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Pittsburg's Goal Line Crossed for
First Time This Season by
Penn State
(By Associated Press)
Madison, Nov. 28.-In the last two
minutes of play today Wisconsin
plowed its way through the Michigan
Aggie. eleven for a touchdown, and
then kicked goal, winning 7 to 6.
Walter Kuehn, substitute right half-
back, carried the ball over for the
Badger score, and Barr kicked goal.
Syracuse, Nov. 28.- Syracuse de-
feated Columbia here this afternoon
20 to 0 in the first contest between
the two colleges in 15 years. The bat-
tie was staged on a field an inch deep
in mud.
Lincoln, Nov. 28.-Notre Dame and
Nebraska university football teams
played a scoreless tie today on a field1
covered with mud and slush as the
result of a heavy fall of snow. Notre
Dame outplayed Nebraska in the first
quarter, but the Cornhuskers tighten-
ed up later, and the remainder of the
game was a see-saw affair.
Pittsburg, Nov. 28.-The University
of 'Pittsburg football team's goal line
was crossed for the first time this
year when the Penn State team scor-
ed a touchdown this afternoon, but
Pittsburg eventually won the game by
a score of 28 to 6. The victors scored
after a few minutes of play.
Philadelphia, Nov. 28.-Pennsylvan-
is and Dartmouth wallowed and slide
through a football game on Franklin
field today and at the end victory
rested with Penn, 21 to 0. Rain fell
through the greater part of the con-
test, and the mud made footing uncer-
tain, and the playing anything but
high class. Two of Penn's touch-
downs were the result of intercepted
Chicago, Nov. 28. - Playing on a
field ankle deep in mud the Chicago
Naval reserves won over the Camp
Grant team 10 to 0. The victory was
costly for the ensigns. Fullback
Koehler, a former Northwestern star,
suffered a broken shoulder. Rain, and
later, snow, fell during the greater
part of the game.
Battle Creek, Nov. 28. - A group
of buildings housing concessions on
Liberty hill just outside the entrane
to Camp Custer was destroyed by fire
early tonight and for a time it was
feared it might spread to the army
reservation. The buildfngs were all
of frame constriction and the flames
made rapid headway, bfit airmen
brought them under control quickly.
The property loss was estimated as
high as $100,000, depending on the
valuation of the stock of the stores,
the principal one being a military
supply house dealing in uniforms and
other soldiers' wearing apparel.
A high wind, which made fighting
the flames difficult, probably saved
the Liberty club from destruction.
The flames were plainly visible from
Battle Creek and led to the belief
that the entire camp was in flames.
German Emperor Goes for Drive
Amerongem, Holland, Nov. 22. -
(Delayed).---The former German em-
peror went for a drive this afternoon
with his host, Count von Bentinck, ac
companied by the usual police guard.
Harry Emerson Fosdick, who is to
be the speaker at the Hill auditorium
service next Sunday afternoon, is
well lnown in University circles be-
cause of the popularity of his books
on religion. Three of his books,
"The Manhood of the Master," "The
Meaning of Prayer," and "The Mea.-
ing of Faith," have had a greater sale
than any other religious books of
modern times, totalling about 259,-
000 volumes. "The Challenge of the
Present Crisis," one of his most re-
cent publications was used as a study
book at Michigan last year.
Mr. Fosdick was sent to France last
January by the Army "Y," where he
came into very intimate contact with
the fighting men and where he gath-
ered valuable material that makes
him an authority on the subject of
reconstruction. He is the brother of
Raymond B. Fosdick, who is the head
of the Commission on Training Camp
His talk will directly follow the
concert given by the School of Music.
Those who come for the concert will
be able to remain for the services,
which will be open to others as well.
This Rock Shall
Fly as Soon as I
The staff of the University hospital
announced last night that they were
confident of saving one of the mem-
bers of the S. A. T. C., wh had cele-
brated turkey day with "nthusiasm
and thoroughness.
Rumors may have been circulated
in the past as to the foreign sub-
stance served with the mess at the
Union. Some may even have com-
mented on the monotony of the menu.
But the management erased all
these memories with the dinner they
served yesterday. After most of the
S. A. T. C. had gone home or had
been invited out for dinner, only some
600 sat down at mess yesterday noon.
