THE WEATHER FAIR AND SLIGHTLY WARMER joIai4g ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE I,, VOL. XXIX. N. 50. ANN' ARBOR MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1918. PRICE THREE CI ALLIED SOLDIERS ENTER ENlVIRONlS Of STRASSBOURG PEOPLE GIVE FOCH GREAT TION ON ENTRY INTO CITIES OVA- STUDIES IN NAVAL UNIT CUT 6 HOURS Naval headquarters has received orders from the navy department that all strictly naval subjects in the Uni- versity may be dropped by men in the naval unit. These men must have 36 hours of work instead of the 42 formerly required. Three men have handed in their applications for release to the naval headquarters. These applications will be sent to Great Lakes, if they are approved here. From there they will be sent to Washington for the final approbation. S Ao T C. o.EMOBILIUZES SAYS LANSING REPORT PI F1l ma lN Thnanksgiving Day Proclamation BY THE GOVERNOR "'Now, therefore our God, we thank Thee and praise Thy glorious name." We, the people of Michigan, have many reasons for thankfulness. We are thankful that a dread epidemic has been stayed through' the prompt measures taken by the public health authorities through- out the state and the intelligent co-operation of the whole people. We are thankful that we are Americans, and that no part of our land has been laid waste by the cruel ravages of war. We are thankful that our Michigan soldiers and sailors, by their deeds of valor, have written a glorious chapter in the annals of the Great War; and that the indomitable spirit of our people has manifest- ed itself to the end. But, most of all, are we thankful that this terrible, devastating war, which for more than nineteen months has dominated our thought and dictated our action, is at last practically ended and soon we shAll be free to devote our energies and activities to the constructive arts of peace. The long night of darkness and sorrow and travail and tears and blood is over and the day of blessed peace has dawned upon the world-peace with victory. Therefore, I, ALBERT E. SLEEPER, Governor of the State of HUN TROOPS WE AR RED RIBBONS ON BREASTS Germans Receive no Berlin Lnforma- tion on Way to Homes in Fatherland (By Associated Press) Paris, Nov. 27.-Marshal Foch, ac- companied by General Becastelniu, arrived at Strassburg today, and re- viewed the army of occupation, the war office announced tonight. He then passed through the town at the head of the troops. The marshal was accorded a great ovation as com- mander-in-chief of the Entente arm- ies-.. American army of occupation, Nov. 24.-(2 P. M.)-While there are a few stragglers behind it, the German line in front of the American army to- night runs generally from Bitburg, through Treves to Oberemmel Ober- zers, and Losherm. Huns Wear Red Ribbons The number of Germans wearing red ribbons on their breasts is report- ed to be increasing. There have been several reports of incidents where of- ficers have been stripped of their in- signia by the men, or have drawn .private uniforms and marched with their men for their own protection. There is said to be much dissention among the rank and file of the Ger- mans thus far during the withdraw- al. Soldiers are remaining with their detachments owing to the fact that they would be unabile to obtain food if they desert or attempt to reach homes ahead of the army. s Virtually no news is being received by the soldiers from Berlin, according to reports. All the soldiers appeared to be eager to reach points near home as soon as possible. Authentie but not for Publication "Oh, man, we'll never make that train." 0"I've got to stop at the cleaner's for my coat and there's a million of them hanging there for guys; I can see the line from here." "Wait till my girl sees Bill's blouse I'm wearing home." "If we can't make this train we'll get'the Detroit car-anything to leave that Bevo behind." "My leggings and caps are still wet -this next to godliness stuff crabs my style." "Regular food - no more Union beans for twenty-four hours!" "This coat is choking me; I've never worn it before but the family would feel cheated if I didn't come home in full uniform." I forgot my soap; there won't be any left when I get back and it was that dandy purple kind ." "Hey-keep that laundry case out o' my knees.," "Me for cite just as soon as I hit the big burg and not an arm-jerk for a shavetail this week-end." (Puff--puff) "I'm going down to the Ponch and, loll in a chair with my knees up-and smoke and give all the officers dirty looks and not do a thing for ANYBODY." "No one to take Gertie out for the day-I just saw Pete tearing for the train too; guess she'll appreciate me when she sees me for ten minutes next Saturday." "I bet she's cussing." "Yep, pore Gus. Get my ticket too, will ya?" Two More Dances at Union This Week The Union will hold a matinee Thanksgiving dance this afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Some tickets are still to be had at the Union desk, for ILLINOIS DISBANDS GRIDIRON ELEVEN (By Associated Press) Chicago, Nov. 27.