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January 16, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-01-16

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VOL. X'XIX. No. 77.



Brilliant Fighting by Michigan Men
Subject of Address by Lieut
How Michigan men, members of the
seventh and eighth naval units who
left the University upon America's en-
trance into the war, upheld the tra-
ditional fighting fame of Michigan'
men, was told in an address at the
Rotary club dinner in Lane hall yes-
terday by Lieut. J. R. Hayden.
Lieutenant Hayden was in command
of the fourth battallion which was
recommended by both French and
American high officers for its excellent
work in the great drive during the last
weeks of 'the war.
Unit Sent to Great Lakes
Shortly after this country entered
the war the University of Michigan
units were called out for active serv-
ice and sent to Great Lakes for fur-
ther training, he said. While there,
25.were commissioned ensigns, divid-
ed into several' groups and sent to
training camps as instructors. One
hundred and twenty-five were order-
ed to Wakefield, Mass., for training
in heavy ordinance work. On com-
pletion of this course, they were sent
to several ranges, where they formed
the nucleus for the big gun battal-
lions. Early in June of 1918 they
were sent to France to stop the Ger-
mans' long range gun.
Former Michigan students took
their own outfits with them when they
left this side, including the 14 inch
naval guns, the largest used by
Americans and the especially built
railroad cars which have created
much comment in engineering circles.
Eighty More Cars Added
The five guns and the cars on which
they were mounted were assembled
by the men themselves and it was
necessary to add 80 more cars to
transport the outfit to the front.
It was late in the war before the
bluejackets got into atcion, but while
there they showed the world what
Michigan fighting spirit is by smash-
ing the Hun heavy batteries and by
closing important lines of communi-
cation, Hayden said.
Recommended for Godd Work
They were especially recommended
for their good work in closing roads
leading to German strongholds, ac-
cording to the lieutenant, north of
Verdun ,where it is said shells could
be landed with such accuracy that a
road could be closed with one shot
and for good work at Sedan during
the American drive in that region.
Out of the 60 men who left the Uni-
versity 45 or 50 have received com-
missions and the others were made
petty officers.
Lieutenant Hayden is spending his
10 day furlough at the home of Louis
P. Hall in this city.

B'uenos Aires Asks
for . Martial Law
Buenos Aires, Jan. 15.-The senate
:met late this afternoon to consider
the resolution asked by the chamber
of deputies Tuesday to establish mart-
ial law throughout the republic for
thirty days as a result of the condi-
tions now existing.
The morning and early afternoon
passed tranquilly in Buenos Aires with
no signs of insurrection. Business in
the city proceeded as usual except
upon the wharves, which have been
tied up by a strike of marine workers.
General Dellentiane continues at
the head of the military forces in the
capital. According to his information,
32 unions have returned to their work.
The prospects are that they will re-
main at their occupations indefinitely.
Five provinces have asked for
troops, and at every army post there
was great activity. Officials. admit re-
ports from outside the city are dis-
(By the Wireless Press)
London, Jan. 15. - The new
armistice terms to' be present-
ed to Germany by Marshal Foch
are unofficially stated here to in-
clude the following:
. "Retribution upon the Germans
for the murder and ill treatment
of Allied prisoners.
"Second, the machinery and
goods stolen by Germany from
France and Belgium to be at once
given up. It is pointed out that
France alone has 500,000 men who
will be out of work ,antil this ma-
chinery is returned.
"Third, German gold amounting
to more than 100,000,000 pounds
to be moved from Berlin to a safe
place, probably Frankfort, and
protected from Bolshevisism in
Germany en route. Certain other
property to be surrendered.
"Fourth, Germany to give over
her shipping, of which she is be-
lieved to have 4,000,000 tons, to
carry food supplies to countries in
Europe in need of them.
"Fifth, any U-boats on the
stocks to be handed to the Allies
for their disposal, or to be de-

