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October 09, 1918 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-09

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XXIX. No. 7.




Old UnionWill
lecome Infirmary
The old Michigan Union building is
to be made into an infirmary. It h"s
been found inadvisable to send men
to the hospital for every little ail-
ment. All ordinary cases will be
handled in the made-over building.
The whole building was given a
lysol bath today and other arrange-
ments are being made so that it can
soon be occupied. The place pos-
sesses many advantages for work of
this kind. It is close to the new
Union, and food may easily be taken
from one building to the other.



Crest of Wave Passed at Camp
Authorities Say; Number
Stricken Is Less


Lansing, Oct. 8.-Michigan health
officers in conference here today de-
cided drastic measures were not nee-
essary at present to check the spread
of Spanish influenza among the ci-
vilian population in this state but
planned to have an educational cam-
palgn through movies, ?schools, and
newspapers to teach the people how to
avoid the malady.
The matter of prohibiting public:
gatherings was left to the judgment
of local authorities, although R. M.
Olin, executive officer of the state
board of health, declared the board
would take drastic measures wher-
ever needed.
Outside of Camp Custer about 1,200
cases had been reported today. In
Jackson and Battle Creek the epidemic
is at a considerable height andit is
possible that theaters will be closed
and public gatherings prohibited fi
these two cities. Grand Rapids, Mount
Clemens, Flint, Pontiac, Bay City, and
Muskegon reported a few cases but no
danger of an epidemic. There were
11,752 cases reported today.
Great Lakes, Ill., Oct. 8.-The Span-
ish influenza is under control at the
'G-reaLakes naval training station
according to naval advices. There
were only six new cases reported to
the hospital authorities last Sunday.
In the last month about 9,000 cases
were reported or an average of 300
per day, according to William. J.
Hutchins, second-class yeoman. When
it is stated that on some days there
were as many as 80 deaths, the in-
provement will be seen to be even
more marked.
"The influenza is well checked,"
said Surgeon-General Mink, who is in
charge of the naval hospital at Great
Lakes, "and I expect it to be entirely
wiped out soon." The fact that the
number of cases reported averaged
300 a day for so long a period and now
has been cut down to only six, re-
ported on last Sunday, shows that
the "flu" really is preventable by
proper care.
Crisis Passed at Camp Custer
Camp Custer, Oct. 8.-For the first
time in a week Camp Custer's hospi-
tal report Monday showed a decrease
in the number of patients, instead of
an increase. Although there were
505 additions since Sunday noon, ther
were 566 discharges.
The death roll for Monday has been
the highest in the history of the hos-
pital. There were 24 deaths in 24
hours. This brings the total for a
week to 93. Surgeons are of the
opinion that the crest of the epidemic
has passed. The number of cases
reported becomes fewer each day.
Eight New Cases Among Men
Only eight new cases of influenza
have been reported among the stu-
dents not in the students' army train-
ing corps. The situation here, as in
the camps, has taken on a much
brighter aspect and it is expected that
the number of new cases will decrease
from day to day.
The epidemic has by no means
subsided, however;. Physicians say
that more care than ever should be
taken so that there will be no danger
of it being spread. Although the pres-
ent malady may be kept within the
area which it now covers, it will not
entirely die out for some time, it is
said. A gradual falling off of the num-
ber of cases is looked for.
State Loan Total Reaches $106,000,000
Chicago, Oct. 8.-Reports to the fed-
eral reserve bank tonight show that
Michigan Liberty Loan subscriptions

total $106,000,000. Four more coun.
ties reached their allotment today.
They are Alpena, St. Clair, Allegan
and Kalkaska.



