FAIR AND SL WARMER ER UYT g ffif .414 :43 atl ASSOC] PRI DAY AN~D NI .. . .,. .r.._._ w i I VOL. XXIX. No 48. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. PRICE TI SEMESTER ENDINGN FIRST, BOLSHETIK STILL UNCERTAIN / The quarter system will be contin- RIOTS OC CUR I N ued until the disposition of the S. A. T. C. is definitely settled, according rusi OU C IT Yto a telegram received by President Harry B. Hutchins from Washington yesterday. The "University authorities are expecting to receive definite word SCOTT NEARING , AIB4AN, concerning it in the near future which PLEADS FOR RELEASE OF may change the entire situation. SL HOMAS M NEY Final examinations will begin Dec. -16 if the quarter system is carried SOLDIERS AND SAILORS out, but if the S. A. T. C. is disband- ed the University will immediately re- / MIX IN DEMONSTRATION turn to the semester system and ex- aminations will be held beginning the Etfr. Police Reserves Unable to Cope last week in January as in former With Situation; Women ClaW years. At a recent meeting of the senate/ and Scratch Way Outcouncil it was voted unanimously to return to the semester system and the New York, Nov. 26. -Thousands of president yas instructed to telegraph. soldiers and sailors broke through a Washington and ask to be permitted4 cordon of police surrounding Madison to return to the old semester system. Square garden tonight and attack- The senate council is made up of fac- ulty men. At their meetings they!--- ed international socialists who had determine the curricula fore the Uni- attended a mass meeting in which versity. Bolhhevik doctrines were expounded. "At present, everything concerning The men and women tied, but were this matter is in confusion and the PUTTING OI Themen nd oen ed, buret were a outcome is uncertain," President H. pu,:rsued into the side streets in all B. Hutchins stated yesterday. diraetion. RNH ISINM NT The attacks on the Socialists came LastLLetterI at the close of the meeting,'which L HL threatened from the moment it be- From 7 oard Ship -EE C URES gan to break into a riot. It was called ostensibly to protest against De -FIRST OF LECTURES BY WELL Jear Arabella- KNOWN SPEAKERS TO BE the execution of J. Thomas Mooney, Since I am going to be mustered HELD TONIGHT but Scott Nearing, who presided, and out of the service in a few days, this the other speakers-devoted most of is the last time I will have to write their attention to pleas for the re- to you in my present great ad glori- Three of the members of the French Ifaso of "political" offenders, oyui ypeetgetadgoi mission which is now in the United 1 Phst Fight Features Fracas- ous ilit arde,-nd uniform. I States, will arrive in Ann Arbor this d FitFgtFaue rcs got it last Saturday. afternoon. AE rgrmha ee r Several men and women were ar- yatron program has been ar- eeralenand wormgen were ar- It sure has been a great experi- ranged and has provided for a lec-r rested 'for displaying red flags smug- ence. You would actually have to feeltreobegvniEglsbyac sled Into. the Garden. In defiance of ths raeso heda a pahtre to be given in English by each gle ino, he aren.in efinceofthese breakers on the diagonal splash member. Subjects have so been sel- an edict by Mayor Hylan. Large up over your knees, or see the white- eter taheects upon ell numbers of men in uniform entered csroinaro terew ay cted that the lectures upon them will F numbrs f mn I uniormentredcaps rolling across thegreen, watery appeal to the general public and es-t the building before the doors were depths after a shower on State street, peal to the tents ofbthe Unives- locked, with the avowed determina- to understand the treacherous thing pecially to the students of the Univer- tion of preventing attacks upon the that water really is. And as for sea- F teyTi government. They were restrained sickness, Arabella, we get it every The first lecture by Lieut. Seymore with difficulty by the police and de- day from boiled potatoes at the Union. de Ricci on the subject "Art in Old tectives from making an assault on The ship's mast, too,--I'll never for- French Homes," will' be given at 8 the stage. Scores of fist fights were get that. I've been hauled before o'clock tonight in the lecture room of interrupted by offcers. it twice for bolting supervised study. the Natural Science building. Lieu- Soldiers and sailors who were una- It lost me my shore leave this week- tenant Ricci, art critic and former edi-l ble to get into the meeting sent out end, and I had to stay on deck: Al- tor of "Art in Europe," is a dieting-a patrols to round up all the men in so, I had to swab it. Shore leave, Ar- uished scholar known to every "amat- Q uniform who could be found to join abella, means