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October 02, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-02

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en IS


Let, then, the importance of the sit-
ation be accepted, and the S. A. T.
. men live up to their name-"sold-
rs on active duty."
Who would dare to think that Eu-


Law Course


[y entitled

se cre

inn Arbor,
n g.
300 words,

ropean demands upon America's man-
power have been great when they look
around them on the campus.
The faculty will have to be "up on
its fractions" when it figures how
many credits each student deserves at
the end of the term.

"So this is
French girls

Paris" seems peculiarly
Ann Arbor has both the
and the American sold-

ee no

*ktt&Lflc Ltin .
aging Editor
tess Manager
ing Manager
ion Manager
ion Manager

You may be sure the S. A. T. C. is
keeping the men busy. Women even
have to be sporting editors.
They say that all of the men can buy
Liberty Bonds for they are in the S.
A. T. C. How about the girls?

Martha Jouard is a petite dark-
eyed French girl whom the French
government sent here to be educated
in the American way.
She left her Paris home the 14th
of September and arrived in this city
Thursday. Miss Jouard, who is lo-
cated at Newberry residence, told in
an interview today her impressions of
New York City, which she declared
she did not like as well as Ann Arbor,
and she also said that she expects to
enjoy her work here very much.
. Miss Jouard was graduated from the
the law department of the University'
of Paris before entering the Univer-
sity of Michigan, and she has come
here to study criminal law in respect
to reformatories for women and child-
ren. Through her studies here she
expects to improve conditions in such
institutions in France.
"The French professors in the un-
iversities are so different from those
here," said Miss Jouard. "There they,
are all old and grave and there is no
friendship between them and their
pupils. They dress in long robes and
little caps."
Miss Jouard expects to return to her
own country in June when she hopes
the war will be over. She has many
relatives on the firing line and a sis-
ter wvhq is a nurse at the front..

ard S. Vellernan

A meeting for all freshman girls
women entering the University for
the first time will be held at 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon in Barbour gym-
nasium. The meeting will be in
charge of Dean Jordan, Dr. Eloise
Walker, and Miss Marion Wood, di-
rector of physical education in Bar-
bour gymnasium. Dean Jordan urges
that all women attending the meet-
ing be prompt.
All freshman girls who have not re-
ceived invitations to Dean Jordan's
party and the junior advisor supper
next Monday night, should see her sec-
retary at once.
Sophomore women must register
for sports before Friday noon in Bar-
bour gymnasium. Applications for
locker tickets must be made at once.
Junior girls who will serve at the
junior advisor supper next Monday
night are requested to report today
to Marguerite Chapin, '20.
Beginning tomorrow, Dean Jordan
will be available for interviews at her
office in Barbour gymnasium.
Col. V. C. Vaughan, who in peace'
times is dean of the Medical school,
but who is on leave for the duration
of the war and is at the head of the
epidemicology section of Surgeon-Gen-
eral Gorgas' staff, gave the opening
address to the medical students this
Colonel Vaughan predicted in his
talk that there will be more meningit-
is in the army camps next- winter than
there was last, partly because the dis-
ease is more widely disseminated in
the civilian population this year than
for many years and partly because
troops will be drawn from all sec-
tions of the country for training in
each camp.

Wahr's Ui

Main St.


Military Books for the S. A. T. C

Laboratory Supplies
Toilet Articles


Sta te


Y, OCTOBER 2, 1918
-Charles II. Osius, Jr.
n Daily, official publi-
University of Michigan,
appearance of the year
It hopes to perform the
o the changing student
gan's second war year
adered to those of the
y has been found to be
tudent life, indispensa-
se days when so many
onveniences, as well a~s
eing eliminated.
a member of the As-
and brings the news
a its dispatches. It is
uilkest medium for an-
events of University
ands in the first rank
university papers and
nry few which are con-
tion on the usual scale
conditions. It is the
us opinion and the for-
student questions are
Army Training Corps,
t of the men of the Uni-
ad The Daily as valu-
L and Camp is to the
n or Stars and Stripes
. The matutinal copy
lcome to the student
ter from home, for in
d official announce-
y his commanding offi-
is unit, and-the latest
ashington. And it will
more intangible but
al purpose, in keeping
th those things in Uni-
ch his duties will not
ike part in, but which
llingly forget entirely.
hen the bond between
d. academic aspects of
g from patriotic serv-
I "Michigan spirit" a
ich shall be a blend of

