THE MICHIGAN DAILYP A Pied Galley ed from the quartermaster, and their regular line of trade was almost ata -s standstill. This made a great deal of ;Mfagazine Seouts, Sleze Him business while it lasted, but at its ex- 'Twas only yesterday that I dreamt piration they were again left without of blithesome, blissful Spring, of the much work. Now, however, things bub-bul warbling from behind the promise a more steady trade. Chinese laundry and non-itchable flannels appearing in the shop win- dows along the pussy willowed high- WfL P E ways and byways of Kalamazoo. My mind soared to Appolinaris and the , lT n rest of the gods quaffing. Nujol and DERIIL. UVU MA fIn ambrosia on the heights of Mount Am- phibious, but alas, today I feel like a MERCHANTS ATTRIBUTE CAUSE run in somebod~y's hose-small, in- TO SCARCITY OF WOOL significant, but nevertheless - in evid- AND LABOR ence. The hoar frost sits upon my' ear and my nose is tinged a deep That clothing prices will remain cerulean hue and instead of investing for yard goods, due to- the present in Lydia Pink's tonic I am going to shortage of wool,' 'he added. Mr. Mar- buy a foot warmer. Guess I have to of Ann Arbor. cease this mental dyspepsia, dear Such conditions arise primarily reader, or perchance Pauline might Sche c.ndai ofns ars o prardly r f t s Booze Bungler Breaks Into Print; Ann Arbor Police Stumble on Prey "on the other hand, they were glad to receive suggestions from us. Our athleticism was a new conception to them. Combined with our youth they saw in it, not a machine, but an in- tellectual and moral force come to destroy the pitiless mechanical force of the Germans." FOR LIBERTY t t ,) break me into print in the Inlander. How About Itl Now there is A manl On this campus And He is a professor And He says That he thinks That This colymn Is Offul And I Agree with himn perfectly, -Casserole. SimplyH oisoiwus He (Just returned from overseas and anxious to show off his French)- "Au Revoir." She-"Carbolic acid." He-."How dare you make fun of my French," She-"I'm not, Au IVevoir means good-bye in French doesn't it? And' that's what carbolic acid means .in k~nglilh,' Clothing Trade Returns to Normal Now that practically all the former membera of the S. A. T. C. and naval unit are back in citizens' clothes again, those tailors who cater to stu- dents report that their business is assuming more normal proportions again. Their' principal( businer all fallhas been in altering the terrible hitting handouts that the boys receiy- mU J Le n igh cost or Labor and the scarcity of wool," stated Mr. A. F. Marquardt, speaking from the cus-; tom-made clothing point of view. "In fact, indications point to a higher price for yard goods, due to the present' shortage of wool," he added. Mr. Mar- quardt has received circulars from several of the larger woolen houses of the country which state that wool- ens will be from $1 to $2.50 more on the yard this spring. Mr. S. Burchfield, also speaking of the custom-made trade, said, "Al- though the prices this spring will be as high or higher than theywere in the fall, a drop can be looked for in the coming fall season." Mr. C. J. Hutzel, of Hutzel &Go., stated that prices will remain the same, but that the material and the work in the spring stocko f ready- made clothes are better than they have been for past seasons. Another dealer in suits and coats, Mr. E. F. Mills, said, "Owing to the fact that the spring stock will be made out of last year's woolens, the prices; cannot come down within a period of eight months or a year." On the merchandise side of the ques-a tion the buyer for the Win. goo dyear Co. states that prices will be the same or slightly higher this spring. This he says is due to the fact that the ex- portation of manufactured goods is greatly increased. Here, also, the high cost of labor is an important fac- tor and a lowering of prices cannot come in this branch until rthe next' cotton crop has been picked and man- ufactured. Should anyone have the idea that the life of police officers in Washtenaw county is all danger and hardship in apprehending violators of the liquor laws, hark ye: A suave, well dressed gentleman from the train at a local railroad sta- tion. He carried a small ahnd grip and a handsome leather suitcase. As if to get his bearings, he glanced fur- tively about, starting as his eyes en- countered those of a husky member of Ann Arbor's "arm of the law." Runner Worthy Man for Varsity With perhaps a little undue haste. he began to make his way across the street, pausing a couple of times to glance nervously at the stalwart guar- dian of the peace. After the last glance, the nervous one bolted sudden- ly the remainder of the way to the op- posite sidewalk. He of the silver badge, puzzled as to the cause of the other's perturba- tion, started slowly to cross the street, to offer, if possible his assistance. This was the last straw. With a blood curdling whoop, the fellow dropped his luggage