walking down around eur." His contributions to the history t in the charge on the Socialists, hich where Joe's used to be last year of art are greatly appreciated t had been planned to start when the when I was a freshman, and the deck throughout the world. His lecture f oratory was ended and the interna- is the fourth story in the Zeta Eta will be illustrated. c tionalists started for their homes. fraternity house. I expect the navy Two Subjects Wednesday t "Loyal Americas" Respod will get a bill for all the wax and pol- Dr. Etienne Burnet will speak at 4 Madison Square Garden was the ish I had to swab up with the broom o'clock tomorrow afternoon on "Past- d: rallying point for the military. They there. I've had an awful lot of thrill eur as a Representative of the French t meeting at which speakers denounced Ing U-boat .encounters in the text- Scientific Spirit." Prof. Theodore 1 meetngat B hich."Tpeyerdeoucedbook, but so far, the only life say- Reinach will give the last of the lec- n the "Bolsheviki." They were cheer- ers we have needed are a few from the tures at 8 o'clock tomorrow night on t ed not only by the men in uniform, Busy Bee. the subject "The Share of France in but by civilians in the audience. When I couldn't buy any of those gold the Resurrection of Greek Art." His somone called upon "loyal Ame- stripes to bring home to you, Ara- lecture will be illustrated. cans" to attack the internationalists, Bella, but don't feel bad, because I'll Men Are Famous Scholars several hundred responded. They have a lot of other souvenirs. You The mission is sent in response to weredriven back, :however, by mount- can have all the 13 original states requests from several American insti- .d police and men on foot who had off my trousers, and the bottom of tutions of learning, that representa- surrounded the building. them for a couple of flannel dress- tive French scholars might come to Realizing that they had failed in es, i you'd like. The sleeves I wear interpret the dominant elements off the first attack, the soldiers and can go to clothe five Belgian babies. French culture, as a means of binding f sailors resumed their meeting and Yours for a few days yet on the, France and America closely together m awaited the arrival of re-enforce good ship, "Dry Land." in intellectual sympathy. The mis- s nenta. Probably 2,400 men of both ',A GOB sion is composed of some of the lead-a branches of the service had met be- ing scholars of France. t fore the meeting adjourned. After the lecture tomorrow eve- s Women Scrati, Claw and Scream ALL U. S. TROOPS ning, there will be an informal recep- r The opening of the Garden was the TO LEAVE ENGLAND tion at the University club to which c signal for a second charge which the all members of the faculties, the police were unable to repulse.h The ladies of their families, and their J soldiers and sailors fought their way (By Associated Press) guests are invited. h past swinging night sticks and then London, Nov. 25.-It has been de- m attacked the Socialists who had pack- cided to clear England of American PLANS FOR SOCIAL s ed the big building. troops as soon as possible. Flying h Almost instantly the Square was corps units which came over in GATHERING MADE filled with yelling, running, fighting squadrons in hundreds are being sent men. The screams of women, most home as fast as ships are available. Barbour gymnasium was again the a of them wearing red roses, or carna- These men came from all parts of scene of class social activities yes- F ions in lieu of the forbidden flags, the United States and include con- terday afternoon, when about 150 sen- A rose above the din as they clawed struction gangs, and others. for girls were entertained by Dean D and scratched the isoldiers and sail- The only units to remain are a few Myra B. Jordan. In a preliminary b ore who were pummelling the male of the medical units and the staffs of discussion of class affairs, it was de- a Socialists, rest camps, which may be required cided to inaugurate a series of gen- p ]. P. Fail to Clear Square for troops sent home from France eral social get-togethers for the ben- o Mounted police, re-enforced by au- by way of England. efit of last year University women. ith IrThese parties are calculated to be a B ruhe ioml deverywstationWashington, Nov. 25.