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January 12, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-01-12

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VOL. XXIX. No: 74.


Miss Helen Fraser, the noted En-
M E TR RST lish war worker, will speak at 8
o'clock Friday night in the auditorium
TIMETOMOR OW athe i uralScience building. The
latest information on schemes for so-
cial and industrial relonstruction in
England and of the work done there
FULL DELEGATION FROM ALL for blind, crippled, and disabled sold-
NATIONS ASSEMBLE EARLY iers will be brought out by Miss Fras-
MONDAY er. The subject of her lecture will be
"Reconstruction with Especial 'Rela-
FOCH WARNS GEtion. to Women's Problems."
FOCP ARNSVIGERMANY Miss Fraser is especially well
OF PEACE VIOLATIONS known as the author of "Women and
War Work." She has recently re-
When Entire Membership to Confer- turned from abroad and is making her
enoe Convene Premier Clemeneeau ' second tour of America before return-
ing to her home in England. Large
crowds have been attracted by Miss
Fraser in many cities where she has
(By Associated Press) lectu'ed and frequently she has been
Paris, Jan. 11.-The first meeting of recalled. Many were turned away last
the supreme inter-Allied council since year when Miss Fraser lectured in
the American delegations arrived in Hill auditorium and judging from the
enthusiasm she aroused at that time,
Paris Is expected to be held in the she will be met by a record-breaking
French foreign office tomorrow. crowd Friday night.
This will bring together President
Wilson and the premiere of -the three
other principal powers, David Lloyd N BESE I
Geoge, Premier Clemenceau, Premer RVIC
Orlando, who will probably be accom- nrFRn
panied by their foreign ministers,
BafuPneoand Sonnino. it is IIV[RDB FOET S
understood that Colgnel House will
also attend with president Wilson OVER HUNDRED ANSWER CALL
and Secretary Lansing as he'had serv- IN FORESTRY BRANCH AND
ed' as the President's representative A COMBATANTS
on the council until the President ar-
rived here.
Important war services have been
Supreme Council Arranges rogramxrendered by the Michigan foresters
The supreme council is distinct fromwho answered the call, not only in
the inter-Allied conference, as the
supreme council is confined to the their own branch of government work
President and "premiers, whereas ere but in the ranks of combatants as
inter-Allied conference is made up of well, according to Prof. Filibert Roth
the full delegation of five members of the forestry department. The ser-
of the great powers and a lesser num- vice flag of the. Forestry club is now
ber from other powers. For this rea-
son the full American delegation will entitledto more thass= 1 etprs, and
not attend the meeting Sunday. of this number three at least rep-
The purpose of the meeting is to resent men who gave their lives while
arrange a preliminary program for on active duty. .
Monday when the other nations will Aided Timber Poduction
be represented, and full delgations The majority of the foresters in
will be present. service chose tasks where their train-
Clemeneeau Head of Conference . ing would - be of the most use, and;
It is expected the inter-Allied con- 'joined the two forestry regiments
ference will assemble early Monday. which were organed to take over
Sessions, more or less formal, will the nation's production of timber for
likely last several days, with Monsieur war purposes. They went to the for-1
Clemenceau as temporary chairman, ests and established sawmills and
pending the arrival of belated dele- ways of communicatiom to get the
gations and the launching of the con- heavy timber out for the building of1
ference in its full membership. trenches, telephone and telegraph4
When that stage is reached Pres- lines, and the repairing of bridges and1
ident, Poincare will be present for culverts. Others went west to speedi
the purpose of delivering the welcome the production of timber for airplanes,
of France to the delegates, and Pre- and a number acted a' government1
mier Clemenceau will then be chosen timber inspectors.
permanent chairman of the conference A few enlisted in the regular
in accordance with the general view branches of combatant service, the
of the delegates. Forestry club being represented in
Last War Council Sitting Sunday the navy, infantry, artillery, and en-
gineers, in all of which branches some
Sunday afternoon there will be foresters were commissioned. J. H.
held the last meeting of the supreme Tottinger, former instructor of fores-
war council, whose first business will try, is now in France as a captain ofI
be the renewal of the armistice, engineers, while Allan Peck, '05, is ser-e
for which the German delegates have ving as major with the 10th engineers.x
been summoned to Trevis on Jan. 14. Three Lse Lives
The Germans have not fulfilled several T
of the armistice conditions, notice- The three Forestry club members
ably those concerning the delivery of who lost their lives on active dutyt
railroad stock. Consequently Marshal were S. R. Augspurger, '17, who was
Foch has notified Nathias Erzderger drowned on the torpedoed Tuscania
of the German delegation that he while crossing to France with his reg-a
would not renew the armistice auto- iment; H. P. Beale, '14, who died of
matically. disease while in service; and F. D.f
Moody, '07, Wisconsin state forester,
who also fell a victim to disease whilec
Sinn-Feiners Appeal to U. S. Troops on active duty.
Dublin, Jan. 11.-The headquarters onaciveduy.___
of the Sinn-Fein organization ina
Harcourt street was raided this morn- PUBLIC TO ENJOYe

