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January 15, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-01-15

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VOL. XXIX. No. 76.







Criminals Police Records In Berlin;
City Now Virtually Defenseless
By Actions of Gunmen
(By Associated Press)
Bremen, Jan. 13 (delayed). - Spar-
tacan forces temporarily are in con-
trol of the government of Bremen
after an insurrection. The Sparta-
cans were defeated in a local elec-
tion by the minority Socialists and
successfully prevented a cope to
prevent the majority Socialists from
taking office. All bourgeois newspa-
pers are under a Spartacan censor-
ship and a communistic republic has
been proclaimed.
At Cuxhaven the ultra-radicals have
'overthrown the communistic repub-
lie and threaten the immediate social-
ization of all industries and banks.
London, Jan. 14.-Dr. Karl Lieb-
knecht, one of the Spartacan leaa-
ers, was wounded severely in the
fighting in Berlin, according to an
Exchange telegraph dispatch from
Amsterdam. The report gives no de-
Dr. Liebknech Still Alive
(Last week it was reported that
Doctor Liebknecht had been killed,
but later reports direct from Berlin
showed this to be untrue.)
Berlin, Jan. 12 (delayed). - The
Ebert government tonight was confi-
dnt of its physical ability to defend
the elections to the national assem-
bly next Sunday (Jan. 19) against
violence from Spartacan and Inde-
pendent Socialist sources.
Plan to Stamp Out Boshevlki
The insurrection, generally, it ap-
peared tonight, had been effectually
put down chiefly because the new
troops called in by the government
had taken matters in hand and were
determined to give the followers of
Liebknecht no quarter. The next ew
days, it is declared, will witness the
inauguration of further drastic mili-
tary measures calculated to stamp
out the Bolshevik contingent.
(Dispatches dated Berlin Monday
and Tuesday have reported that the
Spartacan leaders had disappeared
and that their forces had been over-
awed by the government's troops.)
New Measures Introduced
One of these measures covers the
illegal possession of arms and ammu
nition and it is proposed to make this
offense punishable with immediate
It is declared by creditable eye wit-
nesses that the new government
troops in both actions Saturday beat
(Continued on Page Six)
Wilson Continues
Informal Meetings
(By Associated Press)
Paris, Jan. 14.- President Wilson
continued his individual conferences
at the Murat Palace today with Brit-
ish and French representatives. The
discussions are informal and will be
constantly held from now on. Those
who met the President included the
British prime minister, Mr. Lloyd
George and Bonar Law.
The President also received Dr. M.
R. Vesnitch, the Serbian minister to
France, and Madame Vesnitch.
Union Opens' New Dining Rooms
The dining rooms in the new Union

building are now in use, the upper pne
for members, and the smaller one on
the first floor for men with guests or
for Union members with their famil-
ies. They are open during meal hours
only and serve a la carte and club
lunches. When the cafeteria in the
basement is ready it is planned to
keep it open all day and serve ice
rranm ,aainth hii,,n gnf-A-

The military post in Ann Arbor
now consists only of commissioned of-
ficers, the last of the headquarters
company sergeants being discharged
on Saturday. Major Ralph H. Durkee
is still here and six other officers.
Lieut. Guy N. Crawford was given his
discharge on Monday.
The work that Major Durkee is do-
ing consists mainly of settling odds
and ends of business details which'
are still coming in, such as unpaid
bills and claims. Several inquiries are
received every, day, either by letter or
in person, from men who were dis-
charged from the S. A. T. C. in regard
to their insurance or pay. Most of
these are referred to the quartermast-
er at Chicago, as no money is payed
out here any more.
Lieut. G. I. Back has not been able
to wind up the affairs of the signal
corps and will be here until he does.
Lieut. E. J. Stotter is still busy clog.
ing the business of the quartermaster's
department. Major Durkee stated
that the post will probably not be
closed entirely for 10 days at least.
.fx-Soldier Here
forOrgan Recital

