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February 01, 1919 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-02-01

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i L' 15d.5.J. L .ILJ.ULI Z...P L11 1 9
inormous loans to foreign busi-
ness and governments by American
industries are expected during the
coming year by national businesa,
according to the statement' of the
National City bank of Chicago which
forecasts a period of American as-
sistance to ,all European activities.
While commerce throughout the
United Sitates is in a slow but
sound condition due to cailtious spec-
ulations since the end of the war,
an abnormal condition of foreign re-
lations makes the development of ex-
port trade an economic necessity. It

is expected that large credit will be
offered willingly to Europeans,.,A
further suggestion made by the Chi-
cago bank is for the purchase here
of Allied securities to bring about the
export of gold. The most desirable
method of stabilizing matters, the
purchase of European produce, is
still impossible and cannot com-
mence for a considerable time.
Loses More By Flu Than War "
Cleveland, O., Jan. 31.- Deaths in
Cleveland from influenza since Oct. 1;
last, total ,863, according to records
compiled by the city health depart-
ment. This is four times the num-
ber of Cleveland soldiers lost in the
war, the authorities declared. a

Students ounil Rises to Power as
Frosh and Soph Refuse Concfliation





Gym Sts

Gym Supplies

Hair cutting and the Student coun-
cif may seem totally unrelated at first
thought, but the birth of the latter
marked the demise of one popular;
form of the other back in 1905.
That was when all student activi-
ties were under faculty control. And
the two underelasses had aroused that i
august body to the white heat of in-
tolerance by insisting on beating the.
town barbers out of legitimate busi-
ness by cutting each other's hair, or,
rather shaving each other's heads to
billiard-ball smoothness. Every spring
on the eve of the class banquets the
number of premature bald heads
mounted to a score or more.
First Council in 1905
This and other difficulties connected
with student activities, caused , the
Mic'higan Union to recommend the for-
mation of a representative body of
seniors and juniors to have charge of
fresh-soph games, class elections,
and minor problems of the campus.
Acted on favorably, the fall of 1905
witnessed the first meetings of this
newly created body.
Problems immediately came up for
solution. Substitutes for the hair
cutting stunts had to be provided.,
Supervision of mass meetings and
victory celebrations had to be made
effective. For the first time, organ-
ized class contests took place in the
spring. A better spirit among the
students was evident. The increase
in self government stimulated inter-
est in the campus on the part of the
student body, just as the advocates
of the change had argued.
Becomes Judiciary Body
Succeeding years served to strength-
en the position of the council. The
dangers connected with class rivalry
had been largely done away with in
the supervised flag rush, rock contest

Hollow" bag rush. Over-jubilant stu-
dents who caused unusual disturb-
ances, were punished by the council
acting as a judiciary body.
Powers Increase
The sailing of the council was de-
cidedly stormy at times. Questions of
publicity, election of members, and
policies served, however, only to
prove the effectiveness of the plan.
After 1911, when the University Sen-
ate formally endorsed the council, the
latter's powers have been extended
to practically all matters touching
the student body in its relations
primarily its own. For instance,
through it the crew of the U. S. S.
Michigan was presented with a silver
bugle in token of the support given
to the team playing Pennsy at Phil-
Two Women Members
In 1916 two women were on tho
council, although the Judiciary com-
mittee of the Women's league now
fulfills the same function for the
women as the Student council does
for the men.
The council rose to the occasion
in 1917 when it found in the bag
rush a substitute for the tabooed
flag rush, remembered by all par-
ticipants as taking place in a heavy
Wants Student Backing
The military regime prevented the
functioning of the council this past
fall. With a resumption of peace
time activities, however, the organi-
zation will resume its normal work.
Meetings, which are open ,jto the
campus at large, are held weekly,
usually on Thursday evenings in the
old Union building.
To be the power it should be in
the democratic governing of under-
graduate activities, the sustained in-
terest and backing of the students
represented by it are essential.-Only
so can its full and complete value
be secured to the University.

Personal expres-
sion is an art un-
derstood by
Ed V. Price

'f O


A ?
I 4yf JV

whose skill ed
workmanship 'is
unequalled. Let
~c h9f 4Wt7





us snow yu.
'Fred W.
309,So. Main



a,.\ '
'.~ \\S'
. \ .\

GEO. J. MOE "Sport Shop"
711 N. University Ave.

The Norbro Shop



Will appreciate the Splendid Corset Fittir
Service at Goodyear s

Has a most attractive collection of pajamas
in all the different fashions from a gay
little slip-over style to very frivolous Billy
B urkes.
There are plain pinks and blues and white
with colored trimmings as well as the col-
ored ones with cretonne design trimming.
When you are in Detroit, come in and let
us show them to you.


( the sophs guarding the
against the frosh who had
boulder, numeraled, to plant
guarded territory), and the

a large
on the


Students' Checks
Cause Banks Loss


Second Floor, IZ E. Grand River Ave.


_. .. ..

How Do You Feel?
How does it feel to get back into the old fraternity
house again?
Does everything seem quite like it did before?
Don't you find it uncomfortable to sit and look at
those battered up walls?


