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October 10, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-10

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VOL . X X,' N . 8. .



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Washington, Oct. 9.-An early re-
sponse to President Wilson's note of
inquiry to the Geramn chancellor is
expected by American officials. While
realizing that an answer to the three
pertinent questions put to the prince
of Baden will be very difficult if the
original proposal of the German gov-
ernment was not sincere, officials are
confident that internal conditions will
force speedy action by the chancellor
if he hopes to prolong the existence
of his cabinet beyond a few days.
So far as the hold of the govern-
ment upon the people is concerned,
conditions in Austria are even far
worse than those in Germany. This
fact is calculated to strongly affect
the German government, which is un-
derstood to entertain grave doubts of
the strength of purpose of the dual
monarchy, and to fear that Austria,
or perhaps Hungary, acting indepen-
dently, will follow Bulgaria in seek-
ing an unconditional peace.
This would leave Germany to wage
the war alone, for it is a foregone
conclusion that Turkey already is lost
to the central apiance.
The pointed inquiry directed to
Prince Maximillian as to whether he
is speaking merely to the constituted
authorities of the empire who have so
far conducted the war, will, it is be-
lieved, be very embarrassing. If the
response is in the affirmative, Ger-
many's proposal will be rejected as
the presideit has already given notice
that he will have no dealings with
such auth~rities.

Health Service Reports
University Victims
S. A. T. C.

Show Sixty
Not in

20 minutes Th uir w if the de-
partmeut savxed a greatd dof valu-
able stored material,

5320,000 STIUt NEEDED

Thw particulata otT the explosion
obe Iarned as the ,en who
h w the facts are c seriously in-
ju"ed to he interviewed, hut t.hose who
were neae whn the acc wnt hap-
pened, state that thxe exdoion Oc-
cutred im th elevator shaft where a
bXt rel at woodeacl ''n~d heen plac-
d. The cause et the lac. is unknown.
The bre L relied up the elevator
shaft to the secod story'. A large
amniit cf electrira] suplpes were
rd the sha t 1 on th ground-
;_o¢ ad tzhe werL 'r'. ra ly dam-
aged. The r r . it Ice was
njuod by e e The -entire
damage &. .od c i:moare than
i?'ws w r dran abt-t nie scene
of the basi .- .een ;, .-owd at a
sate distance Tvis w as ' because
the lice 4h10f fe~aed anoVu explosion
None oocurrcd, hrwever, and in a re-
Ymarhably sboi hime 'V bl was ex-
The men wea Duravep by the flames
wh h roe Oti 'er in explosion.
The vthe o r, were :)"aze im-
nied0ateiy .ad contiuaed burning until
tt sreams Polght aid. They were
irrai ; to . oeopath-
.~ai xt w-e tey werared for.
nu' wteri .i i t ht. The
biopxtal aihorib- - .iat Weaver
and Thosell will pr ;y recover.
A. J.Fhe Ein , iepua ;Isecretary
iiY T. i. '. suhs (:kuhnCted with
e risc "d; i;e eeni states,
anu' It I* M'in, cermsi onth arch-
itc; of the *'o : rpartwenn. will be
rr7 - " --- -: uce here
todey t: comr-I'te t'- a:vr ements
totq asing cane hal UQd : r build-
inas to the wrWOrk ec
thee withx:
On accom e ~t<e pr _. e r andecided
Sate of ffairs no definite routine
s bee estabased to th army
Y. . ( A.P v er, amo le good
dv ete ' M ch will
ti dstrhutir~ . i i~aj~ odicals
a; c nig Ic-trmia. ~ he bar-
rzos, ad especi y amo he men
xi e _r quaranri run1a immed-
a; fti tc mci n er r placed
mQ oUgal tmenWh wig w aterlals
u distrt.dted zg e disabled
n nd just efore ta s, the "Y" men
eeted all iters for mailng. Dis-
tl, of periodicais has already
~morruw. the secir'ries of all the
L 7. M. V.. A. mnlts in e unnection with
the c dent army "a nIhigan, about
sixten in numnlnr Wil r ~OIt at Lane
'all lt plan the new pwlk, and im-
pWaia. results ,n expe.ted.



