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December 11, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-12-11

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Clerks and Sick, Retained for a Time,
Are Placed In a New Comr-
The actual discharging of the men
in the S. A. T. C. began yesterday
when 900 of the section B men. were
released from the service. This num-
ber includes practically all section B,
there being only 70 men retained. The
small number who were not releas-
ed are made up for the most part, of
those who were not dismissed for phy-
sical reasons, but also includes the
men who are now in the hospitals un-
able to leave. They will be discharg-
ed as soon as they are fit again.
In addition, a few men are being
kept to take care of the clerical work
an'd a few other duties. Those who
are to remain in the service are be-
ing formed into a new company to be
known as company 17, which will be
in charge of Lieut. Morris D. Dur-
Slate Payroll Hinders Discharge
The papers for section B were fill-
ed out before yesterday morning, and
the only thing that prevented dis-
charge of the men was the failure of
the pay roll to arrive on time. When
it came yesterday morning, the sec-
tion B men were paid off rapidly. No
provision was made for the payment
of their railroad fares. Railroad fares.
however, will be refunded by mail.
Students Await Discharge Papers
Most of the discharge papers have
been made out for men in section A,
but the" work has beenheld up a lit-
tle by lack of discharge blanks, 500 of
which are expected from Chicago at
once. The section A payroll has ar-
rived. It was stated at headquarters
that the paying of the men probably
will begin today, and be run off in
the order of their discharge. Only
two men from section A have "been
discharged so far, but headquarters
claim they will be dismissed at the
rate of four companies a day before
the end of the week.
The lieutenants who have been in
charge here were given their physi-
cal examinations yesterday, but no
information as to their discharge has
been received as yet.
A farewell company smoker and
supper was held last evening by Co.
'9, section A, S. A. T. C. at Newberry
hall. The original plans for the
vaudeville act having failed to ma-
ture, a good two-reel comedy was
secured through the courtesy of the
Majestic theater. An impromptu vaude-
ville act was the next on the pro-
Sume of the numbers rendered were
selections by an orchestra composed
of company members Sideman, Gan-
non, Lyons, Haug, and Hesha. Popu-
lar songs by P. O.'Hara, Larry Lous-
borough, First Sergt. Harry Kirtz and
Lieutenant Dooley followed 'the musi-
cal selections. Lieutenant Duke then
told some stories and Private Hiden-
rich gave a reading. The program
ended with a talk by Lieutenant Doo-
Adeiphi Men Give Impromptu Tabks
Hot speeches formed the feature of
last evening's Adelphi meeting. The
session was called to order at 7:30
o'clock and after the regular run of'
business a series of hot speeches were
given. Each member wrote the title
of a subject he wished to discuss or
wished to have discussed. They were
then collected and mixed up. Mem-
bers were then called to the platform,

picked out a topic at random and aft-
er a moment's thought spoke for three
minutes on the topic drawn.
A social meeting was arranged for
next week with a special program
an "Ptc" .n th chisef feature"

Storm Without;
Wreck Within
In the first place she was in a
dreadful hurry--she had to go over
to-Oh, well, what's the use, you all
know what it is to be in a hurry..
Just as she got comfortably seated
and the waiterbrought in her dinner,
the lights began to misbehave. Yes,
"misbehave" is the word. Then prob-
ably frightened at their own temeri-
ty they went out altogether. For a
moment she sat there aghast at the
cruelty of her fate. But as we said
before she was in a hurry, so men-
tally taking courage she bravely
grasped her fork in her trusty right
,hand and made a wild stab in the
general direction of her plate.
Alas-she must have lost her horse-
shoe-for instead. of "forking" some
mashed potato o -some roast beef she
upset her cup of coffee, or so she
Judged by the feeling, for it was still
and dark as West hall on a rainy
Just then some poor misguided soul
believing that he could wade through
the dining room, even as a cat would
pick its way across the campus after
dark, walked into her chair and over
they went. It was at that critical mo-
ment that the lights changed their
minds and came back on again.
What became of her? Oh, she died,
so they say-of brain fever. Her last
words were, "It's all wrong, it's all
(By Associated Press)
Brest, Dec. 10.- (4 P. M.)-- The
steamship George Washington. carry-
ing President Wilson and the 'Amer-
can delegates to the peace congress
at Paris, was reported by the naval
v,'ireless as passing the Azores at 1
o'clock this afternoon. All on board
vere well aftertthe stormy weather
'.hrough which the presidential liner
Preparations for receiving Presi-
dent Wilson here have now been com-
pleted. The city is fairly humming
with expectancy. The first plan of
sending an American dreadnaught
fleet seaward has been changed. Ac-
cording to the new plan the fleet will
go out early Friday morning to en-
counter the American party a short
distance off the coast and accompany
it to port.
French Ships to Exchange Salutes
French warships also will take for-
eign Minister Pichon, Minister of
Marine Leygues, and Andre Tardieu,
head of the general commission for
Franco-American war questions, for
the first greetings, an exchange of
French officers arrived here today
from Paris to make final arrange-
ments with the local authorities for
the President's landing. The George
Washington draws too much water to
enter the inner harbor, so the Pres-
ident's ship and the entire fleet of
warships will anchor in the outer
harbor about a mile off shore.
Wilson to Arrive in France Friday
An American party, consisting of
General Pershing, General Bliss, Ad-
miral William S. Benson, Admiral
Henry B. Wilson, and Col. E. M.
House. then will board a liner and

