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January 18, 1919 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-01-18

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A Pied Galle senior. But when I started to cut
across a plot of grass on the campus,
the senior hauled me up short, and'
Dear Pie (Pardbn the seeming forbade me to violate Michigan spirit.
familiarity of the salutation; you see From which I have deduced that Mich-
I almost feel as if I knew you from igan spirit is like most other kinds
corresponding with you so much.) of noble ideals: it means to take care
Well, dear Pie, I have always been of your own, and to blazes with every-
a great admirer of Michigan spirit thing else. D. T.
although I never knew what it was. I
Today I found out, and, as I have With Apologies to Plato and Aristotle
never met a student who did know (and the man who lived in A
what it was, I thought it might be in- square before May, 1918)
teresting to our little circle. I had a The old man's eyes were on the blink,
two-part newspaper, when walking 'His curly hair was full of ink,
with a senior this afternoon and threw His rosy cheeks were patched with
one part on the public street. No pink,
comment game from the senior. Lat- He sat and sot and tried to think:-
er I started to throw the other part The folks who knew him wunk a wink
on the boulevard, and heard the And said, "To write, he needs a drink"
shocked comment, "Oh, don't litter up (We could go on like this all day).
the boulevard. It belongs to the Uni- 1 'Tis strange how quickly humans
versity. That's Michigan spirit." sink
Later we cut across a citizen's lawn Beneath the billows brimming brink,
and there was no objection from the When some old bleary visioned gink


Starts babbling of concoctions
-But what's the use, One just

gets a


I l

Query by member of
"What are these gray

class of '22:
toques with

I went to a motion picture show;
a Wild West one, with cattle rustlers,
and lynching bees and saloons and
dancing girls and Indian maids and
ranch life and cowboys and cow pon-
ies and none of the ponies were
branded and all the Indians were
vaccinated and then I thought of
Larry Damm's and that was just of-
Harmless Sweet
Proves -Dangerous

Beaumont, Tex., Jan. 17. - Ship-
building on the Gulf coast is boom-
ing just as it was before the armis-
tice was signed. The number of work-
ers has not been reduced.
Government contracts held by the
four yards in Beaumont and two in
Orange, Tex., for vessels for which
the keel had not yet been laid, were
abandoned, but there were about 40
ships in the two ports in various
stages of completion and work on
them is continuing. The ending of
the war had no effect whatever on
one yard at Orange which is building
ships for the Italian government.
Advertise in The Daily.-Adv.

I -h


WU. _M" 6 S. USPN ,r U


TheGirls are Preparing
They want to look their best '*over here" to entertain the boys
from "over there." Parties, entertainments and personal Calls
demand the Daintiest Slippers to make their appearance com-
pletely satisfying.

Can molasses explode?
Prof. Walter L. Badger, of the
chemical engineering department, be-
lieves it can. In his opinion it was
the fermentation of molasses that
caused the death of 12 men in Boston
recently, when a huge tank contain-
ing 2,000,000 gallons of the fluid
State investigators have been de-
bating the cause of this catastrophe,
holding either 'that molasses itself
was the cause, or that the tank burst
due to the excessive weight of the
liq uid.
Professor Badger believes that mo-
lasses, if allowed to ferment, pro-,
fduces a gas. This gas being com-!
pressed in an airtight tank will, if
left long enough, generate a powerful
pressure. Therefore the fermentation
of 2,000,000 gallons of molasses would,
without doubt, produce enough gas to
cause the explosion.


Our methods and machinery are up to date in
every detail. The results-better work and long-
er life to your fabrics.

Silver and Gold Cloth
-French Kid and Pat-
ent Pumps - Oxfords
or Two-eyelet South-
ern Ties. Light, Dain-
ty, Dressy Models, all



We Still Have a


Walk-Over Boot Shop
115 S. MAIN ST.
Special Today!
Home made Fudge
Peanut Bars
Walnut Brittle



which are being offered at a



Our stock consists only of Society Brand Clothes. They
are the best of quality and materials and we have a style to
suit your particular taste. You had better see us and make
your seledtions while our stocks are complete.

We also have a large variety of Shirts, Collars, Ties,
Handkerchiefs, Shoes and Socks, as well as Underwear,

FOR RENT-A desirable room in A.
A. Press building, suitable for so-
ciety, club or office. Steam heated
and janitor service furnished. Will
rent at reasonable price. Box C.
FOR RENT - Front steam heated
rooms on State St. E.' E. Calkins.

LOST-Dec. 20. At Michigan Central
depot, bill fold containing ticket to
New York and several bills. Return
to 705 Oakland. Telephone 1510-R.
FOR SALE-Two adjacent tickets for
Bonnet concert. Second balcony,
third row. $1.00 each. Phone 1226-M.
FOR SALE-The Daily can sell any-
thing-it is our specialty. It pays
to advertise in these columns.

Bathrobes, etc.,


J. F.

Men's Clothing and Furnishings

man who can qualify
ousekeeper wants work
house next semester.


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