CHIC~ DAIL\r k: 'ears lNo Man's Land has been so torn shell-fire, by trenches, and by dug-. is that there can be practically no ming there for the next two gen- ations," said Prof. W. H. Hobbs of e geology department in an inter- :w yesterday. "In those sections ere the sod and trees have been rooted and 'the earth left bare, the a.vy rains have washed the soil ay into the neighboring -streams A rivers, and it will be next to im- ssible to produce any successful ops fojr some time. "For decades this scar will stretch rosy the face of Europe to mark e invasion of the Hun," continued ofessor' 1lobbs. "They will in a way emble the marches which the bar- rian peoples made as a protection! ainst invasions." 'atronjze our advertisers:.--~Adv. IT. A. C. TOQ HAVE SCHIOLAkSTIC B A K T T VVir ' T O I a s t L a n s i n g , J a n . 2 3 . - E n t r a n c e blanks for the first annual M. A. C. interscholastic baskectball tournamentl are now being sent out by Coach CGeorge E Gauthier, The meet will be held M-arch 7" and 8, in the new college gymanasiumi, which has one of the finest basketball floors in the country. ,1Pries will be awarded :for individual and team play. First Gold Star Goes to Detroit Leonard' B., Hollywood wvas killed in actionz Nov. 3, 1918. PresIient Na- vini of thle Detroit Tigers bought Hol-. lyw ood fromt the San Francisco team in the fall of 1917, but Uncle Sam got in ahead on the contract signing. The Western star did fine work with the P'acific Coast league and Jennings, counted on him to strengthen the Ti- gers' infield this year; FORM:1ER MI1CHIGAN FOOTBALL PLAYER DIED IN SERVICE !Otto Carpell, '12, a member of the 1911 and 1912 Varsity football teams, died recently at West Point, Miss., wnhere he was undergoing training as an aviator. Carpel won famne while a t Michigan by his stellar work in the backfield, his good playing aid- ing greatly in :7any a Michigan vic- tory. At the outbreak of the war Carpell immediately offered his services to his country, He was turned down on three different occasions, under- going three operations before he fin- ally was declared physically fit., lie was commissioned shortly before his death. Iowa Strengthiened by Return of Star[ The return of Lieut. Richard Young to the Iowa track team strengthens1 it greatly, Young was a member ofco the teen that won the Iowa state cI'ampionship In 1918., The Daily at your door everynorn- ing, $2.50 until June.-Adv. State St. P. 0, Does Big Business Sta~mp sales at the State street branch of the local postoffice amount- ed to $60,810.99 during the year end- ing Dec. 1, 1918. The number of let- ters and parcel post packages totaled 132,262, while 34,624 letters were reg- istered, packages insured, and money orders cashed and issued. The basketball team -will ni a manager next year. This an excellent. opportunity juniors and sophomores. men desiring to try out c Harry Heffner, '20, phone 18. Adler-Rochester Clothes4 you wrill :'iways find satlactian aa '?ricsing int, e aily.--Adv. at~ sc PHONE 1701 Shows at 2:00 3:30 7:00 8:.30 3i:30 7 :00 8:3 t) V ws R -WhitneyTheatre- Tuesday, Jan. 28th Adellne Amusement Co. presents Frederick V. Bowers LAST UIME S TODAY~ You will save from $5-00 to $10-00 on a Suit or Overcoat if you buy at Lutz's Great Clearance of Men's Suits and/vercoats Every. garment reduced and guaran- teed to give satisf acion --IN- TIM SO CHARLIE RAY "6,STRING BEANS"9 The Plow Boy Who3 Would Be A Poet HAPPY" A musical comedy iu 3 acts with an accompaniinpnt of beautiful girls Prices: 50e to $1.50 unda-- Days, MARGUERITE CLARK I SMAJESTICI MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly--All Shows Sunday LAST TIMES TODAY I Lutz Clothing Store 2 17 S . Main St. ""LTTLE MIS)S HOOVER"IPI MATINEES CM.UN______ CHARLES RAY "String Bears" 0 I It . # s I PICTURE.$I THE " SHE MER FD! .THE HILLS A , HAROLD BELL WP16HTS ; ISUNDAY-THREE DAYS I MARGUERITE CLARK _LIT'TLE MIS HOOVERX A RC A E Shows at 3:00; 7:00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, 296-M Mgr's Res., 2316-M Sat--2 j- Gladys I eslie in "The Be- loved Imposter," and Big-V Comnedy, "Bears and Bad Mi~ei." Stun-illon -26-27 - -one More, in "Go ' \West, Y0t111 Mn,"and "Smniling Bill" Parsons in "(;ill's Opportunity." T1u-.---Louise I ffin 1 'Othcer D ea, dharrner,"Star (iComed, "Sa the flirt," andl Gamont News' =WU ERTH= _ SELECT FEATURE PICTURES - r 2:00, 3:30, 7:00, . :30, 10:00# " BOOKINGS FOR JANUARY- SSat-25-Gaby Deslys in "Infatuation." -" Also News and Comnedy. w Sun-Mon---26-27-WXilliam Russell in "Hobbs in a Burry." Six parts.- Weekly and Comedy. Tues-Wed--Margarita Fisher in "fair ,. Enough." Also Comedy. Thur-Fri--30-3x-PBessie Barriscale in S"Th e White Lie." Also Comedy. ThnoundatonandCapStone -~ of this store's Successful merchandising dur- ing past years may be expressed in one word A. am '. 'Quality, w~ e Now Offer DOUBLE DECKERS BLANKETS RUGS I ROCKERS Prices: Mat.-Adults, 35c Children, 25c Night-25c, 35c, 50c DESKS. Seats DAVENPORT S It ul w s il LA~iL &DVER LOST, LOST- Light shell-rimmed glasses, between Hill and Church Sts. and E~conomics Building. Call 747-R. LOST-A loose-leaf -ziotebook. Find . retrn to H3. P. Lindsay. Daily of- Leave Copy ..RH E S2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 5:30, 10:00 LOTBOOKINGS FOR JAICUARY ,, LOST-Will the gentleman who call- Sat-25-Priscilla ]dean in "She Hired- :. a Husband." Also. News an Con-. ed phone 1741-J in regard to .:lost - ey Con21k~l pen please call up again. - Sun 26-Dorothy Dalton in I (Green !;yes." Also Eddie Polo in "The . AN D Lure of the Cirsus," 2nd E'pisodie. -- = __ __ ______________- Mon -27-1,nid 1Bennett in "Kiey of a the Righteous." Also Eddie P'olo :n WATD-Farmn in exchange for Ann r"he Lure of the Circus," 2nd Epni- soe he eiec.Ades . -'ns-- -Ca.Ryi ANn Add es aE .e fVDa y.=- ' 'Izclu _°8C h . a ink Town." Als1; :th Epiiode of - ___________ ____________ \VailPinlDuncan in "A.,Fj 14 for WAN'T,)- single room or suite with two v,, gl}weds, south of cam- pus.,P vtefamily des ired. Box G~REIKMatinees GAR.C Wednesday and F.,DETROIT ISaturday FOR REA'T' STUART WALKER Presents F9~ RENT- Frontsteam -heted 1SEVENTEEN" with Grego'ry Kelly rooms on State St. E. E.X Calkins,. AND THE~ ORIGINAL COMPANY GENER AL. HOUSE We are here to please and guarantee com- plete satisfaction. t; FURNISHINGS' A visit to our, store will convince you of our superior goods and service. I history note boolk at onday noon. Finder 1267. Reward. 1black leather purse 5 i bills. Also change Martin Hailer 112 E. Liberty street r,