Joseph Bonnet, after
triumphs in France as

scoring many
the successor

of the famous organist, Alexander
Guilmant, comes to Ann Arbor for the
second time, in the third concert of
the Choral Union series at 8 o'clock
Saturday evening in Hill auditorium.
When war broke out, like a great
many other artists whose activities
had always been confined to their pro-
fessions, he immediately dropped
everything and rushed to the colors
and for nearly three years saw active
service in the trenches and in other
military capacities. At the end of this
time, much to his surprise, he was
suddenly recalled by the French gov-
ernment and directed to come to the
United States to carry a message of
French artistry to the American mus-
ic loving public. Although he had
hardly touched the organ for three
years it took him but a shor't time to
again transform himself, this time
from a soldier to a musician.
Among his earliest appearances in
America was his recital at the last
May festival in Ann Arbor. Since that
time, he has toured the United States
and has won ovations wherever he
has appeared. Shortly after his Ann
Arbor concert he will return to
Secretary Smith of the University
states that the repair being done.
on the fraternity houses used as bar-
racks during the stay of the S. A. T.
C. and naval unit will be complete&
within a week. The houses are be-
ing put back into their former con-
dition as nearly as possible. Repair-
ing the floors and bringing them to
their former finish is taking the most
time and is practically all that re-
mains to be done. Secretary Smith
says that the fraternity men are very
fair in asking for repairs and that in
some cases they are even paying bills
that the University would ordinarily
Yanks Cheer for "Clem"
(Correspondence of Associated Press)
Paris. - American soldiers who
wanted to cheer for Clemenceau, the
French premier, during the proces-
sion down the Champs Elysees when
President Wilson arrived here dis-
agreed on the pronunciation of his
name and finally compromised by
cheering for "Clem, good old Clem."
And "Clem" it was for the Americans
all along the line as the couch car-
riyng the old "tiger of France" pass-
ed on the journey to the princely
house of the Murats.
Lieutenant Kenyon, '18, Coming Back
Among those recently discharged
from the service who are coming
back to college at the beginning of
the new semester is Lieutenant H. R.
Kenyon, '18A. Lieutenant Kenyon,
who was in the American aviation
corps, was wounded in his first flight
and was forced to land behind the
German lines, where he was taken
prisoner. He was released- after the
signing of the armistice and is now

Nicknames or descriptive phrases
were used by the Allied and Amer-
ican soldiers at the front for nearly
every article of the impedimenta of
war as well as for everything connect-
ed with trench life except the trench
itself, according to Capt. Fernan Bald-
ensperger, of the French army, who
gave a short talk on "Effects of the
War on Language," before students in
French, yesterday morning.
Wits Have Different Views
He said that not only were the guns,
equipment, and even vormine nick-
named but that each nationality de-
signated each thing with a different
name. For example he -mentioned that
the machine gun was called a coffee
grinder by the French, a typewriter by
the Americans, and was named after
an animal by the Italians.
In naming the things which were
new in their lives the soldiers mod-
ified old words or introduced new
ones. In coining new words the
French were usually influenced by the
noise that was characteristic of the
object to be named.
Captain Does Not Commit Himself
Captain Baldensperger did not men-
tion whether or not he thought that
the effect upon language was unde-
The captain will leave today for
Montreal, where he will lecture. Dur-
ing his stay here he was the guest of
Dean John R. Effinger.
Prof. S. J. Zowski,'of the engineer-
ing faculty, has left for New York
to sail for France, where he will
serve in an advisory capacity to the
United States peace delegates in re-
gard to Poland.
Professor Zowski, who was born
in Poland and spent 25 years of his
life there, was placed upon the United
States bodrd of inquiry which was es-
tablished a year ago last fall by Pres-
ident Wilson to gather data which
would be useful when the time for
peace negotiations arrived. He was
in New York from January until June
and all last fall doing research work
regarding Poland at the New York
city library. During the summer Pro-
fessor Zowski continued his wovrk
here at the University.
After finishing his investigation in
New York he returned to the Univer-
sity, but was only here for a short
time when he received a call to at-
tend the conference. His work there
will be to give definite information
and data concerning Poland when-
ever a question concerning it comes
up at the peace conference.
It is not known how long his mis-
sion will last# or when he will re-
Assistant Prof. R. W. Cowden will
give a course in junior composition
the second semesiter at 10 o'clock
Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 105
West hall.
It is a course intended to give
training in the writing and revision
of compositions. The student will be

expected to submit five or six manu-
scripts during the semester. These
manuscripts are to be carefully revis-
ed, the work of revision continuing
until the student has made his com-
position as nearly perfect as his tal-
ents will permit.
This course should be elected as
Rhetoric 18 and is open only to ju-
niors who have had Rhetoric 3 or 4
and is limited to 20 students. All those
wishing to take the course should con-
sult with the instructor before mak-
ing their election.
Col. Vaughan to Return to Ann Arbor
Col. Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the
Medical school, who is now in Wash-
ington, will return for the second sem-
ester and take up his work in the
University. He will give a course in
hygiene, which Dr. Herbert W. Emer-
son conducted last year during Dean
Vaughan's absence.1