bring the President and Mrs. Wilson
ashore aboard a naval tug.,
French ministers will extend a
formal welcome to the American Pres-
ident as he sets foot on French soil.
Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of the
President, arrived at Brest today to
meet the presidential party. She will
accompany the President to Paris.
The George Washington is expected
to arrive about noon Friday. The
landing of the President is planned
for 3 o'clock in the afternoon and he
is expected to arrive in Paris at 10
o'clock Saturday morning.
Alies p Refuse Preliminary Treaty
Amsterdam, Dec. 10-The Deutsch-
er Tages Ze it ng of Berlin, a copy of
which has been received here, says it
learns from a reliable source that the
Entente powers will refuse to con-
clude a preliminary peace treaty with
Germany before a. meeting of the.
German national assembly.

It seems quite probable that if the
J Hop is- held this year at all it will
be necessary to postpone it. The reg-
ular time heretofore has been be-
tween semesters, immediately after
Prof. Louis A. Strauss, chairman of
the committee on student affairs, said
that he did not see how the hop could
be held at the regular time because
he felt that the men on the commit-
tee in charge of the work would not
have time enough to put it on, espe-
cially now when everybody is trying
to make up work lost through the S.
A. T. C.
He saw no reason why it could not
be held later if the students wished.
Dean John R. Effinger also felt that
it should be postponed. He even went
so far as to say that he felt that it
might be a good plan to make this
change permanent.
There was a meeting of the junior
Lit. class last Thursday but so few
were present that it was impossible
to do anything definite. Although
there is much to be done in the way
of fixing up the fraternity houses and
the gym. before the J hop may be con-
sidered the social committee is
anxious to have it.
x Members of the S. A. T. C. and of
the naval unit were permitted to at-
tend public gatherings last night, due
to the fact that the medical author-
ities of both the organizations sanc-
tioned the lifting of the influenza ban
to soldiers and sailors.
The medical authorities asserted
last night that this measure was tak-
en on account of the fact that there
was no material increase of the dis-
ease among students in these two
branches of the service.
In case the situation becomes dan-
gerous in the city, however, the au-
thorities will take more drastic meas-
ures to prohibit the spread of the
At the present time there are few
sicknesses among the S. A. T. C. men
and the students in the naval unit.
The health situation, the authorities
state, is fair.
All male students in the University
who are not in the military organi-
zations, and those who have already
received their release, must re-regis-
ter beginning with today. Blanks for
the new registration are ready, and
the civilian students are requested to
re-enroll at once so as not to cause
confusion, when the S. A. T. C. and
naval unit men start to come in.
The blanks are short and little time
will be lost in filling them out. S. A.
T. C. men should re-enroll as soon as
they receive their discharge papers,
the naval unit men as soon as re-
leased These discharge and release
papers must be brought and exhib-