ing by the police. WEEK OF CONCERTS
The raiders found pamphlets ad-v
dressed to Amerizan soldiers in Ire- .
land. They contained this question: Three concerts, one of them to be
"Did you win the war, to knit Ire- given this afternoon form the musical P
land's chains?" program for this week. The third con- i
The pamphlets added: ert in the series of twilight recitals I
"We hoped to win your independ- will be given at 4:15 o'clock today t
ence. Will you help us to win ours?" in Hill auditorium. A miscellaneous i
program wnii be given by James Ham- a
ilton, tent : Samuel Lockwood, vio- i
ATTENTION! FORMER linist; and Earl Moore, organist. Miss
I MEMBERS OF NAVAL UNIT Dorothy Wines and Mrs. Maude Hag-
berg-Okkleberg, will accompany.
Students who were in service Saturday evening, Jan. 18, Joseph
previous to last October will not Bonnet, the distinguisned French or-
not receive an adjustment of ganist, will give a recital on the fam-
pay account unless insurance ous Columbian organ in Hill auditor-
and allotment papers are sent to ium. This concert is the third in the
to the District Disbursing Offic- Choral Union series.
er at Great Lakes, Illinois. A complimentary concert will be
R. C. COLE, given by the advanced students of the
Seaman Second Class, U. S. N. School of Music at 4:15 o'clock on
Wednesday afternoon, at the School

- _ -- --_

Washington, Jan. 11.-The policies
of Walker D. Hines, newly appointed
director-general of railroads to suc-
ceed William G. McAdoo, will be ad-
vocation of five-year continuation of
government control, or early relin-
quishment of the roads to private
control, unless congrss promptly
enacts remedial legislation.
"Mr. McAdoo's policies are my pol-
icies, and I intend to carry them out
through the existing railroad organi-
zation," he telegraphed today to re-
gional directors, immediately after
announcement of his appointment,
which was made by President Wilson
by cable and on recommendation of
Mr. McAdoo. The new director-gen-
eral also declared a "square deal for
labor, fair treatment of railway own-
ers and patrons, and closer under-
standing between, the public and the
government on railroad questions."
Detroit, Jan. 10.-Detroit's annual
automobile show for 1919 bids fair
to outshine anything ever before at-
tempted by the Detroit Auto Dealers'
association, for the board of directors
have just closed a contract for a
building which offers much more
space than has ever been used. The
display room is all on one floor and
under one roof. The enormous Cross-
town garage will house the event this
season. This is the largest one floor
garage in the world.
March 1st to 8th, inclusive, are the
dates for the exposition which the
management plans to make more of
an automobile show than it has been
in the past, including a display of
trucks, and tractors, lighting outfits,
accessories and practically everything
in the gasoline motor field, as well
as passenger automobiles.
With the elimination of, the na-
tional shows in New York and Chica-
go this year, the manufacturers are
looking forward to the Detroit dis-
play as the biggest event in motor
car circles for 1919. The members
of the association are all keenly in
favor of the most complete exhibit
in their history and since the infant
days of the industry they have not
taken such an interest in any one
event as they have manifested in con-
nection with the 1919 auto show.
That the boarding and rooming
houses of Ann Arbor may be inspect-
ed as were the soda fountains and
restaurants was intimated by Dr. W.
E. Forsythe yesterday. Dr. Forsythe
s a member of the health service of
the University and is one of the com-
mittee which has been inspecting the
soda fountains and restaurants to
ascertain whether they are clean and
Four of these eating places were
found to be dirty and were warned to
clean up immediately. If they are not
cleaned up immediately, he said, they
will be reported to the state food in-
spector. The local health authorities
expect to make another tour of these

places within a few days to find out
whether they have complied with the
directions which were given them.
"If the Regents permit," said Dr.
Forsythe, "we will inspect all board-
ng and rooming houses in the city.
feel sure that a great number of
hese places need cleaning up and it
s up to us to do it. We intend to keep
after these places until they are san-
tary." t

