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December 12, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-12-12

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Last of Examinations Completed; to
Release Five More from
Close on the heels of section B, 425
men from section A of the S. A. T. C.
were dismissed from tbe service yes-
terday. These men comprised com-
panies 5 and 6,- both being freshman
engineer detachments. These are the
first men from ection A to leave and
they were also the first of the section
A men to be examined. Their papers
had all been made out previous to yes-
terday and their payment, the only
other necessary act to complete their
discharge, began yesterday morning,
and was finished by noon. The pay
roll is all here now and the payment
of the men will be run off as fast as
possible. In addition to companies 5
and 6 who were paid yesterday, com-
panis 7 and 8 received their pay and
will be given their discharges at an
early hour today.
Turn in Blankets Yesterday
The men from companies 5 and 6
turned in their cots and blankets dur-
ing the day, some of them being car-
ried down to the Union and others go-
ing on the motor trucks. The blank-
ets are to be turned over to the
quartermaster, but the cots are to be
stored at the Union for the present.
Work was begun at once on the fra-
ternity houses which these companies
occupied and by last night the Phi
Delta Theta house was in first class
shape. The University will continue
this work on the other houses as soon
as they are vacated.
Will Not Get Faire Home
Men in section A will not receive
their railroad fares it was announced
at headquarters yesterday. The gov-
ernment provides that men who are
inducted into the service shall receive
their railroad fare back to the point
of their induction when they are dis-
missed. It is because of this regula-
tion that the section B men will be
given mileage back to the point of their
induction but as all the section A men
were inducted locally they are not en-
titled to it. No substantiation is giv-
en at headquarters to the report that
reduced rates would be given to the
men of section A.
RPractically the last of the examin-
ig was completed yesterday when
three men were looked over. Only
five men are left in the hospital and
these will be released as soon as they
are able to leave. The total number of
those who were kept in the army as
physically unfit to be discharged came
up to 112 for section A and five for
section B. At present there are no
cases of influenza among the army
Mrs. Bertha Papazian of Boston

will address the Cosmopolitan club at
4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon in Sar-
ah Caswell Angell hall on the sub-
ject of ."Armenia, America and the
World Peace." She has given this
same lecture at Wellesley and Emer-
son colleges and the larger cities of
the country. Although she is an
American she is working in the inter-
ests of the Armenian cause. She will
give another lecture at 9 o'clock in
room 101, Economics building. No ad-
mission will be charged and the pub-
lie is invited to attend.

Owing to the demobilization of the
S. A. T. C., the University Glee club
has not yet been fully organized. There
are vacancies for all voices and the
men are urged to tryout. In all prob-
ability there will be a number of short
trips to other cities, but Mr. Theodore
Harrison. does not expect to make as
long a.tour as the 1916-17 club made.
The .tyout is to be held from 7:30
o'clock to 8:30 o'clock tonight in Mr.
Harrison's studio, room 206, Univer-
sity School of Music. Freshmen are
not eligible to compete for places.
The relations between the Union and
the University regarding the S. A. T.
C. mess have been misinterpreted by
many students on the campus. The
patriotic attitude of the Union in of-
fering to undertake the stupendous
task of feeding 3,600 men three times
a day is not appreciated by the aver-
age student. Although the Union was
the only organization in any way
equipped to do this, the action was
purely voluntary.
The actual expenditure per day for
each man is $.67, of which $.46 is for
food and the remaining $.21 for help,
clerical help, equipment and renewals,
light, freight, and incidentals. Gov-
ernment auditors will go over the
books of the Union when the S. A. T.
C. has been completely disbanded and
then the government will pay the sum
of all the expenses to the University,
who will reimbrse the Union.
The menus are modeled after
those 6f other camps and are subject
to change at the discretion of the
commanding officer. Serving of the
food is in charge of mess sergeants,
who requisition the amount of food
necessary each day for their com-
In most camps a cooking unit serves
250 men while here one kitchen pro-
vides for the entire 3,600. The steam-
ing facilities that have been install-
ed in each mess hall keep the food
hot until it is ready to be served.
The cost basis contract will satisfy
the most curious that the Union is
not making and never did intend to
make any profit.
Military police scoured the streets
of Ann Arbor last night to round up
soldiers and sailors who were wan-
dering around without discharge pa-
pers or passes.
The guard house was filled early
in the evening and the men could not
be released as fast as they were
brought in. When taken before the
officer of the day, they were quizzed
and then sent to report to their com-
pany commanders. Even this system
did not relieve the congested guard
Fraternity rooms and other gather-
ing places were raided by the mili-
tary police at various times during the

