VOL. XXIX. No. 81.
Plans have been formulated for an
all-senior Valentine ball to be held
Feb. 14 in the Union. The party will
be informal and will have many Val-
'entine features.
Laurel A. Lundquist is the general
chairman and the committee is com-
posed of men from all the colleges, as
follows: engneers, T. R. Jeffs, and'
B. M. Miller; lits, C. F. Boos, F. C.
Bell; medics, J. M. McKinney; arch-
itects, C. N. Norton; dents, J. H. Knap-
man; laws, L. J. Carrigan; homeops,
E. D. Winfield; pharmics, Geo. W. Col-
2000 fen ,lay
Return Next Term
Lit College Examination Schedule
Announced; Tests to End Feb.
Final examinations for this semes-
ter in the Colleges of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts wil begin Monday,
Feb. 3, and will be held for a period
of two weeks in accordance with the
following official schedule. Morning
examinations will be from 9 to 12
o'clock; the afternoon examinations
from 2 to 5 o'clock.
Monday classes: at 8, first Thurs-
day afternoon; at 9, second Monday
morning; at 10, second Monday aft-
ernoon; at 11, first Tuesday omrning;
at 1, second Wednesday afternoon; at
2, first Wednesday afternoon; at 3,
second Wednesday morning.
Tuesday classes: at 8, first Saturday
morning; at 9, second Tuesday morn-
ing; at 10, first Tuesday afternoon; at
11, first Friday morning; at 1, second
Tuesday afternoon; at 2, first Friday
afternoon; at 3, first Wednesday
Specially assigned classes: Semet-
ics 13; first Saturday afternoon;
French I (all sections), first Monday
afternoon; Spanish I (all sections),
first Monday afternoon; Economics 1,
first Thursday morning; Economics
15, first Wednesday morning; Psych-
ology 7, first Monday morning; Mathe-
matics 51, first Saturday afternoon;
Food Administration 2, first Tuesday
The courses in the preceding para-
pragh will be examined at the time
announced for them, and not in ac-
cordance with the foregoing regular
The first lecture hour, in the case,
of courses with lectures, is to be con-
sidered as the first recitation of the
week. Irregular classes, which can-
not be examined as scheduled with-
out causing conflict, will be examined
at the time to be announded by the
instructors in charge of such classes.
Printed copies of the above exam-
ination schedule can be obtained be-
ginning tomorrow at the office of Reg-
istrar Arthur G. Ball.
France Ready to Prevent Germans
Forcing Own Will on Her,
Says Wilson
(By Associated Press)
Paris, Jan. 20. -- The two notable
events of the day were the meeting of
the supreme council to consider the
Russian situation and the gala lunch-
eon to President Wilson at Luxemburg
The luncheon, besides bringing to-
gether a brilliant assemblage, brought
out the declaration from President
Wilson that "the peril of France, if
it continues, will be the peril of the
world, and not only France must or-
ganize against the peril but the whole
world must organize against it."
Bolshevik Power Looms as Menace
The meeting of the supreme council
was attended by President Wilson,
Secretary Lansing, and representa-
tives of the other four great powers.
An hour was given to hearing M. Nou-
lens, the French ambassabor, who has
just returned, from Russia, where he
personally witnessed the various
changes which have been taking place
in the government and conditions
there. What he told the council was
not disclosed, but an authorized state-
ment from M. Noulens sums up his
views thus:
"The Bolshevik power is the enemy
of the Entente. * * * * It fur-
nished Germany with food during the
war. It protested against the terms
of the German armistice. These
facts show an uncompromising atti-
tude of hostility against the Entente.
Throne Room of Bourbons Used
"Tyranny and terror, which are in-
creasing daily , should place the
bloody chiefs at Moscow and Petro-
grad outside the pale of humanity. No
society of nations could deal with
such a regime, which constitutes to-
day the most serious 'obstacle to a
general peace. Until the regime falls,
a development which I hope the Al-
lies will actively seek to bring about,
Europe will continue to be exposed
to the severest risks of agitation and
Swift and satisfying is to be Mich-
igan's' return to pre-war conditions,
according to Registrar Arthur G.
Hall. He is of the firm belief that
February's inrush of enrollments will
bring the total to no less than 6,500,
a most favorable figure when it is
considered. that last year's enroll-
ment, including the summer school of
1917, summed up to 6,734.