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Jan. 14.--Approximate-
ly 800 persons have been killed and
5,000 injured in the strike disorders
in Buenos Aires, according to infor-
mation received at the state depart-
ment today. Of the wounded, 1.,500
received treatment in hospitals.
In makingthis announcement, as-
sistant secretary of state Philips said
that the Socialists, with whom the
majority of men in the labor organi-
zation gre associated, refused to be
further identified with the strike dis-
Hurl Sacred Images Into Street
The anarchist nature of the up-
rising, Mr. Philips said, was shown
by attacks on churches and convents.
Sacred images were thrown into the
streets and one policeman was kill-
ed in a convent in which nuns and
children were driven.
Shots were fired from roofs and
windows at policemen, soldiers and
street cars. Street car service was
abandoned at nightfall.
The railway situation is becofning
worse, the strike spreading from gov-
ernmeit-owned routes to private lines.
The employes of the latter roads are
refusing to work if they are not giv-
en armed protection.
Ships Keep Going
The harbor work remains at a
standstill, many ships merely calling
here and going on to other ports.
It was decided today by the Pres-
ident and the cabinet to declare mar-
tial law in Buenos Aires. Ten thous-
and reserves have been summoned to
the colors and the military cadets have
been called from their vacations.
A supply of anti-pneumonia vaccine
has been received at the University
health service and any student wish-
ing it will be vaccinated free of
charge by presenting himself at the
health §ervice during regular consul-
tation hours.
The vaccine is given in one injec-
tion and according to health service
physicians its action is extremely
mild. Such a precaution against pneu-
monia at this time is considered well
worth while by the health service.
The vaccine isgiven out by the gov-
ement and its use is strongly ad-
vised as it has been used a great deal
throughout the country with good re-
Dr. J. A .Wessinger, city healti of-
ficer, has announced to city physicians
that he has received a supply and
that they may secure it from him upon
Trophyless Yanks Buy Iron Crosses
(By Associated Press)
With the American Army of Occupa-
tion in Germany.-The canteen in the
largest barracks in Coblenz continued
to operate as usual during the switch
from German soldiers to those of the
American army of occupation. A Ger-
man civilian with two young women
assistants managed the canteen while
the Germans were in the barracks
and when the Americans arrived it
was agreed that the same arrangement
should continue. The Germans did a
thriving business. All the iron cross-
es which the canteen manager had on'
hand were bought up in a hurry by

the American infantrymen-by those
of the soldiers who had not secured a
souvenir of this kind on the battle-
Little Danger of Flu Return
Lansing, Jan. 14.-Michigan has
entirely passed through its second in-
fluenza epidemic and little or no real
danger of a recurrence exists, state
health officers believe. Reports of
new cases and deaths from the mal-
ady or from pneumonia show a daily
decrease. The coming of real cold
weather is believed by medical men
to have broken the epidemic.
Freshmen Meet This Week
To decide upon a committee for
the proposed Frosh Frolic a meeting
of the class of '22 will be held the lat-
ter part of this week, it was announc-
ed yesterday. The meeting will be
addressed by Dean John R. Effinger.

An article on Michigan tradition,
a memorial of Theodore Roosevelt,
and several timely stories are some
of the. subjects in the January In-
lander which goes on sale at noon
today on the campus and at the
book stores. Herbert Slusser, '20, in
his article on the traditions of Mich-
igan expounds the subject in a com-
plete and timely manner. It is a con-
Vribution no freshman should fail to
read. Camp Custer is the scene of
I'The Quarantine Pass" by Victor
Legg, ex-'19. Mr. Legg was at Camp
Custer for some time and in his story
gives the true atmosphere of the place.
One article gives a clear treatment
of the economic conditions between
Germany and other nations as affect
ed by the end of the war.
Some of the other contributions are
"The Root of Evil" by Adelaide
Adams, '20; "Autumn Leaves" by
Lawrence Conrad, '21; and a surprise
article by A. L. Teinberg, '22.
Medical Faculty
Welcomes Profs
Demobolization is bringing back to
the faculty of the Medical school sev-
eral of its members, with more ex-
pected soon. Major Roy B. Canfield
professor of otolaryngology, arrived
in Ann Arbor yesterday. Professor
Canfield went into the service in Sep-
tember, 1917, and has been overseas
for the last 10 months.
Lt.-Col. W. R. Parker, professor of
ophthalmology, has been in France,
but is expected in Ann Arbor in the
near future. Dr. Herbert Emerson of
the department of hygiene, writes that
he will probably return about Feb. 1.
At present he is at Camp Greenleaf,
S. C.
Col. Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the
Medical school, has written Assistant
Dean C. W. Edmunds that he will re-
turn to the University in time to con-
duct his usual classes in hygiene, be-
ginning with the second semester,
Feb. 17.
The cover design on the next num-
ber of the Gargoyle which will pro.b
ably go on sale next Monday is really
the feature of the entire issue. It is
called "The Return to the Fold" and
is a sequel to the cover of the Octo-
ber issue of last year, entitled "A
Call to Arms."
Another contribution of note is the
double page cartoon, which is a satire
on one phase of fraternity life. The
entire fraternity is pictured trying to
impress the rich new member by
showing him their athletic trophies
and all such honors.
The frontispiece is by Margaret
Jewell, '20. It shows a very popular
young lady standing in a window
watching the parade of the returned
American Expeditionary forces in the
street below. The girl is wearing
several dozen fraternity pins, while
engagement rings are scattered on the
floor around her. She is represented
as wondering what to say to all these
soldiers when they come in together
to receive their promised answers.
Planes Accompany Noted Guests
London.-When Marshal Foch and
M. Clemenceau came to London re-
cently their steamer from France was
escorted by a fleet of 27 airplanes of
the Royal air forces. Although the