A communication from the Ameri-
can council of education in Washing-
ton recently received by Dean Myra
B. Jordan, contains an urgent appeal
to college women to train for patriot-
ic war service. The council states
that in the profuse establishment of
temporary training courses without
the definite sanction of the govern-
ment lies a danger that the energies
of students may be dissipated without
attaining the ends sought. It con-
siders, however, that the right kind of
war service training for college wo-
men is urgently necessary, as a basis
for the "replacement service" which
must supplant that hitherto afforded
by men in many fields of government-
al and civil service.
Regarding the present situation of
college women in government work,
the communication continues as fol-
lows: "American colleges are being
urged to make every effort to control
the patriotic rush of college women
without special equipment into every
sort of government work. There are
now hundreds, even thousands, of
young women in Washington doing
routine clerical work that might be
done by any elementary school grad-
uate. This represents a waste of
trained intelligence, and an unnec-
essary disturbing of community con-
ditions throughout the country. It is
to be deplored that teaching and social
service are not more widely recogniz-
ed as forms of patriotic service in
the present crisis. They should be re-
garded as essential industries.
"There are likewise in every com-
munity, other positions of responsibl-
ity that will have to be filled by pro-
perly trained college women. It is
therefore highly important that wo-
men students who are specializing in
some line of college training do not
weaken the character of this training
by cutting it short. The woman need-
ed after the war will be the highly
trained woman."
A new class of ten men has start-
ed a course in the engineering col-
lege to be known as Aeronautics 1.
The course will continue through the
first term, and is open to all stu-
dents who desire to enter. In addi-
tion, three courses designated as
Aeronautics 4, 5, and 6, will be given
to students who have had their pre-
liminary work and wish to continue
At the request of Dean Cooley of
the engineering college, Prof. F. W.
Pawlowski, assistant professor of
aeronautics, has worked out a course
of study under the new term plan to
cover two years, or eight terms. The
essentials of aeronautical engineering
will be taught and the course is being
given primarily for the members of the
students' army training corps. The
plan will be sent to Washington for
RlIgious Work for S. A. T. C. Planned
All of the churches, Sunday schools,
-and similar religious organizations of
the city have decided on a definite
religious program for the S. A. T. C.
under the immediate supervision o
the army Y. M. C. A. This plan was
outlined at a meeting Monday after-
noon, addressed by Secretary Stoffler,
of the local "Y" unit.

All October Dates Cancelled; Football
Season Starts on November
Michigan eet Northestern, Chi-
uago, Minnesota and 01h1o; May
Play Syracuse
(By the Associated Press)
Chicago, Oct. 8.-Football schedules
of the Big Ten were completely de-
vised at a special meeting of the
coaches and athletic directors here to-
day to conform with the war depart-
ment's ruling limiting the teams to
two 48 hour trips next month.
All games previously scheduled for
October were cancelled. The season
will open Nov. 2 and close Nov. 30.
None of the coaches attempted to
schedule Thanksgiving day games
with Conference elevens, but some
will undoubtedly arrange games witn
service elevens.
Chicago arranged, the heaviest
schedule, bagging five games. Michi-
gan scheduled four, and, in addition,
probably will meet Syracuse at Ann
Arbor on Nov. 16, a week before the
clash with Minnesota. The Wolver-
ines will signalize their return to the
.Conference by meeting Northwestern,
Chicago, Minnesota, and Ohio..
The revised schedule is as follows:
Saturday, Nov. 2-Iowa vs. Illinois
at Urbana; Northwestern vs. Michigan
at Ann Arbor; Purdue vs. Chicago at
Saturday, Nov. 9.-Illinois vs. Wis-
consin at Madison, Michigan vs. Chi-
cago at Chicago, and Minnesota vs.
Iowa at Iowa City.
Saturday, Nov. 16-Ohio vs. Illinois
at Urbana; Wisconsin vs. Minnesota
at Minneapolis, and Chicago vs. North-
western at Chicago.
Saturday, Nov. 23.-Illinois vs. Chi-
cago at Chicago; Minnesota vs. Mich-
igan, at Ann Arbor, and Wisconsin vs.
Ohio at Columbus.
Saturday, Nov. 30-Ohio vs. Michi-
gan (either Columbus or Ann Ar-
bor), and Minnesota vs. Chicago at
Washington, Oct. 8.-President Wl-
son has sent Germany's peace note
with a move, which will at one stroke,
develop whether her proposal is sin-
cere or merely a pretention, and, if a
pretention it be, will justify for all
time before the world the prolong-
ing of the war with force to the ut-
most, force without stint or limit. At
the same time the president has left
wide open the door to peace.
Declaiming to propose an armistice
while the armes of the central pow-
ers remain on invaded soil, the pres-
ident today called on the German
chancellor to state as an absolutely
necessary preliminary to a reply of
the Entente Allies and the United
States, whether Germany accepts the
principles of peace as repeatedly laid
down or merely proposes to accept

them "as the basis of negotiations"
and whether the chancellor merely
seeks for the German military mas-
ters conducting the war, or the whole
German people.
The men of the University training
detachment have taken up a collection
of more than $15 to purchase cigar-
ettes and candy for those who were
injured when the floor in the gymna-
sium collapsed Sunday, and for those:
in the hospital with the "flu-grippe."
The Y. M. C. A. secretaries have been
distributing the supplies among the
men. They have also been busy writ-
ing letters for those unable to do so.
There will be a movie in the Y. M.
C. A. tent tonight but attendance will
be limited to detachment men only,
as the barracks and buildings are still
under quarantine. "Ruggles of Red
Gap" is the film to be shown.