Looking still farther into the future,
Registrar Hall ventures the forecast
that the school year of 1919-1920 will
bring, along with a complete rein-
statement of "the good old days," a
student body of at least 7,500. This
means that about 2,000 new and re-
turning students may be expected next
The figures in both instances are
based on Registrar Hall's knowledge
of the educational prospects which
peace conditions are assuring the
country, upon the number of Michi-
gan men who have signified their in-
tention of returning to complete their
course, and, in a general way, upon
the significance of the present en-
(Continued on Page Four)
Lieut. Edward D. Bolton of the Air
Service, who has been in Ann Arbor
sincesOctoberbhastbeen discharged
and is going back to 'NewYork city
to resume- his practice with Cravath
& Henderson, corporation lawyers.
Lieutenant Bolton was assigned to
the S. A. T. C. in Ann Arbor to in-
struct in aviation and while here was
senior officer, second in command and
had charge of the third battillion. He
was also regimental mess officer and
suximary court officer and was in di.
rect control of all military ceremo-
nies and parades.
Lieutenant Bolton is a graduate of
the first Plattsburg Training camp
and went from there to the University
of Illinois, where he was graduated
from the aviation ground school. At
two different times Lieutenant Bolton
expected to go overseas and got as
far as the port of embarkation and
boarded ship when the government re-
called him to stay in this country as
an instructor. With Lieutenant Bol-
ton's departure, only Major Ralph H.
Durkee and two lieutenants are left
at this post.
(By Associated Press)
The luncheon was one of the most
elaborate functions thus far held,
with 300 guests at the table, includ-
ing two presidents and many pre-
miers, and public leaders in the
sumptuous setting of one of the fin-
est of the old world policy. The throne
room of the Bourbon kings was used
for the first time since Napoleon ban-
queted his generals returning from
battle a 100 years ago.
Wilson Likes Cordial Welcome
In his address President Wilson ex-
pressed his pleasure at the cordiality
of the welcome:
"You have made me feel your wel-
come in words as generous as they,
are delightful and I feel that you have'
graciously called me your friend. May
I not in turn call this company -a
company of my friends, for every-
thing that you have so kindly said
has been corroborated in every cir-
cumstance of our visits to this coun-
try. Everywhere we have been wel-
come, not only, but welcomed in the
spirit and with the same thought, un-
til it has seemed that the spirit of the
two countries cling together in an
unusual and beautiful accord.
France 'Was on Border of Peril
"We know the long period of peril
through which France has gone.
France thought us remote in com-
prehension and sympathy, and I dare
say there were times when we did
not comprehend as you comprehend
the danger in the presence of which
the world stood.'
"There was no time when we did
not know how near it was, and I fully
understand that throughout these try-
ing- years, when mankind has waited
for the catastrophe, the anxiety of
,France 'must have been the deepest
and the most confident of all, for she
Berlin, Jan. 20.-Election day pass-
ed without any serious disturbances
in Berlin, but rumors that the Sparta-
cans intended to interfere with the
counting of the ballots resulted in
all polling places being occupied by
soldiers when the voting ended. There
was some shooting around the Vor-
waerts, and other newspaper build-
ings, late in the evening, but it wa,
not of a serious character. -
Hamburg Troubles Serious
Serious disturbances are reported
to have taken place in Hamburg,
where the Spartacans succeeded in
preventing voting in some precincts.
Indications are that a very heavy
vote was cast. The voting under the
,German scheme is based on propor-"
tional representation, so that each
party elects representatives in pro-
,portion to the vote cast.
Assembly to Decide Two Tasks
The first task of the national assem-
bly will be to draw up a new consti-
tution defining the form of govern-
'ment and the method of electing a
president of the republic. Another will
be to ratify the treaty of peace.
Funeral services for Dr. John A.
Watling, founder of the Dental col-
lege, were held at 2:30 o'clock yester-1
day afternon in the Episcopal church
of Ypsilanti. The pall-bearers were:
Dr. L. M. James, of Ypsilanti; Dr. C. J.
Lyons and Dr. John Travis, of Ann
Arbor; Dr. George Buck, Dr. Frank
Logan, and Dr. Frank Woods, of De-
In addition to many friends and col-
leagues who attended the funeral, the
whole dental faculty of the University
was present.
Due to new arrangements made by
the University for the payment of
semester fees, the Michigan Ulion
will receive only a percentage of
their former $3-a-year dues next se-
mester. The dues will amount to1
about $1.80. Owing to this fact it will
be necessary to charge 25 cents each
for Union buttons next semester.
One thousand four hundred and six-1
ty-five students have received Uniont
buttons so far this semester. Union1
authorities believe that there are
many students who have not yet call-
ed for their buttons.
Lane Hall to Have Moves Tomorrow
Men and women are invited to at-
tend the moving pictures to be shown :
at Lane hall Wednesday night. The
features will be Wm. S. Hart in "The
Great Divide" and Charles Chaplin in
"The Adventurer," also a current1
news reel.
