Ii-~..Lu - THlE MICHIGAN -DAILY .. .. ... . .r , , . . . , ENGISH UNIVERSITIES TO GJIVE WAR-TIME DEG~REES London, Eng., Jan. 27. - Students ' -,ho lost a large part of their col- lege course through participation in the w~ar will be given a war-time de- gree by English universities. This problem is being solved in the most expedient way by universities, col- leges, professional institutions, and the appointments branch of the minis- These degrees will be placed on. 'a special list with the word "star" "aft- er tho short title M. A., B. A., or oth- en. The appointments branch "of the Ministry of labor has obtained grants from public funds toward tU le train- ing expenses of demobilized officers and men who desire lttnar cial aid to prepare for a partcular vocation. Davt11kouth, Amkez,-A, and Harvard 14YObteen cens~e4 1w the ueitn Aent Of the B tQ0 chools for too high entrance e' q-trv'y-Lents. _ ..._.,.. vTUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1919. 31INNESOTA DOWNS ILLINOIS Classification of Lits Completed V.\HA SKETBALL, SCORE :1).17 Classification for the second semes- I ter in the literary college is practical- Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 27.-Min- jxy complete, according to informa-0c. Snesota defeated Illinois 36-17 in a I from the registrar's office yesterday. fast Western conference basketball j Those students who failed to classify game here tonight. Captain PlatouI either Thursday or Friday will be re- of Minnesota made seven baskets' quired to pay trhe penalty of $1. from the floor and two free throws.--- -__ At present there are 18 women en- The Daily at your door every morn-I rolled in the medical department of .Ong, $2.111 until June.-Adv. the University,.of Indiana.. bep ,nda EXA~ able, Scientific, Drag less EYE XMINATrIONS Plisae 590 for appOintment lt E lH Ar odOptometrist 220 S. Al'in St "ALittle friend in need" A "CON- PROOF"" BLUE BOOK ft hind always at the STUDENT ' 'SUPPLY STORE I1A11 1 Iniv. *Onn.. EnaI.. Arch Phone l1160-R f v i ha" '..iV. J N - --- ss ra 0i