T. C. last autumn. While playing in one of the games which were often indulg- ed in during drill he tripped and had to report for sick-call for several days, being unable to continue the reg- ulation work. It is possible that this third fall, which occurred Saturday, may be more serious than is now generally believ- ed. The wrench that Johnson gav'e his back was the worst of the three and he is now suffering severely: The los of the big jumper would be the worst blow that has befallen Michi- gan's track athletics for many years. He could be counted on ordinarily to win 15 points in any meet and even 20 in others. Without him the excellent possibilities of winning another Con- ference championship in track would be largely blasted. Five Reasons why you should patronize the Varsity Laundry C. All goods washed in soft water. The Colors in all colored garments always re- main as bright as new no matter how many times we launder them. The inside of your collars and neck bands as smooth as glass. Buy a cash card and save 10 per cent on your laundry bills. You will find our service prompt, and our em- ployees courteous. Phone 2076 or 2067 and our delivery man will call promptly. ference. The Maroons are temporar- ily at the head because of the larger number of games they have played. The game Pat Page's pupils played last night with Iowa is not included in the standing. The biggest change during the last week was with Purdue. In five days the Boilermakers lost three games to Chicago, Minnesota, and Northwestern; and ' dropped to fifth place. Michigan's Conference sched- ule is practically just beginning, while most of the other teams are two-thirds through their games. COACH ROWLEY ANNOUNCES DAILY FRESHMAN PRACTICE All-Fresh basketball practice will be held every night at 7:30. Coach Row- ley is very anxious to have all mem- bers of the squad out ready for work at this time. Attendance at practice will count a great deal when the team is selected later this week. Prelim- inaries are being arranged for the Varsity games Friday and Saturday nights. The annual men's honor "G" ban- quet at University of Iowa will be held on March 1 at the Monroe hotel in Grinnell, Iowa. A call has been issued for try- outs for the position of assist- ant baseball manager. All can- didates should report at the gym on Thursday between 1:30 and 2:30 o'clock. IGYM CLASSES START THIS WEEKI Gym Suits and Gym Supplies GEO.MOE ""SPORT SHOP" 711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. ,-I NEW AND SECOND HAND DRAWING INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Leather Note Books Log Log Slide Rules M Book Racks Michigan Stationery Laundry Cases FOUNTAIN PENS Conklin, Sheaffers, Waterman, Slaters $1Special ALL MAKES OF PENS REPAIRED AT THE S R 1 r{ -- EXTRA!! Friday, February. 21st WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY PARTY SHOOK'S SPECIAL SIX PIECE ORCHESTRA EXTRA! At Michigan Union DANCING 9-12 SPECIAL DECORATIONS ADMISSION $2.00 .. - E -.