-- The proposed postseason gridiron contest between the Universities of Illinois and Michi- gan at Chicago on Dec. 7 was aban- doned tonight because of the opposi- tion of the faculty of Illinois. The Illinois team, winners of the 1918 con- ference title, was disbanded tonight. (The question of the settlement of the 1918 Conference title will be re- opened if Michigan wins the 0. S. U. game, for Pittsburg and Michigan will be the only two teams in the United States who have been undefeated this year. Illinois has been conquered, but not by a Conference team. Mich- igan was perfectly willing to "take on" the Illinois eleven for a "go" after the 0. S. U. contest if the suck- er team had not disbanded their elev- en.) 23 MEN, 12 WOMEN, MAKE PLACES ON ORiY STAFF LOCAL HEADQUARTERS REFUSES Michigan, do he ANY INFORMATION WHATEVER signating "Thur ON MATTER Thanksgiving an Given under A dispatch from Lansing says that teenth day of N( all commanders of S. A. T C. units hundred and eig have recevied orders to begin de- mobilization of A and B sections. This is to be started. December 1 and will continue through December 31. TheM Associated Press office in Detroit says this is unofficial. There are approximately 200,000 irni men enlisted in the various S. A. T.. C.'s throughout the country that will be 'affected by this order- M. A. C. VAN TYNE AND has about 1,000 men inhe- unit and PRESIDENT the University of Michigan has 3,600. FRA The local naval unit has already- been listing applications for release The formation o from service but the army has been tions, which is pr anxiouely awaiting developments for some time. e purpose of Pr Local Army Officials Silent attending the pea Military officials here refuse to give sonally, is a matte out any information relative to the. authority on Mich: demobilization of the S. A. T. C. agree. Prof. Clau This order affects approximately the history depart 3,600 -students in the University and President Wilson 51 officers. At the present time there dream of a world 1 are in Section B, S. A. T. C., approxi- as well as Germa mately 1,200 inducted men. This is perils England an the vocational part of the military weakened conditio unit of the University. Wilson to C Officers Also Affected He is much opp Major Ralph H. Durkee has under dent's trip to Eur his command 51 officers. Many of he seems to be pro these will return to the duties they distance between left before the United States was gress, by controlli drawn into the world war, while oth- by giving only suc: ers will continue in the service. what happens at The S. A. T. C. men here have been wishes, to dominate awaiting such an order ever since without opposition hostilities on the western front ceas- the denouncer of ed on Nov. 11. A large number of the appears to be se students will ,return to their homes'examples of it in and remain until the second semester front congress wit starts in February, provided the Uni- Professor Van q versity returns to the two semester is, of course, not plan. In case the course is stretched the program, but1 out to the quarter system, a number on the face of the of the men will leave the University Crane Admires P and return next fall. Prof. Robert T. Nuelh Depends on Regents litical science dep If the University returns to the two other hand, while semester plan there will probably be first thought the some students who will remain en- seems an nadvisa rolled intending to make up what de- that Wilson's met ficienciesdin studies they have dur- duce stupendous t ing the Christmas vacation period. their dubious wld The four quarter system would pre- er. "His policy in vent this procedure; this is one of Crane cited, "appe the strongestharguments for the re intolerable, and ye gents to authorize the return to the it has established old system. our country throui ica, as evidenced 1 U. S. TO FLOAT FIVE many of the So BILLION WAR LOAN American countrie lations and event - Germany simply fr (By Associated Press) lidarity with the 1 Washington, Nov. 27.- Notice that is a succes whic the country must prepare for another macy has tried t intensive war loan campaign, perhaps gain. The handlin in the latter part of April, was given of the recent neg today by Secretary McAdoo in let- Central empires h ters to bankers explaining the secre- unparalleled in bo tary's program for floating certificates portance in the hi of indebtedness or bonds during the League Nat next six months. "And so," says The secretary has stated that plans "while I disappro for continuance of the sale of gov- trip abroad, I ha ernment bonds, recently discussed as very heartily Mr. a strong possibility, had been aband- for the method ofs oned and that plans should be made possible that he] "for one more great popular cam- (Continued o paig." Previously he had announced that the bonds to be offered would be of Smoke Causes Tk short maturity, less than 10 years, and Smoe, made b it has been indicated that the amount chimney, filled th4 would be around $5,000,000,000. Al- of the Cobb Iou though Mr. McAdoo did not state the South University time of the campaign it was learned .o'clock last night. that the treasury plans tentatively to erable excitement hold it the last three weeks in April. damage resulted. reby join the President of tho United States in de- sday, the twenty-eighth day of November as a day of nd Prayer. . my hand and the Great Seal of the State, this eigh- ovember, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hteen, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-second. ALBERT E. SLEEPER, Governor. IDISAGREEI of NTIONS CRANE DISCUSS 'S TRIP TO NCE f a league of na- actically the avow- esident Wilson in ce conference per- r on which men of igan's campus dis-. de H. Van Tyne of ment declares that would "fore ,his eague on the Allies ny, even if it im- d France in their 1." ensor News osed to the Presi- ope and says that posing "by putting himself and con- ng the cables, and h news to us about Versailles as he the peace congress from home. He, secret diplomacy eking to outdo all the past, and con- h a fait accompli." Tyne adds that he sure that this is that it so appears matter. 