Fast Recovering
Most of the 42 men injured, when a
portion of the temporary floor at Wa-
terman gymnasium gave way, Sun-
day night, have been discharged from
the hospitals. None of the cases still
at the hospital has developed any-
thing serious and the hospitals re-
port that nearly all of the remaining
patients will be able to leave before
the end of the week.
Of 11 men taken to the Homeopath-
ic hospital, six have been removed.
Only one of the remaining five is se-
riofusly hurt. He has a fractured hip.
Some of the men were removed from
the hospitals to the infirmary on State
Signal corps courses, equipment,
and practical work in the University
are among the best in the United
States, according to remarks made by
three army officials during their re-
cent visit in Ann Arbor. The system
at Michigan is being copied for the
other signal corps courses which are
to be established in the various uni-
versities throughout the country.
A building, 192 feet long and 75 feet
wide, which will be used exclusively
by the men in the signal corps, is
nearing completion. There will be 660
signal corps men when the entire
quota is sent to Ann Arbor. At the
present time there are 100 men here.
There will probably be from 300 to
400 men sent here about the middle
of the month.
Men Take Three Courses
1n te"sinafal~co rpThiding'Akree
different courses of instruction will
be given. The right side of the build-
ing will be devoted entirely to prac-
tical line work, which consists of
splicing cables, and work of that na-
ture. The center will be given to prac-
tical field work, and at the left hand
side small rooms will be used to con-
duct quizzes. The quizzes will be held
by competent instructors in the work.
Between the signal corps building
and the Medical building, a plot of
ground has been prepared for field re-
view. In this space actual field prac-]
tice will be given, including the prac-
tice of climbing telegraph poles, re-
pairing telegraph lines and building
trench communication lines.
To Utilize Observatory Hollow
A larger reviewing field will be laid
out in Observatory hollow. Here, a
building, similar to the one erected on
the campus, will be built. Trenches,
communication lines, and as far as
possible, a duplication of the battle
field 10 miles behind the front line
trenches will be constructed.
The old surveyor's building has
been turned over to the signal corps
men. This has been remodeled and
contains class rooms for the men in
buzzer work, telephone and telegraph
communication work, switch board
construction, and theoretical work.
Mechanics Receive Pay
Members of Section B, the third
army training detachment, were paid
yesterday afternoon at the Farmers'
and Mechanics' bank. The entire 826
men were paid off at the rate of 70
men a minute. Exact figures on the

payroll are not obtainable, but an es-
timate at the amount paid totals in
more than four figures.
Guards are still maintained around
Waterman gymnasium for the purpose
of keeping students and civilians
from interfering with the work of re-
constructing the gymnasium. They
will probably be withdrawn some
time this afternoon.
Washington, Oct. 8.-Because of the
need of balloon observers by the Unit-
ed States army in France, the war de-
partment has authorized the air serv-
ice to increase its complement by 25,-1
000 men and 2,500 officers. Men of
draft age will be inducted into this
service and officers will be secured,
in part at least, from other branches
of the air service. The present corps
numbers about 11,000.j

"The allied army in France will
vanquish the German army if the peo-
ple at home defeat the Hun propagan-
da." With this statement as a key-
note, showing that the latest German
peace moves are merely cloaking the
real issues, Prof. William Hobbs in.
his lecture on "Peace Terms of De-
mocracy" in the Natural Science audi-
torium today gave reasons why the
apparent acceptance of the points in
President Wilson's peace terms is not
Professor Hobbs gave in detail the
value of natural resources abounding
in territory captured by the Germans.
He said that among the things de-
manded should be the restoration of
Alsace and Lorraine to their mother
country, complete autonomy for the
Czecho-Slovaks, the building up ofI
Russia to its former strength to pre-
vent the expansion of Germany to the
east, strengthening of small Balkan
states to enable them to protect them-1
selves amply from barbarian attacks,1
and allied benefit from the monopo-
lized resources of Germany, such as
the potash deposits and coal.
This lecture was the first of a se-
ries on "The World War and Its Con-
sequences" given to help defeat Ger-
man propaganda in favor of peace.
Professor Hobbs will give a brief res-
ume of the latest war news before
each lecture, and his conclusions will
be drawn therefrom. The next lec-
ture will be on "Freedom of the Seas."
Everyone is urged to attend.
Scholarship For
Women Avaibte
Few girls in college realize the ex-
tent of the Scholarship Loan funds.]
Through the generosity of friends o
the University, outside of the $100,-1
000 given by the Honorable Levi Bar-
bour for the Oriental women, there
has accumulated nearly $30,000 given
as memorials for the former students
or friends of the University, to be
loaned, usually without interest until
date of maturity, to girls whose work
is good and who are properly recom-
mended. In most cases the principal
is never loaned. The interest and
whatever is returned from loans above
the original principal, is loaned each
year in sums varying from $25 to $100
a semester.
Many of the alumnae are sending
from $25 to $150 a year. The Ann
Arbor branch of the A. C. A. has es-
tablished a loan fund for women es-
pecially interested in history and this
year the Detroit Federation of Clubs
has established a fund of $200. With-
in a year the interest accruing from
the donations of the Alice Freeman
Palmer fund will bring that fund to
the $5,000 mark where it will be used
as a loan fund.
Last year more than 50 girls were
loaned money from the University
Loan funds for women. No freshman
is eligible and no entering upperclass-
men until she has been one semester
in residence. Girls needing loans
should apply to Dean Myra B. Jordan.
Entrance to the prize 'essay con-
test given under the auspices of the
Michigan Historical commission, is
now open to the students of the Uni-
versity. The commission has set aside
the sum of $200 to be expended in four
prizes of $50 each, to four groups of
competitors in educational institutions