evening. A number of men were tak-
en from these places. Even The Daily
offices were raided when a soldier who
was being followed by one of the sen-
tries entered the building. No other
military men were found in The Daily
n'ffice, however.
Company 13, section A, (was the
unit on police duty and the details
were n (nmmand of sergeants and
corpora1e. The police had no trouble
in their raiding.
Vacant looms Must Be Listed at Once
A large number of demobilized S.
A. T. C. men are desirous of rooms.
So far a comparatively small list of
vacancies has been sent in, and as
it is imperative that rooms be obtain-
ed immediately, it is strongly urged
that all householders having vacant
rooms either leave a notification to
that effect at Lane hall, or call 823
at once.

(By Associated Press)
Washington, Dec. 11.- Warning tot
the country that the influenza epidem-t
ic is by no means ended and that allt
possible means would be taken to caret
for health, was issued by Surgeon-
General Blue tonight.
Reports show an increase of the dis-
ease, practically from one end of the1
country to another, and in his state-I
ment, Doctor Blue advised the clos-
ing of the public schools on the first
sign of the reappearance of the epi-t
demic. He said the disease apparentlyE
now tended to occur more frequently
among school children.-
State Faces Same Danger
Lansing, Dec. 11.- That the statet
is facing another outbreak of influ-
enza, possibly of more serious pro-t
portions than the first, was the opin-
ion expressed by some officials hereI
yesterday, when new cases reported to
the board of health numbered 2,063,c
the, highest figure issued in several
Today's total almost equals the
heaviest reports during the October
epidemic. The number in Detroit
jumped to 158, Kalamazoo, where a
general closing order went into ef-I
feet today, reported 129, and the epi-
demic at Grand Rapids was about sta-
tionary, with 109 cases.7
State Officials Lack Power .
Health officials announced they have
received complaints from several sec-
tions of the state that individual quar-
antines established by the local au-
thorities were not being maintained.
Health officials should bring it to the
attention of the various county prose-
cuting attorneys, it was said, for state,
officials are without power to act on
the matter. With the quarantin now
in the hands of the health officers the
health boards will watch the method
of fighting the epidemic before more
drastic measures are taken. The plan1
is recommended to local authorities,1
but if they deem it necessary, the state
board will not object to local closing
orders. The state authorities are now
concerned chiefly with keeping the
disease within bounds.
"V7Jring Activities
Vlack, " All Agree
That the immediate resumption of
student activities is a good move is
the general campus opinion.
"I believe," said Registrar Hall yes-
terday, "in the resumption of all cam-
pus activities of a wholesome nature
insofar as it may be done without im-
pairing scholarship. I believe , in
pleasure as well as hard work,, but
pleasure must not be allowed to con-
flict with studies." Mr. Hall feels that
this move will tend to improve the
morale of the University.
Theron Van Dusen, '19E, president
of the Student Council, thinks that
the re-instatement of all campus cus-
toms will have a beneficial and re-
constructive effect upon the Univer-
sity. "There seems to be an enthu-
siastic attitude towards the re-in-
statement of the opera," he said. "The
talent on the campus is plentiful and
indications point towards an all-man
show. The J-hop should be included
among the activities, but it should not

be as elaborate as those of former
Don Springer, '19E, does not feel
that the second semester will be need-
ed to make up work lost through the
confusion caused by the S. A. T. C.
"I feel," he said, "that this work can
be made up before Feb. 17, thus giv-
ing us a fresh start for the second
semester. I am heartily in favor of
returning to the old order of student
Clarence Roeser, '19E, considers
that the matter of re-establishing cam-
pus activities should be looked at
from the view-point of the returning
student-soldier. "The S. A. T. C. man
has seen Michigan as he knew it
completely effaced. Those students
returning from training camps will
want Michigan to be as they left it,
normal. Thus it is necessary to se-
cure this state of affairs by re-estab-
lishing the time honored traditions of'
tL e University.