Steps are being taken by the Wom-
en's league to induce the nurses in
training at both the University and
the Homoeopathic hospitals to join
the league and so be drawn closer in-
to university life. To this end a par-
ty will be given by the league Fri-
day afternoon in honor of the nurses.
Nurses Join League
Several nurses have joined the
league, others have expressed their
intention of doing so, and it is hoped
that they will become 100 per cent
Women's league before the term is
ended. Nurses are especially urged
also to attend the fancy dress party to
be given by the league, Jan. 24.
Should Use Their Rights
"This is one of the things that the
league is particularly anxious to ac-
complish this year," said Doris Mc-
Donald, '19, president of the Wom-
en's league. "In view of the fact that
the nurses have the same require-
ments as the other students and re-
ceive a University diploma, they are
certainly entitled to the same oppor-
tunities accorded all women of the
University, and it is bur privilege to
work with them and to make them a
vital part of the league." An unusu-
ally large crowd is expected at the
party Friday afternoon to welcome the
nurses and to make them a part of the
Workingmen End
Argentine Strike
(By Associated Press)
Buenos Aires, Jan. 11.--The commit-
tee in charge of the general strike
agreed to end the strike this after-
noon, after a conference with Presi-
dent Irigoyen, and the President of
the Vasena Iron Works. Government
troops turned machine guns on a
force of about 200 strikers and their
supporters when they attacked the
postoffice this afternoon, dispersing
them. Twenty persons were killed
and 60 wounded in another attack in
the Vasena Iron Works today.
Prof. Earl V. Moore, of the Music
department, says that the music out-
look for the 1919 opera is especially
promising. Each of the music writ-
ers is in possession of a copy of the
opera book and the lyrics, and at a
meeting yesterday the progress made
by the writers was found to be even
more than 'could be expected. Next
week there will be'another meeting
so that the ,songs that have already
been written may be played for the
approval of the committee in charge.
Minneapolis, Jan. 11. - Minnesota
defeated Indiana 35 to 15 in a West-
ern Conference basketball game here
Chicago, Jan. 11.-Chicago opened
the season by defeating Purdue 21 to
17. I Hitchcock starred for Chicago
with four baskets, and Markley with
three baskets for Purdue.
Madison, Jan. 11. - Northwestern
defeated Wisconsin 20 to 15 in a

Western Conference basketball game
here tonight.
Marine Workers Return to Work
New York, Jan. 11. - The marine
workers voted tonight to return to
work as soon as possible in compli-
ance to President Wilson, according
to J. Stevens ,secretary of the Ma-
rine Workers' affiliation.

"What I Have Seen in Alsace"
will be the subject of a lecture by
M. Fernand Baldensperzer to be giv-
en at 4:15 o'clock Monday afternoon
in the Natural Science lecture room.
M. Baldensperzer, who came to this
country in the fall of 1917, is now
serving his second year as exchange
professor at Columbia university. He
served in the army before coming to
this country and is known chiefly as
professor of comparative literature in
the University of Paris. He has work-
ed especially on the relation between
the English, French, and German lit-
eratures of the romantic period. He
made a thorough investigation into
the matter of Goeihe's influence in
France, and also personal relations
between the United States and
France, studying the personnel of
those who came over from France to
help America in her struggle for free-
The lecture will be given in French.
Lectures in foreign languages are
given but a few times a year and stu-
dents are urged to make the most of
this opportunity to - hear a distin-
guished Frenchman speak in his na-
tive tongue on an interesting subject.
S. A. T. C.
Plans for spreading a general
knowledge of the Bible and its teach-
ings- and for studying the practical
application of its principals will be
made at the "Y" conference which is
now being held here. "Y" secretaries,
business men and studens who have
had training in these lines will form
the nucleus for this work.
By dividing the city into districts
and- then into study groups an effort
will be made to reach every man on
the campus. The demobilization of
the S .A. T. C. caused this reorgani-
zation. The new program will proba-
bly be running smoothly in less than
a, month.
Discuss S .A. T. C. Benefits
During the meeting, a discussion
arose concerning the S. A. T. C. from
a moral standpoint. The delegates
many of them 'S. A. T. C. men said
that it promoted a friendly spirit and
better teamwork, and had broken
down many social and religious preju-
A demonstration of a discussion
section was given during the meet-
ing. Nine' representative members
from the delegation were chosen who
discussed an appointed subject while
Mr. J. E. Ludwick pointed out the
methods for leading such a group.
Clubs Meet in Lane Hall
Lane hall, the scene of these activ-
ities, has been used a great deal late-
ly for the meeting place for different
campus clubs and organizations be-
cause of the state of incompletion of
the Union building. Despite its pop-
ularity there is always plenty of room
at Lane hall and clubs are welcome
at any time to hold their meetings
Dance and Efats
Enjoyed at frixer