Whether or not the University ought
to re-establish a unit of the reserve
officers training corps after the dis-
bandment of the present military or-
ganizations, will be the subject of dis-
cussionat the University Senate meet-
ing tonight.
At the request of the war depart-
ment the University will debate upon
the question pertaining to the R. 0.
T. C. The members of the Senate
will express their opinions, and will
make a recommendation to the Board
of Regents. The Board of Regents
holds its next session Friday, and it
is expected that at this time the final
decision will be made. What this de-
cision will be, is uncertain.
Upon the outcome depends the ques-
tion of compulsory gymnastics for
freshman students. If the R. O. T.
C. is to be re-established, the gymna-
s4um training will be made a part
of the military work, and all fresh-
men taking the latter are thereupon
exempt from the classes which would
be held for those not enlisting. The
rule on the gymnasium question states
that every man in the University must
take the physical training unless he
be given an exemption.
The second number in the series of
Twilight Recitals under the auspices
of the University School of Music,
which are given in Hill auditorium,
will take place Sunday afternoon, at
3 o'clock, when a program of commu-
nity music will be offered under the
direction of Mr. Theodore Harrison,
head of the Voice department of the
school and director of community
singing in the S. A. T. C. and naval
This concert is intended not only
for the University students, but for
the general public as well, and it is
hoped that all persons in the city in-
terested in the singing of patriotic
songs and old familiar hymns will be
present. Mr. Harrison will include
such numbers as "Carry Me Back to
Old Virginia," "Old Black Joe," etc.
Arrangements have been made to have
the words shown on the screen.
No admission charge is made and
the public in general is cordially in-
"There is every hope that the study
of Spanish in this country will be-
come increasigly popular," said Mr.
Julio del Toro, of the Spanish de-
partment. He realizes that the inter-
est in Spanish here has been main-
tained for commercial reasons, and
specifically, interest in the commerce
of South America. Although the mere
study of the language does niot im-
ply immediate connection with the
commerce, yet it has a psychological
effect in the interest it creates in
things Spanish.
The South American field is an ever-

Army Hunts For
Joy Riding Gob
A long time ago he was a gob, but
he had obtained a leave of absence
and was cavorting around the city
with someone's else Packard. He had
a supercilious look on his face, and
he felt that he was far superior to any
human being that graced the-streets
of Ann Arbor.
Down the road he came. He was
about to pass acompany of S. A. T.
C. men who were marching in order-
ly file to mess. He felt his own free-
dom so much that he managed to pick
out every puddle in the street. Then
he put on speed to make as big a
splash as he could.
Every man in line on his side of
the street was nearly annihilated with
the mud and spray that the wheels
sent up. He passed on, with a laugh
and was thereby initiated into the,
class of those who put coins in fuse,
plugs to see the lights blow out and,
the gang who rock canoes. What a{
shame that the war regulations de-'
mand that order must always be kept
under any conditions.
And the asylums are overflowing
(By Associated Press)
New York, Dec. 10. - With the
consent of the navy department, the
office of Vice-Admiral Gleaves, com-'
mander of the cruiser and transport{
force, made public tonight figures
showing exactly the proportionate
share of troops conveyed to France
in American -vessels.
U. S. Ships Carry 46.25 Per Cent
Of the entire army of 2,079,000 mea
taken over 46.25 per cent were carried
in American ships, 49.5 in British; and
the balance in French and Italian
vessels. Of the total Atrength of the
naval escort guarding all these con-
voys, the United States had 82.75 per
cent, Great Britain 14 1-8 ,and France,
3 1-8.
It was felt that these official fig-
ures should be made public owing to
the discrepancies of American speak-
ers who attempted to show the share
of America in transporting troops to
France to turn the tide of battle.
British Vessels Take 1,698,000 Troops
In actual figures, 912,082 were car-
ried in American transports and 40,-
499 in other American ships; 1,689,000
were carried in British bottoms, and
68,246 in British leased Italian ships,
and 52,066 by French and Italian ships.
Not a single soldier of those car-
ried in United States naval transports
was lost.
The Ann Arbor Red Cross has been
very busy making clothing for the
Allies. Two hundred paper vests on
a substantial foundation of outing
flannel have just been completed by
the sewing department of the local
chapter. They are to be shipped im-
mediately to the American expedition-
ary forces in Siberia.

The department has also made 275
warm articis of clothing which are
being shipped to the headquarters of
the Red Cross in France, to be distrib-
uted among refugees. The ladies of
the Church of Christ and the Wom-
an's Benefit association of the local L.
O. T. M. deserve especial credit for
this work. During the last month, the
seamstresses of the Red Cross made
500 signal flags, which were to have
been used by the naval unit stationed
Help is needed in order tp complete
the quota of 150 sweaters for nurses.
They must be finished by January 1.
Many sweaters and pairs of socks are
also needed for men overseas.
French Troops Enter Nainz
(Havas Agency)
Berlin via Basel, Dec 10.-The main
body of the French army of occupa-
tion, headed by a band, has entered
Nainz, one of the principal fortresses
of Germany on the Rhine.