Only two weeks till Christmas! Only
two weeks till Santa Claus comes with,
dolls and little tin horns and every-
thing. And Santa Claus is coming,
too, to all Ann Arbor children any-
way, so the Good Fellowship plan pro-
vides. Under the auspices of the soci-
al service committees of the Y. W. C.
A. and the Women's league, plans have
been made to dress 15 little girls and1
give them the kind of Christmas that
we all want for our little sisters. Lit-1
tle brothers are taken care of by oth-
er organizations.
In addition to this, arrangements
have been made to dress 50 dolls and
$10 has been turned over for purchas-
ing these dolls. It has been the cus-
tom in years past for each sorority
and each dormitory to take one child
to dress at Christmas time. Girls out-
side of dormitories, and sororities may
buy dolls and dress them, or give
money to buy dolls, or else dress one
of the dolls already brought. These
dolls can be obtained at Barbour gym-
nasium where the money is also re-
The following dormitories Ind sor-
orities will dress little girls: Martha
Cook, 2; Kent house, Westminster
house, Kappa Alpha Theta, Chi Omega,
Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Phi, Delta Delta
Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Gam-
ma Phi Beta, Delta Gamma, and Theta
Phi Alpha, each one.
The good fellowship work began in
1916. Very little work was done last
year but this Christmas an unusually
large amount is expected as a thank
Signs of Ye Good
-.Old Days Appear
Farewell! The word is once more
being said in Michigan, this time not
by sedate black-gowned seniors strut-
ting forth off the diagonal to greet the
wide world. Rather, it is shouted out
by bevies of khaki-clad used-to-be S.
A. T .C's as the parting word to
college life a la militaire, likewise as
a greeting to the return of ye good
old normal school days.
It is unlikely that Ann Arbor will
ever duplicate some of its present
scenes - the lawns of its erstwhile
fraternity house - "barracks" strewn
with cots and bedding and boxes and
suit-cases with animated organisms in
between emitting peculiarly human
howls of delight; the grining student
out-of-arms, laboriously limping down
the sidewalk toward his new civilian
domicile, with three hats on one head,
a blanket for a collar, a mandolin
suspended from a coat button, half a
dozen pairs of shoes decorating one
wrist and a suit-case or two dangling
from the other; the air, normally pul-
sating to the tune of "Mr. Noah," or
"I Want to Go Back"-dedicated to
final and touching if not exactly mus-
ical tributes to the virtues of some
unsuspecting sergeant; a startlingly
suspicious trend of traffic toward
(alas, not Joe's Oren's, Elmer's,
"Tutt's," and the rest of the popular
anti-bean-for-breakfast brotherhood;
and last but not least, the buglers'
last contribution of long-drawn,
squirming combinations of sharps and
fiats which anyone with an abnormal
sense of harmony might construe into
Farewell, Marn! "
Practically all of the men in the
naval unit have undergone their phys-

ical examination and will be given
their discharges as soon as they are
received from Great Lakes naval
training station. The names of the
men who passed the examination are
sent to Great Lakes, where their dis-
charge papers are made out.
"We have examined all the men in
the unit except seven or eight who
are away on furlough," said Lieut. Al-
len L. Porter, who was in charge of
the examining.
These men will be examined as
soon as they return.

Work in the re-registering of all the
male students in the University is
progressing as well as could be ex-
pected, according to the officials in
charge. A large number of civilian
students in the literary college reg-
istered yesterday, while two men who
had just returned from officers' train-
ing camps, enrolled for the first time
this year.
Now that the men in the S. A. T. C.
are being discharged, their re-enroll-
ment and paying of fees will begin
today. The civilian students who
have failed thus far to comply with
the request, are again asked to fol-
low out the order at once. Men in the
S. A. T. C. should report for re-reg-
istration as soon as they receive their
discharge papers, the latter to be
brought with them.
(By Associated Press)
Paris, Dec. 11. - The address which
President Wilson will make to the
American troops, probably as soon'
after his arrival in France as possi-
ble, is expected to be one of the most
important delivered during his stay
in Europe, and it is being looked for-
ward to by Europeans, who hope to
gain from this a more definite idea of
the President's exact position regard-
ing numerous vital points. It is con-
sidered likely that the Presdent will
make his speech at the American
front, but at what place has not yet
been determined.
The President, it is announced, will
visit devastated districts in France,
and although present plans are tenta-
tive, all depending upon his own de-
sires, the visits may take him into
German territory. Visits to Metz and
Strassbourg are extremely probable.
Wilson to Lunch with Poincare
President Wilson will lunch with
President Poincare on Saturday soon
after his arrival. The plans for Sun-
day have not yet been made known.
President Wilson will hold a recep-
tion in the Paris city hall to which a
host of officials are invited.
The Associated Press is in a posi-
tion to state definitely that he will
visit Italy, but no date has been fix-
ed. Hundreds of invitations to visit
places in France and Allied countries
are being received daily. It is con-
sidered likely that he will not attend
a number of functions in Paris for he
will need all the time possible to at-
tend to the urgent business which
brings him to Europe.
A national membership campaign
for the Red Cross Christmas-roll call
will be waged between December 16
and 23. Every adult will be solibited
to take out a year's membership for
-$1. If this drive proves successful it
will be sufficient to finance the na-
tional Red Cross for some time, thus
deferring all other campaigns. The
soliciting in Ann Arbor will all be
done on one day, December 18.
Evensar Elected Senior Law President