Despite the risque posters which
advertised yesterday's mixer the stu-
dents were not alarmed as might
have been expected, but assembled in
good numbers. The floor grew crowd-
ed and shoes became dusty long be-
fore 3 o'clock. Some of the men
seemed to feel themselves back in
Northern France and plowed their
way through the crowd like tanks on
their way to Berlin. All of the 200
couples had an extremely good time,
although one girl was heard to re-
"My, I wish there were more men
here. You know it's so funny but I
take much better when there are
about six men to every girl." She
was a nice girl though.
The DuPont Powder company has
established a scholarship at the Uni-
versity of Kansas. The scholarship is
open to undergraduate students in the

Siudents to Be on Probation Until
Regular Requirements Are
Made Up
High school students whose pre-
paratory courses have been interrupt-
ed by reason of military service or
other approved war work, may, during
1919, be admitted to the University
without meeting the full former re-
quirements of 15 units or credits, the
Board of Regents decided at their
last meeting.
Suck students will be admitted on
trial, upon the presentation of 11
units gained either upon examiation
or upon official certification and 'ree-
ommendation by the principal of an
accredited high school. In these 11
units must be included at least nine
units selected from Group I of re-
quirements for admission. This group
consists of the major high school
Students Upon Probation
The students, providing they are
admitted under such circumstances,
will be placed upon probation and
will have to completely satisfy the
former requirements for admission as
regular students within two years
after matriculation, that is to say,
after their entrance. Students enter.
ing upon these conditions will not be
candidates for a degree until such
probation is entirely removed.
This modification of requirements
for admission will take effect imme-
diately. A student meeting these requi-
sites may make entrance the second
semester of this academic year which
begins Feb. 17, and he may take ex-
aminations here Feb. 13 to 15 or next
September, to secure the remainder
of the 11 units, if necessary. The fee
for the second semester is 60 per
cent of that for the entire year.
Merits to Determine
A student who was or would have
been a senior in high school and who
enlisted in any branch of the service
or other approved war work, such as
the Y. M. C. A., Red Cross, K. of C.,
or other patriotic associatins, may
apply for admission.
No Time Restrictions
No definite length of service will be
required, providing it was inevitable-
that the student had to'miss enough
school work which could not, be made
up in an unusually short period of
time. Each applicant will be asked
to show some kind of a certificate in-
dicating which branch of the service
he was in.
Every high school throughout the
state is being informed by -letter of
the exception in requirements for ad-
Standards Not Lowered
Dr. Arthur G. Hall,.registrar of the
University, said of this step taken:
"We do. not purpose to lower the

standards of admission for regular
students. But we are of the opinion
that a year or two in the army or
navy has in many cases produced a
maturity which, to a certain extent,
will take the place of some of the
high school studies in assuring suc-
cess in college work. By allowing
such persons who are not high school
graduates, but who are recommended
by the high school authorities, to en-
ter temporarily, an opportunity will
be given to the real deserving. Those
who do not make good will never be-
come regular students; those who do
succeed will be able to complete an-,
entire course."
Germans Defeat Spartlean Troops
(By Havas Agency)
Paris, Jan. 11.-The latest advices
received here-from Berlin return re-
port of the complete defeat 'of the
Sparticans. The workers in the iron
and munitions- factories, who were
considered partisans of Dr. LieL-
knecht expressed a desire that a shed-



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