F. . t at' ,ij PI DAY AND S. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1918 P 1 SITY UNDER YEARLY PLAN Under the new schedule, the year will be divided into four terms of 12 weeks each. At the end of each term, one week will be given for examina- tions. The periods will be two hours long. Term credits will be given instead of semester hours this year. Forty- five term hours will equal 30 semes- ter hours. In other words, each term hour will be worth two-thirds of a semester hour. No credits will be lost in this method, and it may be an advantage'to the students for they will be able- to take more subjects, thus covering a larger field. The government has sent the sched- ule which each school throughout the United States that has an organization of the S. A. T. C. will be obliged to follow. The schedule is as follows: First term, Oct. 1 to Dec. 21; secondK term, Dec. 30 to March 21; third term,: March 30 to June 21. This is the same system that Chi- cago university has observed for years. Ypsilanti Normal school has also followed this plan. President Wilson 's Message The following message from President Wilson was read at the as- sembly of the S. A. T. C. yesterday afternoon: "The step you have taken is a most significant one. By it you have ceased to be merely individuals, each seeking to perfect him- self to win his own place in the world, and have become comrades in the common cause of making the world a better place to live in. You have joined yourselves with the entire manhood of the country, and pledged, as did your forefathers, 'your lives, your fortunes and your sacred honor' to the freedom of humanity. "The enterprise upon which you have embarked is a hazardous and difficult one. This is not a war of words; this is 'not a scholas- tic struggle. It is a war of ideals, yet fought with all the devices of science and with the power of machines. To succeed you must not only be inspired by the ideals for which this country stands, but you must also be masters of the technique with which the battle is fought.; You must not only be thrilled with zeal for the common welfare, but you must also be master of the weapons of today. "There can be no doubt of the issue. The spirit that is revealed' and the manner in which America has responded to the call is indom- itable. I have no doubt that you too will use your utmost strength to maintain that spirit and to carry it forward to the final victory that will certainly be ours." 1 FRENCH ENTER ST. QUENTIN AUSTRIA SENDS PEA4CE FEELEI A LLIES; IT1ALIAN ARILY JONCOURT, TO WITH LARGE PART OF NAUROY TRENCH S BRITISH; AUSTRALIANS BREAK HINDS DEFENSE AND CAPTURE ESTREES BELGIANS LINES CUT GERMAN COMMUNICAT TO NORTH SEA SUBMARINE English Troops in Palestine Surround Damrosch, While French to Beyrout; Austrians Evacuate Albanian Territory; G4 mans hold Peace Riots in Berlin & I F'tudents !Respond To War Loan Call Subscriptions for the second day of te Fourth Liberty Loan campaign ave passed the first in the students' roluntary quota." The subscrip- ons amounted to $1,2550 Monday, and esterday to $1,450. It is expected that the figures will se rapidly nowr that the students are ttled. The headquarters are located . Newberry Hall and any student ishing to give his support and there- r increase the Washtenaw county Lm, may do so by buying bonds at .e hall. The office is open from 2 to o'clock every afternoon. Mr. R. K. amel is in charge of the headquar- rs and Mr. R. M. Carson is taking re of the publicity. Only the stu- -nts of the University are permitted ,buy their bonds here. Of the subscriptions already taken, large number were purchased by the udents who enrolled in the Students my Training corps. Many. turned rer their entire tuition fees. The irit of the Michigan men is well ex essed by such actions as this. The fact that each student will not canvassed, leaves them to help ep the office in Newberry Hall 'owded. One "girl has begun by tak- g a thousand-dollar bond. NFLUENZA MASKS ARE EASILY MADE ENROLlMENT[ 1 ALMOST UP TO USUAL RECORD FRATERNITIES, STILL[ SOPERATING MODERATELY ENGINEERING JCOLLEGE HAS IN- CREASE OF 50 PER CENT . Enrollment figures in the various schools and colleges of the. Univer- sity are at the present time somewhat uncertain and incomplete. The liter- ary college, as usual, has the largest enrollment, however. There are probably 10 per cent less women in the literary college this year, according to information given out by the registrar last night, and 20 per cent more men. Nearly every male student in the University has joined the S. A. T. C. and the enrollment will be around the 4,000 mark, which does not include the 700 men in the navy. The enrollment may be erratic throughout the entire school year, de- pending entirely on the action of the government. It is probable that a large number of men will be taken, from the University when the first term is completed, which will make the enrollment small. Then, after a month or two, the government may send in a number of men from the different cantonments, thereby in- creasing the enrollment figures. In 1916-1917 there were 7,500 stu- dents attending the University, while in 1917-1918 there were approximate- ly 6,700 students. Enrollment this year is nearly equal to that of last year. The number of students enrolled in the engineering college had reached 1,500 by Monday night. This figure is* 50 per cent more than last year's en- rollment. In the dental college 200 had en-' rolled by Saturday night, and since then about 75 more have come.