SINCE 9AP..,11,
Teutons Kill 66 Commissioned Naval
Officers In Battle; Cyclops Dis-
appears "Mysteriously"
(By Associated Press)
Washington, Dec. 10.-Only 44 ves-
sels of the navy, including army and
cargo transports manned by naval
crews, were lost from the declaration
of war April 6, 1917, until hostilities
ceased Nov. 11, and ,only 12 of these
were destroyed by enemy submarines.
This was revealed by an appendix
to the annual report of Secretary
Daniels made public today. Three of
the 12 ships torpedoed were war
craft, the Jacob Jones, sunk Dec. 6,
1917, with a loss of 63 lives; the coast
guard Tampa, sunk Dec, 6, 1918, with
a loss ,of 112 lives; and the yacht
Alecdo, which carried down 20 men.
Mine Sinks One Cruiser
Three ships lost by mines included
only one war craft, the armored
cruiser San Diego, which went down
off Fire Island .last July 19, with a
loss of 50 lives. This was the only
loss of life on ships destroyed by
mines, but 678 men on torpedoed ships
were drowned or killed by explosions.
These included 40 men on two ships,
the transport Miunt Vernon and cargo
carrier Westbridge, which were towed
to port and repaired.
Fifteen ships, including the destroy-
er Chauncey and Shaw, the submar-
ne F-1, four submarine chasers, the
oast guard cutter Mohawk, the cruis
er Schurs,-the yaht -Wakya 11,th
patrol boat Tarantula, were lost in
^ollisions. The other vessels ofte
14 were cargo carriers. The total
loss of life was 77.
sHun batteries Sink One Vessel
Fourteen vessels, including the car-
rier Cyclops, were given under the
head of miscellaneous sinkings. These
included three submarine chasers, two
trawlers, two patrols, two yachts, and
two tugs, and the total loss of life was
346. The Cyclops was given in the
list of "mysteriously disappeared."
One of the patrol boats was unk by
German shore batteries while one of
the submarine chasers was "shelled
by mistake." Two of the ships were
destroyed by internal explosions.
A total of 151 American merchant
vessels were lost from August, 1914,
to Nov. 11, 1918. Submarines ac-
counted of 139 of these, mines five,
and enemy raiders seven.
Sea Claims Lives of 1,121 Naval Men
Naval casualties in the enlisted
personnel from April, 6, 1917, to Nov.
11, 1918, were 1,121, including 55 men
of the U. S. S. Scorpion, interned at
The summary shows: Dead, 98;
injured, 130; missing, 22; prisoner, 8,
unaccounted for, 3; and in hospital,
condition unknown, 10.
There were 351 casualties among
the commissioned personnel: Thirty-.
six officers were killed in actual com-
bat with the senemy; 81 died of acci-
dent, collisions, etc., and 234 died of ,
natural causes.

Classes in Peace Negotiations,
course 37, in the Literary college, will
meet for the first time at 3 oclock
Monday, Dec. 16, in room 102, Econom-
ics building. This course is open to
all members of the S. A. T. C. and
naval unit and others who receive
permission from the dean of their
college. It is to be a five hour course,
giving two hours' credit toward grad-
Those desiring to enroll should see
Prof. R. T. Crane at his office in the
Economics building or call him at
his home, telephone number 2461.
Recital in Chi. by Michigan Woman
Glenore D. Caton, who has been
studying voice with Mr. Theodore
Harrison of the School of Music, has
returned from Chicago, where on Fri-
day evening she gave a recital at the
home of H. Bernard Jones on Sher-
idan road.

growing one and offers ever-increas-
Laws Expect Increased Emnsollment ing possibilities. During the war, in
spite of all kinds of restriction, South
Dean H. M. Bates of the Law school, Amercan commerce amounted to
has received over 200 inquiries from $2,000,000,000.
former students now in the service Just recently the commissioner of
whowshto return to school as s education for the United States re-
as possible. Most of these have beenquseththecolsadolge-
from men in the navy who wish a quested that the schools and colleges'
frommen n te nay wo wih aof this country encourage the study
signed statement from him in order
to get a release in order to continue of Spanish. In New York City, which
their college work. While the com- may be taken - as a giude to judge
plete enrollment in the Law school at the tendencies of this country, it has
present is only 79 it stands second been found that there are more stu-
in size in the country. Dean Bates dents studying Spanish than any oth-
expects an increase of about 150 in er language. A recent census gave
students next semester. a total of 22,000 students in Spanish
French has been and will always
Former Engineer Here an Furlough: be poular in cultural ways. When the
William Parr ex-'19E, is here on t study of Spanish first started, only
furlough from the Massachusetts In- the commercial aspects of the lan-
stitute of Technology, where he is guage were thought of. But now it is
finishing his ground school in naval being discovered among students of
aviation. He left here on May 30, Spanish that Spain has a literature,
1917, enlisting in the navy. After 16 and a great literature. With its tre-
months he was transferred to naval mendous commercial advantages and
aviation. It is probable that this moreove great literary possibilities
branch will remain on active duty, as the futu of Spanish in this country
the men are enlisted for four years. will be more than assured.

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