Liberty Loan subscriptions in Ann
Arbor now total $1,168,000, which is
$320,000 short of its quota. Volunteer
week for the Fourth Liberty Loan,
closed last Saturday and since then
subscriptions have been coming in
slowly to the loan headquarters on
South Main street.
Bonds may still be subscribed for at
these headquarters or at the tent on
the corner of North University and
State streets on the campus. Begin-
ning tomorrow both of these places
will be open from 2 to 7 o'clock daily.
Loan Workers Busy
Workers are busy at the loan head-
quarters checking up the lists of resi-
dents who have not bought bonds of
this loan. A circular letter will be
mailed to each one of these calling
attention to the fact that the records
show they have not yet subscribed,
and urging them to do so before next
Saturday night. At that time the
names of those who have not subscrib-
ed and have not given reason for not
doing so will be published in the news-
papers of the county. The letter re-
quests those who subscribed outside
of the district to notify some member
of the committee.
The present total of $1,168,000 has
been subscribed by 7,025 persons. The
committee hopes that with the letters
as reminders the rest of the residents
of the city will come forward with
their loans and put Ann Arbor "over
the top." Prof. E. R. Sunderland said
that with the reopening of the tent on
the campus for subscriptions he hopes
that members of the S. A. T. C. and
other students who have not yet
bought bonds will do so.
Contrary to previous announcement
in The Daily bonds cannot be purchas-
ed at the banks.
Washington, Oct. 9.-Induction of
5,000 men of general service and 5,000
1men of limited service qualifications
into the motor transport corps is au-
thorized. Inductions must be com-
pleted before Oct. 31, and the appli-
cations desired are from draft regis-
trants qualified as stenographers,
machinists, auto mechanics, welders
magneto and storage battery men,
blacksmiths, vulcanizers, wheel-
wrights, body workers, carpenters,
painters, upholsterers, auto trimmers,
sheet metal workers, motorcycle
drivers, truck drivers, trouble shoot-
ers, chauffeurs, and other qualified mo-

Army Officials Give no Informationt
on Opening of Theaters and f
(By the Associated Press) E
Washington, Oct. 9-Spanish infu-
enza now has spread to practically
every part of the country. Reports to-
day to the public health service show-t
ed that the disease is epidemic int
many western and Pacific coast states
as well as in almost all regions east
of the Mississippi river. Its spread
also continued in army camps. Newf
cases reported today totaled 13,605.f
Reports that 135 S. A. T. C. ment
have Spanish influenza, have been of-t
ficially denied by regimental head-
There were 47 men in St. Joseph's
hospital yesterday. This morning 17,
men were discharged, leaving only a
total of 30 patients. There are six
men in the Homoeopathic hospital.
This number is made up of both com-
mon grippe cases and gymnasium ac-I
cident cases., There are no Spanish
influenza cases in the training corps.
The number of sicknesses of every
nature among the members of the stu-
dents' army training corps has been'
decidedly on a decrease, according to
Capt. B. E. Vaughan, physician of the
training detachment here. Few new
cases of the common influenza were
reported yesterday, and the dissemin-
ation of the disease is thought by
many physicians to have been at least
teinporarily curbed. The men who are1
at present interned in the S. A. T.'C.
infirmaries are expected to be dis-
charged in a few days.
The health service reports show that'
of the total of 60 cases of influenza
among the students not in the S. A. T.
C. only 35 cases remain. None of the
infected students are seriously ill.
The general condition is good and phy-
sicians are optimistic over the situa-
tion here.
Guards around Waterman gymnas-
ium, placed there immediately after
the accident Sunday evening were re-
moved, and the. men garrisoned in the
building were released from quaran-
tine last evening
No official advices have- been given
out, however, concerning the opening,
of the moving picture theaters and
other places where the gathering of
large crowds might tend to enlarge
the danger of spreading of the mild
form of Spanish influenza, which has
been prevalent here. Neither has an
announcement of the complete lifting
of the S. A. T. C. quarantine been re-
Although the disease is coming un-
der control and fewer cases of the
sickness are being reported, occasion-
ally a case is found. It is hoped, how-
ever, by medical men, that the influ-
enza will be completely controlled
Several hundred men have induc-
tion papers in the Registrar's office.
These should be called for at once.
The papers are records from the lo-
cal draft boards of the men, and no
man is a member of the S. A. T. C.
until the papers have been presented
to the commander. Those in the
navy should present their papers to
naval headquarters at the Sigma Chi
house, 548 South State street, and
those in the army, to Captain Durkee.
The papers for the men who are res-
idents of Washtenaw county may be
obtained at the court house, and a

few of them have not yet been called
for. These papers should have been
secured from the draft board a week
Those who have papers still wait-
ing for them are: Victor Paul John,
Don Vawter Baxter, John James Hu-
gan, Clarence W. Banwell, Fred M.
France, and John Embie Finch. The
list of the men who have papers
awaiting them in the Registrar's- of-
fice is published on the bulletin board