Some of the Michigan men who en-
listed in the ambulance units formed
on the campus in the spring of 1917,
are now with the American army of
occupation in Germany, is the infor-
mation contained in a letter written by
Lawrence M. Gould, ex-'18, to E. B.
Anderson, '19M. The letter was writ-
ten on Jan. 11 and has just reached
Ann Arbor.
In St. )ihiel Sector
Gould pictures his training at Al-
lentown and subsequent transfer to
Italy instead of France where other
Allentown sections were sent. The unit
was attached to the 80th Division and
later saw constant service a St. Mi-
hiel and along the Meuse and Argonne.
The writer's section was cited by
General Pershing after the first en-
counter on the Meuse.
Goes to Germany
After the armistice was signed the
outfit hoped to be returned to Italy,
but orders came to the contrary. The
tetter reads, "Four Ambulance sec-
tions were chosen to be attached to the
army of occupation, section 590 was
one of them, so on Nov. 20 we began
our progress toward Germany with
the Third army. We passed through
parts of Alsace and Lorraine, through
Luxembourg, where we were stationed
for about a week, and then to Trier,
where we stopped two weeks and mov-
edfrom there into. Coblenz.
"We Wre likely to remain for quite a
long time, judging from present indi-
cations. It affords us some satisfaction
to know that we are the only ambu-
lance section in the A. E. F. that is on
the Rhine with the army of occupa-
tion, the other three sections attached
to this army being stationed farther
back in the area."
.Toronto University Extends Research
University of Toronto has been pre-
sented with an airplane and nine en-
gines. An experimental tunnel has
also been built by which different ex-
periments will be carried on. By
means of this research work new
facts are expected to be added to the
knowledge of flying.

"Some students seem to think that
they will spend less money if they pay
out a dollar by check for something
or other; every day than if they come
to the bank and take out $10 at a
time, but there is no reason for the
drawing of so many small checks,"
says the manager of one of the State
street banks.
Involves Loss
Those banks which cater to Uni-
versity students have always found
the handling of their accounts a diffi-
cult problem, bank officials say. Most
of the students have only small sums
of money on deposit which they draw
out by a series of small checks. This
involves a great deal of clerical work
for the banks which is out of propor-
tion to the total volume of the busi-
ness. Consequently many accounts are
handled at an actual loss.
Fixed Deposits
A few years ago it was the custom
of the local banks to require all stu-
dents to keep a balance of $25 on de-
posit at all times. If the student drew
checks which put his balance below
this mark, he was charged a small
sum. This practice was discontinued
some time ago.
The plan is not likely to be put in
force again, according to the manager
of one of the local banks. Another
manager says that although he thinks
such a scheme might do some good it
is decidedly unlikely that it will be re-
London, Jan. 31.-"A subsidy for
the production of gold appears to us
to be fundamentally unsound," re-
ports the Gold Production commit-
tee, consisting of Lorde Inchcape,
Sir Thomas Elliott, Sir Charles Ad-
dis and W. H. N. Goschen.
Early last year a committee, call-
ed the Gold Producers committee, ad-
vised the Chancellor of the Exche-
quer that unless the gold producing
industry was helped, the already di-
minishing supply of gold must suf-
fer and that the maintenanch of the
present gold standard of value might
be met by a special grant of some
Camp Grant to Graduate Last Officers

ew }
" 1
f M '' , 'x t
- .... :.r 'si.,.
". ,{'"
., yJj^f E
t .1
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Prices Are Reasonable

Front Lace Models
$2.50 to $15.00

Our corsetiere unde
stands the scientific,
well as the ordinai
fittings, and we a
pleased to render th
additional service wit
out extra charge

Back Lace Models
$1.50 to $7.50

We are now show
the newer models
"LaCamille" front 1
andThompson's' gla
fitting,back lace cors

We Are


It is our business to put your home in tip-top con-
Call us for a consultation.
We will look things over and prescribe a remedy
for all ailnents.

Ready to Wear Sedion
Second Floor


Oswald A. Herz

"Down Town"
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturda;
Nights from 7to 10.
Saturday and Sunday Afternoons
from 2to 5.

112 W. Washington

Phone 353-FI

WANTED-Used Hammond Typewrit-
er, mathematical machine preferred.
Name lowest cash price. C. R. Muel-
ler, 300 Webb Ave., Detroit.'
WANTED-Six students who earn own
way. Phone 1775, today only.

WANTED - Violinist and banjorine
player for darAce work. Experience
necessary. Playing one and two
nights a week. Phone 1050-J.
WANTED-Watch the Daily for Bar-

Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill., Jan. 31.
Harvard Seniors to Get A. B. Degrees -The last class for officers to be held
Harvard students in service who at Camp Grant will be graduated in
have finished their junior year and j two weeks. Almost all candidates will
who are unable to return for the be commissioned second lieutenants
work of their senior year will be in the reserve army, unless they
given their degree of A. B. provid-' choose to attend the officers' school
ing their standard has been good. at Camp Lee, Va., and take a course;
to make their commissions perman-
Always-Daily service-Always ent.


725 So. 5th Ave.


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