- First units strictly unique innovation in modern rushed frmi eve msaon ouse- of the American Expeditionary forces college life, since all such war re- withviolently to clear the Square, to return from overseas are expected quisites as knitting bags, thimbles, ji de lntlo cr thre. to arrive in New York about the end and spools of thread may be left at ' but made little progress, of the present week. home during these particular festivit- C Soldiers and sailors, thoroughly General March announced tonight les, and regular "old fashioned" forms Co angered by what they considered an that 382 officers and 6,614 men of the of entertainment may be enjoyed. The t1 Insidious attack upon the nlag they air service and other detachments parties are to be arranged by the so- na had sworn to defend, paid little at- training in England now, are home- cial committee, and will probably be ex tention to the night sticks. They were ward bound on the Minnekahda, Lag- held once each month. S bent on getting revenge on the in- land, and Orcha, British liners. The Following the meeting, refresh- b ternationalists and many of them suc- first two ships left Liverpool last Fri- ments were served, and a dancing ce 0.404. (Continued on Page Four) program completed the afternoon. to f a , t , t UT TO SEE IRVIN S. COBB TO SPEAK SATURDAY Irvin S. Cobb, America's foremost humorist, will speak in Hill auditor- ium Saturday, Nov. 30, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Cobb was greeted in New York by great crowds during the months of June, July, and August. He has been with the American armies at the front and has seen much of actual warfare. He will also be able to tell much concerning the sinking of the Lusitania, of which he was an eye witness. - Mr. Cobb's reputation as a writer rests mainly upon his humor, but his ability to look at things from a more serious angle is shown in his treat- ment of the war. When reading one of his books one becomes intensely in- terested by the first paragraph and does not stop until he has read the last word. He consented to come to] Ann Arbor only when he learned that it was a college town and that theren were a great number of soldiers here. B Anyone who goes to hear Mr. Cobbd is sure of receiving a rare treat. d L m 3 ti AI~r 4yrvhI '4 45 PERU RECALLS CONSUL Saturday's Gdame FROM CHILEAN CAPITOL rhe M. A. C. game brought out a record attendance. Reports show tha there were 18,000 in attendance a ANTI-PERUVIAN RIOTS IN IQUI- the contest, an increase of 400 over QUE AND ANTOFAGASTA; last year's game. There were 1,100 WAR PROBABLE tickets sent to Lansing, all of which were sold, most of them to members Lima, Peru, Nov. 2.-It is official- of the S. A. T. C. Although there ly announced that Peru ha with- were large numbers of out-of-town drawn her consul from Chile as the people here for the week end, the ho- result of the renuewal of anti-Peruvian tels and restaurants report that busi- rioting in Iquique and Antofagasta. ness was lax, considering the occa- sion. This may be attributed to the A dispatch from Buenos Aires last fact that the S. A. T. C. and the naval Friday reproted serious demonstra- unit were not dismissed until- after tions in Antofagasta against Peruvian lunch, at which time many left for business houses in 'onsequence of a the week end immediately. false rumor that the Chilean consul The railroads carried between 1,500 at Callao, Peru, had been assassinat- and 2,000 people on Saturday and ed by Peruvians. No reports are at Sunday, but the majority of the peo- hand as to the rioting at Iquique and ple motored out. The traffic between Pisagua. Ann Arbor and Detroit was heavy as A dispatch from Buenos Aires said the weather was favorable and the that there was great agitation roads in fairly good 9ondition. throughout Chile over a speech mdde The Chief of Police reported that at La Paz by the Bolivian minister the town was unusually quiet. There of war, who is reported to have said were no accidents nor public disturb- hat the hour had arrived to take back ances, probably owing to the fact he provinces of Tacna and Arica that prohibition had gone into effect rom Chile. These border provinces this last fall. onstitute the Alsace-Lorraine ques- tion of south ,America.SE TO B H AR The Buenos Airesdispatch of Fri- SECTION B HEARS lay added that it is reliably stated Y. M. C. A. LECTURE ;hat Chile had approached Argentina_ n the subject of Argentina remaining eutral in event of an outbreak be- Last evening saw the first of a se- ween Chile and Peru. ries of "Muster Hours" under the au- spices of the Y. M. C. A. held from 8 /is o'clock until 9 in Newberry hall. Ac- Coal For City s cording to an agreement between the O f$ $gffQ$ yardepartment and th Natinal War Nor e ientiul Wa M ore j ork Council of the Y. M. C. A., that organization may muster the enlisted There is more coal in Ann Arbor men once a week for educational lec- ins this year than usual due to the tures on the various phases of their act that 38,000,000 more tons were military life. It has been decided to nined in the , United States the first have the "Muster