It is now known definitely that the
Medical reserve corps is to be incor-
porated in the S. A. T. C. The same
is true of the Dental corps. Hospital
internes are not to be transferred, and
there are probably about 75 men in
the Medical school who are not mem-
bers of the reserve corps. These men
will probably be given an opportunity
to join the S. A. T. C.
The list of the medical enlisted men,t
together with their scholastic stand-
ings, have been placed in the hands of
Captain Ralph H. Durkee, and upon1
his order the students who are already
enlisted will be immediately transfer-t
Practically every upperclassman
who is physically fit or not disqual-
ified by his nationality, is enlisted in
the Medical reserve corps. Thirty-five
of the 105 first year men who enrolled
in the summer before enilstments
were closed, are also members of the
corps. These men will also be trans-
ferred. The members of the present
freshman class may enlist if they de-
sire, but otherwise they will be placed
in Class 5-C, which practically assures
them of exemption until they have
completed their medical course.
The engineering enlisted reserve,
upon order of the adjutant general
will also be transferred to the S. A.
T. C.
(By the Associated Press)
With the British Army on the Cam-
brai-St. Quentin Front, Oct. 9-(4.30
P. M.).-The German troops on a 20
mile front have been In full flight and
British cavalry is reported to be pur--
suing them, the infantry marching in
columns of four through villages has-
tily abandoned by the enemy.
Cambrai has fallen and the British
are now well to the east.
The deepest gain, some hours ago,
was at least nine miles on this sec-
tor, and there are no signs of the ad-
vance slowing up. On the contrary it
is growing faster every hour, with
clear ground ahead.
Teutons Fire Cambra
Everything that could be burned
had been set on fire by the enemy be-
fore they began what virtually
amounts .to a rout of no less than 30
divisions, the smashing of which was
continued furiously today.
North of Cambrai the Canadians at-
tacked and penetrated deeply also.
The British marched through Bertry
without opposition. They reached the
outskirts of Troisvilles, and hold Mau-
rois and Honnechy.
Large forces of the enemy have
been seen from the air fleeing well to
the east of Le Cauteau.
British Meet Small Opposition
Maretz fell early and the British
reached Busigny and passed quickly
through Bohain. These are only a
few of more than a score of towns
Many thousands of prisoners and
quantities of field and machine guns
were taken, as well as vast stores of
other booty, which the enemy did not
have time to blow up or set on fire.
Successive explosions have occurred
in Cambrai, which, it is reported, has
reduced the town to ruins.


It happened on that hunk of the
campus adjoining Ba'rbour gymnasium.
She was gray and in a hurry. He
was a green hat-corded M. P., weary,
but trying hard to be polite.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, you can't go
through here."
She stamped her foot (woman's pre-
rogative) and shrilled, "The very
idea, I've been crossing this corner
of the campus every day for years!"
What he sighed was this: "I've been
crossing it every few minutes since
Sunday; she wants to and I don't;
s'all wrong; s'all wrong."
Accuses S.AT.C,
ofKidnapping Dog
A cry of despair comes from regi-
mental headquarters. The offices have
been flooded with letters from par-
ents, near-relatives, and friends of
the men, in the S. A. T. C., asking
about the progress of their proteges.
The welfare of the particular man is
the most frequent topic, but hundreds
of other thoughtless questions have
been asked. The officers complain
that these letters, combined with the
personal calls of the visitors, have
caused them more work and trouble
than all of the regular S. A. T. C
"Oh, sir, can you tell me where my
dog is?" queried one lady. She then
went on to explain that a day or so
before her dog had been wandering
around Ferry field when the soldiers
were drilling there. She knew nothing
could have happened to her dog unless
the soldiers had kidnapped it, and she
wondered if one of the officers could
not go around and make inquiries
about it.
Sergeant-Major Fischer received, :n
substance, the following letter: "I am
writing you to find out if you can tell
me why my son doesn't write to me.
I did not write to the commanding of-
cer for he must be very busy. Know-
ing that you didn't have much to do,
I decided to write to you. I won-
der if you could write to me every few
days and tellme what progress my
son is making."
The foregoing are only samples of
the questions asked. It will be sin-
cerely. appreciated by the officers if
inquisitive persons will spend a little
time in thought before writing to
headquarters for information.