"One hundred per cent is the slo-
gn of the membership campaign which
is introducing the work of the Wom-
an's league this year. More than 500
girls have already signed up at the
tables in University hall, and it is
thought that the final roll will record
the name of every women registered in
the University.
Cards as Reward
The campaign will include a com-
plete canvass of all the dormitories,
league houses, and sorority houses,
each of which, as it secures its' full
quota of registrants, will be given a
"100 per cent Women's League" card
to put in the window. The.Chi Ome-
ga and the Kappa Iappa Gamma so-
rority houses are already entitled to
display the card.
Mass Meeting Planned
Details for a big mass meeting to
be held at 4 o'clock Tuesday after-
noon in Barbour gymnasium are be-
ing arranged by Elsie Erley, '20, chair-
man of the membership committee.
Several speakers have already been
secured for the occasion. Dean Jordan
will talk about the general work of
the organization, and Florence Field,
chairman of the war work committee,
will outline the year's work in that
department. An explanation of so-
cial service in the Ann Arbor hos-
pitals will be given by Florabelle El-
lis, '20. Margaret Christy, '20, will
talk about the vocational conferences
which are scheduled for the coming
season. In addition, the committee in
charge of the event is enlisting the
services of several alumnae to assist
in injecting the proper amount of en-
thusiasm into the meeting.
In strict accord with the military
atmosphere of the campus this year,
the work of the league is to concen-
trate on war activities, and particu-
larly on the feature of assisting the
French and Allied wounded. Plans
for this undertaking will also be ex-
plained at the mass meeting.

202-204 East Liberty Street

The number of women enrolled in
the University this year is approx-
imately 10 per cent less than at the
same time last year, although definite
statistics are not yet available.
Less than 250 freshman girls have
registered. This is below the regis-
tration of last year.
There will be- no change in the rules
governing the women so far as is
now known. Co-operative housekeep-
ing, however, is to be tried for the
first time by a group of University
women, who have taken the house
on Washtenaw avenue known as Al-
umnae House, doing their own house-
keeping with the exception of cook-
Kent Hall, a new residence hall for
women, with Mrs. Oscar Conant of
Logansport, Ind., as chaperon, was
formerly the Phi Delta Phi fraternity


It's been requested
If I would gibe the story of my life
To say I will If you 'll give me
Twent-five cents to the dollar
And you take 75c for the War fund
I'll make it very interesting
By will power and fiber
And sing my "Good-bye Siveetheart"
song .
Dr. Tom Lovell, Poet

Preserve your Michigan traditions.
Subscribe now for the Daily, $3.50.
You will :always find satisfaction by
adveritsing in the Daily.-Adv.
Daily want ads bring results.


house. It masquerades under the new WIlillI MIIIIIIIIIIII I I
name because the fraternity objected
to having the Greek letter name used.
As the local chapter is known as Kent
chapter, the hall has been called by
this name.



n active duty," the terms
war department to de-
$ of members of the stu-
ralning corps, constitute
ch is fraught with signi-
student soldiers.
place, the words in them-
sort of justification; they
e students' right to con-
.ves and be considered
art of the United States
is in the S. A. T. C.
h savors of amateurish-
idiers on active duty" is
o influences which might
e an atmosphere of dilet-
er hand, this key phrase
goal toward which the S.
must aspire. They must
et, as in name, "soldiers
ity." There should be
n of responsibility which
sentry in the.trenches.
st rests the fate of thous-
3 of nations; and on the
rs now entering the first
tial preparation may, in
d the outcome of stu-
rtakings. The S. A. T. C.
are potential sentries of