Four political economy courses,
scheduled in the 1918-19 announce-
ment for next semester, will be omit-
ted from the curriculum but course
37 in corporation finance, though not
announced will be repeated from the
first semester.
Four Courses to Be Dropped
The courses to be dropped from the
schedule next semester are: 12, prac-
tical banking problems; 12a, bank ac-
counting; 16, public service indus-
tries, and 42, municipal and institu-
tional accounting.
Course 37 which will be repeated
is open to all students who have had
course one or its equivalent. PrOf.
I. Leo Sharfman, who conducts the
course, announces that in addition to
the usual study of corporation fi-
nance, a brief discussion of the cor-
poration itself will be included next
semester. It can be elected for two
hours' credit and is given Tuesday
and Thursday at 1 o'clock in room
101 economics building.
Few Instructors Cause Change
Lack of instructors is given as the
reason for the change in the schedule
as far as courses 12, 12a, and 42 are
concerned. Course 16 will be omitted
It order to give Professor Sarfman
time to conduct 37, which he believes
is more essential. He has had many
requests to repeat the course from
men who would have elected this se-
mester had it not been for the unset-
tled conditions last fall.
Those who had planned to elect
course 16 may elect the course in
railroads and will get much the same
work, according to Professor Sharf-
London, Jan. 14.-The intention to
suppress the Sinn Fein organization
forcibly Is attributed to the British
government in certain quarters in Ire-
land, according to a Dublin dispatch
to the Mail. Moderates there, the cor-
respondent says, are speculating anx-
iously as to what developments may
be expected from a meeting of the
council which the governor general
called Monday night at Dublin castle.
The correspondent adds:
"Sober minded, responsible men take
a gloomy view of the situation. It is
feared that the government is about
to embark on a new campaign of re-
pression, which may include the forci-
ble suppression of the Sinn Fein with
such results as are to be expected
when the government takes up armed
conflict with 75 per cent of the popu-
Viscount French, governor general,
is also credited with the intention to
exercise his authority in accordance
with military rather than political
Debate Forfeited to Ann Arbor H. S.
Cass Technical high school of De-
troit forfeited a debate with Ann Ar-
bor high, which was scheduled for
Saturday night, in favor of the local
school. The subject to be debated was
the minimum wage law and was one
of a series given under the auspices
of the Michigan High School Debating
Gives Talk on 'Roman Forum' Tonight

An illustrated lecture on "The Rom-
an Forum" will be given by Prof. A.
R. Crittenden at 8 o'clock this eve-
ning in room A, Alumni Memorial
hall. The lecture will be under the
auspices of the University of Mich-
igan Classical club, and will be free
to the general public.
Soph Lits to Choose President Soon
' To elect a president to fill the va-
cancy caused by Hugh White, '21, for-
mer president of the soph lits, who
left the University before Christmas,
a meeting of the class will be held
the latter part of the week. No soph
prom committee can be appointed un-
til a new president is elected.
Eleven Service Medals Awarded
Upon the recommendation of Gen-
eral March, Secretary Baker has
awarded the American distinguished
service medal to 11 officers of the, al-

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Jan. 15. - Legisla-
tures of 35 states, one less than the
required two-thirds, have ratified the
prohibition constitutional amend-
ment. Several state assemblies now
in session are expected to take action
tomorrow with a probable race be-
tween Nebraska, Missouri, and Minne-
sota as to which will be the 36th on
the list.
Ratification in Five States
Ratification was completed today by
legislators of five states-Iowa, Col-
orado, Oregon, New Hampshire, and
Utah making a total of 12 in two days.
Of the 35 states that have taken ac-
tion only 14 have certified their ac-
tion to the federal state department.
The amendment under its provi-
sions would become effective one year
from the date of its final ratifica-
tion. Additional legislation by con-
gress is necessary to make it opera-
tive and ground work for this al-
ready has been laid. This legislation
will prescribe penalties for violation
of the amendment and determine hom
and by what agencies the law shall
be enforced.
See Country Completely Dry
If ratification is completed this
month many officials here believe the
country will become permanently dry
next July 1, the date on which the
special war time prohibition recently
enacted by congress goes into effect.
This law prevents the sale and manu-
facture of intoxicants for beverage
and remains in force until the de-
mobilization of the nation's war army
is completed.
The January Alumnus, containing
some interesting articles by several
faculty members and a number of ed-
itorials will go on sale at the book
stores late this afternoon.
One of the subjects which deals with
the war is by Lieut. J. R. Hayden on
"Mounting Big Guns in France." The
letter on "A Vocational Training De-
partment in the Engineering College"
by Prof.-H. H. Higbie which was pub-
lished last month is answered in this
issue by Professor Wenley. Another
phase of the same subject is treated
in "Prelegal Education" by Prof. John
B. Waite. There is also an article on
the new campaign for completing the
Michigan Union. "The Affect of the
War on Edyication" is the subject on
which Prof. Arthur L. Cross has writ-
Among the editorials are "The Mich-
igan Union Campaign," "Education by
Faculty Vote," "Psychic Rewards,"
and "Sophistication and Fictio'."
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Jan. 15.Validity of the
federal corretc parenthesis act of 1910
as amended to apply to primary elec-
tions was attacked in a breach filed
today in the supreme court by de-
fendants in the so-called Michigan
contempted cases, an appeal which
is now before the court. The pro-
ceedings resulted in the action of the
federal court of New York holding in