'resident's Results Crane, of the po- artment, on the admitting that at President's move able one, observes hods seem to pro- results in spite of om to the onlook- Mexico," Professor ared little short of t for the first time real friendship for ghout South Amer- by the fact that so uth and Central s have broken re- declared war upon om a feeling of so- United States. This ;h American diplo- ime and again to g by the President otiatlons with the as been a success th degree and im- story of the world. ions Coming Professor Crane, ve of the proposed re come to respect Wilson's intuition success. It is quite perceives that the n Page Four) rill at Cobb Rouse y an over-heated e first floor rooms e, located at 1128 street, about 11 Although' consid- was caused, no OR, BURNET SPEAKS ON FRENCH SCIENTIST RESURRECTION OF GREEK ART DEPICTED BY PROFESSOR REINACH Dr. Etienne Burnet of the French mission spoke on "Pasteur as a Rep- resentative of the French Scientific Spirit" yesterday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium He dwelt on the essential democracy of the great scientist, as the son of a tan- ner, and as the inheritor of the free spirIt of the French revolution. He 'was an enthusiast and a 'sentimental- ist, a lover of letters an of gjeat men. Pasteur's success he ascribed to the clear insight with which he analyzed the problems before him, and to the infinite amount of. hard, sustained work he devoted to their solution. Pasteur's Attainments Are Varied He divided Pasteur's scientific ca- -reer into four periods. In the first, ed the problem of optically active or- ed the problem of optically active or- gani compounds. For the winegrow- ers of France he mastered the mys- teries of fermentation, disproving the theory of the spontaneous evolution of life. From this he came to study the activities of other micro-organ- isms, and so arrived at the greatest work of his life, on infectious dis- eases. To the solution of this prob- lem he made a large contribution in his discovery of the principle of vac- cination. LouisPasteur believed that the de- velopment of science in its highest expression is most essential to a na- tion. He supported the establishment of the present laboratory system of France. The institute named after him was started in 1888. It is inde- pendent of the state, supported by international gifts. Doctor Burnet Is War Hero Dr. Burnet is a meniber of the staff of the Pasteur institute, Paris, and a surgeon in the French army. He served at the front in the first battle of the Marne, the first battle of Ypres, in Corfu, at Salonika, and at Monastir. He was introduced by Prof. F. G. Novy, of the medical faculty During their stay here, Dr. Etienne Burnet and Madame Burnet were the guests of President Harry B. Hutch- ins, Lieut. Seymore de Ricci the guest of Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, and Prof. Theodore Reinach the guest of Prof. Campbell Bonner. Prof. Theodore Reinach gave the last of the lectures last night on the subject, "The Share of France in the Resurrection of Greek Art." He dealt with the progress of the excavation of Greek art in the beginning, then of the development, leading up to (Continued on Page Four) Many Section A Men Receive Passes Practically every man in section A, of the S. A. T. C. who was not on K. P. or other pressing detail work and whose conduct lately has been deserving, was accorded a pass yes- terday. HEADS OF PAPER PRAISE WORK OF THE NEW APPOINTEES THE In this issue of The Daily final ap- pointments are made to the editorial and business staffs. Twenty-three men and 18 women now comprise the roll of those who have displayed suf- ficient ability, initiative, and capac- ity for hard work to entitle them to a place in the editorial column of every number. "Putting these people on the staff means giving them the big chance to serve the University," said Harold Makinson, '21M, manager, in speaking of his appointments. "They have shown that they have good stuff in them. .Now it is up to them to prove by loyalty and service that they de- serve the faith we place in them." "Hardest Two Months" "This staff has pulled The Daily through the hardest two months of its existence," said Mildred Mighell, '18, managing editor, "and without any boasting, they are putting out far and away the best of the country's college papers at the present time. If they keep up the pace and the cam- pus continues to show a spirit of helpfulness and willingness to over- look our mistakes we, are going to makle a record in spite of war times." The "upper staff" of the editorial department comprises the following people: Managing editor, Mildred C. Mighell, '18; city, Charles R. Osius, Jr., '20; night, Marguerite Clark, '20; telegraph, James C. J. Martin, '19; sport, Joseph A. Bernstein, '22; mil- itary, Vincent H. Riordan, '20; wom- en, Martha Guernsey, '19; associate, Mark K. Ehlbert, '20; and literary, Helen I. Davis, '19. Miss Davis is the only newly appointed member of this group, the others having held these positions since the first of the year. The business upper staff consists of: Business manager, Harold Mak- (Continued on Page Four) Treaty of Ancon Settles Disp ute (By Associated Press) Santiago, Chile, Nov. 27.