- The Homeopathic Medical school has an increased enrollment of 20 per cent. The Medical school has pros- pects of practically the same enroll- ment it had a year ago, with fewer up- perclassmen and more freshmen. The College of Pharmacy has within one of the same registration it had a year ago. The Law school will have about 75 etudens+. The New York College of Law, the largest college of law in the United States, has closed its doors entirely, while Columbia law school has but 40 students enrolled. Yank Shipping Wins ,Cargo Record Paris, Oct. 1. - On one day during last week Americans discharged 36,917 tons of cargo from ships at all the ports in France. During another day they discharged; 11,438 tons at one particular port. Both are record performances. , NEW QUARTERS SECURED THOSE WHO NAVE UP HOMES BY Fraternities at Michigan are not a thing of the past as some predicted when the government occupation of fraternity houses was announced. Almost every organization that gave its house to Uncle Sam 'has rented rooms for the year, and, a few are ,lo- cated in smaller houses or chapels. Almost all fraternity men are enroll- ed in either the army or navy train- ing detachments, but a few who are disqualified are managing the chapter business. Meetings Continue Arrangements have been made so that the members of each organiza- tion can get together for at least a few hours each week. Social gather- ings will probably be features of Sat- urday and Sunday afternoons. Most organizations are continuing to hold their business meetings regularly, the time being set for during the vacant hours or afternoons off duty. Rushing and pledging of freshmen is being carried on this year as al- ways and a number of pledge buttons are being worn on the campus. Only two or three chapters have been dis- continued temporarily, but they still have members on the campus. Prob- ably no fraternity will definitely sus- pend its Michigan chapter. National Organization Hit The national organizations of all fraternities have been more or less se- riously hit by the new training sys- tem introduced in every university in the country. The national governing bodies will remain intact in organiza- tion but their personnel is changing continually. Some executives are past the army age limit, but many have not been thus disqualified. All the younger men have been called or have volun- leered. Some fraternities have let the absent officers retain their positions, but a number have replaced absent execu- tives. The business is being carried on in some way by all the organiza- tions. Few chapters have been com- pletely disbanded. Initiate Early Initiations will come early this year, according to present indications. The new men will be taken into active membership as early as possible so that the chapters will not be split up by unexpected calls for service in camp. Classes in the literary college be- gan yesterday and will continue, in spite of a rumor to the contrary, Dean J. R. Effinger stated last evening. Students Use New Union. .Mess - Hall Sammies and Jackies of the Univer- sity, newly made fighters for Uncle Sam, were treated to their first meal by the'government last night when the freshly formed Students Army Train- ing corps had mess in the new Mich- igan Union building and a specially built mess hall at the rear. Use New Hall Two thousand of the fighters were quartered for the one meal, in the new mess hall at the rear, while the big dancing pavilion on the second floor of the new building furnished room for the remainder. Special in- terest in the completeness of the can- tonment style of mess hal in the rear of the Michigan Union building was evidenced by the military men, when for the first time they felt the appre- ciation of their own work. A record in the building of such halls was made by the army mechanics stationed here, when they completed it in but two days. The navy boys, numbering close to 500, were messed in the natatorium, having the same fare as the army men. Officers Have Room A special officers' mess is maintain- ed on the first floor of the building, where more than 50 of the commis- sioned men stationed here are fed. Special arrangements are being made -for a new way of handling the social interest of the school, accord- ing to Mr. Francis Bacon of the Union, who is in charge of such work. Special attention is to be paid to sold- iers, but according to Mr. Bacon, those who are not in uniform will not be slighted. More complete announce- ments will be made later. A canteen service and lounging room is also maintained at the Union. How To A cquire A Collegiate Air While swimming around to register, keep the long blue registration blank carefully concealed in some inner pocket, so that when you are obliged to extract it you will have the chance to