(By Associated Press)
London, Jan. 20. - A Royalist re-
volt has broken out in Portugal, ac-
cording to a wireless dispatch from
Paiva Concerlo is placed at the
head of the Royalist revolt at Otor-
to, Braga, and Vistus, and has pro-
claimed former King Emanuel king of
Government troops are on their
way to suppress the conspiracy. The
wireless dispatch adds that former
King Emanuel has sent a telegram to
the Portuguese reproving the attempt
in his behalf.
The annual All-medic smoker will
be held next Monday evening in the
banquet room of the New Union. The
big yearly event for the doctors will
be the first social affair to be held in
the big hall on the second floor of the
new building.
Careful plans have been worked out
to make this the most successful of
all the medic smokers. The program
is under the direction of a senior com-
mittee, headed by Theophile Raphael,
'19M. The chairman of the evening
will be a student, but his name has
not yet been announced. Beside the
usual speakers to be selected from
the classes, several of the faculty will
make talks. A medic orchestra, under
the direction of Carroll S. Wright, will
furnish the music.
In addition to the usual smokes, the
Union officials are preparing a buffet
luncheon. Tickets in the form of tags
go on sale today, through class com-
mittees, at 50 cents.
"Drainage," is the title of the ad-
dress which Prof. H. W. King of the
engineering college will deliver at
the annual meeting of the Michigan
State Society of Engineers at Flint.
The following members of the faculty
of the engineering college left yester-
day to attend the meeting which will
last over Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday: Professors Clarence T.
Johnston, Horace W. King, Arthur J.
Decker, John J. Cox, Clyde E. Wilson,
Mr. James H. Cissel, Mr. Roy S. Swin-
ton, Mr. L. E. Ayres, Mr. Edward L
Prof. and Mrs. R. M. Wenley an-
nounced the engagement of their
,daughter, Margaret, and Dr. Herbert
Sadler, at a tea given Saturday after-
noon. Dr. Sadler is professor of ma-
rine architecture and engineering in
the University, but at the present is
In the service.
Edwin G. Bovill was elected presi-
dent of the soph lits at a meeting of
their class held yesterday afternoon
in University hall. A soph prom com-
mittee was appointed consisting of
Edward Usher, chairman; Thomas
Hinshaw, Lee M. Woodruff, and Cor-
nelia Clark. The committee plans to
co-operate with the prom committees
already appointed by the other col-
The prospect of spring games was
discussed and it was suggested that
the organization for them be started
soon. The class went on record as
being in favor of the old spring games
such as were held in former years.
It was stated that the chairman of
the social committee would be an-
nounced at a later date. Pep was in-
stilled into the meeting by yells led by
Edward Usher.
Nothing B/ut The
B/est For f-Hop
"Get busy" was chairman Karl H.
Velde's admonition to the J-Hop com-
mittees last night. At a short organ-
ization meeting committees were ap-
pointed and a few plans drawn up.
"Nothing but the best," Is the motto
wich will make this -Hop surpass
former ones. Music, decoration's,
features, in fact everything, must
measure up to the best Michigan
standards according to the present
Committees were appointed as fol-
lows: Music and features, J. S. Per-
rin, W. G. Harbert, Joe Palma; decor-
ations, C. I. Hogan, R. W. Ware,
Struckmann, F. J. Helbig; invitations
and programs, Landis, Tracy; refresh-
ments, Vorys, Lavely; executive, K. H.
Velde, D. B. Landis, D. D. Nash, Ho-
gan. Nash was appointed secretary
and treasurer. No date was set for
the next committee meeting.
Gargoyle fBasket
Reveals Secrets
Each month the Daily scoops all
the other papers in the universe by
printing the first and exclusive story
of the contents of the Gargoyle. To-
day the Daily beats itself-for it is
in a position to publish not only what
the Gargoyle will contain but what it
will not. The Daily's brightest cub
examined the Gargoylian waste-basket
and this is what he found. Nearly
all the rejected manuscript dealt with
the war, with returning soldiers, with
misfit 'uniforms, kitchen police, and
other martial hardships. Some of it
was very good stuff too.
"By George," said the cub, who is
strong on logic, "deducing by the
illicit process of the major premise
of the reductio ad absurdui, I should
surmise that they have more of this
than they can use."
The cub delved deeper. In all the
rejected material, he did not find any
jokes upon athletics, upon social
life, on student politics, and he nodded
wisely to himself. "They must need
all of this that they can get," he
He s a sharp boy-that cub. When
the Gargoyle appears - on Wednes-
day- he is to receive a free copy.