and bolted up a nearby al- ley at a speed that would have the envy of the Varsity's best.. " I Just Came from Chicago." "Bugs!" ejaculated the officer, and calling upon the god of speed, set his. official heels in motion in the same di- retcion as that taken by the other. He did not have far to go, for the run- ner stopped and sunk to his knees as soon as he heard the labored pounding of the offIoial feet, "Honest, I didn't want to sell it," the frightened fugitive began as soon fas the officer's hand had touched his quivering shoulder. "I just came from Chicago, and I wad taking a little to Detroit to treat some friends. You can have it all." "What's th' , began his captor. Then seeing a sudden light, his voice tools on its official tone. "Aw, tell it to the judge. Come on with me." Booze Bungler Pays Fine. The thoroughly frightened ex-trav- eler, with his now doubtful baggage was soon safely lodged in a substan- tial brick building on West Ann street. A little questioning, and a little in- vestigation revealed that he had really tried to tell the truth when first caught. "It" turned out to be eight quarts of a popular brand, in Chicago, of that which is taboo in Michigan. After paying a fine in three figures, and promising to leave boooze toting in the future to others of a more cal- lous conscien'ce than his, the man was allowed to proceed undisturbed to Detroit, where he works as a drafts- man for a well known manufacturer. RYE E NDU.S. BRING LIGHT TO WORLO-THiEME A- TERICAN: .YOUTHFULNESS AND FRESHNESS OF TROOPS GAVE THEM HEART "The future has chosen France and America, two great republics, the one old and just through a great battle, the others young, just through aiding the other young, just through aiding side by side .to bring light to the world" said Professor H. P. Thieme in his lecture entitled "France and During the War," the first of a series of French lectures to be given here. In his talk Professor Thieme empha- sized therrelations between France arnd America due to this war, rather than the deeds of either nation in the war. He looked at the war in three different phrases. Professor Thieme declared that the first was that of the French soldiers. The world would never fully appreciate what the first two years of the war meant to the Frenchmen. It was not a question of Alsace-Lorraine, but of right opposed to force. The second phase was the French women's part. They were the co- workers of the men, inspired them, took their places in the workfields, and hid their sadness and tears behind cheerful and gay smiles. The next phase dealt with America's participation in France. For the weary French our Americans were doers of marvels ,the fountain of youth, the elixir of life. They saw our great optimism and had confidence in us, having met our soldiers in China and Cuba. We conquered them from the first by our youthfulness and gayety and they gave us the welcome oz brothers, Professor Thieme believes. "They, in the consciousness of their culture, did not try to force their Ideas upon our boys." He continued, SPEAKING OF INSURANCE The best insurance is the insuriance that you will be healthy and live long. Why not tack on a few' years by eating at the CAFETERIA where you can select food adapted to your needs from a great variety properly prepared from the best material. The following casualties are repor ed today by the commanding genei of the American Expeditionary Force Wounded severely, 180. Total, 180 Those who advertise in The Mic igan Daily cater to ALL Michiga students.-Adv. Advertise in The Daily.--Adv. students.-Adv. I 7//41a ew CO "(4UARS *i 4_ ta .P/O..QTi Aft"A I DRESS FOOTWEAR FOR WOH EN The Girls are Preoparing They want to look their best "over here" to entertain the boys from "over there." Parties, entertainments andpersonal calls demand the Daintiest Slippers to make their appearance com- pletely satisfying. Silver and Cold Cloth -French Kid and Pat- ent Pumps - Oxfords or Two-eyelet South- ern Ties. Light, Dain- ty, Dressy Models,.all sizes.f Walk-Over Boot Shop 115 S. MAIN ST. Semi-Annual Clearance Sale! 20% Discount on Suits and Overcoats Odd Trousers Wadhars & Co. Main stropt State Street U., . ... . . . . . . . . . ._ _.__ _ ___ An Announcement of Special Interest to F RA TERNITY STEWARDS TURKISH CIGAREIT~F lie' .lending excep* ionaI MAKERS OF THE IGKEJ.,GRADE TURIISH MPKD Our goods are of the highest quality only, Our stock is home killed and cured. Our delivery service will please you, We make it a specialty andthere is no charge for it, You will be repaid if you will call us for further i formatjon, J. P. ESCHELBACH Phono $2 203 apt HurQuI Eitablsshe4 1090 , r ' ,, , , y LAST WANTED LOST- Light shell-rimmed glasses, between Hill and Church Sts. and Economics Building. Call 747-R. WANTED-Woman who can qualify as cog or housekeeper wants work in fraternity house next semester, Box E. FOR RENT v FOR RENT - Front steam heated rooms on State St. E. E. Calkins.