contempt Allan A. Templeton and
Thomas Philips for refusing to answer
questions before a federal grand
jury investigating primary campaign
expenditures made by Trueman H.
Newberry, Republican senator elect
from Michigan.
The brief contended that the fed-
eral grand jury was without jurisdic-
tion to inquire in the financial ex-
penditures made in the Michigan pri-
Prof. Sellers to Deliver Lecture
Prof. R. W. Sellers will give his
second lecture on religion at the
Unitarian church Sunday evening.
The subject will be "Mohammedan-
Unitarian Church to Hold Social
Members and friends of the Uni-
tarian church will hold a dance and

Clank! Silence
Shrieks in Pain
Clink, Clank, Clink, Clank.
Oil and grease, soot and smoke,
blazing flames, the hammer, and the
Again the quietness of dusk on the
campus will be desecrated by sounds
of feverish enterprise. At 4 o'clock
this afternoon the engineering seniors
who have been selected to uphold the
honor of Vulcans, engineering so-
ciety, will be at their Herculean and
unending task of beating upon the
tried old anvil with the trusted old
Great is the groaning of the work-
ers, greater is the joy of those who
direct their frantic endeavors, but.
greatest is the noise. Noise in tribute
to the fiery- Vulcan who comes forth
from the smoking center of the earth
to gloat over the 11 neophytes who
are deemed worthy of his eye.
Clink, Clank, Clink, Clank.
Lansing, Jan. 15. - Many Michigan
men discharged from the Army and
Navy are neglecting to keep up the
payments, on their government war
risk insurance and thereby are los-
ing premiums already paid as well
as valuable policies that may be con-
verted into ordinary life insurance
or endowment policies, according to
information received py Miss Ruth
Hurden, secretary of the dependents'
relief section of the Michigan war pre-
paredness board.
Miss Hurden is sending letters to
soldiers and their relatives advising
that discharged men should not fail
to make their first payment -within 30
days of their discharge. Checks or
money orders should be sent to the
distributing clerk, Bureau of War Re-
lief Insurance, Washington. They
should be made payable to the Treas-
urer of the United States.
All letters should contain thefull
name, including first and middle name,
of the insured man, his rank and the
organization to which he was attached
at the time his insurance was ap-
plied for, the date of his discharge
and his present address.
Flederal Control Of
Utilities APProved
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Jan. 15.-Federal own-
ership, operation, or regulation of
public and semi-public utilities was
recommended as a report of the com-
mittee of reconstruction of the Am-
erican Federation of Labor today aft-
er its approval of the federation's
The committee opposed a formation
of a labor political party on the ground
that "the disastrous experience of or-
ganized labor in America with politic-
al parties of its own, amply justifies
the American Federation of Labors'
non-partisan political policy."
Baker Gives Service Medals
Washington, Jan. 15.-Recommend-
ation that distinguished service med-
als be awarded to two civilians and 16
! officers for important work done

in the 'conduct of the war were ap-
proved today by Secretary Baker.
The officers names included Major-
General Grote Hutchinson, former
chief of embarkation at Newport News-
and now commandant at Camp Custer.
Bethlehem Co. Disobeys War Board
Washington, Jan. 15.-The authority
of the national war labor board to
enforce its decrees now that hostilities
have ceased, was challenged today by
the counsel of the Bethlehem Steel
company who had been asked to ap-
pear to answer complaints that wage
awards made by the board during the
war had not been carried out.
Galens Hears Dr. Q. 0. Gilbert Speak
Galens, medic upper-class honor-
ary society, held their regular month-
ly meeting last night at the Phi Beta
Pi fraternity house. Dr. Q. 0. Gil-
bert, of the medicdl faculty, was the
principal speaker of the evening. A
lively discussion followed his talk.