In commemoration of the men who
have lost their lives while in the
service, Governor Albert Sleeper, is-
sued the following proclamation Fri-
"In order that we may pay a tribute
of respect and affection to the mem-
ory of the gallant lads who died for
-us, I, Albert Sleeper, do issue this,
my proclamation, and hereby desig-
nate and set aside Sunday, the sec-
ond day of February, 1919, as Memo-
rial Sunday for Michigan's martyred
sons in the Great War."
Special services are to be held in all
the churches of the state and all fSags
will be displayed at half mast. Every-
one is requested to wear a small bow
of white ribbon in remembrance of
the dead on that day.
The following casualties are report-
ed today by the commanding general
of the American Expeditionary Forc-
es: Wounded severely, 63. Total, 63.
Close Guarding on Both Sides Makes
Frequent Fouling; Score
Playing a brand of court game neve
displayed by a Wolverine quintet be-
fore, the Michigan basketball team de-
feated the fast Indiana five by a score
of 28-22, in perhaps the speediest game
ever witnessed on the Waterman gym-
nasium floor.
Both teams played the five man de-
fensive game, but the Hoosier guards
proved to be the weaker and brilliani
bits of teamwork took the ball down
the floor and into the basket many
times. Both teams played well at
periods and one would wrestle the
lead from the other.
Final Spurt Wins
The final spurt was made by Coach
Mitchell's men in the last minutes of
play. Williams and Wilson held the
Bloomington forwards scoreless, while
Cohn, Karpus, and Rychener - tossed
in a total of three counters.- This,
added to several free throws scored
by both Karpus and Hevlett before
the latter wa ,taken was taken from
the game brought the team's total to
Many Fouls Called
Close calling on the part of Referee
Wright made the fouls numerous. The
free throws were about evenly bal-
anced, however, so "this "fact did not
alter the result of the game. - Karpus
began the tossing for Michigan but
after making four gut of four he turn-
ed over the job to Hewlett.
Phillips scored first blood for In-
diana, shooting one in from the mid-
dle of the floor. Rychener came back
with a double counter for the Wol-
verines a few minutes later, after an
excellent bit of teamwork. Michigan
then went ino a five point lead, but
this was soon surpassed by Indiana.
However, the Wolverines again came
back and the result at the end of the
first half was Michigan, 17; Indiana,
Hoosiers Drop in Long Ones
The Hoosiers' method of scoring
during this period was by the long air
route. Practically every counter was
thrown from the middle of the court,.
This broke up Coach Mitchell's de-
fense for a short while, but the team
found itself in time to -prevent any
great damage.
After the Bloomington team went
into the lead in the middle of the first
half, there was a short period of no
scoring. Then came the best lot of
teamwork of the evening. After scor-
ing one basket by exceptional play,
the Wolverines followed this with
three more baskets all made in a few
passes after the toss up. The signals
during these few minutes were work-
ing well.
Wolverine Guards Do Well
The second half was like the first
in the matter of leading except that in
this period the position was only ex-
changed twice. Indiana after the rest
played strongly and soon overcame
Michigan's lead. Before the middle of
the half was reached they had a five
point lead. At this time when their
work counted for the most, the Wol-
verine guards played their best. No
more baskets were shot from the floor
after Michigan started to come back.
Cohn and Karpus Star
Cohn, playing center, did unusual
work on the court and managed to get
several baskets himself. Karpus, like-
wise was playing well and counted
four times. The whole team was run-
ning like a machine and hardly a flaw
could be found.
Indiana's best representatives were
Phillips and ;efferies. These were
the men that were tossing them in
from the middle of the floor.
Victory Significant
This victory is significant. Michi-
gan has won her first Conference
basketball game. Coach Mitchell has
(Continued on Page Four)
Leavitt James Bulkley, '17, has en-
rolled in the -Engineering college of
the Universty. Bulkley enlisted in
the medical corps when the United
States entered the war. He ',was
transferred as first lieutenant to the
quartermasters corps and has been
istationed in Washington for the past
syear. He is a member of the Delta
Kappa Epsilon fraternity and is a
Phi Beta Kappa man.
(By Associated Press)
Champaign, Jan. 20.-Illinois de-
feated Ohio State 25 to 20 in a West-
ern Conference basketball game to-
night. Welson, kIlnois' center, scored
four field baskets a a !tb ree free hand
Tau Beta Pt io Entertain Initiates
Tau Beta Pi, senior honorary en-
gineering society, will hold their ini-
tiation banquet, which was postponed
from last fall, tomorrow evening at