-The com- plaint of the Peruvian minister of for- eign affairs that the demonstration against the Peruvians at Iquique were countenanced by the authorities is denied by the Chilean minister of for- eign affairs. This denial has reas- surred commercial and social circles. The newspapers are of the unanim- ous belief that everything can be ar- ranged by the fulfillment of the treaty of Ancon, signed in 1883. In official circles the opinion prevails that arbi- tration would be the best means to bring about the fulfillment of this treaty. Under the treaty of Ancon, Chile was to return possession of the pro- vinces of Tacna and Arca, belonging to the Peruvian department of Moque- gua, for a period of 10 years and then submit "to popular vote whether those territories are to belong to Chile or Peru." At the expiration of the per- iod (1893), Chile failed to comply with the agreement and retained forcible possession of the territory. ENTENTE NATIONS TO USE ENGLISH AT PEACE TABLE HOOVER CONFERS WITH HURLEY, ON FOOD QUESTIONS, IN ENGLAND HUNS INVITE WILSON TO VISIT IN GERMANY President to Announce Prsonnl to U. S. Representatives Next Mon. day or Tuesday (By Associated press) Copenhagen, Nov. 27.-The German government will invite President Wil- son to visit Germany while he is in Europe. Paris, Nov. 27. - The problem of conducting the proceedings of the peace conference in English is being discussed, with some prospect that this innovation-will be broughtabout. If it is it will be the first great inter- national congress with English as the official language, as French has long been recognized as the medium of diplomacy. English More Convenient For practical reasons, it is sai4, the use of the English language more convenient to a larger number of the delegates than French, for dur- ing the session of the inter-Allied con- ference all but two 'spoke English, while a considerable number did not speak French, and were unable to un- derstand the procedure when French was used. Economic questions are coming prominently to the front in connec- tion with the presence here of Her- bert C. Hoover, the American food administrator, who was joined today by Edwin N. Hurley, chairman of the shipping board. They conferred at. length this afternoon at Colonel House's residence on food administra- tion and tonnage. Wilson to Name Delegates Soon Washington, Nov. 27. - President Wilson's plans for attending the peace conference were all matured except the hour and day of departure. His departure, however, is certain early next week. It is entirely probable that the first announcement of the personnel of the American delegation will be made in the President's address at the opening of congress, which will be delivered Monday or Tuesday. At the same time the President may take occasion to make a statement to the country, as well as to congress as to his going to Europe, something no other presi- dent has ever done. i Cables to Transmit News First The most important announcement that has yet been made in connection with the official plans of the peace conference came today. It was that there would be absolutely no censor- ship on the news which the American newspaper correspondents send home. At the personal request of President Wilson both the French and the Brit- ish will relax all censorship on all American, newspaper dispatches tell- ing of the deliberations. Furthermore, to facilitate the trans- mission of news to this country, the government, through its recently ac- quired control of the cable lines,1will give news in preference to cable trans- mission second to government official business. News will take preference over all commercial business on the cable lines. ANXIETY ABOUT RETURN OF OLD SEMESTER SYSTEM he professors on the campus as well as the students are awaiting with interest the decision from the Commission on Training Camps at Washington concerning the return of the semester system. The introduc- tion of the three term arrangement necessitated a change in many of the courses. Some had to be condensed, and others stretched out'over two terms, and some have been meeting oftener in the week in order to get the work within the shorter period. How this will be adjusted in case of a return to the former system will have to be considered when the deci- sion is reached, but many feel that it would be easier to go back to the old way than to proced with so com- plicated a measure as the three terms.