of Michigan for the best essay on "The
Essential Conditions of Permanent
World Peace."
In order to enter the contest, appli-
cation must reach the Michigan sec-
retary of the Historical commission,
Lansing, Michigan, on or before Feb.
1, 1919. Essays must reach the sec-
retary on or before April 30, 1919. The
conditions of the contest are posted
in University hall and information
may be had by writing direct to the
secretary of the commission. Win-
ners of prizes in the contest of 1917-
18 are not eligible for this contest.


British Force Turks 30 Miles North
of Damascus; Turkish Cabinet
(By the Associated Press)
Athens, Monday, Oct. 7.-Dele-
gates from the government of
Symra, Turkey, are expected to
reach Athens tonight with an of.
fer of peace to the Entente Allies.
Bern, Oct. 8.-The German emperor
addressing the German soldiers at
Rufagh, Alsace, late in September,
"Neither the French or the Amer-
icans will break through our front in
Alsace-Lorraine. We shall defend with
the last man these provinces which
belong to us. Our enemies cannot
and will not succeed. We are under
Divine protection."
(By the Associated Press)
The complete withdrawal of the
troops of the Teutonic allies from oc-
cupied territory is essential to peace
offers with Germany. This fact was
made known to Germany and Austria-
Hungary in answer to the recent ap-
peal to the German imperial chancel-
lor for an armistice and a discussion
for a possible means for ending the
Wilson Sends Answer
In dditm, Fresidht d4i
sirous of knowing, and has directly
asked the question, for whom the im-
perial chancellor was speaking when.
he advanced his proposal-whether it
was for the constituted authorities of
the empire who have been conducting
the war or for the whole German peo-
ple. The president also desired to
know if Germany in seeking peace ac-
cepts the terms already laid down by
the president as the basis for the end-
ing of hostilities.
Meanwhile the Entente Allied forces
everywhere are defeating the armies
of the Teutonic allies. In France they
are fast carrying forward manoevers
which are resulting in the enemy's
line giving way from the region of
Cambrai and Verdun. Likewise in
Macedonia and Turkey the cleaning
up process continues unabatted.
Allies Start Mighty Drive
Over a front of 20 miles between
Cambrai and St. Quentin the British,
American, and French troops have
started a mighty drive, which in its
initial stage has thrown the enemy
back from highly prized tactical posi-
tions to a depth of from two to five
miles. Numerous towns ,have been
captured and seemingly all the great
defensive positions of the enemy in
this region have been obliterated.
Large numbers of prisoners have been
added to the already great throng
captured since the Allied offensive be-
gan and terrible casualities were in-
flicted on the enemy.
On the southern part of the battle
line, from the Rheims sector to the
Meuse river, the French and Amer-
icans are carrying out successfully
their converging movement northward
and on all sectors have gained addi-
tional ground. Northwest of Berry-
au-Bac the French have driven their
line to the junction of the Aisne. and
Suippe rivers, placing the German
front around Laon and eastward In
greater jeopardy. In Champagne
General Gouraud's forces have in-

creased their gains all the way east-
ward to the region of the Argonne for-
est, while on the 'eastern side of the
forest the Americans have improved
their battle front along the Aille val-
In Macedonia the Italians and the
Serbs are still forcing the enemy
troops to retire in Albania and Serbia,
while in Palestine the British have
driven the troops more than 30 miles
north of Damascus. Reports are to
the effect that the Turkish cabinet
has resigned and that the Turks have
sent delegates to Greece to talk peace.

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