Out O' Luck

Central Powers' Troops Keep
on Macedonia and Asiat
Turkey Fronts
(By the Associated Press
London, Oct. 9. - The B
foreign'office has received
reet news of the fall of the
ish cabinet.
(By the Associated Press
London, Oct 9.-- The who
Cambrai is in British po
sion, Field Marshal Haig
ported tonight, The Cane
were first to enter the town
the great defeat inflicted 0:
a Germans yesterday 10,000 p:
ers and from 100 to 200 guns
(By the Associated Press
With the Franco-American
Northwest of Verdun, Oct. 9-
M.).-The Americans today m
ed the advantages gained ye
east of the Meuse and presse
the southern outskirts of Siv
enter Chaneau wood.
Yankees Pierce Hun Liin
West of the Meuse, against
engaged divisions, they penetra
enemy's line of resistance x
Cunel Ronagne.
In the Argonne they took in
heights to the south of Mai
poined hands with the French
took over 2,000 additional pri

Men of the S. A. T. C. are welcome
at the city "Y," according to H. L.
Westerman, general secretary. He
said that they will be allowed to use
the lounging room, library, and bil-
Bard tables the same as members but
it will be necessary to charge for use
of the shower baths and swimming
pool. A special rate Hof $8 has been
made them for yearly membership. By
becoming members they will have full
privileges of the social activities and
the athletic facilities. Saturday aft-
ernoon and evening has been espe-
cially set aside for them but S. A. T.
C. men will be welcomed any other
time when they find it convenient to
use the "Y." Students not in the S.
A. T. C. may become members at the
regular rates

The large service flag of the Uni-
versity foresters in Room 214 of the
Natural Science building has been at-
tracting a great deal of attention dur-
ing the past week. The flag contains
97 stars, one of gold, with 10 blue
and two gold stars to be added. About
three-fourths of the men in service
are now overseas, a large number of
them being members of the 20th and
30th Forestry Engineers. Some are
in the aviation division, among them
being H. J. Andrews of the forestry
faculty, who is now flying at Dallas,
The first Michigan forester to give
up his life for democracy was Rich-
ard Hall, later of Dartmouth. Hall
was killed while driving an ambu-
lance in the French army, long be-
fore the United States entered the
war. Stanley R. Augspurger was the
second Michigan forester to die for
freedom's cause. He was drowned in
the sinking of the Tuscania, and his
body lies buried on the shores of
Scotland. The third gold star is for
Horace P. Beale, who died of pneu-
monia in an American camp.
The school of forestry has given
largely in proportion to its numbers.
At the beginning of the second semes-
ter last year, there was but one senior
in the whole department. "This year
there is again but one senior," said
Professor Filibert Roth," and even the
juniors are but a 'corporal's guard.'"

(By the Associated Pres
The formidable human defe
tem between Cambrai and St.
has been utterly demolished, a
ish, American, and French tri
out in the open country east
pursuit of the retreating eneY
British Capture Cambr
The whole of Cambrai, the
point in the. formidable line a
which there has been so mi
fighting, is in British hands,
ous villages and hamlets to tl
have been over run by the Al
thousands of Germans have be
prisoners and hundreds of th
The victory seemingly is a
one, and with General Foch's
worling smoothly in bending
line in one converging moven
Germans apparently are in a
predicament. From the regio
west of Rheims to the Meu
north of Verdun, the Fren
Americans are slowly but
pushing the Germans backw
ward the Belgium border.
Entente Force Turks to I
In Macedonia and Asiatic
the troops of the Entente s
the enemy on the run. No'
the enemy able to do more tl
retarding battles, giving grou
the pressure becomes too si
Under the avalanche of st(
ed at them on'the Cambrai-!
tin sector, heavy casualties
flicted on the fleeing GermanE
other hand the casualties of t
are declared to be relativel
those of the Americans being
half the number of prisoners
Germans Driven to Open
Where the enemy intends
his next stand cannot -be fore
probably an effort or a tu:
will be along the Vellen Sic
dan front, 10 miles from Bel
this line, the only known Ge
fensive position west of the
the Meuse river. The Amer
ready are threatening to mf
line untenable, have started
vance up the valley on the
side of the stream.
The maneuvers of the Fren
west of Rheims are cutting m
ly into the enemy line, de
desperate resistance that is

isle men.

I in University hall.

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