All that was set before the survivors
was: roast young turkey with oyster
dressing, cranberry sauce, sweet po-
tatoes, cake and ice cream, coffee, and
other trifles.
Not knowing just how many to ex-
pect, the Union had prepared for 900.
One of the members of the S. A. T. C.,
evidently a disciple of Herbert Hoov-
er, was horrified at the prospect of
such waste. He determined to do his
bit, cost what it might.
He encountered the turkey and
cranberries with gusto, and when the
ice cream hove in sight he decided
to die fighting. Dish after dish was
proferred; but like the Spanish ships
about the little Revenge, one by one
they went down. Mess sergeants, hor-
rified, watched the unequal struggle.
At last he had to quit, but about him
lay nine empty plates.
Fifteen minutes later the ambul-
ance came.
Washington, Nov. 28. - Director
General McAdoo has decided that
the extra one-half cent a mile rail-
road fare for Pullman transportation
is to be eliminated. The order will
be effective on Dec. 1.
It is expected that an order to be.
issued soon will remove other extra
rates imposed on passengers last
June, in regard to tourist sleepers
and other special accommodations
This wil not affect the charges usu-
ally imposed by the Pullman com-
pany. It is estimated that there will
be a loss to the railroads of between
$40,000,000 and $50,000,000.
The railroad administration said
that there would be few changes
made in passenger train schedules
or service at this time. Some extra
trains will be added to accommodate
mid-winter tourist traffic to Califor-
nia and Florida.
Comedy Club to Hold Meeting Today
An important meeting of the Com-
edy club will be held at 4 o'clock this
afternoon in the youth wing of Uni-
. vrsity hall. Officers will be elected
and plans for the year, discussed.
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A feature film, several vaudeville
acts, and a community sing made up
the program of the entertainment giv-
en last night for the army and navy
men and the general public in Hill
auditorium under the auspices of the
War Camp Community service. The
program opened with the singing of
several popular songs by the audi-
ence. Robert R. Dieterle, '18, in the
place of- Mr. Theodore Harrison who.
is ill, conducted the sing.
The second number was a sleight
of hand performance given by M.
Gesterlt, of the S. A. T. C. His
tricks withlarge rings and silk flags
completely baffled the audience. Sev-
eral popular airs given by Knight Mir-
rielees, '20E, and assisted by George
Roderick, '21E, at the piano, drew
much applause.
A western movie, entitled "Rim-
rock Jones," furnished by Alan
Stanchfield who is chairman of the
moving picture committee of the War
Camp Community service, was then
The next number was a dance by
M. Kiselik, T2OE, and G. R. Starrett,
'21E, the latter taking the part of the
girl. The majority of the people in
the audience showed great astonish-
ment when the impersonator removed
his wig. The program was closed by
the singing of "America."
Although many of the students in
the University were out of the city,
the auditorium was filled.
Churches Hold Praise Service
Ann Arbor's victory Thanksgiving
service was held yesterday morning
in the auditorium. It was a union
meeting for the University students as
well as the citizens of the city. Dr.
J. I. Vance, of the First Presbyterian
church of Detroit, was the Thanks-
giving Day preacher. The singing was
under the direction of Dr. A. A. Stan-
le'y, of the University School of Mus-
ic. Prof. Earl V. Moore assisted at
the organ. Mayor Ernst M. Wurster
presided at the meeting.
The audience was made up largely
of the citizens of Ann Arbor, most of
the men in the service and the stu-
dents having left the city. Most of
the churches did not hold their cus-
tomary Thanksgiving service in order
that all the people might attend. This
speoial community service was held
for the celebration of victory and
Flu Disappears at Camp Custer
Battle Creek, Nov. 28.-Although a
very few new cases of Spanish influ-
enza are reported at Camp Custer,
there is no epidemic and there is
unlikely to be one, medical officers
aver. Conditions as regards health
at the camp are excellent.
Orders were received at S. A. T- C.
headquarters late yesterday after-
non that sections A and B are to be
demobilized next week. Men in sec-
tion A will be released Dec. 4 and
those in section B Dec. 2. Medical
officers will arrive not later .than
Dec. 2 to examine all men before they
are discharged. Co-operation of the
college authorities will be invited in
order to accomplish the discharges
as quickly as possible.
S. A. T. C. officers will be discharg-
ed Dec. 10 except those that wish to
remain in the service permanently
and who have been recommended by
their commanding officers. Head-
quarters are awaiting instructions
pertaining to final payment of offi-
cers and enlisted men.