Hour" for the men ix months of this year than in a here on Monday evenings. orresponding period last year. Na- After a short "sing," the men were ional Fuel Administrator .Garfield addressed by Professor H. H. Higbie, ays that the miners of America have of the University, who has charge of allied heroically to the call for more the educational work of Section B oal. men, Hard coal is difficult to get but Mr. Prof. Cleland D. McAfee, of the Mc- . . Beal, local fuel adninistrator, Cormick Theological Seminary of as secured for Ann Arbor the allot- Chicago, was then introduced. Pro- nent of 7,500 tons. There is a large fessor McAfee's subject was on the upply of coke on hand, 5,400 tons part the men had played in the win- aving been sold by the Gas com- ning of the war. He said in part, any by October 1. that even though the men had not Re-routing of coal trains has been gone overseas they had nevertheless great aid in quick delivery of coal. helped "make the world safe for de- ormerly the coal cars destined for fnocracy" by forming an almost inex- nn Arbor went from Toledo to haustible line of supply of men for etroit before coming to Ann Arbor, the army, and thereby upholding the ut now they come direct. This is morale of the allied forces. This he n example of the changes in trans- said was largely responsible for the ortation that are being made all downfall of the morale of the Central ver the 'ountry. Powers. The main points of Professor Mc- Afee's talk were as follows: AZAAR AT MARTHA COK NETS "President Wilson has been insist- GOOD AMOUNT FOR RED CROSS ing for months that America has four great aims in the war. One is to end Over $200 was netted for the Red autocracy, and that has been done. ross by the bazaar given at Martha The second is to make the world safe ook building last week end. As all for democracy, and that has been e articles offered for sale were do- done. Any nation that wants to be ated by the residents, there were no democratic can have its chance. The penses and the profits were clear. third is to secure the rights of small ame few articles that are left will nations, and that is still to be ac- a autioned off and the money re- complished. The fourth is to secure ived from that will be turned over the permanent peace of the world by the War Camp Community Service. (Continued on Pare Four) c ai It t t -s Ut a d a n 1 R p h H a ti A si is ti ti ti tt nr Si ce er NAL fUINIT TI GIVEN ICHANI RELESE Al MEN MAY FILE API FOR APPROVAL OF C ING OFFICER NO ORDERS RECE ON S. A. T. C.R University Collects Info Number of Men Wishin in Army Men in the University may make application from active duty at once. nication received by Adt Berry, yesterday, from t: he district enrolling ofti district, which is situate Lakes, Ill., requested hin he men under his comm above. Application Blanks No- Application blanks are will be distributed to t ommanders immediately. ng application for release he blanks stating in ful ons for wishing release whether they have depe: ives, or whether they ha r business interests, o ourses are affected. Requests Must Be Ap the requests for release ressed to the Comman 'enth, and Eleventh navi lthough they will be turn aval headquarters here. arding them Admiral 1 tate whether each applic roved or disapproved by S. A. T. C. Men Ques A special order from eadquarters, signed by MJ . Durkee was read to the t retreat last night re en in the corps to repo ompany commanders as hey will remain in schoc . T. C. is disbanded. No Information on s. Lieutenant Montague, tated last night that the sued merely upon the he University authorities. hat no word had been rec ashington asking for uc at the order does notin Le S. A. T. C. will be dish To Give Sun Faculty Co) Faculty t'ilght recitals jally by the University [uic will begin this yeara unday in Hill auditorium. rts will take place on S moons instead of during as formerly, in co-operatic War Camp Community Service in order that men students' army trainng cor al units of the University During the year several grams will be devoted to singing led by Theodore Patriotic songs and fami will be sung. The program Sunday aft consist of numbers by t contralto, Mr. AnthonI J. violinist, and Mr. Albert head of the piano departi i i MICHIGANENSIAN N No fraternity, sorority er organization copy wi cepted for the Michig; after Dec. 1. Pages wil the same as last year ui copy is in by that time less of contracts. Seni tures must also be in Organizations which ha yet made contracts mu: this week or they will represented in tlie bo copy will be run for whi is no contract. The M ensian will be published uary, between three ar months earlier than la No subscriptions will b after Dec. 5. at which I