THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1BE fIVE\ ,. ... .M.. _ .: i TI AT NEXT TWILIGHT RECITAL An interesting miscellaneous pro- gram will be given at the faculty twi- light recital at 3 o'clock Sunday aft- ernoon in Hill auditorium. A mistake in the date was made in yesterday's Daily. The following program will be giv- en: Recitative and Aria: ("Judas Maccabaeus") ..............Handel "My Arms! Against This Gargins Will Will I Go. "Sound An Alarm !" James Hamilton Rhapsody on a Breton Melody ................ Saint-Saens Slumber Song a.................Parker Allegretto, E flat minor .......Parkerl Earl V. Moore Legende, Op. 17- .... ...Wieniawski Romance, G major, Op. 40.. Beethoven Polonaise, D major, Op. 4, No. 1 .......................Mlynarskil Samuel P. Lockwood Pleading...................Elgar Te Wind Speaks .... Grant-Schaefer I'll Sing Thee Songs of Araby.. .Clay Mr. Hamilton Angelus ...................Massenet Dance of the Angels (New Life) ..............W olf-Ferrari Oriental Sketch, Number 3 (Turkish) ....................Bird Mr. Moore University Receives Gift of Telescope A telescope was recently present- ed to the University by the son of Professor Langley, formerly of the general chemistry department in the University. The telescope was made by Professor Langley and his brother, S. P. Langley, when they were young men. Professor Langley's brother was the director of the Alleghany ob servatory and later he became the secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- tute at Washington, D. C. "SAY IT WITH ROWERS" o o't Say Spartacides, members of Germany's Bolshevik party, take their name from the pseudonym of "Spartacus" adopt- ed by Dr. Karl Liebknecht, their lead- er, for his writings in the days of the monarchy. The custom of using class- ical pen names as started in the German Revolution of 1848. When Dr. Liebknecht began to assume prom- . inence as a radical he called himself 'Spartacus." His followers are thus known as the Spartacus group, Spar- tacans or Spartacides. Spartacus was a Thracian who was captured by the- Romans and trained as a gladiator. He escaped, proclaimed the freedom of all states and defeated several Ro- man a'mies sent against him. What has been called an unhappy augury for Dr. Liebknecht is that Spartacus fell a victim to dissensions in his own followers in B. C. 71. "Q' SHIP USURPS FAME OF "U" BOATS London. - (Correspondence of the Associated Press).-A "Q" ship has come to London. She is a gray, dingy, nondescript kind of ship, perhaps al collier or a - coastal tramp. But all London is flocking to St. Katherine's dock to' see her; for the frowsy oldI tub represents a development of naval warfare which produced some of the finest heroism in the history of sea fighting. 201-205 WHITE SWAN Catherine Street Quality' I Ann Arbor, and Service Nickh. LAUNDRY COMPANY frending free Tel 165 MARLEY 212 IN DEVON 214 IN* COLLARS cLuETT FrA~OIVf* C.! C.iTR.OYY. Spalding lee Skates For Every Member of the Family Toboggans, Skis, Snowshoes, Hockey Supplies, Etc. Catalogue on request. A. G. SP A LDING & BROS. 211-217 So. State St. Chicago, I. Buy a Cash Card and Save, 1O% Suits Overcoats OF HIGHEST QUALITY MADE TO ORDER Start the New Year right. See us about that new suit or COUSINS & HALL Members Florists Telegraph Delivery Play Mystery Roll According to Sir Eric Geddes, first lord of the British admiralty, noth- ing could be more inspiring than the conduct of the officers and men on the "Q" ships-"those mystery ships where for hours the men lay, and were shell- ed and killed and lay untended until the opportunity came to sink the en- emy." This "Q" ship is certainly not what she seems. At a signal her hatchways -- can disclose glistening 4-inch guns, and her harmless-looking stays rap out wireless messages. For more than two years her skipper, Lieutenant- Commander Auten, V. C., and her crew, all of whom remain with her, have been hunting U-boats. Overcoat. Our goods are guaranteed all wool and workmanship is backed by thirty yea rs experience produc- ing "Better Clothes." G. H. WILD COMPANY LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS STATE STREET It's Getting Wintery our I limOett nI/Cr P~ A DRESS FOOTWEAR FOR WOMEN The Girls are Preparing They want to look their best "over here" to entertain the boys from "over there." Parties, entertainments and personal calls demand the Daintiest Slippers to make their appearance com- pletely satisfying. Silver and Gold Cloth -. -French Kid and Pat- ent Pumps - Oxfords or Two-eyelet South- ern Ties. Light, Dain- ty, Dressy Models, all x sizes. fr ; Dummy Decoys Gunner Cunningham, wearing a dis- Lnguished service medal, shows visit- ors to" the ship how theytackled sub- marines. Leading the way to the fore- castle, he points to a hawser-reel ly- inging on the deck. "That's a dummyI -it hides a periscope. The skipper from his look-out would give the range to the hidden gun crews." The crew of this decoy ship hunted submarines in an old steamer called the Stock Force until the forepart of that vessel was blown away by a tor- pedo. It was on the Stock Force that Lieutenant-Commander Auten won the Victoria Cross. PLANS BEING MADE FOR MAY EXH IBIT, If you want to beat the cold Winds you should make your selection now for that suit or over- coat from our stock of pure woolens which have been purchased for one, two, or three years. Therefore we are in a position to meet any reliable merchant in price, to say nothing of our superior quality. Why Superio? Because our cloth was purchased when it was possible to buy all woolen material. You are . . very fortunate to be able to obtain this grade of cloth today. Walk-Over Boot Shop 115 S. MAIN ST. ---mU S i c - PIANOS, VICTROLAS AND RECORDS, MARTIN GUITARS, MANDOLINS AND UKULELES AND ALL MUSICAL SUPPLIES AT Schaeberle & Son's Music House 110 S. MAIN STREET PHONE 254-F1 In preparation for the coming May exhibit of engineering work and ap- paratus in the engineering college, students of all classes of the school are be'ginning the organization of com- mittees who will make necessary plans for the work of the exhibition. The display,. the first since 1916, is to be one of the largest and most complete ever shown in the college. Members of the Engineering society and repre- sentatives of all classes and organiza- tions are to co-operate with professors in planning the exposition. The work, which is beginning at the present time will be turned over to committees as soon as they are elected by the var- ious classes. Excellent opportunity is given the college for a successful exhibit this year on account of the great number o" machines and apparatus now own- ed by the school through purchase or gift from manufacturing concerns which have donated.-specimens of their equipment or manufactures to the col- lege. Other features of the exposition will be exhibits of articles, drawings, and designs made by students. The work of architectural students will be shown chiefly in this manner as well as that of designing engineers and sur- veyors. Matters of interest to be cov- ered in the exposition will include a number of recent discoveries in com- mercial fields and operation of devices invented since the last similar exposi- tion was given in Ann Arbor. The college will show the results of its work for the past two years during which have marked steady and high achievements in all departments of the college. PlanesArrive in Detroit from Texas Detroit, Jan. 8.-A record flight was made when two map making air- planes arrived here yesterday from El- lington, Texas, having completed the trip of 1,476 miles in 878 minutes. No Introduction Is needed to the University men in regard to the class of work we turn out. So make your selection at your earliest convenience as our sock is limited and it takes time to do careful work. Seledcions may be made now for later delivery. It will be a pleasure for us To show you our line and talk over your wants. Always ready to serve you. WE HAVE YOUR. SHEEP-LINED OVERCOAT - U __ I - Leave Copy at . Quarry's jand 10b Delta LA SSIFIE 4DV ERTISING Leave Copy at Students' Supply Store J. Karl MALcolm MALCOLM BLOCK 604 E. LIBERTY ST. WANTED WANTED-To work for two meals per day; noon and evening meals. Box A. WANTED-Boarders. A home table for six or eight men. Reasonable. 1321 Wilmot St. Phone 984-R. FOUN . FOUND-A muff, left at N. University FOR SALE V _ SALE-Three-quarters brass bed ith box 3prings $20, $15. Cutting apjri meats. FOR11REST FOR RENT-two rooms third floor,' Nickel's Arcade. Suitable for of- fices. Call Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 343, LOST LOST -- Notebook containing Naval Aviation work. Return to Daily of-. rn ENGINEERS You can make it in one jump WHERE? to the only STUDENTS'SU PPLY STORE Log Log slide rules, tracing cloth, drawing and blue print paper. Just received a fresh line of Gilbert's Candy S111 S. Univ. Home of the con-proof Blue-books Phone 1160-R F