Orders to this effect were read last
Wednesday to S. A. T. C. men at
Olivet college. The majority of these
'soldiers have recently bought spe-
cial uniforms from a tailor in Battle
Creek. They will need their final pay
to settle up on the last installment.
London, Nov. 28. - At Berlin at a
meeting of the soldiers' and workmen's
council, Herr Barth, secretary for so-
cial policy in the Edert ministry de-
clared that a counter-revolution was
in full swing, according to a Copen-
hagen dispatch to the Exchange Tel-
egraph company.
Several generals have issued coun-
ter-revolutionary proclamations and
have attempted to dissolve the sold-
iers' and workmen's council.
London, Nov. 28.-Advance guards
of the British troops have reached
the Belgium-German frontier in 'the
region of Beho and Stavelot and are
in possession of more than 1,400 sur-
rendered German guns, according to
an official communication issued to-
Helsingfor, Finland, Nov. 28.--Re-
ports from the Balkan province or
Estonia said that Russian Bolshevik
troops on Tuesday captured Pskov,
150 miles southwest of Petrograd.
The fate of the volunteer northern
army was unknown.
It was also reported that Dunna-
burg, 110 miles southeast of Riga, had
been taken by the Bolshevik force
and that Narva, 81 miles southwest
of Petrograd, was being bombarded.
Release 300 Soldiers from Custer
Battle Creek, Nov. 28.-Just a little
more than 14 months from the time
Camp Custer received its first re-
cruit, the first men were released.
President Harry B. Hutchins left
yesterday for New York where he will
attend a meeting of the board of trus-
tees of the American Union in Paris
which is conducted by the various un-
iversities throughout the country, The
board, of which President Hutchins
is vice-president, will confer on mat-
ters pertaining to the work carried on
abroad by this Union.
Although the fighting is over, the
scope of the Union's plans is not alt-
ered in the least, according to of-
ficials. The work will be even more
effective than before, since more Am-
erican soldiers are now in and about
This board meeting was called for
some months ago, but owing to the
extra work caused by the military
organizations in the universities, and
the influenza epidemic, it had to be
postponed several times.
Professors are divided in their
opinions on the subject of the semes-
ter system. The majority of profes-
sors favor the quarter system, al-
though the two semester plan has
many advocates. Some of the opinions
expressed appear below.
Registrar Arthur G. Hall
The question of. a return to the
semester system dissolves into the
following problem: There are three
classes of students who will be at-
fected: those who are somewhat be-
hind in their work, those who are
hopelessly behind and mixed up in
their work, and those who are in
other training eamps and canton-
ments who might return to college
upon their release from the service-
The first class will doubtless wel-
come the longer term as it will en-
able them to become more famliiar
with the subject before examination.
The second class will want the term
to end as soon as possible so that
they can withdraw from those cours-
09 to which they are not adapted. In
their case, the shorter term would be
more acceptable, so that they can
enroll in courses of their own choice,.
The third class will probably want
to return to college directly after
Christmas,and for them the sooner
the new term starts, the better. Mat-
ters here in the office swould be great-
ly simplified if the semester system
was resumed.
Professor John C. Parker
The quarter system is preferable in
the Engineering department, but if
the Literary department prefers the
semester system we are perfectly
willing to return to it.
Professor Isaac N. Demmon
I think the majority of people con-
cerned prefer the semester system.
Personally it makes no difference.
However, all plans and announce-
ments were made for the semester
system and it is hard to change an
old custom.
Professor Henry E. Riggs
The quarter system has more ad-
vantages because it gives more op-
portunity for those who wish to make
up work to do so. Personally I am
not opposed to the semester system.
Lieutenant Arthur E. Boak
For the present it is better to have
the quarter system in order to en-
able the S. A. T. C. and the naval unit
to begin the new quarter fresh in
January instead of returning to the
semester system, which would cause
the boys trouble in making up back
Professor Charles P. Wagner
I have no S. A. T. C. men in any of
my courses but I think we should
have two semesters this year at any
rate. "Some men are behind, I under-
stand that most of them are, and this
extra time would give them a chance
to catch up. If they are too hope-
lessly involved in some courses, they
should be given fractional credit for
(Continued on Page Four)
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