display a dandy lingering nonchal- ance and high school fraternity pins. Purchase a felt hat, tear out the sweaf band, jump energetically upon the re- mainedr and thereafter refer lovingly to the pulp as "my old party hat." If you possess any socks of the un- popular black shade, take them to any city laundry (names furnished on re- quest accompanied by a special deliv- ery stamped letter) and have them bleached to a delft blue. It is not nec- essary to explain your desires to the laundry; it will understand and go right ahead anyway. While on the street, walk with a scad of companions in mass formation if possible. Never under any circumstances break this formation; if you knock a leddy into the gutter and she murmurs "He's a Sigma Kappa Delta," know that she means it as a compliment.j (By Reuters) British headquarters in France Oc 1.-The battle along the St. Quenti Cambrai front was resumed this mo' ing on a scale of ferocity unequal ed in the present war. The Germar have brought up large reserves at are resisting and countering wth sperate determination. The Canda north of Cambral are engaged wt least eight German divisions, eal 100,000 men. Allies Take Joncourt-,E-4 Joncourt, seven miles north f b Quentin, was reported' to havebe taken early with a large part of tI Naurop trench system. The Austra ians are working at the trenches ( the Hindenberg system in the dlre tion ofBGuoy and havetaken Estre By the Associated .Press Amsterdam. Oct. 1.-AccordIng t Budapest newspapers the Austro-hur garian government desires peace, i agreement with Germany, notwiti standing the fact that measures Ma been taken for defense as a result Bulgaria's withdrawal from he wa Austria Tires of War A dispatch received here today froi Budapest quotes the newspapers that city as saying that a Crown coin cil was held Saturday at which ml itary Aheasures, tha ad bome n essary as the resut of Rulgarias' a tion, were taken to guarantee a - fense, but the government was sti attempting at the earliest posible m ment, in agreement with rM44. secure a peace tat would absoluieJ preserve the moiachy's integrity. By Assoc'sed Press London, Oct. 3 E.--Extremel heat fighting has been i progress through out the day alog the brai-S Quentin sector, wcording to Fc Marshal Haig's report tonight. No withstanding inc;rasd Gorman;r sistance the 'British hav gained h'la portant territory along the gret< part of the line. British Capture 6,3Wt PrIsouers During the monthi September ti British captured on the ws stern frog 66,300 prisoners and 00 )guns. Duria~ the months of August, and Septem'b the British captur d 123,618 prisone and 1,400 guns. By Associated Press The town of St. Quentin, upon whi- the Germans ha so firmi bilde their hopes of pro ring an insuperab barrier to the Alies, a last has bee entered by the French, and as s$o as the gate way is open, Foch wi probably make a swit avance eas ward in his task of retlaimin nort ern France. Huns Busy an All Fronts Meanwhile thet Germ-: ts and the allies on all the battlef ronts ha (Continued on Page Six} * FIATEIVITY NOTICE * All secretaries of fraternities * please send the addrms of their . present chaper loation to The * Daily as soon as psile. A om * plete list will b- rnt ttn a few * days. * * * * * * * * * * * * in- to R. E. Hawley, junior medical stu- dent, made a study in Boston this fall of how persons nursing influenza may protect themselves. Gauze masks are a positive necessity. He gives the fol- lowing, as the method used in Bos- ton, to those wishing protection in the sick room: Use as fine gauze or cheese cloth as possible. Fold material to make five thicknesses, and cut an oblong 9 1-2 by 7 1-2 inches. Make three half-inch plaits at each end, turn in edges and stitch. Cut four feet of tape into four lengths and sew one to each corner. Make box plait 1 1-2 inches in one of the long edges of the work, and stitch down one inch; To adjust, place mask over face; tie tapes from upper corners around back of head, and tape from lower corners around back of neck. Place box plait over the nose. Masks should be worn by attend- ants whenever caring for those sick with influenza, or pneumonia. They should be changed at two-hour inter- vals and oftener if wet. They should immediately be boiled for 15 minutes, or burned. If not convenient to boil at once, wrap securely in a paper bag, or newspaper. - * * * * * draft * r mili- * r posi- * litorial * y. Op- * re ex- * ernoon * aynard * * * * * * * a iS -and Four Other Great Concerts IH^ ' = - aJIN _-..' -m: , a .k . -- 9 to . 3 = 3$6 O - a ys . 4 .,- ' y' _,.. -g: _a- _ - - .i :i.. '- -.. -- - -, -- ~----- --- -~- .n .c .;_-.z . -_ rr r.. . .cx .st ._. :-=r .E 4m. . .., -.:.., .t:RC.= :xa_.-e,....:-:::..: . .. :m-s .;.:"snrmsaw-- :+- , wr.; r _:. . -,u,? "._:.,ra-:.:- .+ --r....- - --l.-a.«r. . ,cs: a.a .. y.: :.:-.--7 : v., .a -b. -:=7r::.. .:-.. -. a y..y...:.r:Meg: -r-:.,...x:- .- .-.",-:." . -'c +-"°,.. ....:- os,. ._..z _ x. .,^. «mr_ -<..:.... .., ...x .,w: .. ..._.w _ .._ _ _ -, ..,. . . ,.'. ._ . , - "_ ~r y -.y -.. ,t - .-5t - T8: . . -t We > r- S .n_ . ..r-a.4 Z' -t . ,- . _ . '. .. -.-- - v-. . - .... e a Av __ 5.' _ c, ..-F a