The senior law class elected V. T.
Evensar as its president yesterday
after having voted three times to clear
the tie between the president-elect
and Jay Stough. This was the only
class to have a serious tie in this
year's elections.
The other officers of the class chos-
en at the election two weeks ago are:
Emil Annebal, vice-president; Wil-
liam O'Connell, secretary; John Simp-
son, treasurer, and J. I. Dickenson,
oratdrical delegate.
R. 0. T. C. Rests with Regents
Whether or not to re-establish a
unit of the reserve officers' training
corps was discussed yesterday at the
meeting of the University Senate. They
will make a report to the Board of
Regents at its next session Friday.
The Senate refused to state what de-
cision they reached in regard to this

System Proposes to "Immensely In-
crease Efficency of Entire Trans-
portation Machine"
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Dec. 11.-Extension of
the period of government control of
railroads for five years until Jan. 1,
1924, was recommended to congress by
Director General McAdoo.
Advantages of this, Mr. McAdoo
said, are that it would put the railroad
question out of politics for the present,
give time for carrying out an exten-
sive program of improvements, and
provide opportunity for a fair test of-
unified control to indicate the perman-
ent solution of the railroad problem.
Wilson Holds Same View
"The President has given me permis-
sion to say that this conclusion ac-
cords with his own view of the mat-
ter," Mr. McAdoo concluded.
The letter was addressed to Senator
Smith, of South Carolina, and Rep-
resentative Simms, chairmen respec-
tively of the senate and house inter-
state commerce committees.
Mr. McAdoo explained, that to con-
timue government operations for 21
-onths after normal declaration of
},eace, under present conditions, would
mean disruption of morale among em-
ployes and officers, and can not en-
able the government to go ahead with
improvements, and purchase of equip-
nent. - -
Federal Control Helps All
Another alternative, the return of
the railroads to private control, with-
out legislation, he said, would elimin-
ate the old wasteful competition, and
would be "hurtful alike to the public
interest and to the railroads them-
He said the difficulty of obtaining
immediately legislation providing a
terminate solution is apparent.
Puts Questions Out of Politics
"There is one, a-nd to my mind only
one, practical and wise alternative,"
Mr. McAdoo continued. "And that is to
extend the period of federal control
for the one year and nine months,
provided by the present law, to five
years, or until the first day of January,
"This extension would take the rail-
road question out of polities for
a reasonable period. It would give
composure to railroad officers and em-
ployers. It would admit of the pre-
paration and carrying out of d com-
prehensive program of improvements
of railroads and their terminal facil-
ities, which would immenselyincrease
the efficiency of the transportation
U. S. Backs Railroads
"It would put back of the railroads
the credit of the United States during
the five year period so that the financ-
ing of these improvements could be
successfully carried out. It would of-
fer the necessary opportunities, under
proper conditions, to test the value of
unified control, and the experience
thus gained, would of itself Indi-
cate the permanent solution of the

railroad problem.
"The American people have a right
to this test. It is to their interest
that it should be done. In my opinion
it is the only practicable and reason-
able method to determine the solution
of this grave economic problem."
Practical difficulties of continuing
before government operation under ex-
isting authority, Mr. McAdoo pointed
out, are the growing conflicts of au-
thority between state and federal jur-
isdiction, inadequacy with the half bil-
lion dollar revising fund for financ-
ing improvements, inability to force
railroads to pay for cars and locomso-
tives without litigation, and to require
terminal improvements.
Want Men to Canvass City for Work
All men who wish to aid in can-
vassing the city for jobs for the de-
mobilized men should apply to Mr.
Fetter at Lane hall immediately. They
will be remunerated for their services.

S. A. T. C. MEN

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