All Information C cerning Pea
Congress Limited to Official
Paris, Jan. 15.-The supreme cour
cil of the peace congr*s has decide
that hereafter all information cr
cerning the proceedings will be re
stricted to an official, communiqu
prepared jointly by the secretaries C
the delegations of the five great po
ers. The delegates will not commer
on or give any information except th
contained in the official statement.
The joint communique today reads
"The President of the United State
and the prime ministers and foreig
ministers of the Allied powers, a
sisted by the Japanese ambassador
in Paris and London, held two mee
ings today. In the course of the
meetings the examination of the rule
of the conference has been contir
ued and almost completed.
Five Delegates for U. S.
"It was decided that the Unite
States, the British Empire, Franc
Italy, and Japan shall be represente
by five delegates apiece. The Britis
dominions and India, besides, shall b
represented as follows: Two del
gates, respectively from Australi:
Canada, South Africa and India, ii
cluding the native states, and one de
egate for New Zealand.
"Brazil will have three delegate
Beligum, China, Greece, Poland, Poi
tugal, The Czecho-Slovak republi
Rumania and Serbia will have ti
delegates apiece; Siam, one delegal
and Suba ,Gaurtamala, Haiti, lior
duras, Liberia, Niguaragua, and Pai
ama one delegate apiece. Montenegi
will have one delegate but the ru
concevnin~g the designation of th:
deleg*e shall not be fixed until t
moment the political situation of thi
country shall have been cleared uj
Nations' Power Canal
"The meeting adopted the followln
two general principles:
"First, each delegation being a uni
the number of delegates forming
shall have no influence upon its stat
at the conference.
"Second, in the selection of its de
egation each nation may avail itse
of the panel system. Thlis will or
able each state at discretion to ii
trust its interests to such persons a
it may designate.
"The adoption of the panel systei
will in particular enable the Britia
Empire to admit among its five deli
gates representatives of the Domir
ion, including Newfoundland, whic
has no separate representation, an
of India."
Paris, Jan. 15.-The government
Luxembourg in an official note toda
informed the French government s
the succession to the throne of Prii
cess Charlotte Edelgonde, in place t
Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide, wl
has abdicated. Princess Charlotte too
the oath as grand duchess this afte
noon before the chamber of deputi
of Luxembourg, which previously ha
approved of her succession.
The new grand duchess is the e
est of the five sisters of the form
grand duchess, Marie Adelaide. Si
was born Jan. 23, 1896.

Germans Attack Portugal Rebels
London, Jan. 15.-The revolutior
ist forces at Santarem, northeast c
Lisbon, having refused to surrende
the German troops surrounded tb
town and commenced a bombardmen
according to a wireless dispatch froi
Lisbon today.
Invent Safe That Floats
Safes for seagoing vessels that wi
float when a craft sinks, so their cor
tents can be recovered, have been in
vented in Europe.
Tryouts are wanted for the ed-
itorial and business staffs of The
Michigan Daily. Editorial try-
outs call between 1 and 3 o'clock
in the afternoon; business try-
outs after 5 o'clock.

stroyed, and no more
to be built."
(Recent reports are
that about 170 U-boats
ress of construction in

to the effect
are in prog-
German navy

Prof. H. E .Riggs, of the civil en-
gineering department, who was grant-
ed short leave of absence for next
semester by the last session of the
Board of Regents to do governmen-
tal work at the Curtis Airplane com-
pany, in Buffalo, has declined the ap-
pointment and will remain here in his
present capacity.
Last week he made a trip to Buffa-
lo to investigate the existing condi-
tions. He ofund that the appoint-
ment included more than he had
thought, and would have required his
exclusive time and that circumstanc-
es were unsatisfactory. His work
was to have been connected with the
administration of government's war
contract for unfinished aeroplanes.
Since the end of the war, an im-
mense amount of stock and partly
completed planes are on hand, with
no call for them now.
Professor Riggs is doing important
work in co-operation with Prof. H. S.
Anderson, of the mechanical engi-
neering department, which would not
have allowed him to be away all the
time. Professor Riggs' courses and

Sophomore engineers showed them-
selves in favor of re-establishing in-
terclass athletic activities in the Uni-
versity by electing Arthur J. Karpus
athletic manager at the second meet-
ing of their class held yesterday. Kar-
pus is to confer with athletic au-
thorities about resuming interclass
It was decided that he president
should appoint a soph prom commit-
tee to co-operate with the committee
of th'e soph lits in arranging details
for a soph prom. Hope was express-
ed that the soph lits would take im-
mediate action in this matter.
The class will send a petition to the
engineering faculty urging the return
of the mentor system.
Social, finance, and auditing com-
mittees were appointed. The follow-
ng are chairmen respectively: Rob-
rt H. Brown, John M. Sessions, John
H. Pilkington.

Lieut. H. C. L. Jackson Visits City
Lieut. !I. C. L. Jackson, ex-'18, re-
turned to Ann Arbor yesterday for a
few days. tie has been connected
with the aviation unit at Fort Sill,
Okla., but expects to re-enter the Uni-
versity next semester. Lieutenant
Jackson was appointed managing ed-
itor of The Michigan Daily for the
year of '17-'18 but as he entered the
service in September, 1917, he could

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