Oi THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDA 1;1 04 'aden Honored by roix de Guerre I FOR LIBERTY WHAT'S GOING ON I 1 -i Word has been received that Ser- geant Pilot David S. Paden, '19E, has been given the Croix de Guerre for shooting down three German planes in flames shortly before the armistice was signed. Paden enlisted in the American am- bulance' service early in April, 1917, and landed at Bordeaux on May 20. After driving his ambulance on the front for three months, he transferred to the Lafayette Escadrille being one of the last Americans taken into that organization. He received his prelim-' inary training at Tours, France, and was ordered to the front in June, 1918, after being in the hospital on ac- count of illness for three months. He .saw considerable service and receiv- ed his decoration in the fighting before Metz. Paden Is expected to return to the University to finish his course in the near future. r TORIES TURN AWAY MANY FOR NEXT YEAR Candidates for the freshman ba - ket ball team are requested to -re- port at 8 o'clock Monday in Water- man gymnasium to Coach Rowley. Tryouts for the University band will be held from 7 to 9 o'lock on Monday and Tuesday evenings in room 303, School of Music. Last year's mem- bers are asked to register. Tryouts should be sure of their eligibilty. The University men's class in the Methodist church will be led by Dr. W. Stalker at 12 o'clock today. Michigan Dames will hold a meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Scott, 912 Monroe street. Members please bring their sewing. Rabbi David Alexander, Toledo, 0., will deliver the sermon at the Jew- ish Students' congregation this aft- ernoon at 2:30 in Lane hall. The Wesleyan guild will hold a meeting tonight at 6:30 in the parlors of the Methodist church. Miss Nora Darwin will speak, her subject being, "What Prayer Is." Cercle Francais meets tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the Cercle Fran- cais rooms. STATES OF MIDDLE WEST PLAN TO LAUNCH SAVINGS CAMPAIGN Extensive plans are being worked out in the states of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin ,and Iowa for the purpose of carrying on a great sav- ings campaign this year Plans con- template penny savings in the schools. The war savings societies in the schools, as well as in the factories and business concerns, will be used on a more extensive scale to stimu- late saving. It is planned to offer inducements to competition in get- ting the largest membership in the form of honor flags. Saving will.be the keynote to the 1919 campaign. Where the commu- nity or state food adminstrations have dissolved the W. S. S. banks, post-of- fices and other institutions will con- tinue their work of preaching general conservation. The following casualties are report- ed today by the commanding general of the American Expeditionary Forc- es: Wounded severely, X12; wound- ed, degree undetermined, 3; missing in action, 33. Total, 348. The University of Chicago has of- fered 50 Noyes scholarships. A few of the scholarships are to be reserv- ed for men in thie service returning the last minute and the rest offered to the students. This will prove an advantage for the men who have been in the S. A. T. C. The honor commission of the Uni- versity of Chicago presents the report that seven cases of dishonesty have been discovered during the autumn term. Five of these cases concern women. rf 20% Discount Daily want ads bring results. on Suits and Overcoats 1 p Odd Trousers -OLD TIMES- To have your room "comfy" like old times you should see our complete line of electrical supplies before you make your selection of Wadhams & Co. I Main Street State Street STUDY LAMPS J . EXTENSION CORDS S emni-Annual Clearance Sale! All the girls' dormitories are full for next year and over a hundred applications have been refused al- ready.. Newberry residence will have room for about 30 new girls next fall and has had over 80 applications for residence at the present time. Alumnae house has had to return over 25 ap- plications for residence. Although Martha Cook will not accept fresh- man at all next year there have been more than enough girls from the other classes who have applied for rooms to fill the vacancies twice over. Each year sees an* increase in the number of girls wishing to live at the dormi- tories and the vacancies are filled earlier on account of that. Nuns Kill hundreds of Spartacans Bulletin (By Associated Press) London, Jan. 11. - Several hundred Spartacans have been killed in the capture and recapture of the Silesian railroad station, by government troops, according to late advices received here from Berlin. The street fighting was of the most violent nature. Many bodies were lying in the railroad sta- tion. The fighting in the newspaper quar- ter lasted for hours. Eighty persons were killed and many wounded. Over $50,000 has been raised for the women's building at Northwestern. The women are trying to raise enough to pay for the building. Use the Daily to reach the students. Four. thousand students read it every morning.-Adv. Students read The Daily.-Adv. SHADES, ETC. I EST ABLISH E-D 1887 WE DO ELECTRICAL REPAIR WORK WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP "THE SHOP OF QUALITY" 200 E. Washington St. Only ten days left to have your Ilichiganensian pictures Taken Phone 273 I- V ARCADE DANCE HALL The beginning class for col- lege students, men and women, will start Tues. at 7:00 o'clock. Lessons are exclusively for class members. Number is limited. Private lessons if desired. CALL 166-J - The school of engineering University ofKansas will run semester system. The total ment to date is 307. at the on the enroll- FRATERNITIES! k Let us give your house that new appearance that it had several years ago. Before you are settled is the time to make all necessary repairs and 'improve- Why are you so insistant? ments. We are experts in INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING AND DECORATING GO TO FINISHING The* Mayer-Schairer PAPERING BECAUSE I Company 112 S. Main St. Our stocks of artistic wall paper, paints, varnishes, oils, and FLOOR FOR Besimers' Beefsteak Dinners WAX are complete. I Fine:Stationery Engraved Cards Die Stamping Printing Ruling Book Binding Leather Goods Office Supplies Filing Devices Desks are so hard to equal Let our decorators give your homes immediate and careful attention. I OSWAED A. HERZ FREDDIE BESIMERS 112 W. Washington St. Phone 353-Fl Chairs I Book Cases 113 W. Huron St. ^ r_ a JrA 1 . ICE A D ROLLER SKATI G S. FIFTH AVE. AtThe COLISEUM