meteorological report had declared
the weather conditions to be absolute-
ly unfit for cross-channel flying, the
airmen's plans were carried out ex-
actly as arranged. They accompan-
ied not only the steamer, but also
picked up the distinguished visitors'
train at Folkestone and convoyed it
right into the metropolis.
Lieut. Hayden Addresses Rotary Club
Lieutenant Hayden of the artillery
will address the Rotary club at lunch-
eon today. The meeting is scheduled
for 12:10. Lieutenant Hayden has
been serving in France as an opera-
tor of the 14-inch machine guns.
Mrs. Roosevelt Honored by Senate
Washington, Jan. 14. - The senate
today passed a resolution authoriz-
ing a payment of a pension of $5,000
a year and the extension of mail
franking privileges to Mrs. Theodore

Southern Russians Kill 2,000 Persons;
Commit Atrocities and Bombard
Przemsyl from Air
(By Associated Press)
Geneva, Jan. 14. - The Bolshevik
government in Petrograd has tele-
graphed an ultimatum to the Swiss
federal authorities saying: that unless
30 Bolsheviki, who were arrested and
imprisoned in the fortress of Savan-
tan in the Canton of Valais, are re-
leased before Feb. 1, 30 Swiss citi-
zens in Petrograd will be shot without
Police Hunt Russian Spy
There is great indignation every-
where over the situation. The Bol-
shevist movement seems to be spread-
ing in the Rhine towns and in north
Switzerland, where Madame Balono-
va, a Russian, who recently was ex-
pelled, has returned secretly with
several million rubles for the car-
rying out of Bolshevist propaganda.
The police are searching for her.
Geneva, Jan. 14.'-Two thousand per-
sons have been killed at Przemyl,
.Galicia, by the Ukranians, according
to a dispatch to the Newe Freic
Presse of Vienna, a copy of which has
been received here.
Ukranians Bombard Przemsfy
The Ukranians have been bombard-
ing Przemsyl for sevral days past by
land and by air, and conditions in
the town are described as terrible.
Warsaw, Jan. 13 (delayed). - A
program is reported to have taken
place at Breditschew, popularly known
as the Jewish capital of the Ukraine,
the place deriving its title because of
its all-Jewish population.
Peasants Disarm Militia
The trouble is reported to have oc
curred as a result of an attempt by
peasants to disarm militia, which the
Jews were organizing in all centers
for their protection, which they an-
ticipated would be necessary when the
Moscow government breaks up.
Reports received here give the
number of persons killed as several
hundred, while other hundreds are
declared to have been wounded' There
may be some exaggeration as to the
extent of the casualties, however.
It is pointed ' out that the Jews
lately have been more bitterly hated
because of their alleged Bolsheviki
tendencies and also their employment
by the Bolsheviki as spies in many
cases, they being the only intelligent
or educated instruments attainable
for this work.
3 Junior Classes
Delay Hop Plans
The activities of the "J"-hop com-
mittee have been held up because the
junior classes of the dental, home-
opathic and pharmacy colleges have

not elected their representatives to
the committee according to Karl
Velde, '20, chairman. Many inquiries
have been received concerning the
date of the party but nothing can be
done towards answering them until
the other members of the committee
have been elected. Chairman Velde
considers it important that these elec-
tions take place soon as more delay
is undesirable.
When all appointments have been
made the names of the committee will
be published. A meeting of the com-
mittee will be held as soon ,as nossi-
ble after that.
Red Cross Feeds Russian Chilarea
(Correspondence of Associated Press)
Archangel. - The American Red
Cros has begun with the children in
the effort to relieve the hunger of
northern Russia and is now giving
hot breakfasts daily to the pupils of
the Archangel schools.

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