Special orders for the daily sched-
ule of the motor mechanics training
corps, now known as Section B of
the students' army training corps,
were given out by Capt. R. H. Durkee.
These orders took effect Oct. 1, and
are as follows
6:15 first call.
6:25 reveille.
6:30 assembly.
6:45 mess.
7:30 school.
11:35 assembly for mess.
11:40 mess.
12:30 school.
2:30 drill.
2:35 assembly.
4:30 recall.
5:45 first call for retreat.
5:55 assembly.
6:00 retreat-to the color.
6:15 mess.
7:00 school.
9:00 recall.
9:45 call to quarters..
10:00 taps.
Secretarial Course Offered Women
Plans are being made for a course
in secretarial work to be offered at
once for University'women under the
direction of Dr. I. L. Sharfman and
Dr. James W. Glover.
The course is designed to fit wom-
en for governmental positions in
Washington along the lines of statisti-
cal work and business management.
There is a call for trained women to


A special course in the intensive
training of women to be government
ordnance inspectors is being offered
by the department of chemical engi-
The work consists of examination of
metal products in all stages, from raw
material to finished shells and guns,
and will be carried on in laborato-
ries. Applicants for the course must
have had at least one year of college
chemistry, physics, and mathematics.
Credit from the course is accepted by
the literary college, and the time of
graduation from it depends on the
preparation offered.
Prof. W. L. Badger has requested all
women with the necessary qualifica-
tions to report to him immediately.
Professor Badger said that this is the
best chance offered women by the
University to equip themselves for
real war work. He also states that
the women will be paid good salaries
by the government, and that their con-
tinued employment after the war is
practically assured.



Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7:25
a. m., 8:io a. m. and hourly to 8:io p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars-8:48
a. m. and every hour to 8:48 p. m.
Local Cars East Bound-s:3 a. m., 6:40
a. m., 7:05 a. rn. and every two hours to
7:05 P. in., 8:05 p. mn., 9:05 p. In., 10:5o P.
:n. To Ypsilanti only: 8:o p. in., 9:so p.
mn, 11:45 P. i : io a. In., 1 :2o a. In.
To Saline change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-6:o5 a. M., 7:48
a. mn., 10 :20 P. Mn., I12:zo midnight.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Limited cars,
8:48, 10:48 a. M., 12:48, 2:48, 4:48, 6:48
P. Mn.
To Jackson and Lansing, Limited car, 8:48
P. Mn.
Additional Cars to Ypsilanti-9:5o a. m.,
2:o5, 6:os. 9:45 p. m., 12:20 midnight.
Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
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Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00
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Save 10 per cent on your Laundry
No more worn out shirts around neck

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bands by rough collars.

Prof. Robbs Will Give Lecture Series
Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the geology
department, will deliver a series of
19 lectures during the year on "The
War and Its Consequences." Profes-
sor Hobbs will introduce his lectures
by a summary of war news. The first
lecture will be delivered at 8 o'clock
Tuesday evening.
Homeopathie School to Open Sunday
The formal opening of the Home-
opathic Medical hospital lecture room
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the
homeopathic school will take place.
Dean W. B. Hinsdale will deliver an
address on "The War as a Background
for the Physician of the Future."
Individual Food Shipments Barred
The Allied governments have re-
quested that individual Aemricans do
not send packages across the water at
present. The war trade board there-
fore will refuse all requests to send
foodstuffs overseas, according to Rob-
ert H. Clancy, in charge of the Michi-
gan district.
You will always find satisfaction by
adveritsing in the Daily.-Adv.

We smooth inside and outside edges.
We darn your socks, sew on buttons
and do all mending FREE.
All goods washed in soft water-



New Term


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the R. 0. T.
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y; fill such secretarial positions, and it is
n- believed that the University can furn-
th ish a large number. Plans will be
y, completed in a few days and will then

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